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Monday, June 17, 2013


Sequel to 2008's award-winning "The Hard Lie"

By Richie Whitt


   Where's Greggo?
   Ultimately, the answer is camouflaged in a complex and confounding quandary with layers of deceit, denial and denigration. But today, pinpointing his exact whereabouts is particularly vexing.
   Only God and Hydrocodone know.
   It is Friday, March 22, 2013. On the second day of March Madness, RAGE - the Richie And Greggo Extravaganza radio show, heard afternoons 2-7 on 105.3 The Fan in Dallas since 2010 - is on a remote broadcast at Papa G's sports bar in the Tarrant County town of Watauga. While midday show Elf & Slater winds down on stage Greg Williams, Sybil Summers and I sit at a nearby booth to construct a blueprint for today's show.
   Williams, however, isn't really here. Where is he? Gone. Totally trippin', far, far from reality.
   "Here's, okay, yeah, here's what we need to do," he says, eyes wild, mouth cotton-dry and words speeding yet slurring. "Let's, um, yeah, okay, this is it, let's get in a fight on the air. I mean, a real fight. A real fight. Let's punch each other. Right in the face. We gotta draw blood. Gotta be real. Leave bruises. Because then we'll take pictures. Everybody will be talking about it. Isn't this great? CNN will come down here and the publicity will be awesome! We'll be famous ... as the afternoon-drive show in Dallas that, well, that hit each other on the air! What'dya think?! Let's do it!"
   While exchanging foot-tap-to-the-shin alerts under the table with Sybil about Williams' irrational cadence and preposterous content, I attempt to explain to my partner of three years that CBS pink slips would surely beat the CNN news trucks to us. He doesn't wince. He doesn't listen.
   He radically rambles on, toward nowhere. And everywhere.

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  1. Great work. I look forward to more.

  2. You only have yourself to blame for this RW. You knew Greggo was like this and yet you still pushed for him to work with you, when you had a good partner already with Newy.

  3. I knew I had stopped liking Greggo on the air, now i know why. Had no idea he was back on drugs.

  4. You hitched your wagon to this disaster of a human.

  5. Thanks for finally telling us the truth about the demise of RAGE. Can't wait to hear the rest!

  6. Richie, this is a great read and a lot more fireworks than I think many of us were expecting. I do have to agree with others though that you knew Greggo had baggage and yet still jumped at the chance to have a show with him after he filled in for Newy so long back. Does RAGE last 3 years without Greggo? He may be very erratic but he's also entertaining and the audience likes him.

    Also, you seem to suggest that the advertisers loved RAGE but isn't it reasonable that ratings were the reason the show was canned? Elf and Slater, the midday show, pulled better ratings than RAGE. It's not good news when a station's midday show pulls better ratings than the afternoon drive-time.

    Loved the read and look forward to the rest of the week. This has the makings of another classic like the original The Hard Lie article.

  7. Richie will never take responsibility for his own actions. He's perfect.

    1. I agree 100%..Richie the show changed when u got involved with sybil..seriously

    2. Shouldn't get your p----y where you get your paycheck...

    3. Total BS .. If you are going to come out with a lie, at least be man or woman enough to post your name. Hiding behind "anonymous" is gutless and shows a true lack of character.

    4. Interesting read, but the truth is Greggo has more radio talk-show talent than you ever will. It's a shame that he's a drug addict, but it seems to me you hitched your star to him and now are crying crocodile tears.

    5. does he or was he just lucky he got in good with Mike Rhiner from the ticket.

  8. Greggo always alluded to the fact that the end was near. I heard him say one day that he was sending out his résumé. Did he sabotage the show?

  9. Greggo is a drug addict and a habitual liar? In other news, the Pope is catholic.

  10. One day in and this blog is already more professional and well-written than GGBandC.

  11. Wow...I figured it was something like this but I didn't suspect it was that bad. It's a shame...IMO Greggo has talent and a voice that many people want to listen to. But the drugs have strangled him. Richie, were you under a gag order or sign a non-disclosure contract for a certain amount of time before you could tell your story? Whatever, thanks for letting us all know. Afternoons haven't been the same without you guys.

  12. WOW. I can't believe I waited all this time to read this. Can't believe you are putting this all on Greggo. He was the reason most people listened to RAGE to begin with. I always liked Greggo and Sybil. You on the other hand always came off as cocky and arrogant. You strike me as the kind that will "tote the company line" no matter who it hurts. I will probably read the rest of this as it comes out but I have a hard time believing any of it.

    1. So wait a minute. Knowing Greggo's history and pre-radio Richie was a reporter with little to no baggage, you're going to have a hard time believing him? Have you read Greggo's blog and/or listened to his podcast?
      So many Greggo truthers out there.

    2. Greggo wasn't the only reason I listened. Speak for yourself. I listened because I like the whole group as a whole which included Armen and Fish.

    3. I agree Ray everyone in the group made it the good show that it was. No one person in this group was perfect, it took all together to make it what it was. Wish ya'll were back, until then Im listening to the Weather Channel !!!

    4. Ritchie wasn't my favorite back a few years ago, but he became a good listen. Sybil n Armen were good as well. Although I enjoyed Greggo... it was very apparent that he was involved in meds again. He's told of his demons himself.

      Greggo doomed them, but relationships at work make some uncomfortable, and others jealous.

      Hope Ritchie and Sybil enjoy a long marriage full of happiness.

      Hope Greggo gets help.

      Miss you all.


  13. Richie,

    Call me B-Man

    I appreciate you tell us a portion of your side of the story. All of us Fan fan's knew Greggo was a screw loose, but I would venture to say a lot of us thought that Greggo's extreme persona was part of the act. Both of you were so polar opposites, in it's own weird sick way it created good radio because it was something we had never heard, unbeknownst to us it was genuine.

    When someone displays mannerisms and behavior that Greggo showed on March 22, that is a cry for help. That person is trying to inflict harm to themselves and to another, and it's usually men who want to fight to release anger and who want to get beaten up to punish themselves. This is a very similar reaction to someone who cuts themselves (which I wouldn't be surprised Greggo has been/is doing)and it is the final stage of deteriorating mental health before suicide.

    I know you have your own problems Richie, but CBS didn't want to handle Greggo's baggage, Greggo needed CBS more than they needed RAGE, and the ratings were not there to help Greggo get the help he needed. Drugs create a lose lose for everyone, and the PD cut ties before upper management might get fired by someone in New York.

    It sucks, but good luck.

    1. "...a cry for help" B-man? Do you really believe that bullshit? If that's the case, Greggo's been balling for years. Oh, and you forgot the part about addiction being a disease and addicts not held accountable for their actions, blah, blah, blah. Ridiculous...

  14. Poor Ritchie... partnered with a drug addled moron and still was the weak link of the pair on air... you fuckin suck Ritchie.

    1. Really? You're on my blog and you still can't spell my name?

  15. The only reason I listened to Greggo was because he was a carwreck waiting to happen. He never had great sports knowledge, never had a redeeming personality, he was just the spectacle that you couldn't stop watching because you knew any second the implosion was about to occur.

    1. I concur. My favorite Greggo was at the end of the Hardline run. Absolute chaos. Although I pray for the wheels to come off whenever I listen.

    2. Agreed. That's a huge reason I listened. Also, Sybil was hot.

  16. Is it really an on-air downward spiral if nobody actually heard the show?

  17. I have a forklift!

  18. figured as much, now you know what the ticket boys went through. looking forward to reading the rest of this saga. hi sybil

  19. I hate to hear Greggo is back on drugs. Seems like he needs to get some help. Good job kicking him when he's down though Ritchie, you self serving douche.

    1. When he's down? See, he dragged me down with him. We're parallel fool.

  20. Just what I expected. Its never Richie richs fault. You are not a good friend, you are a user. Greggo is the only reason you had the show as long as you did. You have no personality. You are an A1 grade jerk off. Hopefully karma will kick you in the face jerk. Hope your girl realizes what an a-hole you are before she gets married to you. Plus you're really old.

  21. Let me start by saying I want that Pizza and Beer delivery in North Dallas.

    I laugh when someone uses ratings as an excuse to end a show. The Rage was replaced by Ben and Skin who have never drew ratings, even when they were on the Ticket.

    The deal with Williams. I have a son who is a recovering drug addict and he played on his families wanting to believe. and it is a typical move for someone living a lie. When your whole life is a lie, then it becomes easy to lie about things that don't matter.

    I truly wish you the best and I have always felt writing is your best asset. Oh, and work on that Pizza and Beer thing for Dallas. Especially the Toll Road and Keller Springs area.

  22. Um, what about the piss poor ratings? Total douche move by Richie.

  23. Richie, thanks for sharing the story. sadly, i didn't find any of it surprising. kudos to you for giving Greggo a chance to work again. it's a shame he threw it away. i'm not sure why people are bashing you for any of this - Greggo did this to himself. it's a real shame the rest of RAGE was fired as well. i was really hoping Fisher would replace Greggo.

    i suspected things were seriously deteriorating before Chris Kyle's tragic death. Greggo definitely seemed half a beat off (understatement of the century!) and i was concerned that you'd had enough of his antics.

    my afternoons remain quiet without the voices of RAGE.
    KERA just doesn't fill the void. the last button to the right on my car radio continues to search for somewhere to call home. alas, i reckon i shouldn't hold my breath that you & Sybil will be back on the air anytime soon???

    looking forward to tomorrow's installment. good luck and yeah, ditto to north dallas needing a good BUZZ!

  24. I don't doubt Greggo's misdeeds, but this sounds a lot like it's entirely driven by your own desire to ignore the obvious: you're not that good on the radio. Sybil is even worse. Question: would a radio pro who is serious about building an audience among men in Texas frequently mock gun rights advocates in social media? Speaking your mind may be admirable or brave on a personal level, but it's completely unprofessional when it serves to stigmatize you in the minds of many potential listeners, to the detriment of your station and its advertisers. That you were too dumb or too unprofessional to realize this simple fact is one of many reasons you failed. You can't put it all on Greggo. Hell, the Hardline prospered when he was exhibiting similar behavior on their watch.

    1. He started misbehavin' on Hardline after 12 years.

  25. Years ago ya'll did a bit in Dead and Gone about some horses that died in a barn fire. That was probably the funniest radio bit I've ever heard! It's a shame that sort of "magic" never lasts long, but it's probably best to be grateful for the ride rather than placing blame for its demise. Then again, in the culture of sports and media that's just par for the course. Best of luck to you both.

    1. Baby snake!!!

    2. That sort of magic doesnt last long? Ever heard of the Ticket? They've been around for YEARS.

    3. Yeah, that was fun. But we got in trouble for that one.

  26. "Truth? Williams is a compulsive, diabolical liar I neither trust, respect nor want to work alongside ever again.
    Our firing was the climax of a downward spiral, one that commenced on Nov. 15, 2012 when Williams' manipulative mirage instantly ruined and forever doomed RAGE."

    I respect you for your feelings on this as it seems this was surely why you were fired but, as someone previously stated, it seems he needs help. Maybe you are the person that can wake him up to this fact before he does something to hurt himself or others. Gavin once told me at a meet and great with the nation that he thought you had a huge heart and would do anything to help a friend...maybe he needs that?

  27. Sorry to hear this, but I have to say I suspected something like this happened.

    Tell Sybil "hello!" I've been a fan of hers since Pugs and Kelly. I'm so happy to still hear her laugh on Saturdays with the Saturday Morning Test Drive.

  28. The most interesting part of all this is somehow you went back in time to 1998 to have this website designed.

  29. Replies
    1. Good to be back, looking forward to many blogs from whitt, and hopefully a blog or two by you!

    2. Not for nothin' but I love Sybils Beaver...

  30. Thanks for checking in. I'll be on here daily (maybe) to respond to comments and to ignore your criticism. Or sling mud right back atcha. This is gonna be fun.

    1. Let the nut kicking begin! By the way, your writing is much much better when it is the only thing you do. So please don't get another gig that interferes with it, like you did in the Observer days.

    2. Honestly the show didn't stand a chance. Greggo and his Ticket fame is why the few that listened to the show ever gave it a chance. Greggo is.....well Greggo and Richie is a cocky prick who might do ok in the northeast. Bottom line is the fan and espn will shuffle guys through until something sticks. And until cumulus makes many very poor decisions and self destructs The Ticket, no other station will be able to come close to threatening their market share.
      So, Chris Chris. I mean Richie. When are you going to show the Ticket how it's done? If it weren't for their guys posting this article most wouldn't even know you were gone.

    3. Have no idea what you're trying to say.

  31. Thanks, 10:45. Glad you're listening.

  32. Glad to have you back RW. You'll always have my support. You are a stand up dude who unfortunately was put in a lose/lose situation (Sybil too). I'm also glad that this new blog looks to have the ability to not have comments censored. As the president of the Fatass38sucks (Roy Williams S) Fan Club, welcome back!

    Name that Dude Singing Like a Rolling Stone

    1. You got it sister! Day one'er on the Old, Old Sportatorium. Read the last version of it even though it was a bit neutered because of the censored comments. Looking forward to another long, entertaining ride! Missed having the voices of reason and wisdom on the air. Glad I could be a grain of sand on this fine beach.

  33. I wonder which of these anonymous comments were actually Greggo.

    1. Probably the one at 8:18 that starts "Poor Ritchie".

  34. All of you were to blame. Greggo is an incoherent addict and you were a snoozefest on the air. It's all about ratings and potential. RAGE had maxed out on its potential while Ben and Skin may someday be able to overtake Galloway for #2. Thank goodness they got y'all outta there...this is Ben and Skin's time now!

    1. ben and skin, they would be boring on NPR.

    2. Ben and Skin has been boring so far. I'm trying to give it a chance now. RAGE made me listen to 105.3 The Fan.

    3. LOL @ Ben and Skin beating anybody in the ratings. It's funny how The Fan says "not too inside" with their promos, most of the jokes Ben and Skin make are inside ones only they understand and none of any of their jokes are funny. There's a reason these guys were only weekend fodder at the Ticket. Ben and Skin will be replaced by some other crappy show down the line.

  35. I was at Papa G's that day. I don't recall anything out of the ordinary

    1. You bought me a drink that day. That was nice.

  36. Greggo was a ticking timebomb. You knew he was going to crash and burn, you just didn't know when it was going to happen. This was his last chance to grab the brass ring, but the monkey on his back got there first.

    Ignore the haters, Richie. Personally, I look forward to hearing you back on the air someday. Hopefully, without a partner walking around with a grenade in his pocket.

  37. If Greggo was all that..why just fire Greggo and leave Sybil and you intact w/Fish maybe. Doesn't make sense to fire EVERYONE.

  38. Like a few others here, I didn't think much of you as a radio guy (it seemed forced). I have always thought you were a grade-A writer though. I dug your blogs on the Observer (yes, there was a lot of nut-kicking from me and the rest of the regulars, but I still dug your stuff), ignored the blogs for CBS once they became censored (an "interactive" blog that isn't "interactive" is a waste of time), and hope to add you again to my daily read.

    For now, my friend, you get a bookmark. Welcome back.


    1. Hate the CBS web site. Horrible. Welcome "back."

  39. Very cool how Richie waited until he had advertisers lined up before he let his version of the truth come out. Oddly enough many of the advertisers are the same from RAGE, Richie AND GREGGO. People only listened because of the both of them; certainly not only because of Richie. Now he's trashing his partner. Obviously Greggo is troubled and the fact that he'll never work on radio again should be enough but Richie the classles prick just piled on.

    1. Greggo also promotes Pollo Compero on his blog as well, wow wtf!?!

    2. I'm guessing Pollo Compero is an equal opportunist.

  40. I hate to see that you guys are on bad terms. I really enjoyed the show, and was saddened when it was taken off air. No doubt Greggo has a lot of issues. It's amazing to compare your side of things to his; he puts all of the blame on Gavin Spittle.

  41. Its all a bit, Greggo blames Ben & Skin, and Richie blames Greggo...

  42. So sorry to hear that. So not fair to you or Syb. I dont like most girls on sports shows but Sybil was actually good. I wish you had taken the high road though and not said bad things about Greggo in his time of need but I would probably have done the same thing in your situation so I don't blame you lol

  43. RW:
    Greggo's "issue" was one of the worst kept secrets at 75 and Fitzhugh. Sucks that you all had to take a bullet but that's how radio works at times. You are one heck of a great writer so you'll do fine. Remember, as one door closes, it's usually just a short walk down the dark hallway until the next door opens. You both take care...

  44. Richie are you and Sybil still knockin boots

    1. I was skeptical about that romance, for the sake of the show, but am happy for you two. Congrats!


  45. Richie, you fuckin douche. Hope I don't catch u in a dark alley

  46. Damn Richie, thanls for finally breaking it down for fans. It kinda makes sense now and puts things together. I was growing tired of RAGE on the air, but when I heard you and Shan do a show together, it brought another side of you I kinda liked. I didnt agree with you a lot, but I do wish you luck, and would listen to you at your next venture. Good luck to you and Sybil.

  47. I am having a hard time having much sympathy for you. If you recall you once wrote an article throwing the Ticket personalities under the bus for their treatment of Greggo and then about 3 years ago talked about how you two were going to show the Ticket how sports radio should be done.

    Now you understand why they treated Greggo the way they did and why they will have nothing to do with him now. The irony is interesting.

    1. I too find this to be quite humorous.

    2. This is a great point. Richie, go back and read everything Mike Rhyner told you about Greggo. Seems like you agree with all he said now.

    3. Here's the huge difference. The Ticket guys that turned their back on Greggo didn't lose their jobs. I did. Totally different animal. In my opinion.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Richie, the statement about Greg lying about his girlfriend being hurt/sick is simply not true. I personally spoke to Jennifer about ten times during that 2-3 day period and I know what kind of shape she was in.


    2. Spoke to her? Did you actually see her? It's easy to lie for someone if you're hiding a secret, no? Idk, speaking to someone and seeing them, 2 different things.
      Point is, anyone that listened to Greggo over the past 4 years on different stations, there was always at least once a month it seemed that Greggo was out "sick". Even at the Ticket it was a running joke about "getting off the sick." When you cry wolf too many times, even your closest friends have a hard time believing when you're not lying.

    3. That theory cannot be proven...

    4. Elizabeth my dear I hope you tune in tomorrow when we'll examine her "injury/illness" in detail.

  50. So it has nothing to do with the fact that you have no talent, your show and station absolute suck, and your ratings were in the tank? It's all Greggo's fault? You're just like Greggo. It's always someone else's fault when you fail. Personally, I'm glad your spare show is no longer on the air. Good riddance.

    1. You forgot your salutation. If you're gonna be "sports panties", you need to go all the way!!

      This reply was brought to you by me, your mother's favorite personal lube, Sports Panties...

    2. Glad you waited after Part 1 of a 5-part series to make your mature judgments.

  51. Have you seen my baseball?

  52. RAGE sucked in the ratings but Greggo was at least responsible for the few viewers it got. Richie chooses to put a ton of the blame on Greggo for reasons they milked for entertainment on air: remember valium Greggo? I remember quite a few giggles and laughs at Greggo's incoherence on air that are apparently not so funny now that Richie's out of a gig. Bottom line: the ratings sucked and now RAGE is gone. Ben & Skin was a questionable choice to replace them and won't pull any significant ratings either.

    1. Well, you got the Ben and Skin part right.

    2. Valium Greggo? Are you serious?

    3. What was Greggo on? Ambien? Seems like the point is still valid.

  53. You were on The Fan which is crap! Your show was a grasp and a weak attempt at something worth listening too. I couldn't even watch you guys on TAX 21 and I don't have cable!

  54. Sorry for you guys Richie...greggo included. you guys had the best sports show on the air , very informative in all subjects , even when there were no sports to report. i can't stand the FAN now , and there is nothing worth listening to on the air while I drive to San Antonio and back 5 days a week...I mean the Weather Channel is better than what's out there now. Gerry Day

  55. RAGE was a GREAT show with Greggo, and absolutely awful without him. So, for better or for worse, RAGE was going to live and die with Greggo. You knew that, which is why you wanted him as your partner when you were well aware of all the "baggage" he carried around.

    Way to kick a man when he's down. Greggo hasn't said one bad thing about you, it must be great to be perfect. You're just another tool, Dick Whitt. At least Greggo has the balls to not censor his blog. Sh*t hits the fan? Really? You're not on the air anymore dude, this is the internet, where shit is uncensored.

    1. So value a guy who cusses, which allows you to overlook his habitual lying and drug abuse? I totally get it.

  56. Maybe you should pick up the phone and apologize to the men of The Ticket. You dogged them out for speaking the truth and supposedly turning their back on him. Sometimes you have to cut people out of your life who cause nothing but chaos and damage... those who jeopardize your family, your livelihood, your reputation.

    1. Again, none of those guys lost their jobs. I did. Totally different scenario. Had Greggo been fired April 15 but I still had a job I'd totally talk to him.

  57. Ha ha. I bet Little Ritchie didn't expect zero support.
    Maybe he should go to another market that doesn't know good radio. A town without The Ticket.
    P1's rise up! This guy is Chris Chris. Douche

    1. Zero support? lol. You have no idea how this game is played do you?

  58. @12:38

    Fear of a lawsuit. If you fire one guy, he sues. If you fire them all, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

  59. I could definitely tell the Hammer had checked out the past few months because you always had to say his name to prompt him to talk. I believe Greggo was the main reason people listened to your show, but he was never there. If your star player is always out, of course you'll lose the game.

  60. I'm amazed Greggo still has apologists. He's a drug user! Holy fuck! He's a user and a liar! And my god, the flamboyant dress, too?
    Dude needs psychological help, but there ain't nothin' gonna break thru that malevolent narcissism.

  61. and btw, my last Ticket memory of Greggo was him interrupting Rhynes , as they were talking about baseball or somesuch, asking him if he liked his orange socks.
    What in the fuck?

    1. By far the best comment on here.

  62. Looks like what Whitt's written, and it's only part one of five, has spooked Williams so much that he's shut the whole operation down. Twitter: silent. Podcast: cut off after 12 minutes with the mumbled "get me outta here." Comments from today regarding Whitt's piece and today's abrupt podcast ending (with no video by they way): wiped clean. Looks like somebody might be getting outta Dodge before EVERYTHING is brought to the light of day. Whew! Things seem to be coming home to roost.

  63. I wouldn't want to be Richie when Greggo's money runs out. Yikes!

  64. Yes, The Fan sucks now! Ben & Skin suck, really boring like The Ticket. ESPN has always sucked. I liked all four peeps on RAGE. I guess I will go back to listening to The Eagle 97.1. Shit happens, I guess. Richie, do this for a good reason, not for attention.

  65. Greggo may not have been a good teammate but he is more talented and easier to listen to than you are in my opinion. Though you may be right, and I believe you are, in what you said about Greggo, the fact of the matter is if you were a good radio host Richie, the FAIL would have kept you.

    Best wishes,


  66. The whole ting was awkward from the first Richie sounded like the puppy in warner brothers talking to Spike the dog....He stroked Greggo like crazy, sounding just thrilled to be there. It was more like a reporter interviewing a star...Then Greggo became Greggo, becoming absent over and over and over again. Hell Greggo even missed 2 days and had a fill in, in his first week of his blog. Richie, the only thing I want answered is, what was the deal with the lost voice for weeks and the Greggo computer? That was absurd.

    1. Greggo says it was due to his botched lap-band weight loss surgery where stomach acid was going back up his throat and affecting his voice. I could be wrong, but it seems like a reasonable excuse and I doubt he was lying about that at least.

      I'm more interested in the week and a half of work Greggo missed in February due to his mysterious ailment that he wouldn't reveal. The time he missed where nobody on RAGE would even mention Greggo's name or his whereabouts. I remember Richie made some cryptic reference around this time on Whitt's End about, to fuzzily paraphrase, not being able to trust people who continuously let you down. I wasn't sure what he was referring to at that time, but in retrospect, seems like he was clearly talking about Greggo.

    2. All will be addressed. Thanks for coming. Sit a spell.

  67. RAGE was a great show that made my day. Richie drove the bus well, no doubt. too bad the wheels shot off! i wish all of you the best.

  68. I don't have the facts to back this up but...

    Richie and Newey were pretty mediocre radio.

    Richie probably put a lot on the line to get Greggo that gig.

    Richie was well aware of Greggo's internal struggles when he took that risk.

    More than likely it wasn't a favor for Greggo but for Richie to save his own job.

    Greggo thanked Richie for taking that risk on-air many times.

    Greggo's content was more fan friendly and entertaining that anything else on 105.3 the Fan.

    Richie may have got Greggo the job but Greggo saved Richie's job. No way Richie/Newey lasts 3 years!

    Since the end of RAGE, Greggo has only had praise for Richie and the rest of the on-air talent.

    Instead of blaming Greggo for his firing (which would have come much earlier), Richie should be thankful for the 3 years.

    This first segment was shameful and classless.

    We all have our crutches and weaknesses, even on-air. "WHAT'S UP FAN-FANS???"

    I'm thinking down the hall and to the unemployment line... someone has joined the 1% club.

    Hope your house isn't made of glass....

    1. Greggo saved my job is the funniest take I've heard all day.

    2. Why are you not still working at the Fan Whitt if you are so talented? Answer that question you piece of shit.

  69. It's radio, I enjoyed greggos craziness. You and sybils love affairs ruined it for me.

    And im sure cbs didnt like co-workers dating.

    Come on duude.

    1. You really think CBS didn't sign off on our relationship? Clueless.

    2. Face the facts Whitt. The only reason Sybil lowered herself to be with a 50 year old ugly dude like you is you both like to party and drink. She will wake up one of these days. After all, you will never see any kids you might have even drive a car. What are they going to call you, grandpa? All that did was to drive up that blown up ego of yours and made you even worse on the radio. Dude, do you ever look in the mirror. One ugly ass face.

    3. RAGE drama aside, the jealousy is strong in this ^ one. Probably crying in a corner jerkin' it to pictures on facebook of all his ex-gf's who moved on to older, mature, successful men who actually have a pot to piss in.

  70. Really, all Richie needed to do was post a picture of Sybil from her glory years (the purple sheets, the ass shot, etc), and just wrote scoreboard. Heck, he should have just called this blog, "Scoreboard," and we all would have understood.

    I disagree vehemently, however, with discussing someone's health issues so openly like this. There are regulations,such as HIPAA, that medical providers must abide by in these cases. While you are certainly not a medical provider, a person who needs help should be treated as such. Yes, it's not fair that his health issues probably impacted the show, but there has to be a better way to reference him being unreliable, without getting into the details too much.

    I understand the need to generate traffic and buzz, and this certainly will do the trick, but why bother? Who wins in this game of mud-slinging? Do we, the Fan-Fans, really need to know he was high on air? I think we all must have guessed something was up, including his week-long absence shortly after Valentine's Day.

    I'm sure Greggo must have known this was coming, hence his effusive praise of you on his blog and twitter accounts in the weeks preceeding this. I just think you're better than this, as evidenced by your derision of the 1% club and white truck drivers.

    I will note I am interested to hear the rest of Richie's views as far as contributing to RAGE's demise, but not at the expense of exposing someone's health problems. Wish the best of luck to you on your blog.

    1. "Health problems." Yeah, right.

    2. What's your excuse for your alcoholism?

  71. so, wait... No matter what you think of Whitt as a person, he's not the one doing drugs and continually screwing people over.
    And yet, because people are fans, they'll overlook Greggo's abominable behavior and jump Whitt's ass for posting this.
    Have any of you dealt with addicts? Sometimes there isn't a happy ending. Sometimes they are just stuck in their self created problems, and they don't deserve the sympathy.
    Greggo did this shit to himself!
    Richie may be a douche or whatever, but holy crap, y'all will forgive Greggo's sins and jump Richie's ass for calling him out on it?
    And shit, I'm not even a Whitt fan, either. I just think Greggo's a complete turd who has yet to *truly* confront the shit he created.
    And probably won't.

    1. Messengers usually get killed.

    2. A messenger who knew of Greggo's drug problems but got him hired at the Fan to further his own sinking career. Whitt, you are the lowest of scum.

  72. Someone mentioned earlier about RW calling up some of the Ticket guys and apologizing, or somesuch. That would be what RW would love to do...get on Ticket airwaves (at least he'd be on a station where people would hear him) and he might get something out of it. That would make he somewhat relevant again and possibly recreate himself once again?!?

  73. What percentage of the Anonymous posts that hate on Richie are from Jennifer? She must keep a computer at her trough.

  74. Gregory, the Spice, we need more Spice.

  75. Evidence of drug usage on the show? I'm just reading claims and sour grapes.

    1. I heard more evidence off Whitt using alcohol on the air then Greggo ever using drugs.

  76. You are a genuinely bad ass writer, Whitt, with one of the rarest of traits among current/former newspaper folks: a recognizable writing style.

    The foregoing said, I'll be reading the balance of the series with one hand covering my face and peeking out between the fingers. It's THAT painful of a story, but I gotta read it all. Man, what a waste. This is not gonna end well for your former partner. Not well at all.

  77. I see two problems reading Richie's Whitt's blog.

    One is a lack of evidence that Greggo was really on drugs. I've been watching Greggo on USTREAM and I don't see it. The show has technical glitches but he's trying to do all by himself and that's very hard.

    So flaw #1 in Richie Whitt's blog is a lack of "hard" evidence. You may think a person is high but then again they may not be.

    #2. The Ticket created a loyal fan base early on and has dominated the Dallas sports radio market. Newer radio formats trying the same formula have failed. Is it Greggo's fault that another sports talk station wasn't achieving the same success? I don't think it is. The listener loyalty and talent just isn't there to be competitive. We can point finger's at Greggo but the other stations are not as good. There may be talent that comes along on another sports talk station and achieves high ratings but it shouldn't be surprising that newer sports talk stations in Dallas have short lived shows.

  78. Well, I can bookmark the Sportatorium again. I have to admit RW I stopped going around the CBS version of it after they became overly protective and were deleting posts left and right. There is something to be said for a full on cage match in the comments. I am not beholden to camp Greggo, CBS or to you; just another set of ears and eyes listening and reading along.

    There are some that would like to see all the drama go away, but I say you deserve your opportunity to tell your side of it. Awaiting the next installment of the serial.

  79. All this time I kinda thought Mike & Corby were just being pricks. It seems I was the prick for thinking so. They were in self preservation mode it seems! I am glad that someone has let us know WTF happened. No we have no right to know "personal" details but when he spews them, that gives us the right to the truth. RW, I think you are a liberal idiot but I have always enjoyed you on air and in print. Your views are always different than mine and that is what make you fun to read and listen to. Greg needs to just go away and your ass needs to be on the Ticket somehow! Please find a way to get back on air at either the fan or Ticket. Thanks for the storys

  80. You are crying like a freaking school girl, I hope this ends Cobain style. You sucked on the radio and now you are slinging shit and throwing yourself a pathetic pity party. Act like a man and go on with your life.

  81. Very interesting Richie. I really enjoyed RAGE but also enjoyed the show when it was you and Newy. I hate that people feel the need to write hateful things just because they can hide behind their computer. I wish the best for you and Sybil and hope if it's true Greggo gets help. Hope to hear you on-air again soon!

  82. Richie, you gave the guy a chance when everyone else turned their back on him. That says something good about you - not sure why the hate from some of the respondents.

    1. not sure why the hate? he is airing his dirty laundry for no good reason. He knew Greggo was a junkie, but he also knew that was his only chance to make it in radio... Didn't work out, suck it up and move on, no need to continue to kick a man when he is down.

    2. Let's get real. Whitt got Greggo a job at Fan to further his own career and not to do Greggo any favors. Whitt was on his way out at the Fan and bringing Greggo on board saved his career for three years by riding Greggo's name and fame in this area.

  83. Hey Whitt. Is this the only way you can make money these days by writing lies? Maybe Sybil can get a job at Baby Dolls and do a few lap dances. You have resorted to what most of us thought you were anyway, a gutless, little, backstabbing piece of shit.

  84. All these comments on here are ridicoulous. Let's not all forget that Greggo has been fired from EVERY SPORTS STATION IN THIS TOWN!!!!!! I was never a big fan of RAGE listened from Time to Time but not an avid listener by any means. Yes Greggo is a very troubled guy with a very loose grip on reality and that is incredibly sad but Richie has every freaking right to be angry because he was his partner and relied on him to make a living!! and let's not all forget RICHIE GOT GREGGO HIS DAMN JOB!!

    Richie obviously believes in giving people another chance and this didnt work out. Read Greggo's blog , he might tell ya it's the truth but it's his own incredibly slanted delusional view. I'm glad Richie is telling the truth and letting this story be heard.

    Richie hope you get another shot on the radio. Love your writing and can't wait to keep reading this story and everything else you write on here.

    1. Blake, are you really that fucking stupid? Whitt got Greggo a job at the Fan to save his own career. Most people did not listen to Rage because of Whitt or Sybil. It was Greggo.

    2. yes, yes he is.

    3. I recognize that but anyone with a brain can see that Greggo is not well and completely off his rocker. Greggo was the problem not Richie not Sybil... Greggo was a loose cannon that's why he got canned at The Ticket and at ESPN before he came to the Fan. You guys are all just as delusional as Greggo is. I know people that have worked at the ticket and the other sports radio stations in town and they all have stories about how jacked up and how out of it Greggo is. Greggo has screwed up his radio career. I just hope he finally gets the help he needs before he winds up killing himself. Richie is simply telling the truth and it's not right he gets hated on it for it by JACKASSES like you guys

    4. I sensed it last year that something wasn't right with Greggo but kept thinking and hoping he'd pull out of it. It only worsened over the months. I always told myself that Greggo was bored with radio and that he was just counting down his days til retirement. Turns out it was his firing.

      Remember when Shan from New School called him out on-air during the Super Bowl trip? I respect Shan for that and hoped it was going to light a fire under Greggo's ass but it never did. That's when I knew it was over.


  85. I see Whitt has deleted many of comments that are negative of him and tell it like it is. Typical of gutless punk. If you were all that and had any talent, you would still be on the Fan. Now go ahead and delete this message to you ugly fuck.

    1. No, come on, he's only taking a few days off to work out technical difficulties in his broadcast. He said it, so it must be true. Hey Hammer, let us know if you need a flashlight or screwdriver dude; K?

  86. Whitt says he likes Newy. Ask Newy what he thinks of Whitt.

  87. How did you get those twitter DM screen shots between Greggo and Jenn?

  88. This just proves, "We can do what they can do, but they can't do what we can do"

    Stay hard boys

  89. Interesting read. Not a Richie Witt fan (sorry Richie) but Greggo is such a never ending train wreck I just can't wait for tomorrow's update. It's also funny that Greggo happens to be taking a few days off, right this very minute, from his interweb-radio-blog-rant deal, because he needs to work out some sound issues. Sure. Why do sycophants still worship that dude? He was right about one thing, he is a total LOSER...

  90. I've commented before Richie, great write up. This is my first time reading anything, besides tweets, of yours. You have an awesome talent! Again thanks for putting it out there for us. You've earned a new fan!

  91. Great read Richie. Gotta say Greggo's sudden "absence" from his trainwreck blogcast makes for verty suspect timing.

  92. Greggo had drug problems. His history was well known before, during and after Rage. It was only time before he reverted back. Richie Whitt knew this when he got Greggo the job at the Fan but was willing to ride that publicity horse as long as it would run and benefit him.

    If the purpose of this blog is to blame totally Greggo for the failure of Rage, only the most naïve and stupid person would believe that crap. The bottom line is, if Richie Whitt or Sybil Summers had any talent, they would still be on the Fan. They both contributed to the low ratings and the demise of Rage.

  93. Dang Richie. It was really going on that long? Thats crazy sir, hope you wind up back on the air waves sometime, always enjoyed your no-nonsense attitude.

  94. I'm more interested in reading about the Cowboys-Fan relationship (knowing this is just part 2 of 5). I read Greggo's diatribe about how Fan hosts were told to keep Cowboys talk frequent and positive. I remember Dale Hanson quitting The Ticket when they got the Cowboys deal, saying they would have to kiss ass. I don't recall them acting any differently over those years (1 or 2, I think). I think being told to talk positive about the Cowboys, i.e., lying, is more horrific than a known batshit-crazy radio host going batshit crazy again.

  95. Richie, Thanks for exposing the truth. I have been a FAN listener since the show began and sensed that something was up with Greggo. I'm saddened to hear that he is such a con artist. He could have been huge in the DFW market if he had just kept his nose clean. Sad indeed.... I hope you lane on your feet again soon and land another radio gig. Always enjoy listening to you.
