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Thursday, June 27, 2013

What If ... ?

   Paper or Plastic? Only effects you until you get to the kitchen.
   Buckle or Un-buckle? Only effects you every second the rest of your life.
   When I was 7, I accidentally opened the door of my daycare’s station wagon while traveling 40 mph around a winding suburban road. As luck would have it – or was it fate? – daycare owner/driver "Aunt Dot" had refused to leave the parking lot of my school until every kid had buckled every seat belt. Circa 1972, that safety precaution was about as futuristic as remote controls, instant replay and the Internet.
   As the door flung open and I looked down at the pavement, gravel and my life rushing past my eyes, I remember how scared I was. I didn’t quite grasp the significance then, but the next 40 years it’s hit home quite often:
   What if I hadn’t been wearing a seat belt?


  1. Richie,

    I'm def a suppoter.... but what is this article? I guess I missed the thesis.


    Bring on Dwight!

    1. No thesis per se, just a look at how the little things make big differences. In life and sports.

  2. If Dwight is willing to leave the Max money that Lakers can offer
    Why sign with Dallas when he can sign with the Clippers and play with CP3? The Mavs only had a 1% chance to sign him to begin with and have to dump salary to offer max. So I don't see it happening.

    1. It got closer to becoming reality tonight. No?

  3. C'mon Cody............
    each what-if inspires a cool thought exercise

    good entertainment

  4. Steffi Graf and Dirk were born in post WW2 West Germany. So whether the Wall came down or not it would not have had an effect on them playing professionally, as West Germany was partitioned to the allies.

    1. I was looking that up one up myself. Funny. What if Hitler won WW2 though!!!

  5. Only AFFECTS me. not effects me.

  6. There are so many 'what ifs' out there. I still wonder what is going on in Dwight's head. I can't say his talents wouldn't be a welcome addition. Relentlessly defend the bucket and block out on the other end? Why yes that sounds spectacular. Lose interest and go in a funk? No, I think I will pass.
    Is he going to take the money and the drama and stay in LA? I do not know.
    I do know there is less buzz about the NBA draft than any other draft of any kind in recent memory. I am far more interested in who the Stars get at 10 than what the Mavs do with 13.

    And for the record I think random chance and destiny are intertwined. And I can't explain either one.

  7. NHL Finals were more exciting than NBA! Why would Mavs want a player with a bad back that can't shoot free throws?

    It will take more than DH to get Mavs back in contention.

  8. What if...

    Richie wasn't a homo?

  9. What if....Dez Bryant didn't go on the IR last season and miss the rest of the season??


  10. What a lame ass read. I admit I only followed you to see the end of the saga. This article, if that's what you call it, has me not wanting to return.

    This is pure jibberish. Complete waste of time.

    1. Anon,

      Then leave and quit bitching....there's always that option too.

      The door that hit you on the way out
      aka NTDSLARS

    2. Thanks for your feedback Anon. I'm sorry my thoughts made your brain actually think about your simplistic blinders.
