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Saturday, June 22, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: BaD Radio On Verge of Leaving The Ticket for The Fan

   Well, I was wrong. This can't wait until Monday morning.
   Because Bob Sturm and Dan McDowell, who have held down The Ticket's Noon-3 p.m. shift since 1999, have reached an agreement with 105.3 The Fan. According to multiple radio industry sources, the only remaining, last-minute roadblock is Ticket parent company Cumulus Media's right to match BaD Radio's contract offer from The Fan's parent, CBS Radio.
   If Cumulus matches the deal - which I hear is a three-year, guaranteed contract - Bob and Dan stay at The Ticket and it's business as usual come Monday.
   But if Cumulus decides to let Bob and Dan walk ...

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  1. Come on Cumulus, show them the money!

    1. So what does this mean for the GBL?

      Does the bet still have to be paid off?

      Richie, we want answers to such as.

  2. Whitt and Fish take the 12-3 spot on the Ticket is what I wanted to read. Just like Mark Cuban needs to make it happen this offseason, so does WAF. Don't judge, working on the acronym. Good luck with all future adventures.

    1. bwahahahahahaha

      you're delusional if you think the Ticket has eyes for Whitt or Fisher.

      Hold on.....


      ok then.

    2. There is not a broadcast room big enough to hold the egos of Whitt and Fisher. Whitt is done in radio. And believe me, that is no loss. I have never seen or heard an individual that is less appealing that actually thinks he is something special than RW. More than amusing.

    3. OMG pleae be wrong.....Whitt and Fish???? Kill me now.

    4. Whit and Fish would have been awesome. Two well prepared guys, with a thorough knowledge of the market? Then again those who vehemently hate on Fisher and Whittt, think that Fish uses "too many of dem big wurds, huh-huh-huyuk."

    5. the reason fisher comes across as smarter than most of the people in the Greggo-supporting audience is because ... he is.
      The Ticket might never hire Whitt - though they almost did.
      The Ticket might never hire Fisher -- though they tried to in 1995. And if it was just up to Big Dan Bennett (without Ryhnes' influence) they'd try to hire Fisher now.

  3. Yeah Cumulus, learn from the Fan's mistakes on what happens when you try to trot in people like Richie who don't have the talent of the guys on the Ticket. Rich and Donnie would get killed by Bob and Dan in the ratings. Don't make this the Ticket's Last Supper.

    1. One lineup does make a radio station successful. The Fan would still suck in the ratings overall.

  4. so who is out at the fan?

    1. Good question. The most logical choice would probably be New School, given that Ben and Skin are Spittle's pets, and G-Bag Nation does kill in its ratings at night. Plus Chris Arnold's relationship with Mark Cuban and Rick Carlisle would make him somewhat immune. I would think.

  5. What's with all you trolls on here reading Richies blog and then bad mouthing him. Haters gonna hate. Thought you were great on the fan and the ticket would be lucky to have you. Stupid asses

    1. Whitt will never work in radio again. Not only was he bad but he burned any bridges that he ever had. You don't throw your partner under the bus and you don't bad mouth a PM.

    2. If anybody read Hard Lie 2 closely, you know I"m not actively pursuing a job in radio. So, sorry, all you anonymous tough guys, "Whitt will never work in radio again!" jabs are misguided. But thanks for visiting!

    3. Yes, I'm sure plenty of PDs are going to want a guy who posts emails, text messages and direct messages of co-workers and management. They also love people who expose what happens in closed door meetings.

      Just curious, did you get Corby's permission to post his private messages to Greggo? Oh wait, they were on Greggo's account which you somehow got a hold of so that makes it all right.

      It's ironic how so many years later you not only did what you lambasted the Ticket guys for doing which is turning on Greggo when he was in need but you take it up a notch by releasing messages from Greggo in an attempt to make yourself look better. Oh but it's okay for you because Greggo got you fired. It's not fine for the Ticket guys to do it when Greggo's actions could have brought them down to.

      I'm sure the radio stations are just banging down your door with offers right now. Who wouldn't want a person like that on their airwaves, regardless of his enormous lack of talent?

    4. Whitt, please. Are you really that fucking stupid or is your ego so big you can't see reality. You will never work in radio again. Just pursue your pizza and beer business, so apropo for a person with a drinking problem.

    5. Whitt never got that rosey complexion but standing on his head and beating off.

    6. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 22, 2013 at 7:27 PM

      Hey Anonymous Dildo..If you had read RW's post you would have known he got permission of all posts. Nothing worse than an anonymous dick!

  6. First of all I would like to comment that RAGE was the reason I started listening to The Fan. (That and its the only sports talk i can hear in Stephenville.)Secondly I cant understand CBS messing up a good thing. I could see having to do something with Greggo, but the rest of the shows I truly enjoy (aside from Slate). I like Slater as a person but i do not respect her sports knowledge. Maybe you could come and start a station here. Partner with Cowboys, Rangers and Mavs to broadcast their games since you cant hardly hear 103.3 here in town and The Fan is at about its signal limits here. Thanks for your time with RAGE. I enjoyed it.
    Slim in Stephenville.

    1. Good idea. Start a station in Stephenville. Obviously the 1 share RaGe got in the ratings came from the listener in Stephenville. I can't help but question the intelligence of those very few who actually listened to RaGe and thought it was good or even tolerable.
      -P1 sniper

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm sure that's inevitable. I can't imagine there's one human being on earth that listens to that show

    2. Not sure why Scott Hess deleted his comment, but it read Elf and Slater suck giant monkey balls.

  8. Richie:

    What are the chances Cumulus would sell the non-compete to CBS?

  9. Ha G-Bag Nation has to be SICK. They're going to be rotting away in the evenings forever

  10. Why would Bad Radio want to leave the #1 sports talk show in the DFW area for over 15 years to go to the Fan which has sucked from day 1 and changed shows almost monthly? This is probably more Whitt's great reporting similar to the Dez Bryant story.

    1. It's accurate. And the answer to why... Money. The fan doesn't suck. It's just a radio frequency. It's just there. The management and talent are what has sucked. And they are making a strong push to rectify that.

    2. it would have to be big money, i am talking 50 to 100% over what they are making now, and the the afternoon drive slot.

    3. Lol. The management and the lack of talent are the Fan. The Fan has had some of the worse on air people ever and the includes Whitt since day 1. The of these people is like a merry go round. The Fan thought having female on air people would increase ratings but nothing could be farther from the truth as evidence by the dismal ratings of shows on the Fan. Really what did Sybil bring to the table or Jasmine other than their very limited sex appeal?

      If Gavin is bringing on Bad Radio it would the best move over on the Fan. But they would need more than one time slot filled with talented people to be a successful radio talk show.

    4. Sybil is a total zero and knows nothing about sports. Jasmine brought nothing to the table. Cunts do nothing for sports radio talk shows.

    5. Jasmine knew sports and was on par with Shan and RJ in knowledge. Sybil was at 105.3 before they went all sports, can't blame her for being there. The Fan tried to be a Ticket type mix of sports and entertainment and Sybil did a very good job interviewing players and bringing entertainment to the show. Spittle's "estrogen" comment is all you need to know about his neanderthal mindset. Sad that anybody would agree with that closed-minded thinking.

      And yes, to the OP, it's gotta be all about money with the BaD decision. Maybe the Ticket will match like they did with the Hardline a few years ago. If the Fan gets them that would be a significant loss for the Ticket that would be impossible to replace - Donnie and Rich/Shake Joint/The Orphanage/Cirque Du Sirois all aren't ready for prime time.

    6. Please...a mid day show does not make a station. The ticket makes a majority of its revenue during drive time. The loss of BAD radio (especially that shit Dan)would not even register a ripple. Cirque Du Sirois could move into that slot and would be great. I wouldn't even mind Bob and Donny but they wouldn't leave Dan

    7. Money. It seems clear from the comments and attitudes of the people at KTCK that Cumulus offered B&D some kind of unacceptable low ball B.S. offer. Which is what they do.

      And to be fair to them, while Bob S. will be the best sports broadcaster to grace 105.3, a radio station like the TICKET with AM and PM drive strength can roll-out most anything in midday and keep flying high.

      Case in point - Norm
      Case in point - Pugs & Kelly, who produced well when surrounded by Howard and Russ

      If Cumulus bought the Eagles they would undercut pay to Joe Walsh and Glenn Frey to replace them with cheap understudies, then call themselves heroes when 90% of the fans still buy tickets to see Don Henley.

  11. What are you walking out?
    Well shut up!!

  12. We're having fun here, no?

  13. The big positive out of this would be Bob doing cowboys pregame. The Pre and Post game shows at the fan have been terrible. The post game show particularly. Last year having to listen to a redskins fan was just insulting, the fact that he is not very bright about football didnt help either.

    BAD radio dwarfs everything at the fan, i read spittle is going to make more decisions in july. BAD radio could be the morning, the noon or the drive show and will draw the highest ratings. IN middays they will beat the ticket, in the morning and afternoon they will not.

    I like bob being on the fan with the cowboys again though.

    1. I think they would have a legitimate chance to beat the Hardline in afternoon drive-time. The Musers can't be toppled, but BaD Radio puts way more work into their show than the Hardline and I bet would challenge them toe-to-toe. No sense in keeping Ben & Skin in a slot they never should've been in the first place. They would likely move to mid-days I'm guessing if BaD came over.

    2. Bob is great. Dan is a fucking clown.

    3. I really dont see them touching the hardline. that 4 pm time slot is the highest rated of the day.

      I like bob and dan but I am not turning off the hardline to listen to them.

      in the afternoon yes, in the morning or drive. No.

      Bob paired with mickey and bryan broaddus on the cowboys pregame is a nice match though. Bob, broaddus, mickey give the fan cowboys credibility and will have people listening because of the serious nature that they take when talking about the cowboys. Even mike fisher might be part of that, though he is basically a puppet with no original thoughts.

    4. Mickey's up on Mount Cowboy Puppet with Fisher. Broaddus will actually criticize the Cowboys from time to time and must want to be given a pink slip since the The Fan and Jerrah want anything but fair Cowboys criticism.

    5. if you listened to fan's Cowboys drtaft coverage, you know better. mickey works for cowboys. fisher ripped the shit out of jerry and Stephen on the team's radio station because he had inside knowledge of the draft board. fisdher and broaddus cover the cowboys better on twitter than the other guys do in the newspapers - complete with ripping the joneses for doing stupid things.

    6. Fucking cowards hiding behind Anonymous tag.

  14. Replies
    1. This is a radio show for human beings!

    2. Damn Dan, you make a damn joke out of everything.

    3. Hey look we're all board ops. Isn't it funny when we we repeat drops?
      Come on, shouldn't we focus on kicking RW in the crotch on his own website?

    4. Hey, come on, Anon. We're having fun here, no?

  15. This move would cause me to listen to the Fan again. Bob and Dan are awesome. Plus this move would likely out Elf and Slater who are both terrible. This would be a fantastic move by the Fan, which is curious because they have only seemed to make lousy ones lately

    1. i think they would take the afternoon slot. B&S have no business in that time slot, they would move to elf and slaters time.

    2. Im in the camp that Ben and Skin have no business near a microphone. But since they are the newcomers they would probably not get ousted. They would have to go somewhere. Perhaps its wishful thinking that it would be lights out for Elf and Slater.

    3. Slater is good for only two things and those things have nothing to do with being on the air at the Fan.

  16. Meh, I'll believe it when I see it. Just a money grab attempt for Bob and Dan.

    1. I wont hold it against them.

    2. The Ticket management has been pretty smart in deciding which talent to keep and which to let walk. I suspect they can see that B&D would be far more competitive to the current Hardline than anything else the Fan or ESPN could hope to muster and, with Rhynes surely within sight of retirement, it would seem a poor choice to let your obvious afternoon drive heirs apparent walk to the competition, especially since that could lead to the station losing ground for the entire afternoon schedule.

  17. B&S couldnt beat out Elf and Slater when they were on espn now there going to replace them. The Fan should bring over the shake joint.

    1. Ben and Skin are horrible and must spend a lot of broke back mountain time in the PD's offices to keep getting jobs.

  18. I understand why they dould do it money of course but rember money isnt everything. Why screw up a good thing because of money just stupid but it happens in life all the time. I hope they both relaize despite cumulus many failings the grass is not always greener on the other side. If you have a good thing going dont screw it up dont let ego and the root of all evil money dictate your direction in life it will be your eventual downfall.

    1. Bob and Dan make great money at the Ticket and they would be stupid to take a 3 year contract at the Fan for more. They have had a great career at the Ticket because of the great surrounding air people as well as their own popularity.

    2. so hypothetically you are making 250k a year, and someone comes along and offers you 400k or even 500k and possibly a better time slot. plus you would be top dog at your new job.

    3. Whitt thought he had it made and look what happen to that fool. But of course, Bob has some talent and Dan sucks his dick.

    4. so, hypothetically, what makes you think Cumulus didn't come along and offer to extend Bob & Dan for 50% of their current salary?

  19. Bob and Dan will fail. They will never beat the Musers, the Hardline or Norm at the Ticket. The only change they have is competing at the noon time slot against Donny and Phillips.

    1. Ummm, you must be a pretty new listener because the hardline put absolutely no effort into their show and it's been on a major downswing for years. Bob and Dan would take them down.

    2. agree. corblett has nothing and mike has been mailing it in for sometime now.

    3. Aren't their ratings already better than Norm's? I think they could beat the Hardline if Gribble and eventually Donnie joined them at The Fan.

    4. The Hardline has been the #1 show in their time slot in this area for years now. Bob and Dan will never beat them.

    5. Norm is easily beatable. His show is the weakest one on The Ticket. He's a legend, but he's over-stayed his time. Bob and Dan are very good, I would only hope they could bring Donovan with them later. BaD radio is my favorite show on The Ticket.

    6. Get off Norm..and..quit being a douche bag...

    7. Norm and B&D are the only things I listen to on The Ticket. I would rather watch my balls hang, than listen to The Hardline. It's so lazy, so cliché, and mean spirited towards everything.

  20. Richie, you stated that you are "not actively pursuing" a gig in radio. I would like to add that I am not actively pursuing Jennifer Aniston. However, if for some reason she'd take interest in a spare like me.............

    1. Lol. Whittless is done in radio. Hopefully he will get drunk again and this time drive into a bridge.

    2. Just more of Whitt's ego talking. He truly is a total fucking fool.

  21. If BaD bolts for The Fan, I can't see them sucking up to the Cowboys like The Fan wants. Seems like they'll be getting into it with Spittle behind the scenes. Obviously The Fan has to try their hardest to make this happen as it would put a dent in the lil Tickets dynasty. Donnie and Quack Quack Phillips ain't gonna cut it, though would still probably beat Ben & Skin and whatever crap ESPN has, hell 100% radio static would give Ben & Skin a challenge in ratings.

    1. and be more pleasing to the ear

    2. Bad Radio leaving will not hurt the Ticket that much but will definitely help the Fan who never has had any talent at all except Greggo until he had a relapse. Gavin Spittle is on the move!!!

    3. Will not hurt the Ticket. Are their listeners so fucking lame they had rather listen to NASCAR Phillips and Got Nothing Donovan than Bob and Dan? I think you panties are too tight 4:37 pm anonymous.

  22. I find it rather hilarious that Whitt is reporting the best move made ever at the Fan (made by PM Gavin Spittle) when all he did was criticize him in his blog. Such a fucking hypocritical fool.

    1. Spittle is slowly removing the garbage from the Fan and trying to bring in real talent. Have to laugh though at part of the garbage reporting this story.

    2. Wait, so by reporting news on my web site that makes me a hypocrite ... how?

    3. Richie, it's funny that you are the one trying to report that the fan is making an upgrade by getting rid of its talentless ratingless shit (you). But maybe now people will listen.

    4. I seem to recall Richie wishing the FAN success so reporting the news goes along with it.

      No I am not a Richie apologist and I agree with majority that he is a little toolie. But, his persona paired w the right person makes for good show. I enjoyed the early Richie and Gregg. Over the past year or so I wasn't sure why but I lost interest in the show and how write up explains a lot.

      For the people who hate Richie apparently you follow him for the same reasons I are drawn in by his egotistical ego. After all, you found his blog, you read his blog, and now you come back for more. Its the train wreck you can't help but revisit.

      Keep writing and I hope to hear an uncensored live Cowboy post game podcast.

  23. What's that say about Rage they couldnt beat out a halfass Hardline. God Raged sucked. A return of Sunday MaS to replace BaD radio.

  24. I wish they'd put Jim Rome on instead of Elf and Slater

  25. Richie - You have successfully created a chat room for radio wannabees. Look at all the mouth breathers, commenting from mom's basement. YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING COOL!!!1!

    1. Better than being as ass licker.

    2. Yep, so many radio experts in here. But I love 'em all!

    3. Surprise surprise. Idiots enjoyed rage and idiots enjoy Richie. The more savvy of us have insightful discussions on MTC. Richies site is more like a low rent bar where you can vomit on the floor and piss on the walls.

    4. Hosted by a radio wannabe too

  26. Wow, curious how you obtain this info? Possibly helping them out by making it public and making Cumulus take action because of fallout from listeners? Kind of like an agent leaking information to get his client more money?

    1. Kind of like an agent, but the opposite. Nothing in it for me except breaking news on a popular subject.

    2. by the way Richie good work on the site.

  27. The word is Whitt got a black dick transplant. Why else would Sybil be interested in someone that looks like Whitt and could be her dad. GOD, he is an ugly fucker. Looks like a 50 year old drunk.

    1. My respect for richie might go up if he responds to this. Just to see how far his ego will go... ;)

    2. Yawn. The above anonymous - 4:35 - comments on here all day (ya know, I CAN see your IP address, fool) telling me I'm old and ugly. Perhaps this will come as a total surprise and I hope it doesn't hurt his feelings, but I don't much care what he thinks about me physically. It's just weird.

  28. There must be a lot of money to help Dan wash down the pill of "having to suck up to the Cowboys" edict. It would have to be the Drive Time slot. Dan could never wake up for a morning shift.

  29. The only way the Fan could get ratings WOULD be using The Tickets talent. Damn sure not going to get ratings with a douche like fucking Richie.

  30. haha! richie couldn't even break news on his own site. Shaggy, a commenter, beat him by an hour on the whitt's end post.

    This is hilarious! And, mark my words, Richie will take credit for breaking this, except if they don't leave the ticket, he'll try to semantic-ize his way out of a lie...

    Hope your pizza delivery business is quicker.

    1. If they don't leave, that means Cumulus matched. Just as I wrote. Thanks for reading all of my site!

  31. The Ticket is done along with their non-sports talk format. Go suck on the sorry Rangers! Ticket never left the 90's.

    1. Why would the Ticket suck on the Rangers? They don't even suck up to the Stars and they carry their games. The Ticket is the best because they aren't bought off unlike Cowboys centric Fan or Rangers and Mavs slobberfest ESPN.

  32. I enjoy Bob and like how he will respond to tweets. Dan is about as intolerable as anyone I've ever run across in Dallas radio. He isn't funny even slightly and the fact he is so far out of his element and usually not even aware of the topic Bob brings up is again not charming or funny. A middle age man going on the radio to laugh about all the porn he took in the night before is both sad and pathetic. There is nothing wrong with a man wanting to look at some porn, but acting as if it's the main course of your evening plans and enjoying the fantasy of looking at porn till you go to bed at 4am instead of having sex with your wife is sad and lonely. All the while acting like your dad of the year with your strange parenting. No guns even a water gun, not allowed candy of any sort. Look I very much agree that loading kids up on candy is harmful and bad. But a little fun in life doesn't hurt either. Acting like you father of the year Me. wholesome all the while going to town on yourself as they sleep is sad and disgusting. Bob should know better than this move as it sounds like the Fan has a really poor program director and has fail written all over it. But of this mean I know longer have to listen to Dan's irritating voice and pathetic bainter I'm all for the move.

    1. You realize that a lot of that is a bit, right?

  33. Richie as I've said before, I always enjoyed your writing prior to the Fan. And even enjoyed when you'd come on the ticket. But when the fan and the cowboys partnered up it become unlistenable. while I'm sure i'm in the minority but butt kissing Jerry Jones and acting like the Cowboys aren't irrelevant is irritating. The Cowboys are as pathetic an organization for the last 16 years as any in sports history. That's the story and nothing will or can change the conclusion course that franchise is on and will continue to be on as long as Jerry Jones is alive. The fan isn't the only outlet of pathetic cowboy butt kissing it's much of the Dallas media driven by the all mighty dollar as the cowboys sheep the most pathetic fanbase in all of sports with a major beaten wife syndrome that will bitch and then line up to take some more from Jerry. Being a fairweather fan is just as bad as the cowboys sheep. As a die hard Rangers and Mavericks fan I had times I walked away unwilling to spend money on the product. Not because they weren't winning enough or winning enough rings to satisfy my thirst. But because they weren't even trying to do enough to win. Acting like Jerry Jones is a great owner and would do anything to win is laughable! This myth that has grown among the cowboy fan and the media that covers this pathetic organization that Jerry the GM is bad and that Jerry the owner is good is about as sad and pathetic as Dan Mcdowell goin to town on himself every night like a 14 year old boy! Jerry the owner is awful just as awful as Jerry the GM! No owner keeps a pathetic GM like this around! No good owner allows a GM to hire this many poor coaches! You're the Dallas Cowboys why are you hiring a learn on the job head coach when you can attract any coach in the world to coach for you. One simple request Jerry most take a step back.! Doesn't mean Jerry can't be heavily involved just means Jerry takes a step back. I'm sick of dealing with the cowboy media and the cowboy fan. You both deserve each other.

  34. For the record I'm not kissing up but I hope you do find work in radio. If this is your desire I wish you all the best. I hope you learned that people simply want the truth. As much as my disdain for Jerry Jones and the cowboys pathetic fanbase grows I even try to take a more tactful approach when discussing them. An approach like this could easily work in this market. The Ticket kind of tackles this. Mostly Bob as an out of towner he tends to not get sucked in. But you can tell over the years that the glitz and glamor of the cowboys star has gotten to him. Jr is also pretty good about laying the truth out there, for George it's a bit harder. The Hardline simply is unable to engage in any sort of analyzing of the cowboys problems. Ryner at some point started mailing it in and Corby is to Cowboy obsessed to engage. They'll tell you it's a waste of time to talk about how Jerry is the problem. Really? If the Dallas media flatout turned on Jerry with full power it might not happen overnight but changes would start to come. Even now we are starting to see some cracks in the Jerry bullcrap machine. Taking calls from season ticket holders after another bizarre draft. This was a first as Jerry put his spin into full force weaving his crap for the sheep to lap up! Only one reason this session took place, something was getting to Jerry.

    1. Jamey! You, my friend have just said the same things I have said for the last 10 years! I used to be a season ticket holder and NEVER missed a game until Jerry took a QB out of Georgia (Quincy Carter) that had he stayed at Georgia, was going to be their back up QB! Jerry hands him the job and I left! You are 100% correct! Jerry the owner is TWICE as bad as Jerry the GM. If the owner cannot see that the GM is horrible, what does that say? Jerry said before that he would indeed fire any other GM that had Jerry the GM's track record so that just tells me that the Jerry the owner doesn't give a shit about the team as long as it lines his pockets. I will never go to another Cowboys game as long as things stay like this. If he doesn't care, why should I? I have been offered FREE tickets in a suite and on the 20 yrd line and refused them. Jerry will never get another penny of mine. When The Fan starts talking Cowboys (which is 80% of the time) I change the station and hope The Ticket is done with commercials. I would rather listen to a commercial on the Ticket than the Fan suck at the trough of the Cowboys.... I hope Bob & Dan stay on the Ticket but if they don't, it will be funny to see if they join in the Cowboys suckfest like everyone else on the Fan....

    2. Good stuff Perry. Happy to know I'm not alone.

    3. I definitely think Jerry the owner should fire Jerry the GM.

    4. I think Jerry the owner should fire both Jerry the GM and Jerry the owner should then downsize Jerry the owners active roll.

  35. I hope BaD stays home, would hate to see them dragged down by a very poor surrounding cast. Listening to The Ticket is fun because you 'know' everyone; and as a station The Ticket has been so incredibly successful in large part because they've nurtured an authentic, organic atmosphere. The Fan doesn't have that; and frankly, can't hope to have it for many years to come -- lineup changes notwithstanding.

    BTW Jamey, a lot of what you hear from Dan on-air is a radio personality much like The Great Gordo. Don't get sucked in by the act. They both operate as a foil to the over-sportsiness of their comrades.

  36. I hear you^. Gordo is funny Dan seems pathetic.

  37. Richie I hope you are wrong on this. I do have a hard time buying into this. Bad radio aren't Cowboys homers and somebody would have to put out their fires with the criticism of Cowboys on a weekly basis during the season. Also, Bad radio ripped and made fun of Spittle when he left and came back because he had the show, wherever he went to, blatantly copy a lot of Bad radio bits. Does anyone remember that? Also, if Spittle wants all sports and very little else he will be disappointed in Bad radio from gay not gay to what's on your TiVo to game show Friday and why today doesn't suck. Also it seems as if Dan would be a thorn in his side. Unless they have deided to say eff it and let Bad radio do their thing because they get ratings. I don't know I hope you are wrong. I can't have my leaders leave me like that. I am distraught

  38. Who ever said that The Fan can't criticize the Cowboys, and that Spittle wants sports only? Greggo? Sorry, but I can't take anything he writes on his blog seriously.

    1. Greggo is clearly a compulsive liar and can't be trusted at face value any longer (I wonder if he even got help or went to rehab after the Ticket firing in retrospect of all that's happened since), but didn't Richie kind of back up what Greggo said when Spittle told them to quit talking about their personal lives and stick to sports? Of course Spittle looks like he spouted a bunch of hooey by the junk Ben & Skin crap on the airwaves with their constant uninteresting personal life stories. And just listening to the Fan for 10 minutes you'll see an obvious Cowboys bias. New School at least roll their eyes with it a bit with the Mickey Fisher character that makes fun of it.

    2. Shaggy nothing has been said that the Fan can't criticize Jerry or the Cowboys. But I don't need a memo and I didn't need Grego's blog to know that can't and won't. Listen to the station and tell me you hear criticism like you heard from Bob or you hear from Galloway. It isn't there and weather that's a Jerry Jones order or a CBS or a Spittle thing I don't know but it's the way the Fan rolls.

    3. Jamey, youre wrong. go to the 1053 website and read choppy, fisher and shan columns (and old whitt columns). they trash the cowboys plenty. ps, Galloway is a fake when it comes to being tough on the cowboys. he doesn't know if a ball is stuffed or blown up. he's made a living off fooling bumpkins like you into thinking otherwise. That's where Greggo learned the trick of pretending he's a 'tough insider'.. greggo fooled you too, right?

    4. Galloway doesn't suck up, unless it's to Nolan Ryan. Elf and Slater were initially critical of the Cowboys drafting until Jerrah became defensive with all the outcry. Funny coincidence.

    5. Galloway is an actor. Amazing that the audience doesn't get it.

  39. Jamey Cook - I echo a lot of your sentiments. I am one of the few that apparently find BaDD completely unlistenable. I don't even get some of your statements because I NEVER listen to BaDD so I have no insight on Dan's persona. I know that Bob asks 5 minute questions that are never really a question after all. Early one, I tried to listen but just couldn't.

    RW - I was not a constant listener to RaGE but would punch out of THL when Corby when into his sophomoric bits. The only problem I had was you frequently took the contrarian view (somebody mentioned Skip Bayless, who I never listened to) at times a bit too often. After reading your account of the situation, maybe or maybe not this was merited.

    To sum up, I never listen to BaDD on 1310 and will never listen to them if they move. IMO, worst show on 1310.

  40. Funniest part of this...the way RW's scoop came early...he still has an inside source at the FAN...he just trumped/fucked up little bitty gavin's plans REAL BAD. KTCK (if they werent already planning to match) will see public desires that they remain.

    the only question that remains is where TV Timm will end up. Richie...please help.

    1. his inside source is elf. they play tennis every saturday and i am sure that elf dishes the dirt on what's going on up there when he sees him.

    2. Anon 7:24, you're 100% wrong. But good try.

  41. Ben Rogers, or it could be Skin for that matter... I STILL can't tell their voices a part, is the most uninteresting man on the planet. How he got not one, not two, not three, but four radio jobs is beyond me! We don't care about your sons little league baseball team, dude. Not even a little bit. And I don't want to hear your wife on the air talking about you. YOU ARE BORING!

    How were Richie and Greggo not big enough names to hear about their personal lives, but Ben and Skin are??? Although not to be trusted, Greggo is one of the biggest names in the dfw sports radio business. He may not be as liked as he once was, but everyone still knows who he is.

    How sad for Ben and Skin, if they are bumped from drivetime already. I am sure that's one of the reasons why they came over, to be in that slot. Only to be bumped a couple of months in.

    1. Skin is good at talking hoops nothing else. Ben is good at kissing Jerry's butt and telling us how the Cowboys will be in the superbowl because Rob Ryan has cool hair and swagger. Even still that would be classic Fan move to bump Ben and Skin this fast for Bad Radio.

    2. Has anyone heard Ben & Skin try to do a bit? They had Jay Pharoah from SNL on recently and decided to do some voice characters with him and while he was good, their voice characters were painfully unfunny. Anything Greggo says is very questionable these days for sure, but I think his take on them being "Friends of the Athlete" was spot on. The goofy Derek Holland stuff has grown old for awhile now. And their interview with Mark Cuban a few weeks back was embarrassing. He literally at the end told them to quit sucking up to him while Ben was slobbering all over. No idea why Spittle coveted these guys.

    3. Did you hear Ben bragging about playing golf with Kinsler and then there was a time he was bragging about having a text convo with JD. It's enough to make you fucking vomit.

    4. .B&S are painfully unlistenable. They are bitches. I saw some Facebook posts where they were being criticized pretty hard and they posted about how hard it is for their families to read some of the comments. That's the first time I have seen local "celebrities" whine about being criticized

  42. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 22, 2013 at 7:23 PM

    Rich Phillips and Donovan as replacements for B&D? Phillips has the biggest bag of nothing in radio and Donovan can't, in any way, carry the show.

    However..I have been wondering when this was going to happen..if it happens..CBS can smoke Cumulus with bit $$$. I see the Ticket's dominance starting to crumble with this move.

    The really hilarious part is Ben and Skin getting kicked off their new gig. Good stuff Richie..

  43. Since everyone asked my opinion, here it is. The ticket has everything locked up from 530am-3pm. Bob, Dan, and Donnie are the best in radio, hopefully they don't leave. Sadly, Galloway is the best afternoon drive option. The Hardline is tired and has turned into lazy classic rock talk radio. Ben and Skin are a couple of face sitting athlete cock suckers. G-Bag nation is only enjoyed by people like me, so there is really no time slot other than late nights that makes sense for them. The Arnie Spanier show was probably the best radio show that has ever aired anywhere, he was just too far ahead of his time. For the record, I don't mind Richie the Shit.

    1. The Arnie Spanier show was the greatest show ever. They would literally do no show prep and would talk about nothing the entire show. And it was perfect.

    2. Arnie as the greatest show ever? Lets follow his career path. National show, to local evening show, to local late night show, to show in smaller market to off the radio. Sounds like some one who really had a top show.

    3. He said it was ahead of it's time dingus. And I'm only talking about his show on the Fan. Also, he left the Fan voluntarily. He was not fired.

    4. haha, damn I liked Arnie's show but I dunno if I could go this far. I do think it was the most underrated Fan show when it was around. I was slow to jump on board and only heard the final year or so when it was Arnie, Slow Jeff, and Colby. They were extremely entertaining and I wish Arnie hadn't left. I wonder if Arnie leaving really was to go back home to family as stated or if more CBS shenanigans forced him out.

    5. The highest rated hour of he day is during the hard lines show. So while you think they have become tired pretty much nobody else agrees with you.

    6. Arnie Spanier?? Best show ever?? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Man, that is gold! Gold, I tell ya'! Wait ... I think you're serious. Holy crap. Really, man? Really? I might rather hear the Sports Princess, or a continuous loop of Rocco Pendola circumnavigating Belt Line, or even Greggo's Sports Perspectives, over anything Arnie's ever rolled out. Well, to each his own. I guess.

    7. Arnie tweeted a few hours back. Sounds like he's been reading Richie's blog:

      "Arnie Spanier ‏@StinkinGenius1 4h

      Crazy stuff going on in DFW radio. Damn! Maybe I should apply at the ticket? Lol. Think Dallas had enough of me. :)"

  44. Love all the "Anonymous" posts. Anyway...

    I hope this happens as I can't stand Elf and Slater. That HAS to be the show that's bumped if they bring in BaD Radio. I like Elf and I'm sure that Slater's cool in person, but that chick knows NOTHING about sports...nothing. Whomever green-lighted that show was an idiot.

    1. @brucegilbert14 is who you can complain to about that one.

      This man made dumb after dumb decision at the Fan and then he gets a better job. I'll never understand it.

  45. Richie besides your ruthless quest to kiss Jerry's backside I never cared for your "guns up" when the Texas A&M fight song would play. Good and honest criticism of the Aggies is fine. But that was juvenile with one purpose, to piss Aggies off. Corby gets the same response as he has more hate for Texas A&M than his true rivals Texas and Oklahoma State. The only reason he does these things as like you Richie is to get responses because you wont get any from trying to bait Texas fans because Texas fans are like Cowboys fans flying on past glories so full of self grandeur they can't see straight. That's why I loved the Cotton Bowl even more just ramming it in Corby's face with every TD. Bob Stoops has gone soft and Mack Brown is passed his prime if he ever had one. Keven Sumlin is hip and hungry and the recruiting is reflecting it.

    1. This is why people make fun of dumb ass Aggie fans. You guys have had 1 relevant year in your entire existence and you guys think y'all rule the roost now! You guys didn't win shit last year...not even y'alls division! Shut the fuck up Aggie.

    2. Enjoy your last season of Johnny Football, Aggie man! Even Mr. Football himself can't wait leave College Station. Oh yeah, he wanted to be a Longhorn too...if Mack Brown wasn't a senile old fogey Texas would have the Aggie golden boy right now. Enjoy your last season of Johnny Football and relevance, Aggies!

    3. Johnny Football accelerated the Kevin Sumlin plan. But anybody that thinks that Kevin Sumlin doesn't have "it" are being blind or stupid. And I agree the Aggies have had a lot of bad football. I disagree that they've had one relevant season. I'm also not an Aggie. Kevin Sumlin is out recruiting both Stoops and Mack and has the last 2 top football players out of the state signed up. Pretty sure Hill or Murray can take over at QB and not skip a beat. Sumlin could've left for the Eagles job but didn't.

  46. Arnie Spanier is as bad as it gets. I turned it off one evening when he was going on a 20 min monolog about why Jerry Jones is the best owner in sports.

    1. I always thought Arnie was tongue in cheek with that stuff. He loved getting under the callers skin and knew he was pushing buttons. I think he got a kick out of getting callers riled up. I thought his show was usually pretty entertaining and funny.

  47. Richie..I have some questions.
    (1)How come Mike Rhyner was not let go when Greggo was fired from the Ticket, since they came as a package deal ( Hardlie) just like you came as a package deal with Greggo ( RAGE)

    (2) How come RJ Choppy was not fired from ESPN when Greggo was fired?

    My conclusion is if you are as talented as you think you are, then surely the FAN could have kept you and found another partner for you. Mike Fisher is the biggest No Talent this side of the Mississippi. All he deals with are hypotheticals..Trades he suggests for the Mavs are always a joke.

    1. Hillary, you are a girl. stay out of Mavs trade facts and options. That's men's work. Now go fetch Fish and David Lord some supper.

  48. @ Jamey Cook, dude college is over. It'll be ok.

    If BaD move, Elf and Slater are surely gone. Slater, as is the case with all women, is intolerable when talking sports. Perhaps Elf could go back to Sunday mornings and co-host a show with his cologne. I like B&S. Apparently I'm in the minority there. I think it would be great if they take Elf & Slaters spot and BaD doing p.m. drive. As long as I'm not stuck choosing between grandpa urine and the Corby beatdown, I'm good.

  49. I don't want audio!!

  50. So I have not read all of the comments on here so if I am repeating the same thing my apologies. This post debunks Whit's whole drawn out 5 day story. If, and it's a big if, this is true Spittle is indeed moving in a different direction and hiring alot better talent. Come on little man respond. Ratings RW ratings.The Fans is going have alot more without your no talent ass.
    - Storm_71

    1. this is actually a great point...Spittle may be a piece of shit but if he behind the scenes and from Houston negotiated bob and dan...something bruce gilbert couldn't pull off..then the sob stories from greggo and whitt really don't matter much. As legitimate as as RW's claims may be, he might have been DOSA...dead on spittle's arrival...In which case, if this news had broken on say 06/14, would he have still run the career ending expose?

      It sucks having to play ball with upper management but that's just how things go. I hope all the advertising money leads to a mom and pop station station in corsicana. Whitt can do mornings with John Clay Fucking Wolfe.

      BTW...I'm a big time Whitt and Fisher fan going way back to Whitt's call-ins on KLIF. Just spitting truths offense or hard feelings. I like JCW too.

    2. I forgot about JC Wolfe in all this till now. Didn't he get a swollen Greggo hemmeroid too. Actually, wasn't Richie writing the exposé on JCW and Greggo blowup just before RAGE began, and didn't JCW then that Both Greggo and Jen were a couple of crackhead junkies.

  51. If this happens, Spittle is the man! He knows what he's doing...

  52. Sturm has been silent most of the day on twitter. When has that ever happended especially during the NHL finals. I think BAD is gone.

  53. Bad Radio is beyond gone. I've got a few men on the ground that clue me into these things. Bob has gone underground. Big mistake the Fan is a loser.

  54. my gut feeling is ben and skin in the morning, new school mid mornings, bob and dan drive, then g-bag...or flip flop ben and skin with bob and dan...there's no way they're not changing mornings somewhat

  55. @SportsSturm: Thank you for caring about this unfortunate situation. There is no point in commenting as it develops. There will be time for that I'm sure.

  56. Money money money only to be fired in a few years.

  57. "The Ticket management has been pretty smart in deciding which talent to keep and which to let walk."...really?..They kept Corby!

    1. And the ratings for that show that Corby is on, I think they call it the, "Hardline", have really suffered. Man they made a big mistake.

      Stay Hard

    2. Agreed got in a tweeter fight with Corby that was beneath or should've been beneath an afternoon drive host. He comes of like a punk because he is a punk.

    3. Corby is awesome.

      the hardline is awesome.

      Its unlike any other radio show and its fantastic.

    4. Ratings for the hardline are as high or higher than they ever were with Greggo.

      And as for me, I'll never listen to Bud and Dan on 105.3 the fail.

  58. Actually RW herer it is, JCW's follow up to you, on your own piece. Looking back its obvious that you are the one the got between JCW and Greg by recruiting him to the fan. So your writing this JCW/Hammer story, then jump in middle of it to recruit Greg to the fan, knowing JCW is telling you, this guys all whacked out, but your greed for stardom ignored it. Now you say GW got you fired, u need to read your own notes man, your greed and ego got you fired.

    Here's the link:

  59. Its so funny when little Richie says"I'm not actively pursuing a radio gig.". No shit. That's because you are a no talent, bitchy,whiney,little ass hole. Yeah. Who would pursue you. Way to save face Richie with that throw away comment. I'm sure your pizza business will go on the same trajectory as your radio career. In the toilet. STAY HARD jerk.

  60. @ anon 7:51...thats true! The word "talent" was referenced. I guess that would exclude Corby! LOL!

  61. I remember a segment 7 or 8 years ago where Bob and Dan were joking around comparing their spot to batting 7th in the (then) loaded Yankee lineup. Noon-3 is/was an incredibly cushy time slot with no competition and modest expectations.

    If the are moving to The Fan, you have to think it's to anchor a key time slot. Moving B&S back to the mornings and BAD to drive time would make sense. But everyone knows they would get crushed against the even a ratings increase would be seen as a 'failure.'

    But with a 3 year guaranteed contract, it takes out all the for them. In years it is very likely Galloway, Norm and possibly Rhyner may have retired/moved on. They'll have no problem landing on their feet in 2016 market that will likely be very different.

  62. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 23, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    I am sure seeing a lot of comments for a guy that...according to a lot of anonymous posters...everyone hates and is a loser..The two don't seem to fit with the amount of interest there is in this blog.

    Then again a lot of people watch the Cowboys hoping they lose...the key is they watch, like they seem to be reading Richie's blog..

  63. The only reason he has any traffic on this site is because he is talking about Greggo and the Ticket. Check out his traffic when he is just giving his host sports opinions. It will be a trickle. As far as the cowboys and richie whitt. The cowboys have 5 super bowls.......richie whitt has a pink slip with no radio success. Lol. Big difference. But I guess coming from a longhorn fan you are dellusional. Doesn't Kansas State OWN Texas??????????????

    1. And hopefully dipshits like you who come on here to do nothing but just troll will dissipate as well. Go over to Greggo's worthless site he's calling a Cafe where you can eat all the shit he tries to nonsensically feed you. Go to your Sheppard, sheep, the trough awaits you.



  64. This whole BAD radio move simply comes down to money. The question is, does Cumulus believe Bob & Dan will bring in enough revenue to justify their salary demands?

    I'm not privy to the numbers, so I don't know the economics of the radio business today. But based on current radio ratings, I'm guessing these guys are pulling their weight. Middays don't bring in the money that afternoon drive or mornings do, so would losing Bob & Dan really affect the bottom line?

    From a programming perspective, change isn't always a bad thing. Even if these guys leave, that creates opportunity. I'm sure Ticket management is thinking several steps ahead, and planning for other changes in the future.

  65. You should move to ESPN if you decide to get back into radio. You had a great show when Newy was your partner.

    1. Yeah, he'd fit in with the ESPN culture of taking credit for breaking news when others (blogs, commenters, etc) actually did. Not good for credibility.

  66. Congrats again to Shaggy for being the one to actually break the news of this! Shouldn't have tried to wait until Monday, RW.

    1. Maybe Shaggy was one of Barry Horn's sources???

  67. Hey Jamey Cook, I take it you are the one with the Family Guy style balls on your chin. Didn't you start that "twitter fight" with Corby? I guess his comment hurt your feelings a little???

  68. Hi Richie. Lots of angry people about these parts. Carry on. I like pizza and beer.

  69. You guys will probably rip me for more whining, but this is just wrong. And it's blatant. Barry Horn of the DMN "breaks" the Bob and Dan story 3 hours after me, using "sources" and even using the word "seismic." He used to be better than that.

    1. If anything, you should be crediting Shaggy, as he technically "broke it" in yesterday's post. Maybe you should say that you confirmed it.

    2. GotchadownpadusadisshowJune 23, 2013 at 3:33 PM

      Richie, it really is true that Shaggy broke the story before you. The timeline is out there for anyone to see. AFter having written your Hard Lie Pt. 2 series, I would think that of all people it would be you who knows about data/timestamps/etc... After all, your entire 5 part series was based around such evidence. So while yes, you did break the tease that there might be something happening on Monday that pertains to The Ticket, you did not in fact break the story.

    3. who is crediting Barry Horn for breaking the story? and Richie if you had the news on Friday, why not just put it out there then instead of trying to wait for the weekend to be over? you only have yourself to blame for sitting on the story. also, shaggy is the one who should be getting credit here.

  70. But Richie, aren't you and Barry both in denial about who really broke the story????? Shaggy! Congrats Shaggy. Great investigative work.

    1. yay shaggy!!!

    2. Little known fact, it was Woodward, Bernstein, and Shaggy who broke the Watergate case. Shaggy! Shaggy! Shaggy!

  71. I will be sadden to see Bob and Dan leave for the weaker station (The Fan). They would own that station, yes. But how much longer will the Fan be on the air? They are 3rd place in everything. Now signing Bob and Dan would make the compete against ESPN for second, but as the Ticket always says; "We can do what they can do, but they can't do what we do." I think this would be true even signing them.
    Granted they have signed all the spare talent from the Ticket, but landing them wouldn't guarantee anything.
    I know that The Ticket could bounce back from this like it always has.

  72. Seriously Richie, why sit on this story? Were you scared Bob and Dan would resign, deny the drama, and make you look bad? You might have had the story first, but you certainly do not deserve the credit for breaking the story.

  73. gotchadownpadusadisshowJune 23, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    You want your "proof" Richie? Here ya go. From Shaggy's site. Scroll down, to where you see a guy named Elvis something spill the beans. Then check out the timestamp then check yours, fool.

    1. hard to refute that richie. Where's your "screenshots" of you breaking the news????

  74. Seems like Richie is trying to take ownership for the story since he teased it out on Friday before anyone. So, anything and everything that comes out of the story is his by matter of this.

    Reminds me of an old "Dallas" tv show reunion, where no matter who found the oil in the ground, the Ewings still controlled the mineral rights, and thus would reap the fruits from the ground no matter who owned the land.

    This is Richie's "mineral rights" story, I guess. I hope he comes on and acknowledges this and calls a spade a spade. If he wants to say he broke news, maybe he can say he "broke the news that there was news involving the ticket," but that's it. That's like breaking the news that Dwight Howard and CP3 may leave their teams, but until you actually say what teams, then there really is no news--just rumors.

    Maybe this is a good lesson for him to realize that the information age has changed a whole lot since he last was "out in the field." You can no longer wait even a day to break news, much less a whole weekend. Very ill-advised, if you ask me.

    One bit of advice, Richie: If Barry Horn has the TV news market cornered, perhaps you can fashion yourself as the authority in all things radio. Seems to me with all you've "exposed" over the last week, you would be able to carve out this niche in no time.

    Go Shaggy!!!

  75. RW is following the Skip Bayless business model.

    TROLL, TROLL, TROLL to lots and lots of DOUGH!

    Richard Dietsch says that Skip makes 7 figures by doing just that. Truth is, the public doesn't respond to polls, comment on sites, or look at multiple pages that are blatant manipulations for pageviews, unless they feel really passionate about something.

    RW looks like he'd be a fan of Limp Bizkit. Keep (t)rollin, (t)rollin, (t)rollin.

  76. Rich, times have changed since you were out there trying to break stories. Nowadays, ANYONE can break a story, and that includes an average joe on your comments section. Sorry you got beat. It sounds like you really wanted this one.

    Congrats Shaggy!

  77. They're staying.

    Suck it.

  78. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah couldnt leave his brothers or thing they had built just like mike relaize if you have a good thing why screw it up no money can ever replace your happiness rember that fellas dont let money determine your life or its direction bad karma cause in the end all it will brings is unhappiness wise move bad rado your faith will be rewarded

  79. @SportsSturm: We are staying home for years to come. In the end, just can't leave you or our brothers or the special thing we have all built. #1310

  80. Guys, guys...I'm very flattered.

    Now, let's let Richie and this blog fade back to irrelevance.


    Noon to Three...
    Dirty Noon to Three...

    ...and remember, Shaggy slams and goes hard.
