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Monday, August 12, 2013

Armen Goes to Albany and, Um, Where's Greggo?

   Told you last month that Armen Williams - the last surviving member of RAGE - was leaving 105.3 The Fan.
   Now I can tell you where he's headed. He's leaving CBS for ESPN. And dumping The Fan for The Team.
   At this moment he's likely driving somewhere around Pittsburgh-ish, ultimately headed for his new home as the Brand Manager at 104.5 The Team ESPN in glorious Albany, N.Y.
   Yep, subjected to "Shut Up, Armen!" yesterday. The boss today.
   Oh, and he'll also host a show on the station.
   "I am very excited about this new opportunity in front of me," Armen told me as he packed his car over the weekend. "My wife and I are both from the DFW area and this will be a great adventure for both of us. I never envisioned myself moving out of the Dallas market but this opportunity in Albany, New York presented itself and I believe is the perfect place for me at this time in my career."

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  1. Wow, you continue to publicly insult a man who is obviously troubled. Amazing the level you are willing to stoop to get a hit on your blog. Classless.

    1. And which part was the insult? The truth? It's people like you, who enable and baby Greggo, that make him think he can keep up the fraud that he is. Quit whining. Greggo is a grown ass man.

    2. Please explain how he is classless. Its just an update asked by the people who read his blogs, such as yourself.

    3. Exactly. Not insulting in the least. Just answering inquiries with what I know about him, which is nothing these days.

    4. "...I'm no longer his babysitter." Pretty demeaning, no? You obviously hold a childish grudge against him.

      Never forget, you were fired because you have no talent in radio. Your show sucked and the ratings were horrible. If you had any potential at all, they would have kept you at the station.

    5. I think Greggo may have figured out he doesn't belong in the blog business. It's one thing to do the things he does when you have an entire radio station army to cover for you. When you're alone, your girlfriend and sycophants won't be enough. Sooner or later in blogland, someone is going to call you out on your BS.

      The last entry in his blog was a "What's Greggo Really Like" post, written by his girlfriend, which was much better suited for an issue of "Teen Beat" than a sports blog. It seems the girlfriend really, really, really wants to be involved, but the reality is people tune in for Greggo's take and could care less about her opinion.

      The comment section in his blog is more heavily censored than the old CBS blog ever wanted to be, with Greggo ironically preaching the entire time what an "open book" he is, and asking for feedback on his blog.

      It turns out he did want long as you're telling him how great he is.

      I guess he hasn't figured out yet that a blog's monetary value is the number of clicks it gets, and the pool of people willing to stroke your ego is much, much smaller than those who have little interest in telling you how fantastic you are. If anything, the people who are critical of you put much more money in your pocket, because if your blog is done correctly, they way outnumber the sycophants.

      At one time the dude brought a lot to the table. He was one of the most entertaining guys in DFW media. He's now a shadow of his former self, and that's just a damn shame.

  2. Stay hard, Armen.

    Any plans for upgrading your blog to include notifications on new blogs and replies?

  3. Greggo tweeted me back today, but it's just jibberish babble...@mateo1076

  4. I saw a tweet from him today

  5. Typical richie. Still wont admit he is as much at fault as greggo is for getting fired. Richies ass just wont admit it. What can you expect out a man with fake hair, teeth and tan.


    1. Creeps me out that you examine my physical traits so closely. Please find another hobby.

    2. enjoyed playing with you Saturday, want rematch

    3. Yet he's banging a hotter chick than you ever will. I hear World of Warcraft is calling

  6. Good luck to Armen, no way I would ever move north, hope he's a great success in Albany and gets to ride back into town a winner.

  7. Any juice to this, RW?

    Barry Horn ‏@bhorn55 2h
    What if I told you a DFW sports broadcasting institution thinks his days are numbered. @dallascowboys @dallasmavs @Rangers @DallasStars
    Retweeted by Bob Sturm

  8. Jumping off the sinking, burning, wayward disaster of a ship that is the Elf and Slater show seems like a no brainer. Good choice and good luck, Armen. Any word on whether or not those two are on the hot seat?

  9. "shut up Armen" was the worst radio bit in history. Do you really expect us to believe its real?

    As for Greggo, will you honestly tell us why you asked him to co-host a radio show with you? I think it was for personal gain, but that is just me.

    For all of you that love Richie and want to call me a hater or Greggo, explain why he never answers the tough questions.

  10. Armen was to DFW radio as a zit is to my ass crack. No one knows it's there.

  11. Armen don't let ur family on the radio in Albany! no cooking bit's!

  12. yall got to quit hating Johnny Manziel. He is a good kid and WILL LEAD THE GREAT TEXAS A&M AGGIES TO THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP while tu goes 4-8

    1. the only thing that's keeping him eligible is the fact that the NCAA and A&M both know he's worth over 50mil a year to A&M, and the NCAA makes money off of him too. Suspending him would cut into that money coming in.
      This is not a bold prediction, but Texas will have a better record this year than A&M.

  13. Richie is just a pathetic person. Puts down others to build himself up. Who is Armen anyway???? Karma is a bitch.

  14. It appears Armen will have some brand managing to do quite immediately!
