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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ryan Braun and The Top 10 Worst Liars in the History of Sports

   Ryan Braun is an asshole.
   Not because he used performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), lots of baseball players have and probably still do that. But because of his arrogant denials to the charges, even going so far as to "bet my life" he was innocent while criticizing a urine-sample collector's actions as "fatally flawed."
   Baseball's 2011 MVP and five-time All-Star doped, lied and, in the end, got caught. He accepted a 65-game suspension Monday, ending his season and reserving his spot alongside Pete Rose as one of the sport's all-time liars. He'll lose $20,070 in salary every day for the rest of 2013.
   And really, considering his brash denials, it isn't nearly enough.
   "We won," Braun chortled last February after winning an appeal on a technicality. "Because the truth is on my side. The truth is always relevant, and at the end of the day, the truth prevailed."
   A short pause while we all vomit. ... And then giggle.
   Since Braun's punishment stems from his dealings with the Biogenesis Clinic in Miami, who's next? Alex Rodriguez? Or perhaps Rangers' All-Star outfielder Nelson Cruz?
   While we wait for Braun's buddy Aaron Rodgers to pay off on his bold wager of a year's salary if the Brewers' outfielder wasn't telling the truth, let's try to put the latest lies into some historical perspective.
   Since my old truth-twisting partner isn't eligible, who then is the boldest liar in the history of sports?

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  1. You should put Almonte's dad on the list. He was a 14 year old kid, I think he should get a pass.

    1. Really? I was an immature brat at 14, but I knew the difference between right and wrong.

    2. Almonte knew what he was doing was wrong. I'm glad no one wanted to touch him coming out of college. I'll put 75% on his dad, and 25% on the kid.

  2. I'll kinda have to side with Dave on this one RW. If your dad had coerced, cajoled and generally maneuvered you into it the anus is on him. It is asking a lot of a kid to rat out his dad.

    I guess the Blacksox are too ancient. I guess Hornsby and all his gambling and side pussy is ancient history too. But, then I have a historical bent. Besides you would have to make this about 40 pages long to get the millenials up to speed.

    1. the "anus" is on him...really? Please call your 4th grade grammar teacher and ask her for the tuneup you desperately need. Come on people! A little proofreading goes a long way!

    2. You obviously don't listen to the Ticket.
      Please have a little levity when bashing people.

  3. How about Barry Bonds who continues his lies to this day. He will never admit taking PEDs - more than Ryan Braun. Braun is more recent but Bonds told more whoppers for a longer time.

  4. How about everyone's #1 dbag, Roger Clemens? Even more cocky than Braun.

    1. I think what RW is ranking this on is the guys that were caught and suspended or banned. Add McGwire to that list.
