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Sunday, June 23, 2013

BaD Radio Staying Put at The Ticket

   After a couple days of angst and intense negotiations, Cumulus Media has stepped in at the last minute and opened its wallet to maintain the services of midday mainstay BaD Radio.
   This just in from Bob Sturm via Twitter (@SportsSturm):
We are staying home for years to come. In the end, just can't leave you or our brothers or the special thing we have all built. #1310
   Sturm and Dan McDowell reached a tentative agreement to go to CBS' 105.3 The Fan last week, but The Ticket - via Cumulus - matched the offer.
   Sounds like it will be business as usual come Monday at Noon on 1310 AM.
   Details of the almost-move right here tomorrow.


  1. Oh midget....I'm tired so no nut kicking right now. But I'll be back!

    1. Why don't you actually bring something to. Table instead of just name calling.

    2. Have you such a pitiful life? You sure act like you have nothing but calling others names.

  2. LOL...the Fan is really trying to get the hot chick, only to be left without a date to the prom...

  3. I wonder when The Ticket starts grooming a replacement for Norm.

    1. Hopefully Cirque de Sirois. But I think Norm is in it until he decides to leave. They'll eventually low-ball him and it will be up to him to work for free or retire.

    2. I honestly would like to heAr Rich Phillips and Donnie Doo. They are good together. The Ticket does hAve one good up and coming talent. Shake Joint, Sirois bros, TC

  4. It will be Ben and skin when the fan folds. They tried to money whip the hard line and bad radio and it didn't happen. Good idea almost worked. Gordo is the next target

    1. they will never get gordo.

    2. The Fan can't develop any talent of their own. Just feeble attempts to steal from the Ticket. Spittle must really be desperate now.

    3. I'm a P1, but does the Ticket really have great shows in the farm system? They're all Ben & Skin caliber 2nd or 3rd rate stuff.


    5. @ Anon 8:32 PM- I think they are doing a great job with their week end guys. K&C Masterpiece, and Jeff Cavenaugh are greatness, and imho they are better than their weekday line up.

  5. Love this. Not only did the Fan fail but Richie got scooped by an internet poster and his story stolen by Barry Horn!

    Noon to 3! Dirty noon to 3!

  6. I'm happy to see that The Ticket will close the doors of any radio Sports Radio station in Dallas.

  7. I'm guessing Richie Whitt will still claim to have broken this news, too, even after acknowledging Sturm's announcement.

    What a big waste of time.

    1. PS: Glad he had enough time to post this, but not enough time to address the fact he didn't actually break the news to any of this... :P

  8. Nothing better than Richie being wrong--again--about the demise of the Ticket. Although being wrong about the success of RAGE is a close second.

    1. I'm not a fan of The Ticket, but even if they did lose BAD, they wouldn't have gone down. Plus RAGE was second in the sports radio ratings. But hating on a guy, and visiting his site, therefore generating him money, is pretty funny. Isn't it, neckbeard?

  9. Good reporting Richie. I do wonder why you just didn't say what the breaking news was on Friday but who cares? You are reporting news and you did well. I disliked you o much until I see that you actually interact with haters and fans and hav even responded to my tweets, fan texts and emails

  10. So Richie Whitt is a local failed sports talk guy who now reports on DFW radio drama and rumors? Prepping for a job at TMZ or just in need of some kind of life? Good luck with whatever your goals are.

    1. Hey genius, it wasn't just on this blog. It was on MTC, I won't spell it out to you but it was pretty much tipped off before Richie said anything, but done anonymously. What's the point to come here and rip on someone? It was pretty interesting and it was something that could have happened. But you're still going to bag on the guy because he put it out there? You're the failed person here. You're a flawed guy.

    2. Look at you White Knight the failed reporter.

  11. Ticket management again knows which hosts are worth keeping (i.e., Bud and Dan) and which aren't (i.e., all the former Ticket guys at the Fan). BaD Radio will be Ticket drive time when Rhynes calls it quits, and that's a more lucrative looking gig than fighting the beast that is the Hardline for three years, with no lead-in of value and brain dead management.

    1. Anyone who knows what they are posting about would know that it's BOB and Dan.

    2. Any P1 would know what BUD and Dan means, ya jackwagon.

  12. Richie takes a lot of grief but I do have to admit that he will keep comments about him on the thread, positive or negative it doesn't matter. Keep up the good work!

  13. Do you regret not breaking the news on Friday when the scoop was yours for the taking?

  14. I know Richie was just reporting. He is trying to get clicks on his site. He is very jealous of the little Ticket and it is pretty sad. He talked a lot of shit about how they do radio and he failed doing it the fan way.

    Let him have his fun in the sun and in a few weeks this site will have no content because no one gives a shit what he says. Unless he finds some Ticket dirt to report.


    What a tool.

  15. All these nay-sayers harping on richie and how bunk his site is yet they're still visiting, still posting! What a bunch of anonymous wimps. Love the site, blog, and you richie! I know you got tough skin so a bunch of INTERWEBZ BULLIES probably ain't bothering you too much, but its still nice I'm sure to hear praises. Haters gonna hate! Look forward to tomorrows post brother!

  16. I would say I'm surprised at all these haters but that's just always the way it's going to be. How much hate to you people have to go out of your way to bash someone? All behind the curtain of anonymity, because if he had a decent posting option where you had to attach your actual name like facebook, the hate-posts would go down 95%. Just keep being pussies and being internet tough.

    1. I can't speak for the personal attacks (those are quite unfortunate). But, I think anyone would agree it's wrong to state facts that are simply not true.

  17. There's no reason for Richie to take it in the shorts so much. He was on top of this thing. It didn't pan out for The Fan, but he never said it would. Why the dogpile?

    1. Because he calls out another sports writer for the very thing he's doing, too. And, to make matters worse, when others call him out for it, he either ignores or keeps defending the issue altogether without any proof (screenshots, dms, etc :P) to substantiate it.

  18. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 24, 2013 at 1:28 AM

    Sorry Richie but the tease bit you in the ass. Next time you get it right then.

  19. The only reason to consider leaving was a boatload of more cash. If Cumulus opened up their wallet, the decision to stay would be NO-BRAINER.

    If that was the case, I find Bob's 'Man in the Glass' and 'in the end, we just can't leave you or our brothers' tweets pretty disingenuous. There is NO SHAME in using leverage to get more money, but don't play your fans out for suckers by implying that it was an angst filled sacrifice to come back, but you did it for the fans and your coworkers.

    It's no different than the pro athlete who uses an offer from another team as contract leverage and decides to stay when ownership matches - then goes in front of the cameras saying how they couldn't leave their teammates or fans. Don't pretend it wasn't about the money, when that's what drove the whole episode.

    1. Yeah I was thinking that same thing, I'm sure a lot of us were. Because when talking heads make fun of athletes for doing the same thing, we're not supposed to call them out on it. Bob comes off looking like, well, I don't even know what to say about that we can't leave our brothers thing. If there wasn't a pay raise and a guarantee, they'd be at the fan already. Is anyone calling Sturm out on twitter for saying that?


  20. 'We just can't leave our brothers' makes BaD look like Greggo-level liars.

  21. Of course Richie was wrong again. No surprise here.

  22. if anyone actually read Richie's posts regarding this they would see that he reported that the move was not a done deal. Cumulus could match. they did. I'm glad. WTDS lives on.

  23. And as usual Dick Whitt is wrong. Remember how he very strongly reported that Dez Bryant was out for the season. Has this clown ever been right?

    For an arrogant prick you sure looked nervous on Doocy's show last night. Anyone ever told you that you have dumb face?

    Let's remember folks this douche lick gets paid for every click on this useless site. If we ignore him he'll go away.

    1. Yet you come here. Please explain how he was wrong because he never said it was going to happen but that it was in the works. If anything his mistake was trying to tease it and not break the story when he had the chance.
      Once again, funny how people will bash others under the cloak of anonymity. You're weak.
      I'm sure everyone's going to rally around your "hey guys do what I say, don't come here! this place sucks!" If people are coming here it's because of the product. Mad that you're not successful? It's ok little buddy.


    2. Generic Youth MinisterJune 24, 2013 at 11:40 AM

      Yet you post as "Anonymous" with a twitter handle known as "Geek Slinger" with 99 followers. You sound really successful. Do you need a whopper jr little buddy? F'ing hypocrite.

    3. And like you really use your real name recruiter. Shut the fuck up.

  24. I love kicking Richie in the nuts as much as the next guy. After all he is a egotistical, shallow, douce bag. But I do enjoy some alot of his post and do always check the sportatorium.

    That being said,Richie does not deserve the kicking this time. His only mistake was being so concieted that he actually thought that no one else had access to this info. But other than that his report was correct.

    By the way some people I know connected to the situation said the Fan did actually offer more money, but not enough to make Bob and Dan think it was worth leaving the Ticket.

    Blood Monkey

  25. Hey Richie, thanks for reporting on this.

    Why would Sturm tweet "we just couldn't leave" if it was just all about Cumulus matching the money.
    Are you saying they got to stay at The Ticket AND get the money the Fan offered, or are you guessing a little there?

  26. From the mouth of on air ticket talent "It wasn't about the money"

    The sad thing is this stuff goes on all the time and could have been kept under wraps for what was probably a difficult time for BaD. I was told by several ticket people that A) they hated the fact someone leaked it to Richie and B) that he would blow it open, but he is a scumbag looking for attention.

    1. Well said sir. He is a scumbag.

    2. You will find it was about the money. How much we'll never know. You could guess Cumulus low balled them and might have even asked for a reduced salary. Bob and Dan didn't fall for it and were able to reach an acceptable agreement lower than they wanted but not as low as Cumulus offered. That said, I'm glad BaD is still on The Ticket. They are my favorite show in the metroplex. 14 years of continuity with KTCK; very impressive. What Mike Rhyner put together all those years ago is extraordinary. The industry in this area will be talking about what he did 50 years from now. His only misstep was Skip Bayless but we hardly remember that now.

    3. I think there were a couple of plays other than Skippy that Rhyner might want to take a Mulligan on, but there weren't many. I've heard him mention it in passing, but I wonder how much of the little ticket was built around the dead Dallas radio icon KZEW? Hmmm Now that I think about it Walter from Waco and Skip are very similar thinkers.
