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Friday, June 28, 2013

WHITT'S END 6.28.13

       Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *It's been a wild week in local radio, what with The Ticket's BaD Radio almost moving to 105.3 The Fan before Cumulus sweetened the pot enough to keep Bob Sturm and Dan McDowell home. But now we're on the verge of another popular show perhaps moving ... off the air. From what I hear, The Russ Martin Show's contract is up Monday (July 1) and there has been little interest shown by parent company Clear Channel Media to re-sign Russ and his sidekicks in the afternoon. Surely you remember Russ, right? Not certain exactly what's going on at 97.1 The Eagle, but I smell big changes coming sooner rather than later.

   *Mavs nailed it on several fronts in Thursday night's NBA Draft. First, they selected who I think will be their point guard of the future in Miami's Shane Larkin. The Mavs are comparing him to J.J. Barea, but I predict he'll be the starting point guard opening night. But more importantly, they started cutting salary with an eye toward making a run at free-agent center Dwight Howard next week. Needing to shave $3.8 million off the books at the beginning of the night, Dallas now - after two trades down and the dumping of 2012 draft bust Jared Cunningham - needs to only trim another $2.7 million to be able to offer Howard a max contract with a first-year salary of $20.5 million.

   *That said, Mavs' GM Donnie Nelson admitted that if Syracuse's Michael Carter-Williams or Michigan's Trey Burke would've been available at No. 13, Dallas would've kept the pick and taken either of them.

   *And if you don't believe Howard-to-the-Mavs is realistic, read this story and then check out what Dirk Nowitzki revealed at Mavs' draft headquarters last night. Yep, he's already picked up the phone and called L.A.

   *As I wrote Thursday, the Cowboys shouldn't cut Josh Brent just because the Patriots' released Aaron Hernandez. But, after Brent's second positive test for marijuana while on probation for Intoxication Manslaughter, I don't think there's any choice now but to cut him. Right? They are going to cut him, Right?! Isolated irresponsibility resulting in an accident I can stomach. Repeated, ridiculous behavior, however, cannot be tolerated. Dumb actions? Maybe. Dumb people? No thanks.

   *So Kanye West and Kim Kardashian named their child "North." No kidding. Now when North West gets fired from CBS Radio and the boss cites a "different direction", he'll actually be telling the truth.

   *When Derek Holland is good, he's great. Totally handcuffed the Yankees to the tune of a 2-hitter Thursday afternoon in The Bronx. Makes you wonder where that guy is every fifth day doesn't it? Speaking of Rangers' pitchers, don't look now but Yu Darvish hasn't won a game since May 16.

   *Johnny Manziel is the perfectly irritating combination of pampered and petulant. News surfaced this week that he faced suspension before his 2012 Heisman Trophy season until Texas A&M coach Kevin Sumlin bailed him out. And recently he received a simple parking ticket on campus, prompting him to Tweet: Bullshit like tonight is a reason why I can't wait to leave college station ... Bet the 12th Man finds that awfully Spirit-of-Aggieland endearing.




  1. Not entirely shocked about Russ Martin if its true. He's worn his welcome out with many in the "free radio" business, even before the "incident". I predict he'll pull a carolla and bring his friends along for the ride..

  2. Riche did you intentionally misspell *Kanye?

  3. Derek Holland was good yesterday but let's not get ahead of ourselves thinking this was some epic game 4 performance in the World Series. This was not your typical Bronx Bombers from years past, more like the Columbus Clippers yesterday. When the Yankees are rolling out Vernon Wells who's hitting .223 on the year and about .125 in the month of June in the 4 hole and Zoilo Almonte in the 5 hole in just his 7th major league game, we ought to tap the brakes just a bit. 2 hit, complete game against the likes of Boston, Oakland, Detroit...then let's get on the Holland is back bandwagon.

    As the President of the Fatass38 Unfan Club....looking for a new member and that may just be #5 of the Rangers. Dead pull hitter 100% of the time and too many pop ups is more than frustrating. Stick him in LF, platoon Murphy because he's been exposed as not an every day OF'er much like JJ would have been as a starting point guard here. Profar to 2nd base and give this dude 400 ABs this year, feel free to take ABs away from the Puma too if you so choose Mr. Jefferson.

    Your question RW, what do atheists scream at the climax point...."Oh my! F Me!" is one that I recall most frequently....may be a bit too personal but you asked.


    Spray it to all fields
    aka NTDSLARS

    1. @Scott Lawrence Kins is hitting .300 5th among MLB 2nd baseman and has a .828 OPS 6th among MLB 2nd baseman and a .459 slug also 6th among MLB 2nd baseman. Now what were you saying???????????

      - Storm_71

  4. welp, nor much to complain about in this weeks whitts end. maybe its bc im on Ocean Isle beach NC and I just dont care, or bc this beer tastes so good and the women so fine. love what Holland did and dont care who was hitting, its still a win and a 2 hit shutout, fuck the Yankees. now back to the ocean to enjoy my lasy day of this 10 day adventure before I return to hell and the 102 degree heat.

    82 and sunny

  5. You know that the All Star game manager gets to pick players as well? Leyland seems to be high on the Rangers organization as well as Darvish. A starter wont get voted in but I wouldn't be surprised if Leyland picks Darvish and Nathan to go to New York. Personally I don't want any of the Rangers to go I would prefer it if they stayed home and got much needed rest.

    Roy Rogers Mcfreely

    1. Are you going to take over the Home Owners Association now? AD is my favorite show :)

      Also, I agree - if they are not going to be starters don't waste their time. The whole Rangers orginization needs to recoup and come up with a strategy to get them back to being kings of the "small ball" and winning games.

      Lindsey in Waco (and while a fan of Baylor sports, not a Baptist lol)

  6. "And recently he received a simple parking ticket on camps [...]"

    For someone who likes to bully others for their grammatical errors, I'd think you would know that "campus" is not spelled "camps." Fool.

    1. ^^^^^

      At least you read it and you're in here. I'm sure the advertisers and click counters appreciate your patronage.

      Always good to have an anonymous editor among us as well.


      Page visitor
      aka NTDSLARS

    2. Fool? I wish you would create a profile so we could evaluate every one of your posts for grammar. I find grammar errors in national stories on cnn, foxnews, just about every outlet. When someone is pushing a story out, it's about getting it out before it's irrelevant. When someone's blogging a story, it falls on the author to edit it. "Camps" passes autocorrecting programs. We obviously know he meant "campus". I have a bigger problem with your, you're, their, they're, Me and you, you and I...than I do about a spelling error.

    3. Jeez, Scott Lawrence, you really "burned" me. Non sequitur much, bro?

    4. I guess you don't subscribe to Richie's Twitter feed, bro. Or for that matter read Richie's replies to those who either misspell a word or misuse a punctuation mark, bro. Because he goes out of his way to point such syntactical errors out; and in rather derisive fashion.

      My comment is merely a little, oh, clip and save, if you will; a reminder to Richie that we all make grammatical mistakes; and that perhaps he ought not to be so ready at the hand to bring light to others--especially when his work is far from error-free. Is that clear enough for you, bro?

    5. 12:31 anon....

      Instead of spending time correcting everyone why don't you set up a profile since you seem to be spending so much time in here? For one who thinks this is a spare site seems you are spending some valuable time in here. Always love having an antagonist.


      The click checker
      aka NTDSLARS

  7. That Nik Wallenda thing was awesome. I heard a sports show on Sirius 86(Mad Dog Sports) do an intervew with them the other day and it was awesome. I tried to find the audio, but anyways, he talked about his family, why his great grandfather fell off the wire in PR, and that he had been practicing for this Grand Canyon thing for years. He has a wire at home and they recreated winds in upwards of 90mph. The guy is pretty level headed. Their facebook page is pretty cool.

    I still don't think DHo ends up in Dallas. Richie, is it true no one is on the books for 2014-2015, as in no players have contracts? What the what? Dry Powder baby!

    Have a great weekend and kids, please don't jar.

  8. And the call sign for KSCS? Stereo Country Sound.

  9. you keep saying Cumulus sweetened the pot for Bad Radio when that is a complete lie. Bob and Dan took less money to stay with The Ticket. It's been told to me directly by station personnel and they said it themselves on air

    1. I think the "less money" that was discussed was compared to the offer from CBS Radio. They DID, in fact, get a pay raise along with a couple of other perks they wanted.

  10. Here's a fun game. Try coming up with a more fitting slogan for them.
    WBAP: White, Bald and pissed off.

    Not buying a car, a house or fancy duds. I don't frequent titty bars, but I am damn sure gonna check out the chicken place. A plane full of Guatemalans carrying armloads of it back north? This I gotta try.

    Kinda wishing I was down in Aggieland to get the vibe from the locals about him. I should probably do an informal survey of those misguided fools I know from there. They probably care about as much as Orangebloods did when Jamaal Charles got busted with the backpack fulla weed and a Glock. Not one bit as long as he is on the field and can play. And speaking of weed...

    I had rather see somebody fire up a fatty and get behind the wheel than to see them down a sixer and do the same thing. However, if The Man is expecting you to piss in a cup you damn well better stay clean. If you don't you are a total idoit.

    I watched about five minutes of Wallenda. It felt like I was snooping on his prayer time.

    I have listened to Russ Martin in almost the same amount. Five minutes. Baaack to the Hardline.

    Darvish either needs to get some confidence back in his fastball or work out whatever is wrong. When AJ is telling reporters to "Go ask Yu." in regards to why he didn't throw more of them, then it is time for a meeting. I don't care if it is over beers and sushi or it is a throwdown in the office, but he needs to get his head right with ball. When your catcher is telling reporters to essentially eff off, that is a bad sign. Maybe he needs to eat some fugu or something. Or some of that rattlesnake saki I saw on Bourdain that time.

    1. Solid Cactus! Very solid!


      The Golf Clapping Peanut Gallery
      aka Name that Dude Singing Like a Rolling Stone

  11. Kind of think the Johnny Football thing is overblown. He's a kid. Most of us would've done the same type thing if we had twitter when we were his age. Yeah, he kind of seems like a punk, but, again, most of us were when we were his age.

  12. Nice job on the "hot" today dude.

    - Storm_71

    1. Right! I keep clicking back to it. Make sure she is still there waiting.

  13. late post about this, but holy buttfuck, Greggo's podcast response to Richie is a train fucking wreck.
    He made no sense whatsoever other than muttering on about Richie breaking unspoken rules and hacking his medical records.
    Kinda gives Richie more cred, honestly. Greggo's a mess.

    1. Yes, I agree. I just listened to it. He really doesn't deny any of the story.

  14. Russ Martin is so dead and gone that no one even cares to comment. Wow

  15. Does anyone care about Russ Martin?

  16. Stopped caring about Russ Martin when he kicked his 100# girlfriend and ripped her hair out. Per one of the cops who knew him well at the time, "He should really stop dating strippers."

  17. Russ and Co were released yesterday. Inside rumor is JCW show is replacement.

    1. John clay Muther F@ckin Wolff. If this is accurate, you'll know exactly who he is, oh too well

    2. Yeah... a sponsor that dreams of being a radio star but lacks talent

  18. Is JCW that John Clay Wolf spare?! There ain't nobody crazy enough to give that guy a show. I tried to listen to him and Greggo. I don't know what that dude does for a living, but he needs to stay off radio air waves!

  19. To answer your question about atheists, yes, we do. As for Russ Martin, it's sad to see his continued fall from grace, but it certainly isn't undeserved.

  20. Russ Martin had grace?!

  21. Sometimes RM is kinda funny, most of the time he's just crude. I won't miss him.

    I guess with RAGE gone, RMS possibly gone and not much else to listen to it'll either be WBAP/96.7, AIR or Galloway. Glad I have a decent CD player in my vehicle....
