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Monday, June 24, 2013

Bottom Line: (With BaD Radio) The Ticket Marches On

   In one scenario Bob Sturm and Dan McDowell wouldn't be on The Ticket today at Noon, instead replaced by Rich Phillips and Donovan Lewis.
   In other scenario, Cumulus Media would reach an 11th-hour deal with BaD Radio to remain in the station's midday slot it's held down since 1999.
   In yet another scenario - one that revealed itself today - both scenarios occurred.
   How's that? Because in a weird twist to a dramatic plot that broke on Friday, BaD Radio got the deal it wanted to stay put on Sunday, plus the day off on Monday. The explanation from Sturm's (@SportsSturm) Twitter:
I know this might seem odd, but we are off today. Back on Tuesday at noon. Vacation starts Friday. See you then. #AllGood
   I'm sure Bob and Dan will detail their serious flirtation with 105.3 The Fan tomorrow, and I'll let those boys explain whether Cumulus upped the ante or if they settled for less money to stay put (but, c'mon, we know the answer to that one, right?) But for now we're left knowing they're remaining at The Ticket while wondering what the almost-move will do to morale - and the lineups - up the dial.

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  1. Major *COG* ... A clog would be a problem, lol.

    1. im not good with computers, so please, everyone...

      imagine a photoshop of richie with a huge big cock in his mouth.

      : )

    2. George on the Ticket called you Bitchy Twit this morning. Lol

  2. I am really relieved. I'm one of the brain-washed. The Ticket has been a major part of my life since 2000 & I was really worried that this could be the first domino in breaking it all up.

    1. If an AM station that plays 22+ minutes of ads and promos an hour is a major part of your life, some self-evaluation is in order.

  3. It's not necessarily brainwashing -- they have chemistry and provide a consistent and quality product...

    I've given ESPN and the Fan both a chance and frankly they just haven't found good enough chemistry with their shows (which is understandable considering how long they have been chugging along at the little ticket - their chemistry is undeniable - and the proof is in keeping their hosts together for so long)

    For an industry that has almost no loyalty, its telling they have been able to keep the band together for going on 13 years.

  4. I don't believe that Elf and Slater were on the chopping block. I think that's pure speculation. And there's NO way that BaD Radio is paid more than any other show at the Fan and not put in drive time. I don't see Dan doing a morning show. He's barely awake at noon. So I think that the shakeup would have likely been Ben & Skin going to mornings, Elf & Slater at noon, and Bob & Dan afternoons. If ANY show at the Ticket is vulnerable, it's The Hardline. Rhyner is practically in semi-retirement. His only interactions seem to be to promote whatever Petty Theft happens to be doing that week. If I was PD at one of the other stations, I would be trying to win 3-7.

    1. Sam, I think Elf and Slater are the next to go. If the Fan had gotten BaD radio, I think they would've moved Ben and Skin to mid-days, where they were before. I love Elf, but getting tired of Jane screaming in my ear.

    2. New School is The Fan's highest rated show.....Elf and Slater have apparently been losing to Fitz and Durrett on ESPN. Remember, the Fan is not fighting it out with The Ticket, they are looking to take a firm hold on #2...rather than run neck and neck with ESPN.

    3. Hardline draws a damn near 14. It is by far the most popular show on the ticket and would have been a tragedy if BaD radio had to compete. The smartest thing they could have done is left BaD radio in its slot at the fan and hope the p1s hated the replacements and tuned in to hear them on the fan

    4. Where are you able to find these ratings? I've searched but can't see them anywhere. 14's???

    5. Sam..Way to pull stuff out your ass. Your whole point has no basis except "I told you so."

    6. My point was and is an opinion. Whether it comes out of my mouth ormy ass, really matters not. It does make sense to just try and win ANY timeslot, even if it's mid days. IDK... And now we won't know, for now.

  5. Ticket listeners are brainwashed? Really? You just hate that The Ticket is successful. It is so obvious you have an agenda because you were not able to land a job at The Ticket. The Ticket succeeds because they have talent. You don't succeed because you suck.

    1. I'll agree that Richie does have a bone to pick with the Ticket with I would love to hear about but you need to ease up on the insults because he is a talented writer and was good on the radio considering the handicap he was faced with in Greggo. Richie is a great 'play by play' guy, he just needs a better color man. Richie and Gordon Keith would be radio gold.

    2. anyone with Gordon would be better -- but don't cheapen Dunham and Miller - they 3 of them together are fantastic. And that show will never be broken apart like that.

    3. It should be obvious that Whitt made the "brain washed" comment, in a tounge-and-cheek fashion.

  6. Nice recap of what transpired. But I have to disagree with your notion that Ticket listeners have been brainwashed. I think you might be projecting a little of your own frustrations on this particular. But maybe not. I can't read your mind; and conversely you can't, others. Fair enough? I think so. I would love for The Ticket to go up against some stiff competition. Thus far, they haven't. I thought the reemergence of Greggo might provide for such competition; but alas, it did not (no offense, Richie). The Ticket (and especially The Hardline) sorely needs a kick in the rear. The Hardline has become a very lazy show. If I had a viable alternative, I would welcome it. Again, and I mean this sincerely, no offense to RAGE, but you guys were not compelling. Greggo was a mess, I didn't find anyone's personal anecdotes interesting, and many of the "we'll take on the issues or angles of an issue that no one else will dare to" smacked of yellow journalism. Believe me, I tried. I tried often.

    Anyway, best of luck to you on your new pizza business and with this blog.

    1. Post of the day. We should be co- program directors at one of these stations. We totally get it dude.

      Let's apply when one of these out-of-touch idiots gets fired again.

  7. I wish Elf and Slater would have gotten the axe anyway.

    1. Elf is literally the most talented person on 'The Fan'. Slater? Meh... That morning show SUCKS and Ben & Skin, who I love as super nice guys, are kinda recycled at this point.

    2. It is pretty obvious that Richie has a source still loyal at the Fan. I wouldn't be surprised if Bud and Dung realized that CBS management harbors a rat, and that scared them away. It is unprofessional dogshit, horseshit, bullshit that someone over there talked...not like the ticket at all (very hard to find a valuable comment from anyone on that side...they circle the wagons pretty well on contract stuff)

      now that we are where we are...The ticket better get some better backups in place, cause that stuff ain't lasting forever...

      and the fan's best bet is to switch to spanish sports "once and pizarrero" and " la caja and piel"

      lets do this all ready...

      BY THE WAY is Gavin Spittles twitter and shitty shirt website for real? PD at CBS has a luchador mask on in his profile photo and only 200 followers? them shirts look like toilet paper to wipe your booty with! hahah!

      i like the red one

    3. Elf isn't talented at all. He's the only one who thinks his own stupid jokes are funny. You can hear Slater get frustrated with him, same with Lewen when they were partners.

  8. Sorry Richie, but they did take less money to stay at The Ticket.

    1. I can see the possibility that they took less money to stay, due to security in the station and the fact that sitting out 6 months might not fly too well....along with some loyalty to The Ticket. I don't think they took substantially less money though, I'm sure Cumulus got darn close to the CBS offer.

    2. It would make sense with Bob's tweets. He would look greedy and disingenuous with the poem he tweeted and then his announcement of wanting to stay loyal to his "brothers" at the station and the legacy they've built at the lil Ticket.

      Also, welcome back Shaggy, keep posting you clearly have the scoop and are in the know in this town.

  9. By the way, where did you hear that Cumulus matched the offer?

    You probably shouldn't use them as a source again because they were wrong, which makes you wrong by including it in your story as fact.

    1. Yeah, thanks for the journalism tip. Who are you again?

    2. He's the person who beat you at your own game and scooped your story. It's cool though, you know what it's like to be in 2nd...err 3rd place, don't you, Richie?

      No last supper for Richie!

    3. Probably someone who doesn't publish other folks gossip with hints of bitterness. You should try it sometime.

    4. Shaggy scooped someone? I guess I don't have Shaggy's blog :-(
      If a tree falls in the forest and noone hears....
      Unless Shaggy is Shoopy....
      In any event, I heard from a friend of a friend does not mean a scoop happened. Richie messed up by not releasing the info and expecting it not to leak before Monday, therefore allowing himself to be "scooped."

    5. Did you contact Bob and/or Dan at any point before posting any of your stories? You know, to confirm your sources?

    6. Wait, are you seriously coming on here to say you broke this story? If so, please take credit right now and stop dancing around it.
      If you think the guys at the Ticket were the only ones that knew what was going on....I mean seriously? You seriously think you broke this and noone knew? Sounds like a great addition to your bragging montage you'll have.

    7. Shaggy = Jake Z

      No. Doubt. About. It.

  10. Richie, what are the chances of Elf and Slater getting let go anyway?

  11. Damn Richie, you sure know how your bread is buttered. Keep writing about the Ticket and they will come.

  12. In Mother Russia, you dont break sports stories, sports stories break you!

  13. I wish there was more functionality on this comment section, likes/dislikes, and being able to edit mistakes--my top two complaints, but it's getting better.

    In regards to the Ticket brainwashing thing--it's definitely brand loyalty to a fault. Funny thing is, I know more people that listen to ESPN and the Fan than they do the Ticket. Always makes me wonder about the way that ratings are determined but that's for another post entirely. Would it shock you that those that I know that listen to other channels are minorities and therefore maybe not as well represented?

    Like Shaggy mentioned, I'm not sure Cumulus matched, but it's all speculation unless someone sees the contract. If they matched, then they might have surpassed another show(s) on the Ticket, and that breeds its own issue(see Gordon's article on friends comparing paychecks.)
    I would have enjoyed seeing BaD go to the Fan for a variety of reasons.
    #1, they're currently in a 3 hour show and at least 45 minutes of content is absorbed by WTDS and their intro. As much as I enjoy those segments, I'd like another hour.
    #2, THL is less sports and more community quick hits and music. I'm 38 and BaD's show is more in my wheelhouse in terms of sportsyness. I'm not a hockey guy and don't think I'll ever be, but I can tolerate hockey talk over tennis/golf talk. Also, I can stomach much more Tivo talk than I can music talk, holy $h1t.
    #3 I could actually hear them on an FM station instead of having to use iheart radio. What a flipping beat down.

    BaD going to the Fan would have been delicious. You'd have to put them in drive time if you're paying that money. Then do you roll B&S to mid day or morning? Elf & Slater get the boot obviously(weakest show on the channel.)
    As it is and going back to my last sentence, since this didn't happen I wouldn't mind seeing Gavin Dawson move to mid days. Look, they wouldn't touch BaD, but I enjoy the show. It's just on so late that I don't get to listen much.

    Once again keep on blogging. It's nice to have a place to jump around besides MTC and Deadspin.

    1. Now that's an intelligent comment. Norm can't have much left in the tank. When he's done, I think that you back BaD Radio up 2 hours, giving them 4, back the Hardline up an hour and go forward. Hardline until 6 makes more sense than until 7. Their ratings from 6-7 have to really tank.

    2. Thanks. Norm's not on my radar unless he's going through a melt down. I'm with you on BaD moving up, but that's what time Dan usually wakes up or leaves the house, so I can see a pissy Dan for the first 6 months of having to deal with the same rush hour traffic that we go through. Can you imagine the segments? "How about that traffic today? Thanks a lot Norm." Backing THL up would also keep them from getting preempted during hockey season. When BaD takes over that spot, you have a built in Stars pre game show.
      The life of a radio host if you make it big, man. Jorts and flip flops, $300k+/year, laser corrected vision, hair transplants, free car.

  14. I think that Elf is the 'one' that The Ticket let get away because they didn't have a weekday place for him. Should have put him with Rhynes and Corby.

    1. No!!! Elf really seems like the nicest guy in the world, but god his show is awful. Is he jewish? B/C he doesn't let us know often enough.

    2. I agree, Elf seems like a real nice guy but their show stinks. Way too generic and dull.

    3. I agree, Elf is good and the Ticket missed out when he left. But I don't think Elf would get the Axe. He a really good radio personality and really needs a good co-host, [Sorry Slater :(, I just don't think bring anything] . Ever since former Ranger Announcer Josh Lewin left him in the dust (I think that was a cold move on Lewin's part )to do Mets Baseball. That slot has been struggling. At one point Josh & Elf were doing really well against now 105.3 the Fan's Ben and Skin. You put him on with Ben and Skin, he makes that show 20 times better! No doubt it won’t be hard for Elf to find work. .

    4. Elf could very well be the most annoying radio host in the Metroplex.

    5. I do like elf personally but that show over there sucks. I disagree with the assesment that Lewis leaving was cold. He is a play by play guy. They knew that when they hired him and he got a better job. Kudos to him. As for Elf he was poorly matched with Slater. Whose bright idea was it to be a barbie doll on the radio? She is insufferable. Any part of me that likes that show does so because Elf is a likeable figure. They will be the next to get the axe and they will deserve it because their show is awful.

    6. Anyone know how G-Bag nation does in the ratings? Elf & Slater sucks but I bet they beat Ben & Skin in the ratings at least. New School has a well done show for Fan standards and seems the safest of the Fan shows.

    7. Elf is one of the nicest guys you will ever he is a talented sports talker guy.

      TRUST ME. i know more than all of you combined.

    8. Elf and Slater are fine, and they seem like super nice people but sometime's Elf's jokes/humor is too grandpa for my taste. I'm not sure why everyone complains about Slater she's rather level headed which off sets when Grandpa Elf gets cranky.

  15. Ahh sweet Richie his dreams of writing for a news paper all gone (twice). His visons of being a radio super star up in a blaze. Althought both in his mind were very much realized. Now he has a blog were he can throw all those that supposedly wronged him under the bus and dish TMZ style gossip about the one radio powerhouse in the market.VICTORY!!! I tip my red Ranger cap to you Mr. Whitt you have found your calling. Oh lest I forget he will for a nominal fee deliver a tasty pizza right to your door!!

    - Storm_71

  16. My guess for the afternoon show Richie mentioned would be Galloway & CO. IF it is not sports I would guess Russ Martin. I have no insider info, just throwing out guesses.

  17. Danny just gave RW a middle finger, and I quote, "up the butt." Corby seconded it. Mike didn't say a word. My guess is RW isn't too well thought of around The Ticket. Not that RW cares, either.

    1. He didn't mention him by name, but yeah it was Richie. Who cares though. Danny is a loser 40 something year old that lives in a duplex.

    2. And is in a successful band, just opened a bar and unlike Richie is still employed in radio.

    3. Richie Whitt's HairplugsJune 24, 2013 at 4:21 PM

      and producer of a #1 rated drive time talk show; extremely talented musician. you're an idiot.

    4. He is a producer of a show and does a spare show on the weekend. He is not a big talent. He's a loser.

    5. ----NEWS FLASH----
      And you care about what Corby or Danny thinks about anyone? Are they your leaders? They would totally give you the time of day, right? There are two reasons that the hard line annoy me, and they're not Rhynes and Jake.

    6. You can tell the Ticket guys have issues with Richie. Jake made fun of him in a tweet recently and Bob tweeted something about how frustrating it was the way their contract negotiations were reported in the media. Richie did exclaim, "I HATE THE TICKET!" on his show and with how the Ticket guys came off in the original The Hard Lie story he can't be too surprised by their reaction.

    7. RW probably likes the up the butt part. Just what I've heard from a source close to the situation.

    8. Ha the "Whitt Groupies" all have their feelings hurt right now. It's okay little buddies

    9. I heard that Danny rant and right afterwards Mike Rhyner himself pretty much backed up Richie's story by saying he was 98% sure Bob and Dan were gone. I believe Danny only read a headline or tweet and not the story. The verbiage and names of posters do show Ticket Hornet's nest is out in full force though. Sycophants are funny.

  18. Love it when the Hardline puts Dick Whitt in his place without even saying his name. That was greatness.

  19. I think RW is underestimating the home team discount given by BaD radio guys. Loyalty has value.

  20. Also the hardline put it on the record that Bob and dan stayed not because the offer was matched because they just didn't want to go (I.E. they didn't get a crap ton of money). im sure they got of a bit of a raise but probably not what the fan was offering.

    1. What's your definition of a bit of a raise? $25k, $100k, $200k?
      I'm guessing if the Fan offers them $100k more per year, they're gone. Don't let your homerism cloud rationality. I know we all like to think they'd do a radio show even if they weren't getting paid, but let's be honest. We're talking about guys making 200-400k to work about 25 hours a week. They're not like a majority of their listening audience.
      Only a $50k bump in pay and having to dry dock for 6 months because of their non compete and not knowing if they'd see the end of their contract, not a terribly hard decision to make. But getting a raise and more than likely a guarantee by Rhyner or someone that drive time will be theirs keeps them there in perpetuity.

    2. Don't confuse a contract with a guarantee. You're already confused by perpetuity.

    3. I'm sure that the risk that the Fan could turn to an all Beatles format at any time was a factor also.

    4. again Bob and dan on the air stated it was the musers and the hardline taking them out of a money grab that kept them from leaving at the end of the day, and they didn't want to "break up the band." they alluded that they have had some issues with out of town management but the idea of making a lot more money vs staying with the tried and true ticket and being with friends was the main reason for staying.

      Im sure they did get a new contract hell maybe a little more money, we wont ever know that but they made it sound like they didn't get any raises to stay.

  21. Shaggy may or may not know this, but his presence here represents an alliance with Whitt. Shaggy, if you have any info, insights, jokes, whatever, and you bring them here, you contribute to the texture and depth of Whitt's website. And the page views, hits, and revenue. So ... well done?!

  22. im not good with computers, so please, everyone...

    imagine a photoshop of richie with a huge big cock in his mouth.

    : )

  23. RICHIE! you just got SCHOOLED! greggo said on his kick ass podcast today that only most of what you said was true! and he proved you aren't a real writer because he said you didn't ask his permission!

    so take that dude! might wanna take up sewing! hahahahahaha!

    sew them wild oats!


    1. Greggo compared Richie to J. Edgar Hoover. Greggo wore a website t-shirt with "no rats allowed" under the website initials of the shirt. Greggo says he feels betrayed by Richie. Greggo thought it was unfair his girlfriend was brought into it. Greggo wouldn't deny really much of anything Richie said except the reason RAGE was canceled. Greggo says he was hurt Richie attacked his writing style. Greggo strongly denied it was him who got them fired but seems conspiratorial that management was out to get him. Why can't Richie or Greggo accept the poor ratings excuse? The ratings did suck.

      Conveniently, Greggo never brought up his "torn ACL" or "broken foot". Greggo said he's clean and waiting for somebody to take him up on a drug test. Didn't the Ticket do exactly that? Also, wasn't he ousted from ESPN for refusing a test after being loopy on air? Greggo claims he also doesn't drink even with all the reports contrary.

      Greggo talked sports at the end. Even with all the drama, it was good hearing him talk baseball again. He and Rhyner were the kings of talking the Great Game.

      Get help, Greggo. You still have fans but it's impossible to take anything you say without a huge grain of salt anymore.

    2. I tuned in just to see if I could hear a nonsensical rebuttal instead the two minutes I was there I heard him talking about Miami v. San Antonio once referring to San Antonio as Baltimore and mid sentence talking about the Rangers he goes into some advertising spot. I guess he thinks the sheep should be at the trough feeding what he lays forth. Can we officially say he's the Anna Nicole Smith of the area? I think we can. Laughable train wreck.


      Not dazed and confused
      Name that Dude Singing Like a Rolling Stone

  24. Shit Midget, you couldn't drop Greggo a line before you completely run his name through the mud? Fuck you RW, fuck you!

  25. Yep, it is nice to have another spot to hang out and jabber.

    I like Elf. Have since he was talking extra extra extra crispy bacon on Sunday mornings on the Ticket. Studer was a good counterbalance to him. Slater is annoying. I have tried to listen several times, particularly when Norm goes off on one of his tangents like Joe Nathan today. I wanted to change the channel and I knew it was either KXT or keep listening to Norm worry about Nathan's arm. Elf and Slater are not an option any more. I have tried that recipe several times and it still sucks. I'd like to think that Elf might have been kept and Slater let go and run somebody else in there... a fern, a leftover slice of pizza, the ghost of Sam Snead, Burrito Jimmy anybody but that screeching harpy.
    I'd have liked to have seen what BaD going head to head against The Hardline would have been like, but I guess now we will never know. Danny said they did not back up the Brinks truck to pay them. I don't doubt that a bit. I have had to make a few employment decisions based more on family obligations rather than my take home pay. It happens. Life is more than dollars. I can get by on a little less if it means I can be a better dad for it.

    I sure would have liked to hear Dan bitching about mornings though. I love hearing him holler when his little world is invaded by the reality the rest of us experience.

    Keep lobbing those grenades RW, it keeps things interesting.

    1. Elf and Slater is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever heard on the radio

  26. Its amazing, Richie how all these potty-mouthed twits claim to hate you, but, in reality hang on your every word. Too bad that instead of a raise, McDowell didn't get fired... I'd love to be able to listen to Sturm, but, every time Dan opens his no-talent mouth I have to turn off the radio.

  27. Richie will continue to talk about the TIcket whenever he can, b/c he knows it brings eyeballs. His story about the Rangers today got 7 comments. This story is pushing 70. Richie knows what sells, he is a lot of things, but he is no idiot.

    And do we want him to quit doing what he is doing? Hell no we don't. Richie pissing people off in the media is good for everyone. It gets him page hits and it entertains the hell out of us. So quit with all the bullshit about wanting him to stop disrespecting the Ticket, you know you don't want it to end.

    P.S. The Ticket guys are not your fucking family. They don't give 2 shits about you, so quit getting all butt hurt when they get called out.


  28. @ The Truth - you make a good point. However, this blog will lose its luster in a couple of months and he'll be lookin to get back in the radio biz sooner rather than later.

    Anywho, Hey Snitch Whitt, got a question for ya. So, since you are in the business of putting other folks personal business out there, lets say you and Ms. Sybil don't work out in the long run, are we to expect a juicy tell all????

    1. I recall RW writing in great detail on the Observer version of Sportatorium about the demise of his marriage. I think the guy has been more than open and truthful about his personal life. As for the blog losing it's luster....Cowboys start up in a month and college football a month after that. I think he's fine 'till at least Feb. '14. Besides, there wil always be people like you showing up every day to tell RW he sucks.

  29. @The alleged Truth

    I didn't read it because it is still too painful. The headline was enough for me to avoid it entirely. Every time I think of Nellie flubbing a catch and/or one strike away I have an overwhelming desire to drink whiskey and lots of it.

  30. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 24, 2013 at 8:58 PM

    Damn this is really good. The Sportatorium has become my go to site in a very short time. Great job Richie.

  31. How is this my first time here? I'm actually glad this blog is here. As much as I hated RW on the radio, I do enjoy his writing because he's damn good at it.

    Davy Crockett

  32. While I've always found Greggo entertaining, it's clear he needs help. Not sure why Whitt felt the need to air this out publicly, other than for web hits. His reputation wasn't at stake. He should have taken the high road and let the website simply be a showcase for his writing, which is his stronger suit anyway.

    I think Bob and Dan wisely chose to take the long term view on the show. 1053 would have been the quick money grab, but a future as the Ticket mainstay when the drivetime shows gracefully bow out in a few years is the smarter play.

  33. Oh hey look, the Ticket has not imploded like Bitchy Twitt hope it will. Last time I come to this crap blog.

  34. While I have plenty of issues with Richie's arrogance - real or perceived - the fact is that he (sort of, but not really) broke an important story to fans of DFW sports talk radio.

    But I must say that listening to the Musers this morning and their sanctimonious critique of Whitt's reporting on the topic was just nauseating.

  35. I just want to take a second to remind everyone how much Elf and Slater suck. Easily the worst show on the fan, and that's saying something.

  36. RW, how is it you are guest hosting the Hardline w/ Rhyner one day and soon after they hate you and you hate them? Did the move to the Fan start the rivalry?

    1. Geronimo FunchowderJune 25, 2013 at 10:41 AM

      They got to know him. Enough said.

  37. So let me get this straight ... "The Ticket wins with its continuity and stability, if not its talent," and yet, stealing away some of their (talentless) hosts would be a major coup?

    Is it hard talking out of both sides of your mouth?

  38. The FAN just plain sux at every level. I like Galloway on ESPN, but that is all they have going for them.

    I turn the radio off before I would listen to ESPN's Colin Blowhard.

  39. Given the Ticket's ratings, though they may have not matched the Fan's money, the offer may have been enough or more, because of live reads and appearance fees Ticket hosts can get.

    Re: Slater: When was the last time DFW sports listeners liked any woman on the air besides Kristi Scales? Do you have to go back to the days of the Sports Princess (minus the Spare Wars bit)?

  40. The only grand design Bruce had for Whitt was to have him fired
