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Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Sequel to 2008's award-winning "The Hard Lie"

By Richie Whitt


   Where's Greggo?
   Regardless of where or when he's doing it, rest assured of what he's doing - lying. Yes, to truly embrace my RAGE, you must first try grasping some of Williams' twisted truth.
   His dogs didn't get loose. He doesn't have the private cell-phone numbers of the stars from Boogie Nights or The Hangover. He exploited and exaggerated his relationship with Kyle to make himself appear what he no longer is - fascinating and relevant. And, indeed, he lied multiple times  to the collective faces of RAGE and CBS management about everything from missing work to abusing drugs.
   He tells enough little white lies to fill all the confetti bags of a championship parade, and enough giant, bold-face untruths to make the IRS blush. When a handcuffed Pacman Jones screams "My dog ate my homework!" he's more believable than my ex-radio partner.
   Williams will fib you full, all the while boasting about his carefully crafted persona he often describes as "the unvarnished truth." But the hint of pungent varnish certainly wafts through his absences caused by him mistakenly taking his P.M. meds in the A.M., mysteriously and repeatedly losing his voice, and once wrecking his bicycle en route to work (because, of course, he doesn't drive).
   He's also the type of teammate that will, as he did last Oct. 17, brazenly and repeatedly berate Dallas Cowboys' head coach Jason Garrett during his weekly show with RAGE, then shrivel the next day when we were summoned to Valley Ranch to calm the storm. Williams not only refused to accompany his partner to the principal's office, he criticized and belittled me for not taking a "show of force" stance against the Cowboys and CBS. While I was applauded by then-program director Bruce Gilbert and CBS Radio Dallas/Fort Worth market manager Brian Purdy for my face-to-face cooling of the hot water of our station's most important partner, to this day Williams hasn't asked any detail from the meeting with Garrett and Cowboys' front-office officials.
   Angelic? Me? Hardly.


  1. I didn't like your show, or your radio personality, but fuck me Richie, you can can write. Excellent stuff, thusfar.

    1. I agree a 1000%

    2. I find it funny that a lot of the fans, not necessarily you Chris, issue with Richie seemed to stem from his honesty and calling an ace an ace....but the same fans are crucifying Greggo for NOT being honest....I liked Richie on-air and found him refreshing from the usual hash dished out on the other stations and he's pretty funny daughter still uses his "What the what?"

  2. Blake (Twitter @Beast_Tista)June 18, 2013 at 6:35 AM

    Wow..ive listend to you guys every day since day one just about as I used to drive for a living! And man after at first hearing what Greg had to say from the weeks after following all this hes seems to still be pointing fingers at everyone else but himself. But in all honesty I don't see why anyone wouldn't believe what you are saying, ive been around people who are on pills they are "not all there". Not that my opinion is that of everyones but you were great on the radio...Grego was great to of course so no hatred there, me and my dad even got to hang out with yall at the dragstrip! Good times! Seems like you get a lot of hate for being older, but you still have fun and live like your in your 20s! I hope I still have that energy down the road! Let them hate it was a good run, and im hoping you get back on there air! Cheers!

    1. Whitt shows his true gutless colors by trying to throw Greggo under the bus but it will never work. Rage failed because Whitt was terrible and had an ego bigger than Jerry Jones. Sybil brought zero to the table. At least Jasmine in the morning had some sports knowledge.

    2. Drugs or not, richie was full of himself when he nabbed up sybil. Never let greggo really say anything. And maybe that was the reason for greggos drug addiction. Whitts got the ego of a superhuman crackhead

    3. ^^^^^^^^^
      Well Richie at least we know Greggo is reading your blog. Awesome stuff. I love a good train wreck. This is the beat reading I have had in years. Thanks.

      Hope all is well with you and The Sexy Side Kick.

  3. daaaaaaaaamn Richie, this is some good shit! You've got the metroplex hanging on every word!

    1. Thanks. It's a sad tale I obviously wish I wasn't having to tell.

    2. Yes, a great "tale" told by no talent loser. If you had any talent, you would still be on the air at the Fan.

    3. It's a tale that does not have to be told, but you're going to tell it anyway, right? No one's going to benefit except (because we're reading this from your perspective) you. Like a lot of others who are saying the same thing, you're kicking Greggo while he's down. It's one thing to try and explain what happened to the show and relationship with it, but ultimately it was because of ratings. Not sure how this will help anyone but you.

  4. Richie, you are a pathetic piece of shit. Get a fucking life.

    1. Maybe you're confused about the characters in the story?

    2. Wow. Is Greggo up at this hour?

    3. Whitt, if you took a poll of listeners of Rage when the show was on the air and ask who was the most popular person, Greggo would of won hands down while you and Sybil battled for last place. Contrary to your delusional thinking, most listeners thought you were an egotistical piece of shit who was so full of himself it was amusing. Rage failed because the show was getting stale as the ratings reflected. And yes Whitt, you were a BIG part of the failure.

    4. You have far too much spare time.

    5. If you polled this listener, Williams wouldn't have won any popularity contests. Only because I don't have much appreciation for (supposedly) right-wing, drug-addicted liars with an arsenal at his disposal. Greg brought little to the show and his lists were terrible. I don't bother listening to sports talk anymore, but, i'll come back when Richie and Sybil do.

  5. Richie, glad to be reading your stuff again. Couldn't get on board with RAGE, but writing is your bread and butter. You can still care about an addict, but at the same time be done with them. It's a sad place he's been in for such a long time and unfortunately, I see nothing good coming out of it. I would like to know your relationship with The Ticket guys, now that you've found yourself in the same place they were years ago. You weren't too kind to them along the way, and looking back, they handled the situation appropriately, if not mercifully. Thoughts?

    1. Difference is The Ticket guys didn't lose their jobs over Greggo. I did. But thanks

    2. You lost your job at the fan because people just didn't listen to it. You can blame greggo all you want, but let's be honest here Richie, radio is not your forte. Stick to writing, it's your gift.

    3. Whitt was the main reason Rage failed. Sybil brought nothing to the table except her so called sex appeal. And when the odd couple got engaged, Rage was doomed. Listeners were tired of hearing about them when they could stop laughing about the pair together. Whitt has this huge ego (laughable at best) and that contributed heavily to the failure of Rage. If it wasn't for Greggo, Rage would of only lasted six months or so.

    4. The guys at the Ticket on the Hardline kept their jobs because they had talent. Whitt and Sybil had no talent. If they did, they would still be on the Fan. The two rode Greggo's coattails as long as they could.

    5. You keep saying the difference between when greggo got fired by the ticket and now is that you lost your job and they didn't lose theirs?

      Doesn't make a lick of sense in the context of your answer. Greggo getting fired from the Ticket had no impact on your job at that time, but it didn't keep you from ripping the Hardline over and over, basically calling them snakes for their treatment of Greggo.

      So by your logic now if you had kept your job when Greggo was fired then you wouldn't have a problem with the Ticket guys attitude towards Greggo all those years ago?

  6. Now I have something to look forward to at 0600.
    I feel so duped. The voice. The weight loss. The continued 'I'll take a drug test ANY TIME' bullshit. His girlfriend left when?

  7. Richy i really liked listening to you on the radio,Dont let these other fools dog on you!!I liked you with newy better...

  8. Wow Richie,I listened to the fan when you and newie were together in fact you took my first call to a radio station about t.o being a posion in Dallas! Then Greggo came along and I didnt always agree with your views so i always favored him I was addicted to pain pills hydrocodone for 5 years Ive been clean 4 months and have a long road ahead of me but after reading this its very clear you are stating the truth its sad but a addict will lie and do anything they have to with no care in the world of who it affects and who it destroys! At first i read and was thinking ok maybe Richie is going a little over the top but sometimes people need to see the cold truth noone who has those problems with drugs will stop till they figure its time to stop! I know i didnt! Im sorry for ever thinking you were just a cocky a hole you tried helping a man who is hell bent on self distruction sadly! I hope nothing but the best for you and Sybil in all your journeys in life!

  9. You drove me to drinking with some of the stuff you said on RAGE, but damn you can write brother!

    1. Whitt blasts Greggo for his so called drug use but we all know Whitt has a drinking problem. Whitt was almost fired from Rage by Dan Bennett for his drunken spree at a road show when he went on the air drunk.

    2. Uh... Bennett doesn't work at CBS. He couldn't fire Richie any more than I could.

  10. Airing the dirty laundry of an addict should make you feel just about as good as kicking a guy in a wheel chair. The vindication you feel is so worthless

    1. Consider the source who is airing dirty laundry. That is all he has. If he truly had any talent, Whitt would still be on the air but three strikes you are out and out of partners too. Whitt will get his and it is coming very soon.

  11. Great stuff, Richie. The only part of today's article I can't side with you is about Greggo not wanting to tow the Cowboy's line by attending that meeting. I doubt media greats like Hansen, Galloway, and Rhyner would have attended any such absurd finger wag session for simply saying what the local fans are already thinking. It's sickening enough to hear the Fan repeatedly spoon feed Cowboys apologia ad nauseum.

    Otherwise, Greggo seems to be in a bad place and it doesn't sound like he's too interested in getting better. I hope he can finally get the help that he needs. I look forward to reading the rest of the week and hearing your take on Spittle and hopefully Ben & Skin as well.

    1. The true media legends in this area do not kiss Jerry's or the Cowboy's ass.

    2. I believe the Fan is the flagship radio station for the cowboys. Hansen, Galloway and Rhyner can say what they want because there are no financial penalties for what they say about the cowboys.

    3. So the answer is to censor yourself for the sake of the Cowboys? Hansen used to do radio for Cowboy games and was fired because he wouldn't kiss their asses like Jerry wanted. Rhyner never kissed the Cowboys ass when the Ticket was the flagship station either. Greggo may be wrong about a lot of things, but his stance against being a Cowboys puppet isn't one of them.

    4. Hansen was fired for calling Jerry a liar on the air. Get it straight. Dale kissed plenty of Cowboy ass over the years.

    5. like Barry Switzer? Dale kissed nobodys ass and Jerrah's ego couldn't handle it.

  12. The truth is Richie, you and Sybil were horrible on the radio. You tripped over your ego daily, were drunk on many Rage shows and brought very little to the table. Now you are trying to put all of the blame on Greggo for the demise of Rage which is ridiculous. You recruited Greggo because your career was going down the toilet and his name alone revived your radio career for three years. Yes, Greggo has problems but so do you but your ego will never let you admit your shortcomings and what you contributed to the failure of Rage.

  13. True professional. I enjoyed RAGE (much more when it was you and Fisher), you had me fooled into believing you had a good relationship on air. Great writing so far! You, Fisher and Sybil need to get a show. Also when can we get some Buzz Pizza?

    1. They would not have a room big enough to hold the egos of Fisher and Whitt. Sybil is non-factor. The show would fail in a matter of months.

    2. Why doesnt this "anonymous" guy put his name and info out there? What are you afraid of?

    3. Anonymous is Jenno. You can tell by the similar writing styles and themes here and on her Twitter account.

  14. Richie you are a great writer, I have enjoyed your take on things since you started with the Startlegram years ago. Too bad the characters in this saga are real folks from where we live, its probably a good thing you waited a couple of months to tell this tale. Looking forward to the rest of the story

  15. Richie is just a big cry baby. He never has done anything wrong. Myabe Richie should look in the mirror. People don't like arrogant ass holes. That's why your ratings sucked and you lost your job. You are one pathetic dude. Greggo might be an addict but you will always be a rick with a P.

    1. Richie is an arrogant, egotistical short piece of shit who blames everybody else for his failures. Rage failed cause he sucked. But at least he hooked up with a drunk Mexican half his age.

  16. Hair plugs boy. I talked to jenno yesterday she said you were belittle others to make yourself look good. Any how, i love you sybil!

    1. How does Jenno know that whitt belittled others. Greggo and Jenno never went any where outside the show. U must be a drug head too.

  17. Reading these two entries, I have come up with an observation...

    While Greggo may have his own demons, it is Mr. Whitt's self denial of his own failures which fuels this blog "series". No one here reading/commenting really cares why RAGE is off the air or why The Fan even exists today, right? We are all now tuning in to learn really what kind of friend/man/whatever you are

    Maybe you should feel lucky you don't live with his battle. That should be enough.

  18. Well Well Whitt, good to see you writing again, sucks its about Greggo...again...but that dude is a wreck. These idiots saying you shouldnt be airing an addicts demons is bullshit. He has pulled the wool over all of DFW's eyes more than once, and anyone that defends him at this point are just addicted to Greggo. I know you are not supposed to leave an addict when they are at the deepest depths of their addiction but when that addiction costs you your job and hurts you personally time after time there is no choice but to separate from that person and have a new beginning. Keep writing too, we miss nut kicking you over at the Observer

  19. Wow! Very intriguing, I'm literally hanging on every word! Sorry this happened though

  20. I always respected what you did fro Greggo, but I had no idea that it was this bad. Does any of this change your mind about what went down at the Ticket? How do you feel about Rhyner now after you got a taste of what he went through?

    1. Whitt recruited Greggo, Greggo did not recruit Whitt. Whitt recruited Greggo because of his name and the number of listeners that name would bring to the Fan. Whitt used Greggo and knew of his past. Whitt and Sybil were constantly drinking in front of Greggo. I saw Whitt so hammered at a Fan roadshow at a local lake he could not stand up and still went on the air and made a complete ass out of himself. How did that help Rage? I have heard Whitt and Sybil so hung over on Rage that they sounded like they were going to puke. How did that help Rage? Putting all of the blame on Greggo for Rage's failure is ridiculous and typical of a gutless little punk. Whitt's days in radio are done.

    2. Whitt is the only reason Greggo got a third chance. Whitt had a show before Greggo got on board. Dude I followed Greggo from the Ticket, but the last thing that he needs is people making excuses for him. "The Hammer" is gone all that is left now is a broken addict.

    3. its funny all the anonymous post trashing whitt bunch of keyboard tough guys. theres 3 sides to every story yours, mine, and the truth. talk about gutless, gutless is hiding behind a computer screen with your anonymous sn here ans fake twitter....smh....grow up. braden galvan

  21. I think it's funny all Richie's haters post anonymous. Big tough internet bullies. I was a fan of Greggo and the Hardline back in the day which is what first drew me to RAGE when I worked in an area where I couldn't get the Ticket. Greggo has a great radio voice. The more I read, the more I feel conned for even liking the guy. Betrayed for believing in a guy, in his story of redemption. What right does Greggo have to mock Josh Hamilton, say HE hasn't hit rock bottom, when it's obvious Greggo hasn't overcome his own demons. I guess it's not my place to judge. Love the story so far. I think it was a great move to grab Greggo off the couch for RAGE, city ego vs country bumpkin... It worked. I liked the show, I miss it. You were an arrogant prick sometimes, but the kind of arrogant prick I would enjoy arguing with, rather than hating. And as others have stated, your true passion of writing is obvious, keep it up.

    @WakkoSorensen -Twitter

    1. Before you criticize anyone, you should get an education of the local radio. Greggo was the most popular radio personality in the DFW area for years but was fired because of drug use. Whitt knew of Greggo's past but still got Greggo hired at the Fan because of his fame in an attempt to revive Whitt's radio career which was going down the toilet fast. Whitt had just come off a show where another one of his partners was fired because of low ratings but in reality Whitt's partner was good, Whitt was horrible and should of been fired. Greggo made Rage and it lasted three years. If Whitt had any talent he would still be on the air at the Fan. The truth is Whitt should of been gone from the Fan years ago but Greggo and his name extended Whitt's radio career.

    2. Really? Most popular in DFW FOR YEARS? I think Kidd Kraddick may have something to say about that. Greggo wasn't even the most popular at the station. Greggo was part of something amazing but he was far from the most popular. I think Gordo has held that title for nearly 15 years.

    3. Yeah. I would say Greggo was most popular. Come on bro! You need to pay attention. May I ask you where Richie ranks in most popular????? Enough said dumbass!!

    4. Idiots like anonymous no. 1 here are why I find it so hard to even bother with the comment section...

      I'm no expert, but I'm pretty familiar with the story of Greggo, the little Ticket, and the Fan. I don't see how I misrepresented that, you may want to re-read.


    5. The guy who posts anonymous talks crap on me. My name is Scot House. I can't stand arrogant pricks like Richie Whitt. So Mr Wakko Sorrenson. What now??

  22. A Richie and Fish show would last 3 months, much less 3 years. Richie jumped from Newy to Greggo because he knew the potential of having 1/2 of the Hardline dynasty on a show that let him be goofy and not just focus on the sports page (unlike ESPN did). Richie makes big radio money for 3 years and now craps all over Greggo. Greggo has plenty of flaws and no doubt sounds like a bad radio partner, but to say Greggo was a significant reason you got canned and ignore the low ratings seems sour grapes.

    1. Well said. Instead of dumping on Greggo, Whitt should thank Greggo for three good years. But being the classless, egotistical jerk Whitt is, he is trying to put the blame on Greggo. Newy could of dumped on Richie if he wanted to but Newy has class, something Whitt can barely spell. Bottom line, if Whitt had any talent he would still be on the Fan just like members of the Hardline are still on the Ticket.

  23. I'm a Greggo fan. I also dig Richie's work, so I'm doing my best to keep an open mind when reading all this, and see it from all sides.

    At the same time, I was married to an addict for 7 years, and all of this sounds way, way too familiar....

  24. Check out Greggo's podcast from yesterday. He made it 12:58 into his normal one our podcast before he flipped out and walked off.

    Perhaps there's a very distinct possibility, that's his normalcy whenever he doesn't have partners to cover for him?

  25. Richie--

    How did you get access to the private DMs between Greggo/Jenn and Greggo/Corby? Did you get permission to post the private conversations?

    1. He absolutely did not get permission to access Jennifer's twitter account or to post any personal messages from that account. I'd like to know the ethical justification for this.

    2. Whitt is apparently to fucking stupid that he is opening himself up to a lawsuit.

    3. Greggo's Coke-Scarred SeptumJune 18, 2013 at 10:21 AM

      Twitter, and Facebook for that matter, is a public forum. It has privacy settings, but is by no means private. What Richie did might be sorry, but not illegal.

    4. Who cares how he got the messages? It doesn't change the fact the Greggo and Jennifer lied to get him out of work. I'm glad we got to see the curtain pulled back on their deceitful ways.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. People are sooooo stupid. Its like the thief saying the store violated his privacy by using that surveillance tape to bust him.

  26. This is good stuff. How did you get the screen shots of the DM's btwn Greggo and Jenn? Corby and Greggo?

  27. Is there not some kind of ethical issue with posting someone's DM from twitter without their consent?

    1. Its only unethical if he stole them without permission, how do you know they were given to him?

    2. Because I just got off the phone with Jennifer and she absolutely did not give him access to her account or permission to post/print anything from her personal messages. I have no idea how he gained access to them but it certainly was not through Greg or Jenn.

    3. It came from one of their accounts, maybe greggo left his twitter account logged on a work computer, or was using work computers and phones to communicate, in which case CBS has a right to read any and all transmissions from company equipment, and if they needed that to prove his lies, they have every right to do that. They own the equipment, they have a right to see everything you do on it

    4. ^^^^You might be the only one here with functioning brain cells.

    5. Elizabeth, you are being duped by Greg and his girlfriend. Only good thing about it is that there are only about 10 people left in DFW who are still falling for their schemes.

  28. Face it...your demise started when you pulled the Dez is out for the year and "you were the first one to break it". Plus dating Sybil probably wasn't the best professional decision. But in the guys have each other and the Ticket is still on top. This isn't a sequel of the Hard Line because the Hard Line handled it professionally and continue to still be on top because their show is actually good. We know that you're an attention grabber and need the hits on here for advertisement purposes. O worked! Good job!

    1. The Rage shows from New Orleans Super Bowl was a good example of why the show was bad. The SB shows were all about Whitt's and Sybil's drinking and partying which is what there life is all about and the only reason they are together.

    2. Dude. The Hardline did NOT handle it professionally. They've been bashing the dude on the air since the day he left.

      Just stop.

    3. Hey...can't blame them for finding true love. Just hate the fact that he blames Greggo for the outcome. This market belongs to the Ticket and that seems to be hard for others to comprehend. In the end...Richie benefits because people like stories and will come here to read his blog. Getting clicks and making money by any means.

    4. It's funny that Greggo calls Corby a buddy when Corby will be the first one to hit a Greggo drop on air and laugh about it.

    5. ummm, you do realize that on air personality can be totally different than off air. Just Saying

    6. It seems to be a constant thread through these comments about The Hardline being a "great show"... Seriously? Those guys are unlistenable.... They rarely even mention sports anymore. and you talk about ego's... Rhyners is the biggest in Texas. If you like racist, sexist, potty humor to go with your e news, community quick hits and concert line-ups thats the show for you.

  29. If you guys haven't noticed. Whitt only needs you guys here for clicks to get paid by his advertisers.

  30. I hate Corby a little less after reading today's installment. Go figure.

    -Tex from Fort Worth

  31. So every anonymous poster that hates richie the prick is not real? My name is Scot. Most people do hate Richie. He is a d-bag. At least Greggo is a fuckup and admits it.

    1. Hi, My name is Michael, and yes Richie is a douchebag.

    2. My name is Jay and yes Richie is a douchebag.

    3. Hi, my name is Roy...but I'm a compulsive liar. I'm actually Greggo.

    4. 6:36---Now THAT was funny!

  32. For all the Anons out there ripping on Whitt and calling him a liar, all you have to do is cruise over to Greggo's podcasts and watch them. It's a train wreck, he's obviously on something.
    I'll admit as some others have on here, I don't and haven't agreed with all of Richie's views and takes on things, who has? He's been consistent though, whether right or wrong. Before radio he was a reporter and I'm hoping to see more of his writing because that's what got me following him.
    Ask yourself this: If Greggo was so successful, why did the Ticket drop him? Why did ESPN drop him? But now the Fan and RW are liars? When Greggo said after the Fan fired him that he'd never work in radio again, it wasn't because he doesn't or didn't have the talent, he's burned everyone that believed in him, including the listeners.
    It was weak of Greggo to act like his firing was unjustified when there is probably even more to the story than RW is telling. CBS can't tell us if it was something health related or drug related, because of Greggo's privacy rights.
    In any case, thanks for pulling the curtain back. I feel like a fool for believing anything Greggo wrote post-firing.

    To Greggo's minions that keep on posting here: Posting a reply to every response trying to belittle Richie won't suppress the truth. It's easy for you to study Greggo from afar and be a fanboy/fangirl, but unless you're around him it's not really your place to judge. I would suggest maybe commenting on Greggo's site? The comments per article are getting about 1-4 replies. Greggo might have been, at one time, better at radio than Greggo, but Richie is a better writer hands down.


    1. I have to agree. I'm a Greggo fan, but his podcasts are a disorganized/disintrested/distracted/tweaked out mess.

      It's obvious something is going on there.

      His blog post today about having "technical difficulties" may very well be the worst spin job in the history of spin jobs.

      Sadly, it appears he and his minions posting here are naive enough to think nobody sees through it.

    2. His podcasts are bad because he is spending all his time putting anonymous comments on here.

    3. @Im_a_recuiter you couldn't be more correct. I too started following Richie because of his writing. But These "Anonymous Greggo Minions" must have never listen to Rage towards the end. When I listen to Rage towards the end (and what seems to be in Richies's time line) Greggo was just annoying, and I thought several times to myself while listing "I can't believe Greggo is sober". Turns out He wasn't. It’s sad but the truth. I hope he gets help. Greggo’s girlfriend should have done better to get him help as well.

  33. Hey recruiter, greggo carried RAGE and you know it!! What's the difference between greggo abusing drugs and richie abusing alcohol?? Pretty much the same bro. At least Greggo doesn't talk shit on his friends. You think richie was so great on the radio?? Do a poll and find out who was most popular on that show. Hands down, greggo would win. Could you argue that???? He was the reason it was on the air that long. Get a clue sister!!

    1. Richie missed zero - 0 - days because of alcohol.
      Explain to me again how you "carry" a show without actually being on the show?

    2. You were just drunk at work. Good point. You know that greggo brought more listeners than you ever brought. Are you that arrogant?? Yeah. You probably are.

    3. You're right. You missed numerous days because you were getting hairplugs.

    4. "You're right. You missed numerous days because you were getting hairplugs."


  34. We get it...The Hammer is a fraud and Richie Whitt is soooo great and unstoppable! Do we really need 5 installments of this? 95% of sports radio fans in this market knew that about Greggo already (aside from his blind supporters). Seems like Whitt is just embarrassed for stubbornly trying to stand up for Greggo all these years and is now trying to make up for being late to the party.

    This is the bed you made by bringing him into that business again. Just chalk it up as a loss and move on.

    1. Duh. That's exactly what I've done. Welcome to me "moving on."

    2. you "moving on" is a 5 part public lynching? that shows how much of a self serving dickhead you really are. you are a sad little man.

    3. Confirmed: #Cowboys' receiver Dez Bryant has torn ligaments in his finger and will have season-ending surgery, be placed on IR.

      I'm breaking news snitches! First in DFW baby...let's party!

    4. Greggo's supporters didn't seem to mind when he did the same exact thing. You are a bunch of sad little Greggo trolls.

    5. Don't even like you're the idiot!

    6. If you all don't like what's being written, don't read! Simple as that. Keep it coming Ritchie, it's entertaining to say the LEAST.

  35. Awfully convenient:

    Mr. Fix-it.
    by greggoCategories: Life, Podcast
    Tags: greggos blog
    Comments: No Comments
    Published on: June 18, 2013
    Let’s clear up yesterday. Our sound was horrible. I could never regain my audio and had to leave show. We keep hearing “the sound is garbled”, “the sound is low” and most of all “I can’t hear anything.”

    Looking back this site and podcast are not ready to be up.

    I feel I am cheating my diners and myself. SOOOO…for the next two or three days I will be taking off and organizing. I feel like the blog can put me in blog mix and the podcast will be popular.

    Please don’t put any other thoughts to the move on this time off. Everything will be addressed and accessed. Quite frankly, I am embarrassed at the quality of video. The next few days will be dedicated to cleaning site, fixing audio and visual issues and contracts with new clients.

    My arrogance got the best of me and I opened too soon. It’s been a constant battle. This site and podcast sucks. But I’m gonna fix it!!!

    Give me until Friday then be prepared to rock.

  36. Lol... anonymous = greggos worthless ego

  37. Let’s get a few thing straight with "Mr Anonymous Troll", for those who hate on Richie and say Rage Failed because of him. Look at how many advertisers Richie has on his blog compared to Greggo. Richie seems to be loved by Advertisers than Greggo. And trust me as a guy who has run a website or two its hard to get advertisement, Especially when you start. It's only Richie's 2nd day! It's sad that sports fans who listen to sports radio don't understand that when you have a divided team, it is never good. The Beatles are a prime example. And if you don’t think a teammate is putting in the effort than person need to get fired! It’s a road map to failure. My Heart goes out to Greggo, I feel bad for him, but ultimately it’s the truth. And the truth hurts Greggo Fans. If I ran the Fan, Greggo would have been fired a long time ago. Regardless if he is a recovering drug addict. I would show him the door, tell him to go get help, and wish him the best. That’s Life!

    1. The Beatles brokeup when they were still great. RAGE was no Beatles...more like an Oasis cover band. The Hardline kicking out Greggo is like the Beatles tossing out one of the big two maybe. The current Hardline will never be as great as the original lineup that peaked in the late '90s.

    2. @ Chris Seacrest by my count it's 6 - 5 for RW I don't "Pizza Buzz" or the "Bling Clean" thing since these are things that RW is pushing himself. So really one more??

    3. Greggo sucks we get it...Has nothing to do with him. The Fan is a failure in the radio market and changing heads every year because they think change will create new market. Richie is a smart dude but in the end...he's crying wolf instead of moving on!

    4. An advertiser (like an employer) needs to know a guy is going to show up to work every day. The reason this site has people like Vandergriff is that every week, Whitt drove to Vandergriff and repped The Fan. Meanwhile, Greg was ruining a sponsorship with Dallas Can Academy by failing to show up as the scheduled speaker for the graduating kids. Let's quit arguing about which guy is talented. 'Talent' means nothing if you spend all day in bed washing down pills with cough syrup.

  38. Refer back to page 3. The lettering in the text exchange is clearly different as one is more dark, clear, and altered...the other in a very natural state. Also, how did you get Greggo or Jenn's phone to steal their DM?

    I smell fake.

    1. a fake and a douche, perhaps a douchie fake? describes Whitt to a T.

    2. To much hair spray!

  39. Richie thinks the Beatles suck and sang "One is the Loneliest Number". Richie prefers pimply faced teenage boy bands like Linkin Park and Korn. At least Greggo liked music that actually rocked like Led Zeppelin and AC/DC.

  40. For those asking how I got access to DMs:

    1. I'm not smart enough to be a hacker.
    2. They were handed to me on a silver platter.
    3. Sources.

    1. Richie Whitt's VaginaJune 18, 2013 at 4:36 PM

      I get that you feel fucked over by Greggo, but this shit is low dude. Seriously. I hope someone "gets access" to pictures of you playing with your butthole and posts them on a blog for everyone to see.

      Karma is a nasty bitch, and I will laugh when yours comes around.

    2. "Being a hacker" requires just as much if not less intelligence than "being a writer." It's all relative. Therefore, your first point is mute.

    3. The point can't talk?

    4. 10:40---HAAAAA He probably doesn't get it!!

    5. AnonymousJune 18, 2013 at 9:03 PM

      "Being a hacker" requires just as much if not less intelligence than "being a writer." It's all relative. Therefore, your first point is mute.

      Really? I think you meant moot.

  41. Damn Richie this is some good stuff I always listened to Rage since day 1 but I never thought it would end like this.

  42. I find it amusing that Greggo hasn't had an unkind word to say about Richie, in fact he's been very kind toward Richie in the aftermath of RAGE's demise.

    It was apparent to everyone that RAGE lost it's edge the minute Richie and Sybil began their very public romantic relationship. It was like listening in to junior high dating radio. Could Greggo write that in so doing, their conduct was unprofessional, and that it damaged the show? Absolutely. Could Greg accuse Richie of being politically insensitive to the RAGE audience because he opines like an MSNBC host in a market where such opinions are vehemently opposed? Certainly. Could Greggo write a blog post about Richie's lackluster talk radio skills that might have contributed to the downfall of RAGE? Sure. Newsflash, you aren't very interesting on the radio! Why do you think the Ticket didn't hire you? At least Greggo had a track record of being elite. You were always third-string.

    Greggo might be a damaged guy, a flawed guy, maybe he's everything you say he is, but at least he seems like a kindly person who is struggling mightily. You come off like a bitter douche-bag with short-man syndrome and mid-life crisis hairplugs. Classless douches run around screaming and blaming everyone but themselves.

    1. You know why Greggo hasn't had an unkind word to say about me? 'Cuz I helped him at every turn. That's why. I did nothing but help him. Why would say anything against me? Fool.

      And you think RAGE lost its edge when me and Sybil hooked up? Lol. Give you a million dollars if you can pinpoint when that was.

    2. Richie...Rage is no longer on the radio...Justing saying...numbers speak loudly. You speak of dollars because only d-bags flaunt money as if that gives you power.

    3. "Why would say anything against me? Fool."

      Um, for the reasons I enumerated above, Fool. Can you read English?

      If I thought you could execute a million dollar draft that would clear any financial institution in the world, I'd take that bet. I pinpoint the minute you started talking about it on air, and the show turned into "Richie Loves Sybil! Also featuring Greggo." Dude, you ARE Chachi Arcola. But, it gets tiring listening to "wah, wah, wah!" from 2 - 7 every day. Ask yourself how long the Hardline would have lasted if Renee Rhyner had been co-hosting. It would have been lucky to make it a year.

    4. Hey ol' Dick Whitt, how ya doin' sis?

      It's well documented (by yourself and Miss Sybil) that y'all starting hooking up ("again," whatever that means, I'm not sure) during Superbowl Week 2012. Or, maybe you both are just compulsive liars who always deceived their listeners for their own personal gain?

      Either way.

    5. For a million...New Years Eve 2010 the spark was lit, co-habitation Feb/March 2011?

  43. This shit is hilarious! lol
    Greggo has taken "off" until Friday......guess he wants to read the last (5th) installment.

  44. Going back to the original Hard Lie where all comments were stripped, and that every day this week will reveal a new story...these comments will be gone by next week. I can't fathom that Richie will want to see so many people dump on him, even though he deserves most of them.

    1. And I can GUARANTEE you he won't!

    2. Strip comments? lol. Dude, you're not familiar with my thick skin.

    3. I'm now assuming it was the Observer that took the comments away. That's what I get for assuming. My bad.

  45. I'm a little confused by all the comments saying Greggo "carried" the show.
    1. How can someone carry the show when they miss days and sometimes weeks at a time?
    2. If you truly believe this than you most likely were listening to the show for something other than sports opinions because Greggo's lack of knowledge of post 2000 sports was laughable. Someone who "claims" to fast watch every game in DFW and has ZERO informative input into other major sports stories around the U.S. does not deserve or should be allowed to host a Sports show in a top 5 market (especially drive time)

    CBS didn't really put Richie in a position to succeed and I do agree some of that blame can be put on Richie for vouching for Greggo in the beginning. But come one, at the end of the day Greg Williams should be held accountable for his own actions. He has been fired by every major sports station in the area all for his lack of being a team player and his self destructive lifestyle. 3 years ago people were commending Richie for helping his friend get yet another chance, now today people are bashing him for explaining why he made a mistake.
    I don't agree with Richie on a lot (Mostly only NBA talk is where we have the same opinions) but I would love to hear him back on the air in the Metroplex. (hopefully he and Fisher could replace Elf and Slater. I mean if you hated Richie for being cocky I don't know how you can stand Elf. And as far as Slater goes, at least Sybil admitted to not knowing much about sports. Somehow this woman continues to be allowed to talk sports on the radio)

    Can't wait for parts 3-5 Richie! Great read!

    1. In total agreement with Joey. He stated everything I was thinking. Right down to the removal of Slater. I would have loved to hear Elf and Richie together. Miss you Mr. Whitt!

  46. Richie,

    It's obvious from the comments that most people don't know the difference between a radio personality and an off-the-air personality. Most people are boring on-the-air and so people need to create personas to fit into a certain show format. You play the city ego part well and most of the time come across as a d-bag, but I know that is on purpose. It is good for the juxtaposition of a sidekick or partner on a show. Why are people clueless to this media tactic? On television, why do they always keep the dramatic blonde on a cooking reality show, or gay interracial twin on the island. It's a formula that works.

    Though, I've never met you, I don't think Sybil would put up with that "radio guy" enough to say yes (even if you did go to Jared). Some say girls are attracted to d-bags and while that may be true, they don't stay with them long. In your case, you must be a decent fellow with a fairly good head on your shoulders (albeit with more hair now).

    I always enjoyed RAGE and was sad to see it go. I appreciate you sharing your side of the story(right or wrong) and look forward to seeing you and Sybil, whether together or apart, on the radio soon.

    Greggo was one of my favorite personalities on sports radio, and hope he will find the help he needs, as I know deep down you wish for him as well.

    1. The people aren't clueless, they get it. He's just a hypocritical d-bag. He wrote a story on Russ Martin when he was fired bashing because he played the tough guy/jerk on the radio when he really isn't like that in his personal life. Sound awfully like someone who writes for this blog.

    2. You better read the Russ story again. Unlike me, he IS like that in real life.

  47. They both have been guilty of sculling bozz and are flawed guys. Let's go talk goff.

  48. Lol....Nunya = richies fake hair plugs/richies short man syndrome/ and richies midlife crisis.

  49. Greggo reminds me of Jose Canseco. Greatness back in the day but wheels off now

  50. Hi everybody,

    This is very interesting. I've been listening to The Fan since 08' and didn't know the half of this stuff. There's a lot of bashing and piggy backing going on in these comments. I've been listening to GGB&C and now I'm reading the Sportatorium. Greggo with issues? Yes. Richie arrogant? Maybe. I think we should wait and get the whole 'Hard lie 2' before we get gritty with our opinions. #ijs

    --Shawn, Bedford, TX

    1. Hard Lie 1 and 2 come from one writer...I thought stories have 2 sides?

  51. You are awesome Richie! Much respect to you for telling us fan fans what we've been waiting for. I can't wait to read the rest. You are missed in the afternoons and I look forward to hearing you on the radio again one day!

  52. I just hope that this has opened your eyes to the fact that people don't care about what he did in his personal life. To be honest Greggo could miss a month and people are still going to keep coming back to listen just to wait for him to come back. Even the people who think that what he did was wrong all admit that he is the reason people listen. It was not because of Greggo that your show ended it was because of the fact that your opinions and judegements towards everything and everyone, made you look like a d-bag who thinks he is better than everyone else in the world like your poop doesn't stink. Look Greggo has been more honest than most people and if he didn't know that you judge everyone he probaby wouldve told you when he was having issues, but why would he, so you could come on here and put him on blast for having issues that you know nothing about. I never once heard him call you out the way you did him, or not say when he had something going on, on the air, which most people would NEVER do! You couldn't even come on the air and tell people you were dating Sybill. So we all know that Greggo was the one who kept that show afloat the whole time, and that most everyone considers you a douche bag. Greggo could have told the truth and told everyone that you had no talent and that he needed a better partner, but he didn't. He didn't tell everyone what a A. hole you were, but hrere you are like you are some kind of perfect human being who has the right to point fingers, just like every one who listens to you on the air thought you were. You just proved it even more now. IT doesn't matter what you say about Greggo people like him, they knew what happened before and they still like him, because even with the lies and the drugs and whatever else, peoplel are still going to like him. YOu have not done anything and people don not like you so what does that say about you richie!

    1. Hey, I did a lot of drugs @ SFA, and I love Greggo! Woot! #richiesux

    2. DBUSS speaks the truth!!!

  53. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 18, 2013 at 3:35 PM

    Good stuff, yet again. I can't wait for more. Oh, and here's one guy who hopes you and Sybil live long and have a wonderful life.

  54. DBUSS is correct. People like Greggo. He is a likeable person. Why should we hate him? Because he has done drugs?? How many people do we all know that do drugs?? A lot. I'm not judgemental. Richie Whitt is not a likeable person at all. That is, of course, unless you like arrogant people who love to put people down. Hey Richie, karma is a bitch and I think there is more coming down the pike. Stay hard Greggo! F you Dick Twitt!!

  55. "I'd like to apologize to all my fans out there..."

    1. Motorcycle Greggo ftw!

      Richie go home and cry to ur old lady about ur firing. No one cares!

    2. He can't that's the problem...she's going through the same problem as him.

  56. Generic Youth MinisterJune 18, 2013 at 4:05 PM

    When will @tweetgrubes make an appearance in this sortid tale?

    1. Someone get @tweetgrubes in here, and bring out the popcorn

    2. Where's grubes at?

  57. I don't have time to read every comment, as there are so many, so I hope I'm not repeating for the umpteenth time what has already been said:

    Richie, I wasn't a fan of RAGE. I think Greggo lost whatever he once had years ago (pre-RAGE), and I didn't find you a very compelling radio personality. Whatever the backstory is, I believe your sustained, poor ratings bear my opinion out. However, I view your writing skills in a different light. I appreciate that you've decided not to go down the scatological route; I appreciate the coherence of thought; and while thus far some of your analysis and presentation of what transpired is skewed to your favor and at times a bit (and understandably) short-sighted due to your proximity to the situation, I appreciate that you've at least cursorily addressed a few of your own peccadilloes. Though, because you are indeed a good writer and trained journalist, you also know that a good way to lend credibility to a story is to offer up some sort of mea culpa(s). Nevertheless, solid and compelling writing. I'm looking forward to the next three installments.

    1. I'm hoping RW addresses the ratings in one of the upcoming installments. I also hope addresses the fact that a lot of money was invested into RAGE so that it could succeed, and yet it did not. Much, much, much more than its competitor, The Hardline. And much more than it's other competitor, GAC. Monies invested in advertising (e.g., billboards, t.v., radio, a nearly 5 day per week t.v. segment), in road trips (e.g., NASCAR, Super Bowl, World Series, Boxing, etc.), and in ensuring they were well supported in general. While I understand RW's anger at Greggo. I do believe him in this regard; Greggo displayed this sort of behavior as far back as the pre-Ticket days (e.g., hitting home runs off of MLB pitchers, who he'd slept with, etc.--as presented in "The Hard Lie"); people with his sort of personality usually begin evincing such behavior patterns rather early in life, rarely if ever deviating from them--they only get worse and more dangerous with age. I also agree with fozzie bear that mea culpas offered might be somewhat of a deflection or a get-ahead-of-the-story tactic (though that's not exactly what fozzie claims). With all due respect, RW, they do whiff of exactly that. But, I'll take you at your word. Anyway, I am interested in if you address the above and if you find that it perhaps contributed the most to RAGE's dismissal. So far, per your Twitter feed, you seem to think that wasn't the case. Perhaps that's due to a case of not wanting to let slip out the content of one of the three remaining articles(?).

      I still don't understand your claim that, in light of all which has occurred, you still believe that The Ticket mishandled the Greggo situation. The fact that no one was fired is indeed a, if not the, difference between the two; but your main claim is a non sequitur. At least how you are putting it, makes it as such. Can you please explain how they handled it wrong? Again, perhaps you'll address this particular in on upcoming article(?).

      Finally, it is in my opinion that RAGE was doomed to fail from the start. Why? (i) Because I think anyone other than a Rhyner or someone whom Greggo (for whatever reason) has an almost irrational amount of respect for, and who has no qualms with cutting him loose at any moment--and he knows it--will ultimately (sooner rather than later) be eaten up by him. (ii) In conjunction with (i), Greggo is not a number one. Whether you realize it or not, he was presented by both The FAN and (especially during the first few years) yourself as not a co-host, but rather as the lead dog. He is not. He proved that each time Rhyner was out and he had to make a go of it alone or with someone else who was not a number one/someone he feared and respected. No offense to you, RW, you are no number one, either. (Very few people are; I sure as heck am not!) I think you would've been a great co-host/sidekick on The Hardline post-Greggo, by the way. You sir are a writer; a good one at that (just please stay away from religion; that's not one of your strong points). Again, you could be a very solid to darn good radio sidekick.

      Best of luck to you and Sybil, and I look forward to your thoughts.

    2. revans, you must be a lawyer dude.

  58. Richie, I have a serious question. If you felt so betrayed by Greggo in November, why did you let the show go on until CBS finally axed it many months later? That's right, money. Why are you airing all of Greg Williams' dirty laundry on this so-called blog? Money. You're really showing your true colors bud.

    If you were a man of conviction instead of a man obsessed with money, you would have told Greggo to get out and moved on with your life. But you're not, and you didn't. And here we are...

  59. Greggo! Stop posting as "Anonymous"! Man up and reply as yourself!

  60. I've never really been a big fan of you on radio (truth be told I think you're too much like me...a giant dick), but after this story is told, I'd love to hear about what you expected, how you could have played so easily into his hands, how a true journalist (which I always thought you were) could become so infatuated with his project.

    That's the story that matters, how such a professional got Lois Lane'd. It's not meant to be am insult and I hope you know that. We are all duped at some point in our lives, and your tale can be a cautionary one. Few people posses the ability to communicate through writing like this, and it could help someone down the road as they deal with people like Greggo.

  61. Richie,

    Love/hate the story, love reading this it is absolutely incredible! Hate that it had to happen to ya though man. Hope you and Sybil are doing well and wish ya the best man!

  62. Dan Patrick's PughJune 18, 2013 at 7:42 PM

    Richie, perhaps you're not familiar with the adage, "Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice (or multiple times over several years), shame on me."

    You took a chance. He betrayed all of you, and fair or not, you paid the price for the gamble you took. But, how is this any different than a coach, like Vinnie Del Negro, losing his job because one player didn't want him back, in spite of playoff success? Or, a GM who is fired because the coach he hires is terrible? Or, When a CEO or politician loses their position because of improprieties done under their watch? Eventually, we should all be accountable for the choices we make.

    Bottom Line: As with the Cowboys, championships matter, and thus, ratings matter. You kept towing the line that advertising dollars matter more than ratings. Obviously, that was not the case.

    By shaming him, you may think you are trying to help him by shattering this bubble of deceit you say Greggo hides behind. By not giving him a free pass, maybe you think it means more to shame him in front of a public who only a few years before showed him mercy. But, if Greggo is beyond being helped, this certainly will not help.

    Radio seems like a very cutthroat industry. Someone whose job you took probably feels the same way that they were let go unjustly. But, two wrongs don't make a right, and this will never closely resemble anything pure.

    So, in the end, I agree with all the commenters who question your motives. Perhaps, you are trying to give a voice to the Sybil's, Armen's and others of the station who do not have the public forum to air their grievances. I gotta tell you, Richie, there is nothing noble in ratting out your friends or even enemies. Haven't you seen, "Goodfellas?"

  63. One question: Jasmine Sadry was "let go" by CBS by not renewing her contract. And, they had the best ratings of any show on the fan.

    Was that fair? Hell No! But, she moved on and found another job. I haven't heard one word from her about the station, and that is a testament to her professionalism.

    She gets it: Life's not fair. But, you seem to be adhering to the Biblical doctrine of "an eye for an eye."

    You want revenge. You want blood. I've been there Richie. But, nothing good ever comes out of doing this. Looking at the headline of tomorrow's entry, one could guess you'll portray how you tried to do only to have it all backfire. But, you can't judge the journey by the results.

    O' Richie. Ye of little faith.

  64. Great job on the new blog Richie! Have always been a fan of your insight on DFW Sports from the DO to RAGE and look forward to reading more.

  65. Richie, I didn't like your persona on Rage. I listened in between commercials on the ticket mainly because I grew up listening to Greggo but I could tell something was wrong way before the firing and I didn't even listen that much. But all that said hope the blog is successful and I really hope Greggo gets help

  66. Great stuff Richie. Fuck Greggo, he is a piece of shit, always has been....

  67. that girlfriend of Greggo's is nutty, too. I know this from personal experience. Nuttier than squirrel shit.

  68. Thanks for taking the time to answer alot of fan fan questions that Greggo created and never answered or owned up to. Ratings or not Ben and Skin cant hold a candle to RAGE. You guys were my favorite show and I'm glad I got to meet you and Sybil at the last faniversary and hey at least you got one hell of a good thing out of your radio career with the fan.

    Best of luck to ya Richie!

  69. Man, this is a trip to read.

    As for all the repeated comments on ratings, were they really THAT bad independent of comparisons to the other 2 sports stations? I mean, isn't it possible to be profitable (and maybe highly so) as the no. 3 sports station in a market as big as DFW? I think it probably is, and RAGE's ratings were not far behind GAC (and sometimes not behind at all).

    Or maybe I'm completely wrong.

  70. Richie, stop posting as anonymous!!!

  71. Wow how the "mighty" (should we even call it mighty considering RAGE had terrible ratings) have fallen. From trying to compete against the big boys in PM drive in a top market to now throwing dirt against others in competing blogs straight out of 1999. Embrace your RAGE!

  72. Richie, your skill is clearly in writing and exposes. Why cant you just go back to the DO and do exposes on the the politico criminal de jour?

  73. Ultimately, it's just nice that RAGE is off the air. If greggos addiction problems led to that then they were a blessing in disguise. With the sole exception of maybe Slater, Sybil was the worst personality I have ever heard on sports radio and its nice to listen to the fan from 2-7 and not hear 2 guys wearing their politics on their sleeves for everyone to not give a damn about. The day I tuned into the fan and heard they were fired was the day I started listening again.

  74. Spittle is a weasel. He's got his head so far up Ben and Skins ass its a joke. And no doubt he sent a text to his former no talent down the mid day dial to boast of your termination. Hope you expose him for the weasel he is.

  75. I miss listening to you Richie. You kept the show on track and interesting. I hope you find your way back onto the air. I could sense that this type of thing was going on behind the scenes and it must feel good to put it all out there for everyone to see.

  76. Richie - lesson learned hopefully that management will always use inside information to further their cause while casting aside those they deem to be disloyal, covert, and/or not a team player. Being someone who has led organizations for years and having seen your scenario countless times before it is my encouragement to you if and when you encounter an issue like this (more likely less severe) in the future that you do not alert your management in a covert manner but rather address the issue with and only with the offender. It is my experience that those on a downward spiral will eventually sink their own ship. You should remain professional and be seen as a team player within your peer group. Remember, management is never your peer group.

    I hope you do well and happiness to you and Sybil.

  77. Richie I hated how you played kiss ass with the Cowboys. It turned me off from listing. What people want is the truth and frankly this team has been so bad for so long it's crazy that anybody would butt kiss them. But you've always seemed like a good guy otherwise and that's nuts what you went through with Greg. He clearly has issues.

  78. Damn. I had an on-air conversation with Greggo about Nikki Sixx's book. We talked about the fact that Sixx had OD'd and been RESUCITATED three times....oh, the irony.

  79. It's not Richie being a talented writer, it's Richie finding a great topic to write about. The two must read articles Richie wrote has been about the sad tale of Greggo. We get the point that, the ticket guys kept there job, dealing with Greggo, and you lost your job. Because of a potential lawsuit, it better to fire the whole crew, instead of firing one guy? Really??? The ticket went through a lawsuit themselves....The Fan is going to go away like the FOX radio network in the near future. Hiring away the Ticket leftovers hasn't worked out for the Fan. You're lucky to get out, when you did.

    To conclude why Rage ended.....

    1.Greggo is a major player in the end of Rage. Drugs and lies

  80. Have always knew you were a dirt bag but never realized what a hypocrite you were until now. Seem to recall you throwing The Ticket boys under the bus for how they did Greggo but here you are taking it to a new level. Guessing since your gutless you never confronted Greggo face to face so you've taken to the interweb. What a piece of garbage you are.

  81. I can't believe that some of you folks are STILL standing up for greggo. It's almost the same story as it was 6 years ago! The difference is that the Ticket didn't need greggo as much as the fan did AND the Ticket didn't fire Corby & Rynes. Corby & Rynes resented greggo for constantly putting their show in jeopardy, but it came to a head before greg could ruin it completely. Poor Richie got caught in the middle, got canned, and I don't blame him for trying to clear his name.

    And for you greggo lovers out there, enjoy his new outlet...I made it through 10 minutes of his new podcast before I tuned's soooo bad. And the pics he has on his website are of a sad, pathetic narcissist. Ridiculousness. Greggo's like the Amanda Bynes of DFW media at this point.

    1. I went from feeling amused to feeling sad the day Greggo posted pictures of himself in all of his hats. The same thought went through my head... he is a narcissist way past his prime. I haven't checked his blog since. It was too depressing.

  82. Didn't Richie Whitt write an expose on Russ Martin? Now it's the Greggo business.

    Here's the hard truth. The Rage wasn't that great and that's why it is no longer on the air. It's why Richie Whitt has to write an expose on this or that disc jokey was not kept on The Fan.

    Greggo (faults aside) was hired to draw in Ticket listeners. If you don't bring in the rating you get canned. It's that simple.

  83. I work for The City Of Frisco so my 5 day a week job for 7 am to 3:30 pm gives me plenty of listening time and the Fan is what I listen too ! I heard every show of Rage and your morning shows . And in that time I came to understand your take on sports and life in general. Greggo started off a recovering drug addict, kind of humbled and out to make good . But by the end his true color was bleeding over the air waves. So anyone who really listened knew something was amiss . The thing I want to say is You Sybil and Arman are missed and I am pissed it had to happen this way to you all ! I hope the best for you Richie and Sybil but with your talent and her spunk the road ahead will be better ! It can't get any worse than Greg Williams Jack Ass !

  84. Richie, glad you told all.......ecmofo (maypearl) and I miss rage. Worked at a job that listened to the fan all day, and didn't know you from anybody! I listened to the ticket before, but couldn't pick it up in our building. Listened to you, from Newie to leaving, and I respect people who come across to me as "straight-up"...... EVERY DAY RAGE FAN........good luck to you and Sybil, miss y'all, and the chips fall where they're a bad-azs writer, honest, and "all good" in my book!

  85. So, no admitting to using the Text generator ap for the text pics? You think people can't see the difference? Making them impossible to prove? Or should we believe that you have a client under the name "advertiser"?

  86. I just got on to see "Hot".

  87. You keep saying that it was ok for you to trash The Ticket guys a few years back and its ok for you to trash Greg now because they didn't get fired and you did. What did or did not happen to them is not relevant. It's what YOU did by trashing them is what counts. If you they wrong for pushing Greg away then its wrong for you to do so now - you can't have it both ways. Yes - it's not all about what happens to you - you are just being a self centered hypocrite.

  88. I'm confused on the entire "knee" incident. If you are standing on the curb and only 2 feet away, can't everyone in the car see you and realize the lie isn't going to work? Did they not see you from 2 feet away? You followed him out of the building and were talking to him on the elevator right? But he didn't notice you with him when he got into the car? Then he comes back to continue the lie as if you didn't see the driver was the person who was supposedly crawling around back home? If all that is true then I'm amazed Greggo and the girlfriend can function at all in life when they can't notice someone 2 feet away. Maybe I'm missing something in the telling of the story.
