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Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Sequel to 2008's award-winning "The Hard Lie"

By Richie Whitt


   Where's Greggo?
   He's in Spittle's corner office with me on Feb. 27,  offering not once, not twice, but three times to resign from 105.3 The Fan.
   "I'm no good at this kind of radio," Williams says moments after admitting to his boss that he's recently lied about missing work. "I know I'm just a drain on my show. On everybody. I'm dragging everybody down. I should just quit. I should resign. I need to quit."
   For reasons I'm not sure I'll ever fully understand, Spittle is having none of it.
   "Whoa, Whoa! WHOA!!" the program director says, lurching from behind his desk. "That's a conversation for another day and another time. Right now I just want to concentrate on how we're going to move forward productively as a show."
   RAGE was fired 47 days later.
   In our final days when Williams went on the air with another chapter about his disease of addiction or precise number regarding his consecutive days of supposed sobriety, RAGE collectively hung its head in shame. We knew he drank beer at the Nikki Sixx concert in Dallas in early June 2011 and, when he thought I wasn't looking, picked up my Captain Morgan & Coke off the table and took a giant swig before our "Fanniversary" party last December in Irving.
   I'd actually experienced increasingly mortal thoughts about our partnership as early as October 2012, and had casually mentioned my fears to Bruce.


  1. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 19, 2013 at 7:10 AM

    Damn Richie..just damn..

  2. Excellent article again. A must read every morning. Some thoughts...

    Greggo's actions are inexcusable. Holy crap, are they inexcusable. Still, you say he offered to resign 3 times and Spittle said no. And yet it's all Greggo's fault you get canned and not CBS incompetence? Sounds like the CBS higher ups were full of crap to you, but the ratings did suck. Were the ratings really never a concern? Can't expect to stay on the air with 3rd place low numbers in afternoon drive-time.

    Another morning, another great read. You're good at this Richie, keep it going. Looking forward to the final two installments.

    1. Our ratings were horrible compared to Ticket, but not compared to our target competition which was ESPN.

    2. Looking back, do you think they were stringing you along while they wait out B&S's old contract?

    3. The most interesting blog I have ever read, by far! Thank you RW, I cannot wait to read the next installment.

  3. Richie is a back stabber and he sucks at radio. Plus he is an ass hole. Nothing new here. Karma is a bitch. Hope everything goes south for you from here out jerk.

    1. Yeah, you nailed it. I'M the villain in this saga. Geez.

    2. Don't sweat it Whitt. The guy is clearly and idiot (or Greggo)

    3. I was thinking after reading all these that guy is Greggo. Lmao Anonymous is Greggo

  4. WOW! I knew Spittle was a lying turd the way the whole RM thing went down. My thinking is that they couldn't fire just Greggo. He obviously has/had a DR. in his pocket and could easily get notes, paperwork, etc... To back his claim. The Greggo sympathisers are blinded. I really find it funny do many people claim to 'not care' but are here daily... It's like Stern lmao. Also with this 3rd installment we now KNOW all those comment repllies are in fact Greggo. (They were begging for a 'vote' between you two.)

    1. I was a HUGE Greggo fan. He was the reason I started listening to the fan. Looking back on the last year though, I realize how unprofessional he was. In other words, I don't see how anyone can back up Greggo considering the facts.

      Now, my favorite show is definitely New School. The rest are fairly boring and just like everything else out there.

  5. Let me be upfront in saying that I am a Ticket P1, and as such will always pick, when given a choice, The Ticket over The Fan. However, I have also grown to appreciate Richie's gift of writing and at least 50% of his opinions. While I may also agree that Sybil should have moved on when they became an item, I don't blame that on Richie or Sybil - that is a CBS decision. Richie, you do have talent, and as someone as objective as can be on this topic (one who prefers another station), I think it is obvious that if your documentation is real (and I am not saying it isn't), then it is obvious Greggo's behaviors were the cause of your downfall, and I am excited to read about the perspective.

    1. Thanks Todd, you nailed the entire point of this whole endeavor.

  6. Richie, I'm just a listener and have no radio insight or knowledge. I like listening to Greggo, and don't care what goes on behind the scenes. Of course, he has to be there to listen to him, and he was gone a lot. You are OK on the radio, but you're a much better writer. It's like the NFL safety who wants to be a corner because they get paid more... They probably did evaluate you independently, and decided that you aren't that great at being on the air in radio for several hours each day. Keep writing, you're really good at it. And get an editor, that installment could be 3 or 4 pages shorter.

    1. I disagree, I like the long posts. Keep the "director cut" posts lengthy, Richie! These are enthralling reads.

    2. That's the beauty of being my own boss, and editor. Thanks.

  7. I realize that Greggo is a train wreck, but you were fired because of ratings. If RAGE didn't regularly come in third in Men 24-54, you would both still have a job.

    1. Not "regularly", nope. Over our last 10 ratings periods Galloway beat us 5 times and we beat him 5 times. Ticket kills everyone, and we all expected that.

    2. Tom @beevomav on TwitterJune 19, 2013 at 12:23 PM

      I do blame Greggo and would have loved to see the new Rage with Fish. Too damn bad that didn't happen. Instead CBS chose B&S? That makes no sense. Hell they couldn't get ratings at the Ticket.

    3. I cant stand ben dover and fore skin

  8. Screw the haters, Richie. Anyone who listened to the show ( and possesses a brain ) knows 100% of what you've written is true. I'll never forget the debacle when Williams returned from the Kyle memorial at Cowboys stadium and was making up all the stuff about the General and his repeated references to "They"... I kept texting the show and telling you guys to make him stop lying. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought so.

  9. Spittle is a spineless worm of the highest order. There was a reason he was demoted to Houston, yet CBS brought him back to screw things up even more. This series of posts have been eye-opening into the psyche of Greg Williams, of which we were all fooled into thinking could change his ways.

  10. Sounds like Greggo learned very little from the Ticket exit. I can't believe he lied about being sober and the Chris Kyle memorial stuff. He sounds like a sociopath or bipolar. It would at least explain the lying. He has said some very personal things on his blog that would be very weird to lie about, but after these revelations it's impossible to take anything he says without a huge grain of salt. Even though he has done plenty of things wrong, he sounds very vulnerable as the breaking down crying/admitting he has problems suggest. I hope he gets help and straightens out his life.

    1. Of course he lied. That's what liars do, just like a thief will steal with money in their pocket.

  11. Oh yeah. Everyone that thinks Dick Twitt is Greggo. Keep telling yourself that Richie. Richie is a weak little man that whines like a little cry baby. Be a man for once in your life. You suck and you got fired. How about taking a little responsibility a hole.

    1. Not really my style to get wrongfully fired and just "be a man." If it's yours, more power to you.

    2. Ahh richie. You are a poor excuse for a human. You are only out for yourself. With friends like you, who needs enemies. Screw you. Hopefully your girl wakes up before she marries a 50 year old, bitter little man. Grow a pair. Admit that you will never get a job in radio again.

  12. I fell for Greggo's excuses when he came back from his "hiatus", smdh, until Fish called in pissed during the Fish Bowl calling Greggo out. You could hear it in his voice. I thought for sure it was going to be RAFE instead of RAGE soon after. Fish had noticeably more energy, was passionate about his topics, witty, and classy. Sucks that RAFE never got started. Also sucks that Fish's wife was brought in the social media crossfire.

    J. Rich

    1. I actually forgot about Fish being mad like that. I remember thinking why is he being so hard on Greggo? Of course now we know there was alot more going on than us listeners knew. I feel bad for Fish and for you Richie. I wish the best for yall and Syb.

  13. This is getting to be a broken record. It's all Greggo's fault. It's all Greggo's fault. Over and over again. I have no doubt that Greggo is a train wreak and an OD waiting to happen and I am IN NO WAY attempting to defend his actions as there are no excuse for them. But this is Whitt's bitter way of making himself feel better. So Whitt is going to call very low ratings, low 2's at it's highest point but mostly mid to low 1's "decent" and "improving"? Really? With the Fan's broadcast reach these ratings falt suck. WAKE UP WHIT AND QUIT BITCHING LIKE A 6 YEAR GIRL. The ratings are why you and the whole show were canned.

    1. Actually, Richie is doing what a good journalist is trained to do: Tell the whole story with the facts, no matter how unpleasant they are. Unfortunately, some anon trolls have to hate on someone, which is what your doing...

    2. Low 2's at its highest point is just incorrect information. I received several ratings bonuses based on us hitting 3s, 4s and once even 5s. Again, that's embarrassing compared to Ticket. But saying we never got above low 2's is just inaccurate.

    3. When were you in the 4s and 5s? Back in 2011? Doesn't that indicate deteriorating, and not improving, ratings?

    4. Yes, what months and what demos? I'm looking at 3-7p for Men 25-54 for November through May and seeing a 2.5, 2.5, 2.7, 2,7, 2.7, 2.3 and 1.9. Translating to 17th, 19th, 14th, 14th, 14th 22nd and 22nd. In that span, ESPN is averaging from 6th to 11th, and Ticket at #1. I'd like to believe you, but like Ronnie Ray-gun, trust but verify...

      The proof is in the numbers.

  14. Wow, just wow. I can't wait to read the rest.

  15. Richie, another good read. Actually on our way back to TX from vacation and making the wife drive while I read/comment, hehe. We all know that life isn't fair, and decent people get bad raps like this. Props to you for pulling back the curtain, creating buzz (pun intended) and picking yourself up by pulling sponsors and creating an income for yourself. That isn't easy to accomplish. As long as you write, I will read. We don't agree often, but I can still respect your view (or the reasons behind it).

    1. That's all I want out of this. To clear my good name. Thanks.

    2. Yeah, I didn't understand why others were bashing the website with advertisers? As a business owner, I appreciated the genius in it! RW has something we want (the Truth), has a modest following of both loyalists AND haters, and apparently still has advertisers who still have his back. If you want to read the truth, go ahead- it's free! His advertisers helped us read this fascinating story for FREE! I know if I was an advertiser with RW, I would need to absolutely trust him and his reputation. The fact that almost all of his advertisers stuck with him from RAGE silently speaks volumes to me. Kudos, Richie. I'll finda way to support you and your advertisers. It's the least I could do for all the countless free hours of entertainment the last few years. Never heard of you, or the Fan (or any DFW radio station for that matter) until your first month of RAGE. Good luck, sir.

      J. Rich
      The Bay Area

  16. WoW you are an amazing writer!!! Definitely have me hooked these last three days. Loved you and Newy & I really hate that I dont get to listen to you anymore.. you and newy were the ones that got me hooked on sport talk. Thanks for that! Now i get to keep my boyfriend updated with sports ;). Good luck to you cant wait to keep reading

  17. Hey whitt I am becoming a bigger fan with each post. As mad as you are now you will probably look back at this in a couple years and wish they would have fired you sooner. A crazy co-worker that never gets dealt with and bosses that stab you in the back is not the best work environment. You rolled in married the hot girl and left like a boss. On to better things.

  18. Richie-

    Great stuff. You should stick to writing.

    Can you clarify what was going on in the pics ya'll posted of Greggo passed out from the New Orleans trip, i.e. on the bus, in the room, etc.?


  19. RAGE = red apples green eggs. or maybe roll a giant egg, or it could mean radio and gay escorts. or it could mean robots are great energy. anything is possible, yall!

    1. That made me laugh very loud.


    1. You need a woman...Or, a man...Or, maybe both...

  21. Another great read! I like a lot of people were really hoping for The Richie and Fish Extravaganza. I know a lot of people are Greggo followers and will be no matter what. I mean, like stated in the article, Greggo WAS DFW Sports talk radio for a long time. I grew up listening to The Hard Line, but c'mon people that Greg "The Hammer" Williams is long "Dead and Gone". I remember the first RAGE broadcast where Greggo vowed to overtake 1310 as sports king (which I think we all knew was impossible) but his fire gave me hope that he may actually be back. But he eventually proved to be the selfish, lying, POS he in reality is. If you listened to RAGE regularly you could tell something has been up for a while. Like I asked yesterday, how can you people back a guy who's attendance was 80% at best and was obviously trying to get fired?

    Great article Richie! People's opinions of you are already made up before they read this article and most likely won't change, but people have been asking for this story since that day in mid April when we tuned in to 105.3 at 2:00 pm and didn't hear at least your voice (we had grown accustomed to not hearing Greggo at that time).

    1. "a lot of people" were hoping for a Richie and Fish show? That sounds as dubious as one of Greggo's tall tales.

    2. I think quite a few people would have liked to hear a Richie and Fish midday show. 100 x's better than Elf and Slater. The FAN has the talent to be a great station. Richie and Fish have great chemistry and are both very reputable when it comes to DFW sports. So I really don't see what the problem with that would be.

    3. "...but people have been asking for this story since that day in mid April when we tuned in to 105.3 at 2:00 pm and didn't hear at least your voice (we had grown accustomed to not hearing Greggo at that time)."


    4. I was all for RAFE, or FARE. Agreed about chemistry with RW and Fisher.

      "Condoms, bro. Condoms"

      J. Rich

  22. Thank you Richie. RAGE fans wanted the truth... and that's exactly what you have given us. Regardless of what people may say, we are captivated by this retelling of the fall of RAGE. 6:00 am cannot get here fast enough.

  23. Great stuff Richie. Even though nothing was said on the air about any of this, I'm sure anyone with a clue -- or those wanting to have a clue -- knew what the hell was going on. Cheers!

  24. Richie,
    I busted your balls about ratings when you were first fired. After reading this all I can say is, I apologize. Thank you for sharing the inside story of Greggo's Gigantic Ego and Drug induced roller coaster ride, as a Ticket P1 and Greggo fan it has been fascinating. Perhaps you and Mike Rhyner should start a support group? It would be must listen radio if you could join the Hard Line for a few segments.
    p.s. If everyone seems to hate you it's because we are jealous. Sybil, Hubba Hubba
    God Speed and good luck Brutha

  25. Dean Del Rio

    Really love reading these. Your an amazing writer bro, cooldos to you.
    It's really shocking to Me reading this after reading greggo's reason on why &how ya were fired.

    Can't wait to hear the rest

    1. Greggos reasoning had too many holes in it though, along with many of his answers to people asking on Twitter. He stated he had no clue why RW never called him about the firings and said everybody deals with things a different way. Sounded fishy to me.


  26. Hey: check out this acronym for Greggo's name I did with all Nintendo Game Names! thank me later! If you want me to do one for you just add your name to the comments! Richie, I can do yours as well!

    Remote control
    Eliminator boat duel
    George foreman's ko boxing

    Wizards & warriors iii: kuros: visions of power
    Ironsword: wizards & warriors ii
    Legend of Zelda
    Little league baseball: championship series
    Indiana jones and the last crusade

    1. awesome post. My name is Dikembe Mutumbo.

    2. The Nintendo Names had me saying WTF kind of post is that??..........The "awesome post. My name is Dikembe Mutumbo." <----- has me in tears ha ha ha ha ha

      C. Palmer

  27. WOW Richie, I am enthralled in this story and I'm not much of a reader but I'm glad I get to see into the life of what was RAGE. Loved the show and couldn't stand Greggo. Love you and Sybil. I will be reading your blog fro now on. Thanks for posting and hope you and Sybil find your way back to the top in whatever y'all do! Congrats.

  28. Richie, all of this histrionics doesn't change the fact that Bruce was right, you are not good as a lead broadcaster in radio. And the fact that you selected Greggo as your host, then selected Fisher as his replacement, are the best example of your complete lack of understanding of this medium.

    Fisher is terrible at radio, always has and always will be. A guy who can't appropriately pronounce the word "hundred" (or "hunnerd", as he likes to call it, whatever that is), has NO PLACE in a top 5 media market. Also love that Fisher has such great respect for his listeners (gun loving nuts with GEDs as he put i). You thought he'd be great. He's not. You thought Greggo would be great. He wasn't. You are trying to rewrite history. Your show didn't get ratings, so just live with it and move on.

    Finally, it's interesting to me that you're trying to reclaim your "good name" with website advertisers like strip clubs and subprime mortgage predators. I think that tells us all we need to know.

    It's a fascinating story, just wish you'd lay off on trying to spin this as you being the victim. The show wasn't great and didn't have enough listeners, regardless of how high/drunk/dispicable Greggo was.

    1. Yeah, Fish seems to be kind of a jerk. Probably would be more comfortable in LA or NY.

  29. Good stuff, your going to get me fired bc I keep reading these every morning.

  30. Im enjoying reading this, but I cant help but think you're being a whiney kiss ass that's hoping to save your radio career by throwing Greggo under the bus.

    Can't imagine any credible radio person wanting to work with someone who would air their dirty laundry if things didn't work out. Skorched earth tactics rarely work out

  31. Richie, my man! I can't say I have always liked you and we have butted heads on text and twitter over a few things. Matter of fact, I actually have always thought you were cocky and an ass. One thing I do know is that you aren't a liar and you are not a BS'er. I met Greggo at a TCU football game (season ticket holders) last year and hit him up on twitter because I wanted to shake his hand (for some odd reason) He told us where he was sitting and my wife, brother in law and myself went to meet him. It was uncomfortable and it was as though he could not stay still. When we left from there, my wife asked us if he was on drugs, we still talk about that odd encounter and just discussed it over the weekend while playing washers. Keep doing what you are, seems like you at least have proof of your story, not just blabbering bullshit to anyone that will listen.

    Johnson County TX

  32. wow this is better than Paul Harvey's 'the rest of the story'... I thought most of it was just "shtick",but anyone could tell something was amiss....good luck in the are a talented person

  33. I will leave the bashing of you, Greggo, and others to the other posters. I am curious as to what your intent is in publishing this manifesto. It seems the obvious reason, as you acknowledged, was to "clear your good name." However, other reasons exist and could include:

    1). Revenge. You seem to exclusively blame Williams for the fall of the radio show and the loss of a six figure income. As such, you cast him in the harshest light possible. Understandable perhaps if this is one of your motivations. And yet, if Williams alone was to blame for the downfall of the radio show, doesn't it make sense that upper management would have terminated Williams alone and substituted in a stronger co-host? Further, if Williams' problems were all alcohol and drug related

    2). Attempting to re-establish a reputation and audience. It appears as if you are attempting to do this by attempting to place the blame for the demise of the show on Williams, on upper management and on other third parties. Certainly, Williams' addiction issues effected his ability to perform his job and yet, as you have seen from the comments, Williams has an audience. Further, to re-establish ones reputation, isn't integrity of the highest importance? As such, don't you think it is in your best interest to objectively look at yourself, the mistakes you made, acknowledge them in public and state how you have learned from them?

    3). Publicity. With corporate advertisers on this site, you are undoubtedly getting a certain amount of revenue (albeit probably minimal) from clicks to this site.

    4). Closure. A "tell all" tome may be necessary for you to close the door on this chapter of your life and move on. You have selected this forum to accomplish that.

    In any event, the mistakes upper management made with regard to running the station appear to be legion. So too, the mistakes made by the on-air "talent" also were disconcerting. A bit more objectivity into whether you believe you had any part in the demise of the show would be interesting... and perhaps enlightening.


    1. Williams also has a blog where he denounces any responsibility to the firing, and blames it all on management. I believe this is a response.

  34. Richie,

    Who is Stephanie Blumenthal and what role did she play in getting you fired if any? You lashed out at her on twitter one day and it appears she crossed you at some point.

  35. Richie,

    How did you get direct messages between Greg and Jennifer?

  36. This goes to prove that Radio is really a big show and that's what all listeners need to remember. I bought into the lies and was admittedly one those that was part of the "Where's Greggo" faction (not to the extent of going after Fisher). I was upset that CBS seemed to want to hide something when is quite clear that something wasn't right. I have to give props to you Richie for taking the "high road". I personally believe you did the right thing by attempting to address the issues behind scenes with the upper management. I truly enjoyed Rage and hate that these things were goin on. Something had to give and unfortunately it appears that CBS didn't just want take the trash out, they wanted to a whole new kitchen. Keep writing and the true fans will continue to follow.

  37. I always enjoyed listening to you show mainly when you were partnered with Newy. Although I know nothing about the biz, from a fan perspective I feel the ratings were down because of lack of consistency. As a fan, one never knew who was going to be on the show from day to day. It became quite obvious in the end, that Greggo was full of BS. Richie you are not only a great writer, but also obviously a great improviser. Let us know when you get your next gig. In the meantime, I'll follow the sportatorium.

  38. I, as a listener (at the time), was angered by not being provided information as to where the heck Greggo was. I also was one of those annoying "where's Greggo" individuals. As you shed the light on what really went down, I would like to apologize to you and Mike Fisher. I wish you and Sybil the best of luck and hope to find the two of you on the air again soon. I had a very difficult time trying to tune into the show after you were fired, but now with your writings, it would be impossible. Best of luck!


  39. Thanks for all the well wishes, Fertile, Heather & Brian! Hope to see ya 'round these parts more often.

    1. Sure thing! DI expect to be invited to yalls wedding...


  40. Richie, thanks for sharing all of this with us. When the show was fired I felt like something was stolen from me. When I first moved here I found you and Greggo annoying on your noon show yet I always found myself tuning in. When yall made the move to the afternoon I felt yall were perfectly cast. Nobody else on The Fan and that annoyed me so I rarely listened to any other show then RAGE. Those idiots who replaced were obnoxious on ESPN and I have not and won't listen to them on The Fan. (how can you trust people who hang with CJ Wilson?) The Fan has lost me, I never tune in and won't. Sorry you had to deal with all of that shit. Miss the show and good luck to you!

  41. As a long-ago coworker of yours from the Shorthorn and Star-Telegram, I'm sorry to see your sports radio gig blow up. I listened to The Ticket avidly until leaving DFW in the '90s and hoped Greg Williams would get his life together.

    Though you do a good job of documenting the trainwreck, I'm less interested in Greggo's faults than in your self-assessment of what you could have done differently.

    When Greggo was allowed to miss 17 out of 37 work days without consequences, shouldn't you have known that station management was never going to dump him and go forward with you and a new partner? It seems like he had all the power in your partnership, where the bosses were concerned.

  42. I reckon that the buzz you created with this series is already waning. It has for me anywho.

    Watching you slap a loser like Williams just doesn't hold my interest for very long.

    Post photos of Sybil and Susan Cloud kissing and maybe I will regularly look at your site.

    Good luck. Your days at The Observer with Robert Wilonsky and Dave Fairies and others were the best as far as I'm concerned.

  43. I'm a long time Ticket listener, but even when Greggo was on the The Ticket, he sucked. The only reason he was on the show was to be made fun of. He never contributed anything other than fodder for schtick and his sports knowledge was laughable.

    While I have never listened to the Fan for anything other than game broadcasts, I am enthralled by this article. I can't wait for the next installment.

  44. is it possible that Richie just went "undercover" as a radio host for three years to complete part 2 of this article about greggo?

    sybil could for sure be called "deep throat" in any event.

    lets give it some thought.

    1. I see what you did there and I like it!!

    2. Giggle. I've always been a fan of the double entendre.

    3. when it comes to deep throat, I always feel left out

  45. This is amazing Richie! But I have a question. Where did you get the direct messages on twitter between Greggo and others?

  46. You tell Richit Whitt he wasn't that great. Do you like this gig?

  47. So your bosses were lying to you all along, and now you're using private communications between yourself and those people to violate the privacy of a third party? I'd hope like hell there aren't further communications between yourself and any of the parties at CBS that indicate breaches of privacy in violation of HIPAA. E-discovery turns up records people think were looong dead and gone.

    Legal considerations notwithstanding, the side of the highway is strewn with the wreckage of careers that were hitched to the talented and troubled people of the world. You aren't the first, nor will you be the last to lose a job or some money because some troubled person succumbed to his demons. But your personal need for self-justification is the most childish tantrum I've ever seen an ostensibly "grown" man throw. Aren't you almost 50 years old? All this makes you look like a petulant teenager.

    It's obvious that you lack any moral authority or conviction because you have to come running out to the schoolyard, dancing around holding up copies of private communications, all the while yelling, "See! See! I'm right! I'm justified!!" Outside of a courtroom, a man who's just and right can let his word stand on it's own. Tell your story if you feel you must, but do you have to savage other people along the way to make you feel better? It makes you look smaller than you really are, and that's a shame, because you had a real opportunity to gain in stature by the way you told this story and by the way you moved on from it. You're lucky you don't have my Dad to answer to. Even if I were 50, he'd come over and b-slap me for being a punk if I acted like you do.

    If you ever wonder why people think you're a douchebag everywhere you go, just revisit this little episode in your life. If I were you, I'd start practicing the manly virtues today, and hope they take root in your life by the time you hit 60. Find a grizzled old Veteran and ask him how to do that. Old and douchey is just pathetic, and it's just a few years away for you. Kicking a man in public while he's down is the province of weaklings and unjustifiably prideful men. I feel sorry for Greggo, but nothing but contempt for you.

    1. Unless Richie has gotten a medical degree since losing his radio show and become Greggo's doctor, HIPAA would not apply. It limits what health care providers can disclose, not angry former talk radio hosts.

    2. Greggo? Is that you? Judging by the ability to form coherent thoughts and complete sentences, I'm guessing not.

      To the real author of this post, I don't know anything about Richie other than he's a writer. Writers write. Asking him to keep this quiet is like asking Taylor Swift to write songs about something other than breakups. Providing supporting documentation for his claims is just good journalism.

      It's obvious that you have some sort of connection to Greggo. However, if you want to defend his honor, do it publicly instead of hiding behind an anonymous post on a blog. It's ironic that you call Richie a weakling and childish while hiding behind your own curtain of anonymity.

    3. Rogers, I'm no expert on health care law, but I'm pretty sure any disclosure of private health information by employers to other employees could be actionable under one or more of the millions of federal and state regulations regarding medical privacy. Hell, common law invasion of privacy might be the ticket. Not inclined to research whether or not Texas recognizes it or has codified it. Still, under the circumstances, if I were Richie, I'd worry more about being a perpetual punk than about the law.

    4. "I'm no expert on health care law"

      Really? I never would have guessed.

    5. My issues continue to be Richie's access to direct messages between Greg and his girlfriend and private medical information, specifically the note from his doctor. Isn't that some violation of HIPPA?

    6. Elizabeth,

      richie is now a journalist again and does not need to disclose his sources, and if you read his comments, he said they were handed to him on a silver platter plus sources

    7. You guys serious about the hipaa stuff and direct messages and texts? If he's a journalist again, which he was for many years, he has sources. I guess I'm wondering why people are harping on things like that. If you thought your significant other was cheating on you, would you check their texts on their phone? Or if they left their email open?
      Do you know your employer has the right to read every email, well basically anything and everything on your computer?
      Anyways, I'm just guessing his sources gave him most of the information. It's kind of funny, people coming on here saying it's wrong to air out their dirty laundry are the same people that are here everyday.


    8. Anonymous (have some balls to use your name),

      If anyone is coming off like a douche it's you. For the actions of one man who was the one that sunk this ship to be thrown by the wayside while two innocents lose their jobs, which by all accounts afternoon drive time is most lucrative, is just simply crazy on your part. The facts are being presented. You have the ability to believe them or not believe them. There seem to be very little opinions throw into these accounts, merely facts. Let's try this on for size....whatever job you do, let's say your in sales and your customer service rep comes to work 1/2 the time in 40 days and you lose your job because of it you'd be livid. Let's also say you were making around $250k - $300k also. When you go out and look to get hired they are going to ask you, if you're making that kind of money that must mean you are pretty good at what you do. Richie and Sybil were pretty good at what they did and to get fired because of the other member of the show's continued antics are ludicrous. Walk a mile in another person's shoes and put yourself in their shoes for one second. Quite frankly, I'm surprised this has been as tame as it has been. Greggo is a selfish prick and a narcissist to boot. One of his first tweets was that Richie and Sybil didn't deserve this. You're damn right they didn't. He should have been shit canned long ago and if you want my honest opinion bringing Mike Bascik in would have done just fine...a helluva a lot better than a daily drugged out, washed up, lying excuse for a partner. So, Anonymous, who doesn't have the balls to put your name out there....put a sock in it!

    9. Sincerey,

      Name that Dude Singing Like a Rolling Stone

  48. ^^ No Joke Richie, stand on your own word. Using these private messages just goes to show you have no honor whatsoever. I'm embarrassed you are in the Dallas media...

    1. It's amazing how all these Greggo sympathizers are missing the point. Richie has PROOF that he lied and used drugs, yet Richie's somehow "dishonorable". Methinks your anger is a bit misdirected.

    2. So let's say he stood only on his words and didn't provide evidence, wouldn't everyone be asking for proof of these allegations?

  49. Unreal stuff. I haven't tuned in while on the ride home since RAGE was taken off air. If not for being buddies with Choppy, I'd tune out 105.3 altogether.

    I miss the hell out of RAGE.

  50. I agree. Whitt sounds like a little biotch. Hey Whitt, did you ever think that your ratings tanked because you suck at radio? I don't know anybody that liked listning to you.
    Also this is what you get for being a company punk.
    A word of advice, never ever trust a company.

  51. As a comment said above, we had all grown accustomed to not hearing Greggo anymore. Each day I would tune in and think to myself, great! another Greggo no show. I think alot of listeners grew tired of this. I used to be a Greggo sympathizer, but not any longer. After reading this, I can see and believe that Greggo is an egotistical, self centered douche! I even tuned in to a couple of his podcasts and he comes off as unprepared and uninterested. I will stop feeling sorry for him, he built himself into the dynamic and profitable character he was, so he should be the one to fix himself. I'm so done with Greggo. Keep the gold coming Richie! Great stuff!

    PS, don't let these Greggo apologists get you down, you might not been their favorite, but you were a professional in ever sense.

  52. So you got unjustly fired. Hasn't everyone?? Do you think your crying over this is going to get your job back with CBS or maybe gent you another radio gig?? I seriously doubt it. The only thing I can say about a possible Richie and Fish radio show have got to be joking? Really? You think those 2 guys can pull any ratings? I just want to tell you Richie that I've never seen a guy so humble, down to earth, will take the blame for others misgivings, best personality, and a man who is short in stature but has so much character than you. You should be looked up to as a great human being and philanthropist. God bless and stay hard brotha!!

  53. I'm not doubting all of the claims here, Richie, but there are some things that I specifically know to be untrue. Specifically, Greg DID NOT attend the 2011 Motley Crue concert in Dallas, it just didn't happen. I can put my name on it.

  54. This Anonymous person has to be Jenn. A world class enabler.

  55. I first started listening to the fan when I heard that Josh Lewin got a gig there. Their show was so-so but I quickly fell in love with RAGE and listened almost everyday for several years (Don't even have any other radio presets programmed).

    I felt like a little kid who's dog died when I heard you guys got cancelled, it was a real shock to the system. Your "replacements" are bland and boring in my opinion... I hope you move on to bigger and better things Richie, you deserve it. After reading everything you wrote about Greggo I am honestly not all that surprised, I was getting really weird vibes from him for months and I guess my intuition was correct. Keep on keepin' on Sir!

    1. I felt the same way, and the B&S show is really bad. It's like 8 white guys sitting around the table who all think and sound exactly alike slapping each other on the back for being so awesome.


    2. Hahaha that's a perfect description! I wish they would move The G-Bag nation to B&S's time slot. Unlike B&S they are some actual cool dudes slapping each other on the back for actually being awesome.

    3. I agree chris, G-bag could do way better in that slot.

  56. Richie-

    This is all a very compelling read and it is evident you are a very good writer. However, I'm not sure I understand the entire premise. At the end of the day, your partner let you down and as a result, your team failed. It almost sounds like you believe you were betrayed or fired in an unjust manner. I don't agree with that. You are a solid radio man, but you are the point man on the presentation. You get the show in and out of breaks, introduce topics and interject opinions where necessary. Every program needs one. However, its the color people that move the needle or endear the fans. Whether its TV or Radio. Every year, Inside the NBA wins Emmy awards, etc on TNT. You think it is because of Ernie Johnson? Heck no. But that is what you are to a program - the point guy. Its not an insult, it just is what it is. So if the guy you align yourself with as your teammate goes away, you've got to replace him with someone as endearing/compelling to fans or you are doomed. And your idea was Mike Fisher? I'm sorry, but thats not going to move the needle. Point is, if Dirk Nowitzki wanted to replace Greggo from 2-7 and work with you, you'd still have that job. But no one as compelling as a Greggo was available as a suitable replacement, so you had to go. It is what it is. Yes, it sucks. Firings are very rarely thought of you with reverance by both parties...this is no different.

    Best of luck - it is very evident you will be just fine with the talents and drive you have.

  57. I guess any bad mouthing of Richie Whitt is Greggo. Makes sense to me. Richie is the nicest guy, has a big heart, and would do anything to help a friend in need. Richie, you are the greatest of all time. You are the best person and radio host to ever walk this green earth. Keep up the humanitarian efforts. I know I've got your back and I'm sure you have mine. Greggo will attest to that. Thanks for being a great role model and...................BABY ARM brotha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Who do we know at Texas Monthly?

  58. I'm so sad for all parties involved. I'm pretty disappointed in you, Richie. This is just so sad. Greggo made some horrible decisions for sure and needs A LOT of professional help. I can relate to the depression and anxiety (at a much lower level) so I can understand why he would lie to get out of work because he wasn't feeling it that day.

    When I heard that you posted private communications in this blog I was horrified that you would do something like that and I had to see for myself. Appreciate the insight, but it's at the expense of not only Greggo but pretty much everyone! After the show got cancelled I cried (but my beloved K&C masterpiece made it all better).

    I can't believe you would stoop to such a low level. I can understand you're bitter (and I would be as well) and I know that I would probably hoot and holler publicly but would never consider sharing private communications with the world. I've defended you every time haters would voice their negative opinions of you to me. Shoot, I trusted you with my (at the time) 4 year old son out of my sight at a remote broadcast.

    I'm not the least bit surprised at the whole Greggo situation as I have been in contact with him through the whole thing as well. Obviously didn't have the info that you did for which I'm very thankful. I've had my share of Greggo drama but I deal with it the best I can for the best outcome instead of going public with it. Only one other person knows about it and I can trust him not to share it with the world and completely destroy what was left his career.

    I resented the Fan when they dropped Jasmine, but now I can't stand them. This is a horrible way to operate a business. RAGE got screwed by the bosses, but this blog is screwing them right back.

    1. really, Jasmine? blurgh. she was a bit too full of herself for my taste. I'm all about the Sybil love.


    1. CAPS ANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Hey Richie......I have one question for you............DO YOU LIKE YOUR GIG??????..........answer the question brotha.............GREGGO out

  61. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  62. Richie, I appreciate what you are doing here. It is important to share the truth. I have been one of those that tended to relate to Greg's point of view because of a somewhat similar background. I loved the dynamic you two had at least initially, polar opposites. It was great radio!! I know so many people that only listened to your show on The Fan and could not stand the other shows. You would be surprised. There was a huge RAGE following out here in Erath County. I hope that everyone that is following Greg these days reads these articles. I will all be interested in his response to you on his blog. Will you ever do radio again? You BOTH made the show good.

  63. Richie. Could you help me out. I cant seem to find a good hair plugs place, a place to buy affliction shirts, and a place that sells pants for short guys. Any ideas on how I can rectify this conundrum I'm in. Thanks. Always thought you had the utmost integrity.

  64. ............Answer the question damn it!!!!!!!!...................DO YOU LIKE YOUR GIG??????????.......GREGGO out.....again.....10-4 brotha.

  65. Wow, some of the anonymous people are just idiots. Hope Greggo enjoys feeling superior, at least until the truth comes out. Props to RW for good journalism.

  66. Once a lying junkie...always a lying junkie. Fuck you Greggo!

  67. This is better than anything on daytime TV.

  68. Once a midget always a midget.

  69. Little Girl GreggoJune 19, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    Momma says I should wear a bonnet on Friday's podcast.

    1. I think Richie might have one. He might also have some lipstick.

  70. Still boggles my mind that Ben & Skin are on instead of RAGE - now that's a fucking joke!

  71. Spittle is a weasel. He's got his head so far up Ben and Skins ass its a joke. And no doubt he sent a text to his former no talent down the mid day dial to boast of your termination. Hope you expose him for the weasel he is.

  72. Camouflage boat!

  73. I am loving these blogs. I didn't like Richie a whole lot but I respected his opinions. I am not from Dallas so I guess that's why I never understood the Greggo love. I remember texting the show 1 day saying how does a guy who doesnt even like sports enough to watch them live get a job in sports radio. I got a response text from the fan basically agreeing. I guess that was you huh

  74. So your not from dallas? And you've come to like and respect Richie instead of Greggo? Were you listening to the same radio show as the rest of us or is this Richie and his minnions posting for him. How can you respect this guy? He would backstab you in a minute bro. Get a clue.

  75. Richie was never my favorite of the group, but I really feel bad for him. Worse for Sybil. And what has happened to Armen??

    1. No need to feel bad. Richie has been in this market writing 25+ yrs , Sybil is very talented and will land somwhere on the radio again and Armen is on the afternoons with Elf and Slater God help his soul

    2. And Armen's role has been limited. And you can tell the part about what Richie said pertaining to Spittle is correct...Armen does not speak unless spoken to. Sad.

    3. I hear Sybil might work the poles(no pun intended) at Baby Dolls in the very near future.

  76. I find it laughable that anyone would call Richie a backstabber in this case. If you have ever had a job that makes more than minimum wage (much less a job that pays in the 6 figures), you understand that you must always CYA!!! Most companies have backstabbers and you must get all of the documentation that you can to protect yourself. Richie just happens to have a medium that he can express himself with a situation that most want to hear about (love him or hate are reading this.) Backstab: To attack (someone) unfairly, especially in an underhand, deceitful manner. If Greggo was an upright citizen, going to work everyday and really pushing the show to be better, everyone got fired and then this came out, then yes that would be backstabbing.

    Greggo was never there! He was basically insane (I sent numerous text to the show saying that.) Richie is guilty of taking a chance and losing. As for the show, someone already said better to build a whole new kitchen than take out the trash.

    I lost a great job due to a political backstabbing, but still keep my mouth shut because the industry I work in is small. Richie has put himself out there for good or ill, and I respect him for that. Wish I could do that as well, but that would be career suicide. I would love to see a question and answer session with him after this week is over. I have questions, but want to wait to see the final product before asking.

    And for the Greggo followers that blame Richie for is the addict that is responsible. None of this would even be necessary if Greggo stayed sober. And he clearly hasn't been for a long time!

    1. Perfectly worded. You put into text exactly what I have been thinking since Monday.

    2. "Backstab: To attack (someone) unfairly, especially in an underhand, deceitful manner. If Greggo was an upright citizen, going to work everyday and really pushing the show to be better, everyone got fired and then this came out, then yes that would be backstabbing."

      What he said.

  77. It is pretty easy to see what is going on here. Richie IS Greggo! think about it...ever since this blog launched Greggo hasnt tweeted a word, nor done a podcast. Also, when they were on the air, and Richie was broadcasting, Greggo wasnt there. Doesnt take much smarts to know that they are the same person.

  78. sometimes i think sybil is really hot...sometimes i think she might be mean to me if i ever dated her before she got married. sometimes i think she is mad at people who duke in their pants. either way she is super nice and reading this and laughing.

    prove me wrong

  79. Get it!? My name is like the other guy in Dallas but opposite!


    1. ^^^ may be the best post on here all day.

  80. Pretty good blog, but is it also a CAFE!!!???

    haha! looser, what are you gonna feed your diners (people that eat at blogs) if you if you aren't a gigantic CAFE!!!???

    you didn't think of that when you decided to attack me...i mean Greggo.

    1. Lesson of the day...

      * loser - what you are

      * looser - what your sister is after I bang her

    2. dont you mean what my sister WILL BE?

      hahaha! its so tense that you dont know what tense!


      i win.

    3. someone needs a jr. cheeseburger...

  81. I can see what you are saying, but there is one glaring problem with that conclusion. The writing on GGB&C looks to have been done by a junior high student. Maybe it was Richie/Greggo having a junior high student write it to throw off the scent...hmmmmmm.

    My guess is that we will not hear from Greggo again. If we do it will be some rambling BS trying to deflect the truth. The truth being that he is a liar. Apparently has been for quite some time and that has been the root of all the problems that we, the public, know about. Everything else can be helped and forgiven, but most people can only be lied to so many times before the want to help and forgive goes out the window.

    Never was a fan of The Fan, but I'm glad the blog is back. Good luck.

  82. ............Answer the question............DO YOU LIKE YOUR GIG????????????????????

  83. Greggo was still better than Whitt even when he wasn't there. Richie is a legend in his own mind. He's never done anything in ready. Greggo has skins on the wall. You can't deny that. As far as everybody crying that Greggo is a liar, who fucking cares if he lied to get out of work. Who really cares. You all sound like a bunch of teenage girls who were lied to by their teenybopper boyfriend. Who cares. Sounds to me like Spittle never said Greggos absences were the reason for the firing. I think Whitt just figures that is the reason. He doesn't take into account he has no radio personality that would draw an audience. As crazy as Greggo was he could always draw people in. If Greggo was on drugs while on the air, who cares. Aren't we going for entertainment?? All of richies 2 followers need to get their panties out of a bunch and quit crying like little bitches. So greggo lied, nobody cares.

    1. you are anonymous so you probably duke in your pants and sybil will be mad.

      hey everyone! listen up! the guy that wrote the above post dukes his pants!

    2. I completely agree - we liked Greggo ccuz he was FUCKING entertaining!!!

    3. @4:15

      You're right. Greggo was a legend in this market fifteen years ago. Now, he's just a washed-up old man who gets high and watches History Channel. Fascinating.

    4. you didnt read the article, Richie was happy to be a number 2. And Greggo was only ever good for drops and should be kissing mike rhiners feet for bringing him in to the ticket.

  84. im just posting this to see what robot proof words i get to type.

    its like a nice puzzle.

    they were glue and himenem

    but i had to edit so they prolly changed

  85. Breaking:

    Amanda Bynes is dating radio legend Greggo Hammer Williams.

    They have been sharing a blonde wig for over a week.

    *not really TMZ

    1. Just so everyone knows. Greg Williams is the nicest person. Going live on air every day and facing critics is stressful for EVERYONE who does it, and it can make certain personality types super self critical, and super self hating. The sacrifice of this line of work is privacy, and not everyone can deal with it, but there isn't much of a way out once you are in. The resulting lying, false bravado, large ego and the like makes sense of someone who, weather they wanted to or not, got thrust into a dream job, the fast lane, and the public eye...then payed too much attention to the critics.

  86. The funny thing is that all these people talking about what an ass Richie is don't realize that is exactly what he is/was trying to accomplish! His job was to piss you off and get you to call, text, or write (good spelling or grammar not required) to blogs.

    Job well done, Mr. Whitt.

  87. I too was a huge Greggo fan, and to an extent still am. But we as listeners deserved the truth or at least an answer to "what the hapoened?". And now that we are getting it, some choose to throw barbs at Richie for giving it to us.
    Thanks for letting those that were truly RAGEAHOLICS know the truth. Whether we choose to believe you is up to each of us. Sadly, it all makes too much sense and I appreciate the truth, as much as I hate to hear it.

  88. Greggo was entertaining but as a teammate, I don't think I could handle his flaking out and not showing up.
    Thank you for the explanation (so far).
    What is Scruggs up to? Ya'll were together when I started listening.

    Anyone else notice: No post by Greggo so far this week?

    1. I agree, Nothing is more sad and upsetting than a teammate giving up on his team. Scruggs is on NBC 5 and has his own national sports show on NBC Radio and I hope Greggo went to go get help.

  89. Lies and deceitfulness can be just as hurting as straight up insults. Not only does it hurt, but it’s tiring, stressful, frustrating. You give that person other chances to change and you try to help. But that can only last so long. I understand why Richie is mad at Greggo for what he did. What people don’t understand is the Yes Richie got Greggo a job at the Fan, but originally it wasn’t with Richie. Greggo had his own show and Richie was with Newy. It wasn’t until after a little while that someone suggested that Richie be with Greggo, and due to Newy’s full schedule he would be by himself. That’s how RAGE began. As for Greggo I feel bad for him but perhaps this story if for the best and it’s a wakeup call for what he did to the people around him and his job for those final months. It’s time to go back and get some help. It’s obvious that he thought his firing was total BS but know he can see the other point of view. Sometime we are totaly oblivious to what we do, especially when someone is addicted to drugs.

  90. Let's put aside that Greggo did drugs. You can't blame all of his actions on drug abuse.
    Once you look at that, and add up what all he's done, does he *really* look like a nice but tortured guy? A sweetheart with demons?
    Fuck no. The dude's a mess as a human being.

  91. " "Look, we got a problem. You guys aren't big enough names to be talking about your personal lives as segments," he said to Williams and me."

    and B&S are it seems like all they do is talk about their lives and who they know

    1. I actually enjoyed hearing about their personal lives on the show and how it felt like hanging out with buddies. I also think the dynamic chemistry between Greggo and Richie was great. Together they made interesting radio. The adage The whole is greater than the sum of its parts is very true here.

    2. Spittle seems like a clueless doofus. We'll see if he's consistent with his ratings rationale for firing RAGE when Ben & Skin pull likely even crappier numbers.

  92. Richie, loving the articles. Extremely interesting. I beleive every word. So why did you keep doing the Greggo pics of the day? That must have been very uncomfortable.

  93. Pete Stein is my uncle and I know how they did him dirty .. so I know richies telling nothing but 100% the truth

  94. Richie, I am thinking you should have kept your mouth shut about him being high, drinking and on drugs. I am betting that once you said that to management, it was in the open in their minds. If anything was going to be done to get his ass off the air, you had to go too. If they had fired Williams and not both of you, you can bet your ass he would have sued CBS for firing him because of his "Sickness" (which is more of an excuse than disease to me) so CBS had to shit can the both of you to avoid a lawsuit AND get his ass off the air!

  95. holy shit, someone here just admitted Pete Stein was their uncle??

  96. Yea he's my uncle and what about it ?

    1. pete stein is one hell of a model american. for real, one of the nicest people you will ever come across, and talented too.

      stay hard pete

  97. Hey Richie, RAGE was a show I liked to listen to when I wasn't at work. I appreciated what you did for local bands, my band Fantasma was on your local Thursdays a few times. There was something towards the end that let me know something was happening. I couldn't listen to you guys sometimes. You were both combative. I do think you are getting the worst of it because Greg is a guy that can make himself look like the everyman. I hope that you will let us know when you make it back on the air. It can not be the easiest thing to realize that your partner and friend lied to you and put your livelihood in jeopardy. I was very pissed when I found out you guys were off the air. I had just quit my job and wanted to come out to a remote event and introduce myself. I now only listen to New School when I wake up early enough and G-bag nation. Elf and Slater do not have good chemistry on air and Ben and Skin are just boring to me. I hope the best to you and Sybil and maybe you can come to a Fantasma show in Dallas at some point, I know you guys already have shirts!

  98. "Anyone else notice: No post by Greggo so far this week?"

    Yeah, a bunch of us have noticed. Did y'all catch that last podcast he started and then aborted the day part 1 of the series hit the web? It was very close to what Whitt describes in his articles: absolutely incoherent gibberish. One non-sequitur after another. Then, later in the day, that enabling girlfriend of his spit out a series of rant-tweets until she realized there was no explaining away those DM's between Williams and herself regarding the fake injury/illness. Then she shifted gears for a while claiming that her twitter account had been "hacked" (unlikely as that may be), without any further comment on the real issue: the content of those DM's. Now her twitter account is protected.

    Given the foregoing response, such as it is, by Williams and the enabler, there can be little (if any) doubt that Whitt is laying down the gospel. He's presented an airtight case, imho.

  99. Thanks for the article Richie. In my opinion The Fan has been badly mismanaged. You guys we're setup for failure from jump. With all do respect you were relatively a rookie to radio teamed with Greggo's past. You guys had a 5 hour time slot (WTH) and put up against the highest rated show in market that had a strangle hold on PM drive. Based on your article CBS never really respected the show. They were banking on listeners tuning in to listen in to the Greggo train wreck. That is why there was no action taken when you went management. They were hoping Greggo's relapses would draw listeners. Unfortunately you were the babysitter. With that said, they continue to make bad decisions by bringing in a show that has never seen ratings in Ben&Skin. What a joke. Those two have done nothing in the industry to warrent a weekend show, let alone PM drive. While there are hosts on the station that have real skin (pardon the pun) on the wall. I have lost all respect for the station and will not tune in again. I am a P1 that would tune in to hear CA from time to time, but I feel that him and Elf were completely disrespected by the B&S hiring. You are better then that station and I hope that you get a shot at one of the other locals.

  100. I listened to Rage everyday so I could be kept up-to-date on sports (I'm a grandmaw lady and have to be in tune w/sports for my grandson's...they would be blown away that I knew sports...;)and of course the entertainment the Rage afford. I kept wondering why a ex-drug addict would take's a drug and then exploit it on the air. That would be something I would have kept to myself. Did Greggo really have a second lap band surgery?? He's lost so much weight he looks like a crack addict now..just saying..or is the weight loss due to the drugs? One thing I could do without was the pic of the day of Greggo......he gets uglier by the day. Now that I've bashed Greggo, I will say I did enjoy listening to him as well as the rest of the team and miss The Rage. I came by one day to meet The Rage team and both Sybil and Richie were so nice and shook my hand but Greggo looked as tho he was put out by the intrusion ...oh well.
    Best of luck Richie!!!!


  101. Getting rid of JT the Brick was strike one. Getting rid of Jasmine was strike two. Getting rid of Richie Whitt was strike three.

  102. Hey Richie. You said Greggo offered to quit when you all met with Spittle and he didn't accept it. I bet if you offered to quit he would have accepted that immediately.

  103. Two comments:

    Numero Uno

    Most of the time, if a person is hired on the endorsement of a second person and
    winds up working with him (in this case, you are the second person), the second
    person usually gets credit for and suffers the same fate as the guy he brought in
    when that guy turns out to be a jackwagon and mucks things up...
    ESPECIALLY in the radio biz.

    Numero Two-o

    If Casey Kasem was still doing AT40, we could ask him to do a not so long distance dedication of the following song, from Greggo to Richie. (GREAT drum intro!)

    (and NO, this is NOT a reference to Corby Davidson in any way.)

    Richie, you knew what he was when you took him in.

    Why were you surprised when you got bit???

    (I know nothing... NOOOOOOTHING!)

  104. Despite the known fact that Greggo was a nut job, you took the gig, because it was your only shot, The show didn't go away because Greggo was freak, if the rating were high enough they would have worked thru it, They took the show off because it sucked, and the ratings were on the way down, not up. The fact that you say "we knew we couldn't beat the Ticket" shows you had no clue. Who wants that guy hosting your drive time show? CBS did what every company does, played it out until they had a better plan, they were NEVER going to roll with you and Fish, Greggo was your only draw on the HeHaw show. Notice nobody snapped you up when you were fired? Because the show wasn't that good. Again, the fake screen shots of text really call in to question what is real and what is not, but your both off and that's for the best...

  105. Neither Greggo nor his girlfriend are alleging that the screenshots are "fake."

    Just sayin'....

  106. I live in Denver and have been following the soap opera of Greg Williams since he was with the ticket. In my business if you miss a couple of days without a legitimate excuse, you are fired. I don't understand the radio business but it's obvious that Greg is lost. Unless he gets help, he will always be a user. I have daughter that went to rehab and maybe, finally, she is going to be clean. Tough love is he only way to conquer this. I feel sorry for RW having to put up with that but it's just like every corporate business. The suits never back up good employees, fire them, then they wonder why someone goes into a business and kills everyone. I will keep reading because I am from Dallas and lived there when the ticket first started. Good luck.

    David D.

  107. I think it's awesomely hypocritcal you called out the Ticket guys for shunning Greggo and now you're torpedoing his life with private messages and communications...I'm pretty sure corby probably didn't give you clearance to use his direct messages

  108. "Look, we got a problem. You guys aren't big enough names to be talking about your personal lives as segments," he said to Williams and me. "Richie, we gotta work on your teases. Greggo, your list - whatever it's supposed to be - is gone. And I feel like there's too much estrogen on this station. You're gonna pull back on Sybil's involvement. Armen's going to talk only when one of you guys directly address him. And you guys play too much music. I want two guys passionately talking in a bar, making me want to jump in and join the conversation."

    This was a great and honest assessment of the show. And why I didn't listen. Spittle may be a jerk and/or idiot. But he was spot on, here.

  109. You should know by now...never ever go to HR. They are always on the side of those above you and will pass along the conversation to them.

  110. Never commented before, but also never ever read anything so freaking compelling, since your original article on The Great Lie. You are a pro for taking all of the crap these morons through at you, but no one can say you arent ONE HELL OF A WRITER!! Wow.

  111. Radio can be a fickle bitch entangled within a slimy industry. My precarious perch had nothing to do with my individual performance and everything to do with my partner. Though we were rarely held to the same standard during our three-year run, suddenly I was an equal, indeed joined at Williams' degenerative hip.
    I never made it to 60 days.
    I was the baby, thrown out with Greggo's dirty bath water...........That about says it all about you RW. I know you, been on the radio with you. You're not that compelling, and not near as YOU think. Why do you think a drug idled has been was kept all that time if you were 1/2 the scary talent you think you are. You're not.

    Also, no one and I mean no one likes a rat. I take that back internal affairs and HR does. This whole blog is rife with things that should never have been published in an effort to make you look good. It doesn't you egomaniac. It makes you look like a whiny B incapable of introspection as to ones own culpability in the show's position. Hammer is the hammer. He popular with the masses. So is Duck dynasty. You're not. Learn to live with it.
