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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Fresh Prince of England and The Top 10 Dumbest Things We Spend Too Much Time Worrying About

   Don't sweat the small stuff.
   Especially if it's an 8-pound, 6-ounce bundle of someone else's joy. In fact, the new fresh Prince of Cambridge is only third in line to the throne of England. Or something.
   Really, who cares?
   It's England. Pretty sure we bailed on those blokes and then fought a revolutionary war to keep our independence from the stuffy saps. Now, for some reason, we're concerned - even consumed - by a new twig on their outdated Monarchy form of government's family tree?
   Andy Murray winning Wimbledon? Yes. Phil Mickelson rallying to win The British Open? Interested. Last summer's London Olympics? Riveting.
   But Prince William and Duchess Kate presenting their nameless baby for our entertainment? No thanks. Seriously, I'd rather watch the Kansas City Royals than the English royals.
   But I think I know what this is. Remember those extremely-overweight-and-irrationally-romantic women who dreamed of being scooped up into a life of luxury in Officer and a Gentlemen and who spend all day keeping up with The Kardashians because at least their lives are a smidge interesting? Yeah, those same females are at work here, again misplacing their fascination.
   Of course, men aren't immune to wasting time on frivolous interests. Take it from a guy who last week participated in a fantasy golf draft. I know.
   Combine our silly sexes and it's easy to come up with 10 really dumb things we worry about way too much ...

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  1. Ironic that someone who has in the past couple of years gotten hair plugs, puts hair on this list.

    1. It would be ironic, except that I actually got paid to get hair transplant surgery.

    2. Which, ironically, goes against #6.

    3. Touche, Anon4:10. I immediately thought the same thing.

  2. Hey Richie, Greggo gone and done it again....MIA. Hasn't blogged since 7/18.....

    1. And that blog post was of his Top 10 Disco Songs, of which he could only come up with 7.


  3. 50 year old dude wearing an earring...

  4. Actually, if you read Jen's post of 7/19/13, they are in the process of moving. I can understand that moving is a lot of work, but don't you keep up with your work in the meantime.

    Maybe I am different, I have moved several times in my life but always had lots of family, friends, trucks, trailers to help me. Even though I may have missed a little work I at least kept up with e-mails, etc.

    I don't have a public persona nor a blog but common sense would say to at least post a little daily update on GGBC. I would expect that visitor traffic will evaporate during this move and not return.

    People kick RW in the nuts a lot but just stop and think if you had to fill a certain amount of words on anything every day and keep it entertaining.

    RW - I don't expect a reply but I think GGBC has seen the start of the slide.

  5. Speaking of hunger...Pizza Shop. Still hungry. Here you are with the British Royals again.

  6. #9 just shows me you are one cold-hearted person. To not worry whether you are subjecting a child to indescribable pain when aborting a child by separating its head from its body shows me your priorities. 20 weeks was chosen for a reason ( though much of Europe selects 18) That is when most of medical science believes a child will feel pain during gestation. You show more concern for dogs. You have values with which I am unfamiliar.

    1. Fetus. Not child. Get it right.

    2. I have. I am quite comfortable with the use of the word child. I do not use dehumanizing terms to avoid responsibility.

    3. You do not use fact then. Not surprising.

    4. Really?...ask a mother if she carrying a child or a fetus. Does she say the fetus kicked in her belly? Finally let's go to the law:
      If the person engaging in the conduct thereby intentionally kills or attempts to kill the unborn child, that person shall instead of being punished under subparagraph (A), be punished as provided under sections 1111, 1112, and 1113 of this title for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being. This is from US Code Title 18 Section 1841. Facts, not dehumanizing clinical mumbo-jumbo. Facts are wonderful things. Bill2455

  7. Actually most of Europe is 12 weeks. Typo sorry. Bill2455

  8. Yeah I noticed #9 as well. Makes me think RW would have said worrying about the Holocaust was lame in the 40's; I mean, if its not you being slaughtered, just don't worry about it! Waste of time, yo, I've got beers to pound.

  9. Man, what kind of an idiot wears an ear ring these days?! Nothing looks more stupid than the old man wearing an ear ring and trying desperately to be cool.
