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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Looks Like Johnny Goofball's Strange Signings Started Right Here in Dallas Back in 2012

While ESPN and the NCAA dig into the numerous - and possibly illegal - pay-for-sign events involving reigning Heisman Trophy winner and Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel, we've uncovered some evidence that the suspicious saga might have commenced right here in Dallas.
   In November 2012.
   After A&M's epic upset of Alabama.
   That's right, during the Aggies' season.
   Let me begin by saying I don't think Johnny Goofball will be suspended. Short of a video or paper trail directly tracking cash changing hands, he's got an alibi. And it's name is Nathan Fitch, or "Uncle Nate." My best guess is that Uncle Nate, Manziel's 20-year-old personal assistant, will take the bullet for his buddy. He'll tell NCAA investigators - who lack subpoena power - that he acted alone, went rogue and betrayed, deceived and exploited Manziel by having the quarterback sign items for "charity", then going behind Manziel's back and personally profiting off the sales. The NCAA will find that Manziel was an oblivious victim, guilty of nothing more than being both naive and duped. Manziel will feign hurt. At least publicly - wink - he'll sever ties with Fitch. And we'll all be treated to another season of his riveting on-field entertainment starting Aug. 31 against Rice.
   I also have reason to believe it's the biggest college football scam since Manti Teo fell in love with a ghost.


  1. Dallas + college sports just equals corruption on every level, doesn't it?

    Yes, I have been watching "Pony Exce$$" again, why do you ask?

  2. Johnny Football man crush goin on here

  3. Sounds like a lot of speculation and questions with no answers.

  4. R-Dub, you're crushin' it with the investigative blogging. Now shrink it down, put it all on one page, and you'll still have a bag of nothing. At least I can get back to work quicker.

    1. Page clicks dude page clicks. He's gotta pay the bills and page are an easy/lazy way to do it. I don't really begrudge him for it.


  5. So, it took you four pages to say "I got nuth'n."

    1. If you think this story is "nothing" then, lemme guess, you're an Aggie?

    2. If that makes you feel better.

  6. Is there a legal, by NCAA standards, to defer payment for this? I don't see why not. Structured in a way that no one profits, even though items are sold, until after his college eligibility or jump to pros occurs. I would love it if some smart lawyers devised a way to stick it to the NCAA. Also, I know we minor leaguers don't have access to "those in the know", I just aint buying the Bulger scenario.

  7. Whether Manziel gets shut down by the NCAA (not likely) or A&M (even less likely), what this as well as his other idiotic, narcissistic and childish actions have done is shown a complete and total lack of judgment, questionable intelligence and some serious immaturity issue.....which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what NFL GMs and scouts look for in a future NFL quarterback.

    Manziel could have laid low, played the game albeit with brashness and intensity, kept his mouth shut, his twitter account locked and his pen in his pocket, and more than likely been a top pick in next year's draft and gotten a huge payday. Now no one will be willing to take a gamble on this moron before the middle rounds and even quite a few teams I'd bet will take him off their board entirely.

    Hope those few thousands he's getting for signing crap for jock sniffers lasts a while. Could have been tens of millions if he was smart and now maybe little or nothing. I guess you don't learn much in those online classes at A&M.

    1. JC, Michale Vick negates everything you've said, thought and proclaimed. Get a clue.

    2. How so? Get a clue.


    3. What I thought....crickets, because Vick and Manziel have nothing to do with each other. And if you're referring to the dog fighting thing, do your homework. Vick signed with Philly for $1.6M, none of which was guaranteed. Last years top QB's, RG III and Luck, both signed for well over $20M, almost all of which was guaranteed and in Luck's case came with a $14M plus signing bonus, even with the new rookie wage scale. That could have been Manziel, but not now.

      He's Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russell (mental midgets), not Peyton Manning or Troy Aikman. NFL scouts and GM's know this (except for maybe Jerry) even if you obviously do not.

  8. Ags go 13-0, Johnny Football wins second Heisman, Ags win Nat'l Championship!

    GIG EM

  9. But where is Greggo?

  10. Greggo got his sponsorship $$$ and then promptly when on a hiatus.

    Where's Greggo!!!
