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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

June Radio Ratings: Ticket Remains King; Fan Fades

   This radio ratings update isn't brought to you by the bitter folks at Sour Grapes, Inc., but rather a fair-minded spin-off company called Yes, In Fact, I Do Have The Facts To Back This Up.
   Radio numbers are in for the month of June but - seeing that some of us are now spectators instead of participants - it also feels like a good time to check out what's been going down the entire first half of 2013. And for my old station - 105.3 The Fan - down is indeed the operative word.
   We'll get to the specific shows and dayparts in a couple days, but for now I can tell you that, generally speaking and as expected, 1310 AM The Ticket continues its dominance in Dallas-Fort Worth.

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  1. What do the individual show day parts show Ritchie

    1. If you had read then you would have seen this: "We'll get to the specific shows and dayparts in a couple days,".

  2. Nothing matters except M 18-49 or 25-54 so your "research" is pointless until you show some demographical evidence.

    1. "The theory of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements."

    2. Just chill, Frank, chill. A little patience. Geez.

  3. Why are ESPN's ratings up? Answer: Texas Rangers baseball. Don't see any mention of that...dayparts would provide clarity. This article seems lazy.

  4. I am sure a lot of people tuned out when K&C Masterpiece were doing the afternoon drive. Ben and Skin haven't had any chance to affect the ratings.

    1. Being that B&S is a two time failure, I believe their effects will be to lower the ratings. They sucked before and are now just sucking at a different time slot and station.

  5. Poor Richie. Still bitter over your firing. Face the facts. The ratings at the Fan when you were there were going south fast and would of kept going with every rating period. Despite Greggo's problems, you were predictable, you were stale, you were arrogant and you became boring to listen to. And then when your ego got even bigger when you hooked up with Sybil, the show become so much about the two of you which listeners could care less about. So little man, continue to be bitter but the simple truth was you were old news in some many ways.

    1. I am actually going to defend RW here. He did these same breakdowns when he was at the Observer. He may be bitter about his firing (what human wouldnt be) but this is a regular RW feature. I am glad he does them. Barry Horn just mails in crap with no analysis. I still wish he would give us a feature/insider view of what it means to a radio station to be a "Home of" a team in general markets compared to the DFW market.

    2. @ Moron Dog, agreed 100%. I missed the ratings reports from the old Observer days and am glad Richie is reporting on it here. Barry Horn is beyond half assed with his local media reports/ratings updates and Richie does it better than anyone. Hopefully ratings and reporting on local media news will be a staple again at the Sportatorium.

    3. +1 as well. If any of you haters had read the Sportatorium previously, this was a regular type of post, maybe more in depth but it was still there.

    4. Thanks for your memories. Detailed daypart breakdown looming. Stay tuned.

    5. Where were similar ratings when Whitt was fired? He blames Gavin but the ratings were in the toilet and Whitt was a big part of that flushing. Just sell your beer and pizza. Something that you can actual might be good at.

    6. Do we really have to argue with this asshat?

  6. Do people actually read these blogs or do they just have comprehension problems? I'd read the article again before making comments that make you look dumb.

  7. It just go to show you, that when the station makes a change that the Fan Fan isn't always on board. I have lost interest in the fan.

    1. The Fan has been a douche bag station from day 1. A turnstile for 3rd class talent and retreads that have been dumped from other stations. And Whitt was one of those bags.

    2. G-Bag nation is awesome while Craig Miller is an arrogant putz!

  8. I TRIED... really TRIED... to like B&S on Live 105.3/The Fan 5 years ago... then I TRIED to like them again over the last few months. But I just can't get with it. They're like those two annoying kids in class that are only funny to one another, while everyone else thinks they're just a bunch of jackasses, like Beavis and Butthead. I'm sure they are really nice guys and all; but their radio bits are so fake, and their radio personas are terribly unfunny, unrelatable, wannabe celebrities. I much preferred K&C Masterpiece in RAGE's absence. Truth be told, my fav show was Newy and Richie. Two hard headed, opinionated, genuinely funny, and intelligent guys talking sports and pop culture.

    Phil Hendrie said it best (not a quote): Talk radio is dead, and sports radio is just talk radio under the guise of sports talk. Podcasting is where the business is going. Real time accurate ratings stats, no censors, opt-in listening, and advertisers are learning to view personalities as a brand.

    I'm hoping we hear a Sportatorium podcast sometime soon! In the meantime, keep up the good work on the site!

    1. Gagree about B&S. I've had the same feelings about them since they were on the ticket and nothing has changed everytime I've checked back in along the way. Just feels like wannabe's to me. To me, putting them in afternoon drive was about the worst thing the fan could have done.

    2. I've tried, and tried, and even this week again tried. It's weird, if one is working without the other, they seem so disinterested in the rest of the crew versus working with each other, which you don't see guys from the Ticket doing when there's a wife swap or someone's out on vacation. Makes me like them even less. I like them, I'm sure they're cool guys to hang with, but their radio "body language" is terrible.

    3. Good observations, they crack a ton of jokes but none of them are any funny except to them. It's also sickening how much homers they are and their constant knee-jerking. They may have good guests because of all the shameless sucking up they do, but their show is terrible.

    4. Ben and Skin are into themselves and other media types. They have Twitter accounts but rarely interact with their followers. Somehow they have gotten it into their heads they are the real deal.

      They actually spend little time on anything remotely interesting. In the spirit of "Oh Brother where art thou," they are not bonifide.

    5. Good thoughts, Jon. Good feedback.

    6. Richie backstabbed Newy, then went out and got Greggo and listeners base to help increase ratings at the Fan.

  9. What's it like to have Napoleon Syndrome? Richie's blog gives you a pretty solid idea. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. It's alright little guy. At least you got Sybil... cause that will last.

    1. Anonymous huh...that mean "lil bitch" where you come from?

    2. Is it Andrew, you sure? Look like a Amy.

    3. I heard the other day that Napoleon syndrome isn't a real thing. 1st, for the time, Napoleon was actually above average height. 2nd, studies since it was theorized apparently haven't shown the correlation to be true.

  10. Thanks for reporting the ratings, this is interesting stuff that plenty of readers are curious about. I think a lot of us would be interested in knowing the individual show breakdowns by the 25-54 demographic. No way Ben & Skin beats RAGE, their show is unlistenable. I wonder how New School has done in the ratings since Jasmine left too.

    1. I'd check back here tomorrow if I were interested in that kind of info. Thanks.

  11. How are there 15 stations above the ticket?

    1. Is this a serious question? Because not everyone listens to sports radio. Far more people listen to pop, country, and even tejano.

    2. It really is like the observer days all over again.....

    3. There's a reason no one cares about these types of ratings. They're pretty much meaningless. The broken out demo/timeslot ratings are the only thing that really matters.

  12. The Fan isn't as good as the Ticket (obviously), but a 1.0! That is shocking, b/c I honestly don't believe they are that bad. New School is a pretty decent listen and I always head there when the Musers are either on break or talking about something stupid which seems to be more and more lately. Ben and Skin aren't bad either. The only thing that truly sucks is Elf and Slater and station management must agree since they were actively trying to replace them. I hope it improves, b/c I don't want the Fan to go away. It's a great alternative to the little one.

  13. Can't wait to see the break down. I like New School ok, but definitely wondering if they lost listeners without Jasmine being on there. I want to see how badly the middle of the days shows have been. The last couple of weeks I have been trying to listen to B&S more, but it has only grown on me a little. I still find myself flipping through channels, especially during their interviews. They don't seem to ask any hard questions, mostly because they want to stay buddy buddy with all of the important players and front office management they bring on their show. I am personally enjoying the blog a lot, Richie. I am also enjoying reading all of the comments the haters included. I was impressed you actually talked about soccer today what the what?!

  14. Ben and Skin come across very disingenuous. You really don't have to listen very long to hear the hyperbole. It's one thing if it's for a good laugh but, these a-holes act like they're slipping one by the DFW audience whom I imagine in their minds are intellectually garbage. I said it before and I'll say it again, Ben and Skin suck!
