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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Truth Behind Me vs. ... The Ticket?

   So, from my viewpoint, there is no Richie Whitt vs. The Ticket.
   But apparently this morning - this comes second-hand via Twitter, I didn't hear it because I got out of the habit of listening to them the last five years when I was at The Fan - The Ticket's morning show, The Musers, criticized me, calling me a "sideline sitter" and "Bitchy Twit."
   The first label, of course, refers to me having recently been fired from The Fan. Seems a little mean-spirited, but hey, it's their microphones. All's fair in love and radio. No biggie. And I guess the latter is supposed to be a zinger but, other than displaying their fundamental ability to rhyme, it just takes me back to 2nd grade.
   Folks are now asking a valid question, and one I'm not sure I have a good answer for:
   When did The Ticket and I get crossways?


  1. BTW Gordon is so so bad at these behind the scenes segments. He completely fails to hit the nerve of the fans. He seems to just not get it. So disappointing.

    1. There's some bad blood here that can be entertaining.
      I'm a big Muser's fan but I think they really missed it while pulling back the curtain today. The whole segment felt awkward and I question if they truly believed some of what they were saying. A fail on drawing a connecting with their fans. Not the way I'm used to them coming across.

    2. Agreed. Junior came across as bitter and petty. It was unfortunate as he is my favorite on the station. What made it worse was all the twitter support they got from their minions telling them they got Richie so good!

    3. I saw it as honest, really. I think Junior, like the rest, get worn out on people predicting and waiting for their demise, at least that's what came across to me today. It's why Mike still calls the station "the little Ticket". They have that bunker mentality, which helps them. Even though they've been number one forever, they have to keep telling themselves that they are the underdog in order to keep their edge. At least that's what I think.

  2. I guess you either kiss their ass and never say anything about them and keep failing(Ben & Skin) to stay friends with them or do what you're doing. It's kind of funny, for people that make a living out of talking about other people, if you bring them up and you're not their friend, they dogpile you. Without your blog and some others, this never would have come to light and we would have been none the wiser, which is how I'm sure they would prefer it. So haughty. The Musers are my favorite radio show and the fact that they stoop low enough to get into this disappoints me.


    1. The Musers have poked fun at their competition forever. Remember their beefs with Norm while he was still at KLIF? That's when Andy Panda started up. Gordo will do his Fake Galloway impression from time to time to make fun of him and nobody would dispute the importance Galloway's had in this town, even the Musers. The Ticket is known to pound it's chest a bit and say, "They can't do what we do." I don't think there's any malice in it.

  3. I thought Richie did a good job trying to soften the shaky relationship between him and the Ticket only to call them "sensitive and paranoid" at the end. If he's trying to be a peacemaker then that stuff at the end doesn't seem to help.

  4. Richie come on man the people at the Ticket kept their jobs after Greggo was let go BECAUSE THEY HAD GREAT RATINGS. That's it period end of story. You lost your job along with Greggo and your girlfriend because your ratings were terrible.I don't understand why you can't accept that. Were Greggo's actions part of the reason the ratings were bad well that's debatable. Some might say listening to the train wreck that he was may have improved ratings for your show. In the end did the people act any differently than you regarding Greggo?? No they had grown tired of his act as well. It's very hypocritical to say they (the ticket people) shunned Greggo because you did the exact same thing but on a much much larger scale.

    - Storm_71

    1. Have to agree, both Richie and Greggo need to quit pointing fingers and consider that maybe it was ratings. Elf and Slater were doing better than them and they're a midday show.

    2. Ya, there was a whole bunch of suck on that show. Whitt has no business being on the air in such a big market.

    3. And people who say "RAGE had horrible ratings" can't seem to grasp this. We had decent numbers - not great, in the 4's - until Greggo started not showing up or showing up high. That's when the numbers tanked.

    4. So when you had to carry the show the ratings dropped....interesting. More evidence that you suck.

  5. You take digs on The Ticket on a semi-consistent basis. They aren't direct shots, they are digs that you can backtrack on.

    Calling P1's brain-washed is a dig. It insults their fan-base and, in turn, insults them. Of course, you can defend yourself by saying "I only say it because it's true. They are extremely dedicated to a point of craziness. Nothing wrong with that". It's a dig, but it's a slippery, crafty one.

    They see the hidden insults, and ignore the backtracking. Over time, I'm sure they lean to disliking you as opposed to growing more fond of you.

    That's really all it is. Reacting to little jabs here and there over time. And for the record, I believe you when you say you don't lose sleep over this, but it obviously bothers you just a little bit. There's nothing wrong with that. Nobody likes being insulted, even if it's in a "2nd grade" manner.

    1. Amen to this. It's Richie's passive-aggressive manner that probably ticks off the Ticket guys. "I love the station, but...(insert backhanded compliment)." The Musers also mentioned Richie's "cracks in the foundation" article from a few years back, predicting the beginning of the end of the Ticket because a producer (Freedo) left. A producer!

      It's fairly obvious that Richie wished failure on the Ticket because he isn't a part of it.

      I also agree with many posters here--instead of taking responsibility for poor ratings, Richie has tried to make Greggo the scapegoat. Truth is, he was the only thing that was listenable about Rage, but in the end, nobody found the show listenable because the ratings said so. Why can't Richie just admit that they were floundering in 20th and 25th place in M25-54, because the show sucked, and that's why they were fired?

      Richie says he has thin skin, but his reactions to most things Ticket are 2nd grade-ish.

    2. Double Amen. If you can't see how your writing comes across from time to time as petty and juvenile shorts at the Ticket (and their listeners) then you are either being disingenuous or you are fooling yourself. Every Ticket article you write since you didn't get the Hardline gig has a tinge of you gleefully rubbing your hands together in anticipation of the big fail that never seems to come.

      Grow up if you want some respect, because you get none from me. However, I will read your blog for the entertainment value, and hopefully that will make you some money. Understand though, that being entertaining and being respected are two entirely different things.

  6. Put all the article on a single page. Quit trying to get cheap page clicks by posting 3 paragraphs per page.

    1. No kidding...Again, just trying to make himslef look good. I'm sure he'll post his "page views" again.

      I think the Ticket wouldn't have even acknowledged Dick Whitt, but it does appear as if he is trying to purposely aggravate them. First GW, then the Fan, then the Ticket.. what's next, the Observer, Star Telegram?? Dude, just leave folks alone and focus on your soon to be failed pizza biz. Nobody will care about this stupid blog in a couple of months.

      I think Dick Whitt's biggest fear is to become irrelevant in this town.

    2. It's about making the site advertising pay off eventually.

      It's not going to stop, if you like reading the stuff, just be glad there are not ads in the middle of the story copy or interstitial ads between pages.

      If you don't like reading the stuff, why post? Life is too short.

    3. Interesting point. It's not enough that I give you daily content on a free web site, now I've got to serve the free food exactly how you order it?

    4. I'm a web publisher who runs ad-driven websites. I think spreading content over multiple pages hurts you more than it helps. You get more clicks, but it doesn't improve click-throughs, which is what matters.

      My advice would be to put blog posts on a single page and make your ad strips scroll down as readers scroll.

  7. Here's the way I see it. I listen to 1310, that's what I've always done, and will most likely always do. Their shows are better than most and not so bland as others mentioned here. I don't recall ever blasting your radio skills, cause I never gave 105.3 much of a listen. You reeled me in with the Observer Hard Line article and I've read you until you were forced to CBS, then I lost interest (I think you did too, lol). Now, I'm back to reading you daily. That's what I've mostly done and will certainly continue to do. Two different mediums and two opposing sides if you will. Won't change my habits either way. Keep doing what you do and screw the haters. Keeping it fresh and real is what I like about your stuff. Stay Hard.....errr..RAGE on....uh, I mean...keep it up.

  8. Ditto on the “hypocritical remarks”. The fact that you lost your job should not give you carte blanche to tell the world you were wronged any more so than the boys at the Ticket. Radio is no less of a supply and demand enterprise than any other business, which you seem to grasp save for when it involves your situation. Understand that the inferences/direct shots sent your way from the Ticket or otherwise are done so to distance themselves from you; for you have proven yourself to be a disloyal, only in it for himself type of individual who can no longer be trusted.

  9. Tried to listen to the ticket. Got bored. Never went back.

  10. Good stuff RW. I am a P1 and I admit...I have no idea where their hatred for you comes from. You are a reporter and you are telling us stuff that we want to hear! I bet every single host read your Greggo story, but they would never admit it. Take it as a compliment that they notice what you are saying and keep the good stuff coming!

  11. I've never listened to the Ticket for several reasons:

    1. I haven't listened to Sports Talk radio for more than a couple of years. First started while listening to Rangers post-season coverage in 2010. The Fan had a hilarious post-game drunken party that went on until like 4am, after hearing that I pretty much stuck to the station.

    2. The Ticket is AM, I hate the way AM stations sound, and I don't really want to learn how to switch bands and set up more stations in memory on my car. Lazy, but that's my prerogative.

    So pretty much bounce between ESPN and the Fan now that RAGE is gone. That being said, I am not surprised at competing station personalities taking shots at one another as a joke, and/or way to foster listener loyalty. Kind of surprised they would continue taking shots once you were not a competitor anymore though.

    Most surprising is the amount of venom that Ticket listeners have towards any other radio station and their shows. Like it's not enough to like the Ticket, you have to HATE other stations/shows and let people KNOW it. I just don't get that.

    Maybe many of the really rabid people bounce between the Ticket and Rush Limbaugh or something (since both are/were on AM) that gets them really fired up?

    1. Your comment about your inability to switch between AM and FM discounts the rest of what you wrote. Tool.

    2. Yeah those am/fm buttons sure are tricky. With such limited motor skills I sure hope you don't drive a car.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Worst comment EVER!!! I will never get those 49 seconds of my life back you d-bag!!

  12. Richie is right about the TICKET fans, they are brainwashed.
    I was a fan from the inception of the TICKET, then I went off to the Navy and when I came back to Dallas in 2003 I started listening to them again but was turned off by them not talking sports so I switched over to ESPN and eventually THE FAN.

  13. Richie..Please answer this question. You keep saying Greggo was ur downfall from the FAN, how come Greggo's former partners, Rhyner ( at the Ticket) and RJ Choppy ( ESPN) were no fired when Greggo got fired. Help me understand that part please.

    1. Fair question. But I only the way The Fan's PD works, not the others.

  14. Are other sports radio markets TMZ like or is it just like this in dallas?

    1. Whitt is just a butt hurt clinger on trying to become relevant in any fashion he can.

  15. RW, you had no place here. You couldn't stand it and inserted yourself. You created a story where there wasn't one. This should have been a private matter and would have been had you not been so insecure.

    And you missed the mark if you were attempting to call into question how the Muser's characterized you this morning.

    I know its your biggest insecurity, but RW, you are irrelevant in Dallas radio and you need to just go away.

    1. Brilliant!

    2. yet you come here and read what he writes about matters that should be private. cool!

    3. I "created a story where there wasn't one" is just asinine. Bob and Dan leaving The Ticket was huge news. If you don't get that, well, ... Good luck to ya.

  16. And again much like Greggo you refuse to take responsibility for the fact that you suck at your job, your ratings were terrible and therefore you were fired from another job in the DFW media market. It's always someone else's fault. You're a dick and the folks at The Ticket realized it and didn't let you in and you can't handle it.

  17. So basically you didn't get a job with the Ticket, are bitter about it and resort to passive aggressive name calling?

    "I don't dislike them, BUT". Ok buddy.

    1. Yup that's the bottom line..after he didn't get Greggo's old gig he was bitter. It was clear from any time he would write about the ticket/hardline. I believe it was the Rages first show when I tuned in just to hear what was going on and he was going on and on about how he hopes the hardline and Mike Rhyner fails, sure he can say that was just a "radio" professional competition thing but that's a crock.

      Hell when he was going on about how the ticket sucks even Greggo was taking the high road and wishing continued success to Rhyner and the Hardline not blaming them for his own implosion...even if was just greego trying to save face he was smart enough( if you can call it that) to just move on. wht I think is rubbing people the wrong way Richie is that you refuse or just keep on with the line of that you lost your job and they(hardline) didn't to justify your stance you took on their treatment of Greggo way back when. It ignores certain facts( you were expendable:low ratings)its forced logic crafted just so you don't look like a hypocrite and just doesn't make sense to any rational person.

    2. As said in the blog, I wasn't bitter at all. Disappointed? yes. But not bitter. The Ticket approached me, not vice-versa. Why the heck would I be bitter. I know it fits snugly into the mold you'd like to form me in, but it just ain't true.

  18. It will be interesting to see how long Richie can go w/o mentioning either The Ticket of Greggo. He likes the hits on his sight.

    As far as why the venom between The Ticket host and Richie. Lets count the ways

    1.It is easy it is it Started w/ the original Hard Lie article in the observer and how badly he made the host look in their treatment of Greggo, and making Greggo look like the victim.

    2.Then when w/ the Fan Richie would talki about how they would show the Ticket how to do radio and they were going to take down the Hard Line, all the while The Fan was blantantly trying to copy their style of radio and radio bits. And failing.

    3. Then when Greggo does the same thing to him as he did to the Ticket. He turns around and treats Greggo the same but says it is different because he was fired also Not admitting the fact that maybe other show had much better show with higher ratings the the station were willing to keep them where his show was not good for a long time w/ or w/o Greggo thus the management not being willing to keep any of the host.

    4. Then Richie topped it all off with accusing the Ticket host of not having talent. Writing the reason they had good rating was because their fan base was brained washed not because the host had any talent.

    You add all that up and I if I was them Richie would diffinitely not be my favorite person.

    That being said I have no problem with Richie writing about the possible change in lineup. Maybe he was over eager for the Ticket break up but I think he was factual and being a good reporter in his statements.

    The Great Blood Monkey

    1. Sorry, but 2 and 4 never happened. I'll give you this, Ticketheads have wild imaginations.

    2. So you're saying the Fan never copied any bits that were played on the Ticket?????? Amazing..........


    3. As for #2 not happening:

      I was listening to the first show w/ Greggo when RAGE was started and your two were really feeling your oats. You told Greggo that you two were going to take down the Hardline and show them how sports radio was done.

      As for #4 not happening here are your quotes:
      "The Ticket wins with its continuity and stability, if not its talent"; and "Ticket listeners are brain-washed into the place on the dial as much as the show coming out of the speakers"

      Richie these are your quotes from your blog basically saying the Ticket host don't get ratings from their talent and that the P1s are just brainwashed on where to listen.

      So yes #2 and #4 happened.

      The Great Blood Monkey

    4. POW!!! POW!!!

      _Albert's Poohole

  19. I missed most of the musers segment, save for Gordons comment at the end about the ticket chemistry being unique, which i thought was spot on. Richie, you keep saying that Greg dragged you down, but when he DID show up he was the more tolerable of the two of you. I've always liked your writing (although a bit elementary), but on the air you just come accross as an unlikeable douche. In the end, not many people had much interest in what you had to say. That's pretty important in the radio biz.

  20. Richie, I think what you fail to understand is that most people don't operate like you do. This is no critique or judgment upon you. You are in some ways like Jerry Jones: that is, you, personally don't mind anything said about yourself; for you (and like Jerry) anything being said or thought about you is positive in that it means you are relevant. Nothing wrong with that mindset. But understand that that mindset is very rare. You have no qualm with airing what for most people are very personal issues. And that goes for your own life; so yes, you are consistent. But the vast majority of people are not psychologically constructed as such. That is why, in part, The Ticket personnel think you less than a friend. The other part of it lies in the way you think about situations. Bob and Dan have been at that station for 14 years and have helped to build The Ticket into the juggernaut it is; The Musers and Mike Rhyner really built the thing. So perhaps you can understand why they would be touchy about their baby. Sure, they've been bought out several times, but that makes no difference. Just because your mother remarries, doesn't mean she's no less your mother. In sum, Richie, it's about boundaries; other people's boundaries, not yours.

    Having said all of that, I do not understand why so many on this site and others who disagree with you are unable to do so in a charitable and courteous manner. The vitriol and venom of some is quite disgusting.

  21. This is typical human nature. I thought the message was on point until.......the last paragraph. Life happens that way. Shots on the way out. Richie, just relax for a little bit. The rest of the world is.

  22. It's so pompous of you say that you turning your back on Greggo is different from The Ticket guys. You are coming off as #1 a-hole here. And if you think that the Musers calling you names means they actually care what you think, just makes you even more pathetic.

  23. You thought you were going to come in here with the scoop and finally have something to get hits besides your shit fest on Greggo and it didn't work out that way. I personally have two things to say: Why do you put your business and Greggos out there to read? Doesn't seem very professional and I'd never want to work with you knowing that if I pissed you off you'd turn around and write what you thought on a blog. AND if you're friends with Bob and Dan or any of the Ticket host or anything in that matter why would you put their personal business out there? So you can make a dime? You're a joke and I worked with you numerous times when you'd come up to CBS. You're a joke and have no idea what the word professional means.

    1. Greggo lied over and over, he even admitted as much in his podcast yesterday. Greggo stays sober and they're MAYBE still on air. The fact that he lied over and over and over, was pertinent and interesting for those of us that listened to their show are concerned. Has Richie ever burned any other cohost he was with? Nope. Richie got Greggo the job, Greggo got him fired.
      Making someone a sandwich or shining their shoes doesn't mean you "worked" with someone Drew.

    2. Drew,
      I did have a scoop and I did get lots of hits. So, actually, it worked out exactly like I planned. And "personal business" is how hey do their laundry. "Professional business" is where a popular show may move to. And if you don't want me to rip you, don't betray me behind my back. Simple.

    3. Richie says "don't betray me behind my back.". Well shit richie. Weren't you th originater of the betrayel, stab your buddy in the back? Shut the fuck up you little puss.

    4. Minus your "scoop" was wrong. You're an idiot. You're a failed radio host so now you will spend your time spreading rumors on your stupid fucking blog. Another poster hit it on the nail: You're going to be the Perez Hilton of DFW Radio! Such high ambitions for such a small little man. You say you have thick skin but I can tell it eats at you that you failed, and failed hard at radio. You probably would of had another shot at it, but after spilling all this on your blog I doubt it. But hey man, props to you... I still come here to read all your bullshit non sense. Maybe you can switch things up a bit. Every time you bring up Lebron you don't have to keep mentioning you will never forgive him for mocking Dirk. You're already recycling bullshit.

  24. You are pathetic, Richie.

  25. The blame game continues. Ritchie is from the 'It's never my fault' school of thought. The Fan would have kept Ritchie if he were good enough without Greggo. He wasn't. The lack of professionalism probably doesn't help either. RAGE was great because Greggo's personality works great with Ritchie's. They balanced each other out. I love Fish, but Ritchie and Fish got boring quick and it was not because of Fish.

    1. there's on person that spells Richie, "Ritchie."

      Hi Greggo!!!


  26. Couldn't listen to all of the Greggo podcast, but the bit I did hear, it sure sounds like he feels stabbed in the back by Richie. It's fair for him to think that. I think posting the private messages and emails is the "rat" part of it. There's no other reason to do it, other than the bitterness of a man who thought he was more than he actually is. I get it. Losing a job for any reason is hard to bear. But to act like a 2-bit punk over it and post private communications regarding a person who is certainly suffering from addiction and depression is really low.

    Richie, you tell us in your article that Greg was open with you about the numbers of pills he was taking every day, and indicated that those were prescribed for him. You indicate it was 10 plus morning and evening. That's indicative of a serious problem. Why wouldn't you have expected problems to arise at some point? You and Greg talked about some of his medications on air, so you couldn't have been in the dark about it. In many ways, it's like screaming at a guy with one leg for not being able to run fast enough.

    I'm sure you think this has been a net positive for you, but in the long run, it will harm your reputation even more than it has done to Greggo. I would never work with anyone who had ratted out any former associate or partner for any reason. Almost everyone knows innately that once someone does that, they can never be trusted with personal information again. Because who knows when that person will become angered with you and turn your business over to the street. Think that one over.

    1. Another Greggo apologist who doesn't blame the source of the betrayal, only the "rat." I get it. Don't arrest the thief caught on surveillance video, blame the store for being too snoopy. Right?

    2. Good thing Richie is not on the Sopranos. We know what happens to rats there.

  27. i thought we were going to get another afternoon show that was on shaky ground today?

  28. Love how Richie is so proud to announce he doesn't listen to the Ticket. Though he'd give both his nuts to be in any of their shoes.

    1. shoes or shows?

    2. Shoes dumbass.

    3. Agreed the first Anonymous comment is retarded!


      3rd Anonymous Commenter

    4. I will admit to being thoroughly entertained by the Anonymous Family. Y'all's family reunions must be a hoot.

  29. You guys keep pointing fingers to ratings, but I guess you also forgot that Spittle wanted them out. Greggo didn't help keep their fair ratings steady and it was nothing more than an excuse to bring in a sub par Ben & Skin. With that direction, he had no choice but to fire the whole show. Choppy and Mike were different stories. Did ratings play a part, sure a small bit, but in the end they were meant for failure when the old PD left and Spittle ran the show.

    1. So Spittle should have kept them because in your opinion the ratings were "fair"? They were meant for failure because the show sucked, end of story

      _Albert's Poohole

  30. The Bitchy Twit was Craig saying, I won't say who wrote the story about BAD Radio leaving but it rhymes with Bitchy Twit.

  31. Richie = Douchebag simple as that. The ticket has been dominating for decades because they are funny and interesting. They talk spoooorts when it is relevant, but they know how to use bits. The fan sucked and still sucks because they try and copy the Ticket bits, but they are no good at it. They don't have Gordo who is genius with bits. Who knows more about sports in this town than Norm and Bob? No one - Corby is the weak link, but Rhyner and Danny keep it going in the afternoons..

  32. Yeah, the Ticket does make fun of other Ticket host, Norm, Gallo, etc, but the don't call them names. No, they really just don't like Richie! They don't like how he thru Greggo under the bus. People recognize true sorry when they see it. Bottom line is Richie, you're a first class, grade A douche bag. Live with it! Embrace it! It's you! "it just takes me back to 2nd grade"...I thought you never left!

  33. Man, wouldn't it be funny if your old lady went to the store to buy a douchebag, and there is a picture of Richie on the box?!

    1. Oh yeah, hilarious. Do you actually think that's clever humor?

  34. My End:

    A) I think "Bitchy" is appropriate in this situation, since Richie certainly got that way when Barry Horn stole his thunder. Next time, Richie, don't tease a "huge" announcement...just announce it.

    B) Most venom the Ticket has with you regarding BaD Radio didn't have to do with the fact that you were talking about it, but the fact that you said, "Oh, they're staying put because Cumulus came up with more money to keep them" -- pretty much saying loyalty had nothing to do with it.

    C) Seems that you get a ton of web traffic when you bring up the Ticket, in both the old and new Sportatorium. Maybe the Ticket just sees you as an opportunist making money off their name.

    D) I listened to Greggo's opening 20 minutes of his "blogcast." He seemed to focus lots more on hacking, unwritten rules and the method behind the Hard Lie 2 other than disputing hardly ANY of the things Richie said he did. There is zero reason for anyone to follow Greggo on Twitter or visit his blog. He is devoid of talent and cannot be trusted whatsoever.

    E) I honestly don't see Richie as "hating" the Ticket. Maybe the frequency behind his Ticket reporting has to do with some desire to see them fall from grace, but honestly, he's a fucking DFW sports reporter/writer...why wouldn't he keep tabs on the Ticket? And just look at the response any Ticket story gets.

    F) Richie hitched his wagon to a black hole, then gets mad when everything implodes. Then to say that his situation is different than The Ticket regarding Greggo because they still had their jobs...nobody is buying it. THAT is why this is such a big deal. ANY change to the Ticket team could disrupt things. If BaD Radio had gone to the Fan...guess what, mid days I'd be switching over to the Fan. Greggo's Ticket departure was a threat to them, although it seemed to barely have a ripple. Still, Greggo fucked with the golden goose, and all the Ticket hosts got pissed. They didn't lose their jobs, but they very easily could have. They had the luxury of time to figure stuff out due to their ratings, and due to the fact that the other sports stations in DFW were downright fucking horrible. There was no such buffer for The Fan. If RAGE was good and successful, it would have remained, Richie, too. Fact is, Richie is not a show lead, he's a #2 guy. His producer seemed to think that, too. So a show with no lead, a #2 who is perceived by MANY as a douchebag who was openly involved with the female voice of the show (no guy wants to listen to that), and a dinosaur who never left the '80s with his coked-up, gun-toting, hillbilly colloquialisms, that gets only slightly better ratings than running a national show, will easily dissolve when it becomes too much trouble.

    1. Yeah, some good thoughts there. Not perfect, but I appreciate it.

  35. I'm a P1 from Austin. I record the Musers and BAD radio via DAR.FM and listen to every minute, every day. Not being in the Dallas area, I have no idea of the Ritchie v. Ticket backstory.

    I think people are bringing the backstory baggage to the weekend's events. Ritchie reported information that I wanted. If DeMarcus Ware was a free agent and signed with the Redskins and the Cowboys had the weekend to match, I'd want to know. If Bryan Cranston was unsigned (before they decided on how 'Breaking Bad' was ending) and said 'F it, I'm doing something else', I'd want to know. And if one of my favorite radio shows is about to bolt to another station, I'd want to know.

    It is because I'm a fan and I care. It matters to me. If I don't care, I can't cheer for DeMarcus, watch Bryan, or listen to BAD radio. And all of them need me to be successful in their field and having this reported is part of the bargain.

    And for that and the fact the Ritchie only reported the facts in the story (go back and read the post for this weekend. There is nothing to indicate he hates the Ticket or that this is the end of the Ticket in this particular post) that I think Craig was out of line this morning.

    I'm not a Ritchie apologist. Based upon the posts, he has done a lot of anti-Ticket stuff. But to hate because he reported something newsworthy isn't logical.

    1. Sorry about the ts in your name, RICHIE. Not sure where I got that. Ticket brain washing maybe?

    2. No worries. Since your post was spot on, I'll let you slide. Robbbbbb.

    3. The un-ticket means you don't have to record it yourself... j/s...

  36. A couple of thoughts:

    - I think it's laughable of you to complain about not trusting your former show host in the same article where you publish his personal correspondence acquired through means best described as "somewhere between illegal and unethical".

    I'll admit it was interesting reading about your spin on the demise of RAGE, but I can't see how anyone can trust you in the business going forward. I'd think being a DFW Sports version of Perez Hilton is probably your best career path (or maybe the pizzeria, definitely not sports talk).

    - I and 80% of your page views are only here because you were mentioned by the Musers this morning. I can't believe that you're anything but thrilled by the attention no matter what mild criticism they had for you.

    1. Wrong as can be. My "betrayal" of Greggo's privacy happened after we were both fired. His "betrayal" of me caused me/us to get fired. I hope you're smart enough to see that.
      And, no, my site was doing just fine before The Musers cracked on me this morning. Thanks.

    2. You're bad ratings caused you to be fired, you moron. Stop trying to put the blame on someone else. Your show was awful. I car pooled with a guy that would only listen to the Fan and it drove me up the wall to here you guys. Your show was terrible. Greggos list was stupid. The way you set up audio drove me up the wall. You had bad ratings. That is what did you in. Not Greggo. Because if you were worth keeping, you would of been kept. But you weren't cause your ratings. Get over yourself and realize YOU failed at radio. Period. End of story.

  37. Richie Richie Richie....
    Junior Miller didn't CALL you a bitchy twit. He said your name RHYMES with bitchy twit.
    What else was he going to say?
    Itchy slit?
    Twitchy Split?

  38. Fascinating blog, Richie . . . frankly, I didn't seek it out until I (surprisingly) heard the angst issued in a.m. drive on 1310 . . . it seems that 2 stations now have experienced the drive down Highway Greggo. Wow, incredible stuff.

    I also was surprised at the tone this a.m., seemingly pointed at someone who "thinks they're in the know." Big deal . . . even B & D said today that they thought they were gonzo, so the turnabout surprised most, if not all. Go figure . . .

    I'm a Tickethead and have enjoyed your fine work, as well, from quite a ways back at the Startlegram -- I started my career in ad sales there! -- so, keep up the good fight, regardless of medium. Certainly, appreciating those boys and you isn't mutually exclusive. Stay hard!

    1. Actually three stations, I believe. All three sport stations in the Metroplex.

  39. Looks like your only stories that get any traffic are about the Ticket. This really makes you look like an even bigger loser. Nobody cares about your sports opinions. The Ticket is the only thing that gets people here. Your site won't last 2 months, just like your pizza business. Its karma bitch. Open wide. You got a shit load coming. Stay hard bitchy twitt.

    1. Interesting. Bad Karma headed my way because ... why? Remind me.

    2. For dumping on Greggo dumbass. Read the rest of the comments. Everyone thinks your a pathetic troll for dumping your work drama on the net.

    3. For being a fucking douche bag.

    4. For airing everyones business out there. You can't be trusted just as you say Greggo can't be trusted. F

  40. know...everybody in the back of their mind...they..they know what I'm always know, the first day...that know, they had an opportunity, and they didn't take advantage, you know? You know? A lot, you know. A lot of those guys, uh, you know? I'm quite sure I'm not speaking for everybody else, but I'm speaking for myself, but um, know...a lotta guys would, you know, I guess would take a lot less, you know, just to be in a comfortable position, and you know, you know, and you know what I'm sayin? And be where, you know what I'm sayin? But, you know, it gets to a point, you know? So, you know.

  41. can't wait for bob my blog to break news about the richie and sybil split simultaneously while not waiting for richie's blog to rip sybil for being a shitty partner.
    notice the run-on sentence?
    thats just proof that its truly me, bob sturm, posting this.
    and again

  42. All these negative comments remind me of Tom Cruise in the movie A few good men, they keep yelling, I want the truth!!!! But really, they cant handle the truth. Richie, great blog, I enjoy reading every day. I'm a P1 becuz of my husband, love the Ticket but I would turn to listen to the Rage every afternoon. Love Sybil, tell her Hi!!

  43. Richie reminds me of Tom Cruise. Both are in the closet! Rock me!

  44. Richie, you've had my ear since the Newy days & your raw edginess is why I've been a loyal listener. Some prefer conservative & safe talk, but plenty of them switch the dial during breaks to catch a little RAGE even if they don't embrace it for 5 hours like me. All 4 of you had a uniqueness that meshed well together.

    My wife doesn't listen to talk radio, but when she got home daily & heard RAGE (Sybil) on the house radio she enjoyed it. One Monday she comes home to tunes & asked if my RAGE was on vacation, but I didn't know the answer. The facts of the ending sting for everyone involved, but I appreciate getting closure even though I'm not entitled.

    Heck, I feel like a witness to a boxing match with all of the jabs at ya, bro. You're tough & will rope-a-dope them...LMAO!

    Best of luck to you & you're sexy sidekick.

    1. Your sexy sidekick...I know proper grammar is your deal, but don't bust on me, Richie. I had to rewrite after getting knocked offline & rushed it.

  45. Not makin' excuses for Greggo, but the tragic death of Chris Kyle seemed VERY hard on the man & probably only exacerbated what was already a fragile situation. I could hear the admiration in Greggo's voice during interviews with the Seal on RAGE. Those segments were full of true life changing stories & I'm glad that I was able to listen & learn. Thanks RAGE!

    1. the death of Chris Kyle impacted Greggo the way the death of a TV character would. they barely knew each other.

    2. A person doesn't have to be intimate with someone for their death to impact them :(

  46. Postal, I enjoyed the Greggo parts too. It was the Richie parts that made my life feel like it was slipping away!

  47. Richie...unfortunately some of thee idiot posters continue to drag commentary down into the gutter. However, you do have a large "fan" base among the more intellectual P1's. You'll never convince the brain washed crowd. That's like an atheist trying to reason with a Joel Osteen disciple.

    That said, can you address the question posted the other day? Would you have run Hard Lie 2 if you already had the Bob and Dan news at the time? From a self preservation point of view, had Bad Radio left, a weekend show opportunity might have been available at the Ticket. Although, if I was them, I would still hire you today in that capacity.

  48. Richie yu come off a bitter little man. The ticket has something great. I tried to listen to the fan programing and this isn't being brainwashed, it simply was poor radio and is still poor radio. And while the Ticket isn't what it used to be it's still better than anything on the Fan. That says something huge!

  49. Richie Witt...Ticket ombudsman.

  50. I agree with his point about the ticket hosts being paranoid and often petty..especially The Musers.

    I had an email exchange with Gordon Keith after one morning where they were particularly snippy about ratings. It almost seemed beneath them to take so much pleasure in badmouthing the competition. Gordon said it was because of all the people who thought the idea of The Ticket would never work.

    In some ways it's like Jordan being bitter at his HOF wanted to someone to explain to him 'HE WON!!!!' he proved everyone wrong years ago.

    It's almost like the dorky kid who was ignored in HS...then grew up to be the doctor with the hot wife, successful practice, midas touch in everything...but can't help rub it in everyone's face that he's doing better.

    In this case Whitt reported info that an audience was thirsty to hear. The irony that guys who report on (sports) contract negotiations as part of their job, feel that this is somehow a sacred cow is laughable.

  51. I was a Fan fan and I was sad to see Rage go....with that said, Richie you are not doing yourself any favors by throwing Greggo under the bus.....He was the primary reason why I listed to Rage to begin and Sybil were merely side characters as far as I was concerned....Greggo was the main attraction.....whether he is a drug addict or not makes no difference to me and you pointing out all his flaws really just make you look like a whinney bitch...... Stop trashing Greggo and be thankful for the time you did get to set in the presence of his greatness.


  52. Did anyone read the first two weeks of Greggo's blog? For some reason people think Greggo has taken the high road and accepted the blame for the downfall of RAGE...Greggo may not have thrown all the blame on Richie....but he sure as hell didnt accept responsibility. Nor did he decide to "not name names" and be "professional" about it. He did his fair share of crucifying others! I laugh as I scroll down and constantly read all the "tough guys"...excuse me...all the "anonymous tough guys" that think Richie sucks SOOO bad that they waste their time using their big strong fingers to pound "douche bag" and any other names in their keyboard, to make them sit back in their chair and tell themselves," I'm such a badass. Not only is Richie scared....but now he realizes he sucks. After being successful in a big market, for over 20 yrs...and even pulling in a 6-figure salary for some of that time, he finally realizes that it was all by accident. Now he will step down and start a new career, realizing that nobody reads his blogs. After I spend 2 more hours flexing my muscles through a computer screen and calling him a few more names...I will never post again!......unless the blog that I "don't read" pisses me off tomorrow. But then.....yes, then it will be the last time I read his blog!" I mean why even try to type anymore stories, Richie....didn't you read the comment? In 2 months your blog won't even exist anymore. It's obvious by all the comments you constantly get, nobody reads them. It's time for a new career. The only reason ANYONE (including the Ticket host) read this is because it was about the ticket...and the ONLY reason anyone reads your Cowboys blog is because its about the Cowboys...nobody cares about your blogs....the ONLY reason anyone reads your blogs about the Rangers is because its about the Rangers...don't you see, your blogs are terrible...don't write about the Mavericks!!...because the ONLY reason anyone will read that is because its about the Mavs! I'm sorry, Richie...but I guess they're 2 months you'll probably be jobless, living in the alley behind your new restaurant that will SURELY fail. If only you were a little better at your job........

    C. Palmer

  53. Not only do RW's loyal bashers read his blogs CP, they were also listeners to his radio shows based on their knowledge of his work.

    RW is like JJ & the Boys, they can talk good & bad about 'em, but just keep 'em in the conversations. HA HA HAH
