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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Reminder That You Read It Here First: Cowboys HQ to Frisco; AT&T Cowboys Stadium. Got It?

   Okay media, this is the carpet.
   And this morning you're being called onto it.
   Why? Because you know better. And you know you know better.
   Some will call this blog item "sour grapes" and others will belittle me as a pathetic whiner "tooting my own horn." Fine. Whatever. I categorize it as an emergency, necessary evil, because somewhere along the road to accountability and fairness we've forgotten the Journalism 101 ethics I began learning as a writer on Duncanville High School's Panther Prints newspaper in 1980.
   In the media game sometimes you break a story, and sometimes your competitor breaks one right over your head. Sometimes you nail it, you get the information right and you get it first. Other times you - ahem - get it first (Dez Bryant has a major finger injury ...) but only part of it right (that will land him on injured reserve.)
   Writing/radioing/TVing professionally in this market for 27 years, I've won both awards and goat horns. Like sports - and life - during the wins and losses journalism is supposed to teach us to be accountable. Do the best you can, deal with the results and try harder the next day. Right?
   But these days I'm embarrassed to say sports media has deteriorated into the despicable chap who cheats at golf.

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  1. Excellent article. I believe that they don't cite you for one main reason (and this cuts across all sections of the news business) they are afraid of the "new media." Traditional old media, especially print, are afraid of those like you that have set up shop and doing the job of reporting better, faster and more entertaining. Fear of competition (which they certainly don't like DoD e.g.) has turned those that may have been at one time, honest people into thieves. Like the golfer that cheats though, sometimes you just have to name 'em and shame 'em. Bill2455

    1. Good points. I guess I am "new media", huh? Weird.

  2. It sounds like it may be time for a new career route. I dont mean that as an insult but it seems that the game is a bit too much for you. Everyone in the media fight this battle but rarely, if ever, post rants about the system. The system is what it is and is not going to change any time soon.

    1. The "system" will certainly never change if no one points out its flaws.

    2. I guess "you" are the the savior of the system. Godspeed.

  3. I give you credit for breaking the At&T story. On the Cowboys moving to Frisco if my memory serves me correctly (it hasn't always) Mike Fisher teased th story about a month ago on the air.

    1. The AT&T story is new. My HQ story was new, more concrete info on the definite move to Frisco.

    2. Minus the fact I read about the Frisco story weeks ago.

    3. Show me. Send me a link to where you saw a story saying from "weeks ago" definitively that the Cowboys are moving their headquarters to Frisco. Post the link right here.

    4. SCNTX, bitch. Look it up you failed fuck.

  4. I know this might be difficult for you to fathom, but there is a very high probability that (1) other media members and outlets have the same sources at you, and therefore have had the same information--and at the same time; (2) that, even if (1) isn't the case and that you indeed did scoop these stories, they neither read your blog nor your Twitter feed.

    1. Sure that's true. Bill2455

    2. Yeah, it's extremely difficult for me to fathom that other media had my same sources telling them the same info at the same time, yet I was the only one to write it. I'd call that zero probability.

    3. I think Anon's thought here is more right than wrong. Gerald is correct, though. The story that AT&T has been pursuing the naming rights has been circulating for at least a year now. However, the consummation of it is new. So in that sense, Richie seems to have broken the story. Good for Richie. But again, I do have to side with Anon (12:11). IMHO, I believe that Richie, especially in comparison to his former co-host, has done a good job of getting on and moving on from RAGE. Whatever you might think of his abilities as a writer or his height (why that's an issue to some of the idiots I'll never know), he's constructed not only a professionally maintained blog, but also has launched his own business. So, good on Richie. However, I'm not sure that it serves in his best interests to bitch and moan about things such as this. Especially when (and with all due respect) there is a very good chance that there is very little, if any, attention being paid to his blog by the media types that he's complaining about. I have to think that once the Greggo installments were posted, said media members moved on from the site (if in fact they were reading it at all--but I have to think many were.

    4. Richie.... Just because you decide to jump on something before it's been confirmed doesn't mean no one else had the same info and in the same time frame. I think the probability that of all the media members around here, you and only you are the one who gets all this info is about.... zero. Touchy, touchy, touchy. Aren't we touchy. Obviously your famously thick skin is wearing down. Besides, you didn't address the other part of my comment: that even if you did scoop everyone, you're assuming they're reading your stuff. Touchy with inflated ego. That's a tough one, pal.

    5. If you don't think writers follow each other's writing then you're way outta touch. Sorry. And again I "jumped" on the info because I had the info. You think the DMN had the same info and just sat on it? You have zero idea how media works.

  5. anon, 'ranting about the system' is how they can start the change to the system. And the reason ESPNDallas never 'rants about stealing' is because they are perps.

  6. re the media not reading each others 'blogs and twitter feeds': that remark obviously comes from someone NOT in the media.

    1. I didn't say that the media didn't read others blogs and Twitter feeds; I said that it's probable that they might not be reading Richie's blog and Twitter feed. Please try reading comments more closely before you decide to drop a "bomb."

  7. Richie, I think the problem in instances like this is the "source" caveat. Everything is, "according to my sources". ESPN has mastered this, via "according to sources" (which are, in fact, someone else's report). These "sources" allow writers and reporters to hedge their bets on stories. You know, "my sources were wrong" is the cover for everything. I have sympathy for your angst, but I've been hearing for TWO YEARS that AT&T was working on a sponsorship deal with Jerry for the stadium. If anyone found that item to be "breaking news" they've been in a deep coma for many months.

    1. Agreed. As I wrote, the AT&T relationship had been predicted for years. But the fact that it's finally happening now still makes it news. At least to me. Thanks.

  8. Here is the most important question when is pizza buzz opening!?

    1. I ask that on the DAILY! I'm ready for some buzz with my pizza. Hope its a good recipe!

    2. Fair question. We're shooting for Aug. 15 now. Lotsa hurdles to clear before you can deliver beer in Texas.

  9. Richie,

    I think your gripe is legitimate. Even though it appears in looking across the landscape that many were landing on the same story / outcome as you, it appears you were the first to specifically announce it in this iteration of the cycle.

    As you said, the AT&T was not news in that they have been rumored to be the title sponsor since the stadium's inception. I know this as I was member of a coporate team that briefly (and not really seriously) had discussions with the Cowboys back in 2006 about naming rights possibiliites. Even then, AT&T was considered the favorite.

    Conversly, this perhaps gives you some context about how those of us feel that are routinely covered by the media and they get the story fundamentals wrong. The same tactics apply. One lazy, weak reporter issues a report that may be directionally correct but factually bogus, and that one errorneous report becomes the "source" for dozens of other (wrong) reports. I stinks, but it happens every day.

    Are you planning to address Mike Fisher about his lack of attribution? He's talking about it all over the place (and still can't properly pronounce the word "hundred.")

    Glad you're here giving us some entertainment. Keep it up, please.


    1. Anonymous Mark, TooJuly 24, 2013 at 5:31 PM

      Anonymous Mark: I don't think Fisher and Witt are exactly rivals or enemies. You idiot.

  10. ESPN is the king of this, Deadspin calls them out on it a few times a year. But what is the consequence? There are no journalism police, and if ESPN gets it for free(like in a twitter post or blog entry) then who can call them on it? They can cite "sources". When you guys did things on the radio and when news stations put things on the air before someone else, they can say they broke it, and I think RaGE was attributed in some stories if I'm not mistaken. New media gets screwed, no doubt about that.

  11. I think this is pretty big bag of whine by you RW. What's more YOU DID EXACT SAME THING you're bitching about yesterday when you wrote your first post about the Garza trade. You did not give anyone credit for "breaking the story" or being first or any of that bullshit. I don't have the time or the energy to go and read any of hot links to the other articles in this post but I'd bet there's a good chance that none were screaming "hey look at me i'm first". Get over yourself dude.


    1. Next time save your energy for the "hot links." Linking a story is the same as crediting it. Capeche?

    2. I was talking about this story dipshit. Capeche?


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am of firm belief that the "old media" has it out for the new. Like RW, I also worked at a major metro for years. At the turn of the new millenium, the internet was something of a novel idea for most papers.

    Then came eBay, then Craigslist, then Facebook and Twitter. As Yahoo News became more popular, the old black-and-white-and-read-all-over became less so. Their readers left in droves, with advertising dollars going elsewhere.

    Getting news content, want ads and coupons on Sunday was free. And the old guard was PISSED.

    So yes, RW, I do believe "they" (old media) might indeed pray for your failure. I may not buy everything your banners advertise, but hopefully your "click-through" rates will bump up.

    Keep it up!

    1. Thanks for the kind, thoughtful words. Some people actually get it.

    2. Glad you are learning what "new media" is today.


  14. You did not give any credit to the person that broke the Rangers trade story yesterday in your post about the trade. Is that not the same thing you are complaining about here?? Hypocrite much??

  15. Replies
    1. Mike Fisher's Cock and BallsJuly 23, 2013 at 5:35 PM

      Yes he does, he sucks me every night.

  16. Old media, New media. Who gives a flying crap who got it first. The only thing I care about is when I read it that the information is accurate. I have never cared who broke the news. I just want in a timely fasion. I would rather have information that is accurate and complete rather than info that is first.

    The Great Blood Monkey

  17. By the way Richie no mention of The Ticket and the Musers getting nominated for the Marconi again? Kind of sloppy reporting.

    The Great Blood Monkey

  18. Id like to see who we all think is guilty of doing this. ESPNDallas?

  19. Kudos does it feel now, no longer having to butt-hug Jerry like you had to on The Fan. BTW neither story is a surprise, it is about ONE THING and the only thing Jerry Jones loves (more than a drunken frat girl) is M-O-N-E-Y. So whichever Mayor was a bigger moron and whichever corporation would pay most (ONLY 11-12 million not $25 million Jerry/Forbes claims) was the LOSER
