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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Radio Ratings Forecast: Ho-Hum, Clear and Hot, With a 100% of Ticket

   Ah, the lazy days of summer.
   Another week of 100-degree temperatures. Another month of dominance by The Ticket.
   DFW Metroplex radio ratings have arrived for the month of July and it sounds like a hot, humid broken record:
1. Ticket               2. ESPN                    3. The Fan.
   Yeah, the gaps between the stations are that considerable.
   A month ago we detailed The Ticket's dominance in June and throughout the first half of 2013. Nothing much changed in July. In the coveted demographic of Men 25-54 The Ticket comfortably remained on top of the all-sports heap with a 5.7 overall rating, followed by ESPN at 3.4 and The Fan well behind with a 1.7.
   If not for that pesky language called Spanish, The Ticket would be No. 1 in Dallas/Fort Worth among all Men 25-54. But it's not. And it ain't even close.

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  1. What were the afternoon numbers when you were fired? Were they still a 5.2? Just don't see that info here. thanks...

    1. Ben or Skin, RaGE's numbers will always be higher than yours. I know that's hard for you to accept, but going from one station to another where you had a small and loyal following(espn and who could listen to that timeslot anyways?) to the Fan drivetime slot that you guys left(yes we get it, you weren't "fired", the format change wasn't conducive to your show)that RaGE had established a decently loyal following that still whips your ass everyday with RaGE comments, what did you expect?
      My suggestion to B&S--switch markets. You're a weekend show on the Ticket and every show except Elf & Slater are better than you on your own station.

    2. Ben and Skin are awesome. Rage was a horrible show. The fan is a joke. They are so lucky to have Ben & Skin.

    3. Please. B&S are unlistenable. Dry, stale, no personality, bits with "0" funny in them. You can suckle that tit all you want, but it's about to run dry, which is why you see the Spittle coming from the corners of their mouths.

  2. I don't get The Ticket's dominance. I have tried numerous times to listen to that station and it sucks. I'm a straight Fan listener even though I can't stand Ben and Skin and Elf and Slater don't cut it but New School and G Bag Nation are good. Espn just blows. Only have to listen to it for Rangers games.

    1. Your apparent low IQ suggests you're just what the Fan is looking for.

    2. Really. Because I choose to not listen to a bunch of boring over the hill talk show hosts, that makes my IQ low. I see. You must be of immeasurable intelligence trolling this blog and insulting others.

    3. The ticket is trash.

    4. You are entitled to your own opinion but in my opinion
      the Ticket is awesome. I think Gavin sucks and Ritchie and his crew were almost as bad. The fan is a horrible sports station.

  3. Richie, dude you just cant and wont admit that you, greggo and you girlfriend sibil were annoying as F. What turned me off from your show and my friends wasnt greggo drugg addiction his bullshit stories and craziness. But you and Sibils realationship and now what annoys me is you still wont admit you are as guilyy as greggo as u claim. YOU TALKED ABOUT BEING DRUNK OR GETTING DRUNK ON AIR, SO SHUT THE F UP RICHIE.

    1. Why did you shift to ALL CAPS AT THE END OF YOUR RANT? loL!


    3. But, Richie and Sybil rarely, if ever, discussed their relationship on air. So.. yeah.

    4. Why would Richie need to comment on the quality of his former 105.3 show here? Once again, this is a staple of his from the Observer days and I really enjoy his FACTS. How many times do we need to thank him for reporting this when the dumbass windbag Barry Horn wont? Kick Richie for something else. It is White Truck Wednesday. Head over there for the insults.

    5. Actually Richie, being a staple of the Dallas sports arena for many, many years provided a very enjoyable show with the much needed insight and factual reporting that's missing from just about everything these day. So Ben, or Skin, or whoever you are, get over the fact he runs away with the girl and you two knob gobblers get to go down with the ship.

  4. i miss RAGE, love witts end.. and listen to sybil from time to time but not the same.. ben and skin blow.. slater is terrible but like elf, the only good thing about the fan is new school.. and g bag,, but i hate jumping back and forth from the musers and new school.. again miss RAGE.. looking forward to pizza buzz..

    1. The crappy fan is luck to have Ben & Skin. They should be on the ticket.

    2. They WERE on the Ticket.....and nobody gave a shit. Ben and Skin would be perfect Abilene or Durant, Ok. Now that I think of it, maybe those markets are too big for those talent less hacks.

    3. Well now we all know that Anon is B&S's gay lover(s) with all the starfish massaging going on with these posts. Hey, douchetard, go comment somewhere else. We're here for Whitt's contribution(s), not yours. Run along now. You get to play bun darts here in about 6 minutes.

  5. I like some of the shows on The Fan. I hope it doesn't get re-formatted. Could that happen?

    1. What are these shows that you like? I can't believe they haven't gone all Beatles, all the time already.

  6. I don't like you one bit Richie, but Ben and Skin have stink all over them as they were moving in on your job well before you were fired. They get what they deserve how long does the fan put up with them?

  7. Richie, quit kissing the Ticket's ass. They are not going to hire you... and no need to to dog pile the Fan... I know you are bitter, but just be a responsible/objective reporter and publish the numbers...

  8. The FAN has been so terrible to listen to I gave my radio from work away to my daughter

  9. per Berry Horn the Ticket is taking business control of 103.3 ESPN. Can't believe RW and his "sources" did not get this first.

    1. Um...he said that a few weeks ago. Idiot.

  10. I don't get the hate some people on here have for Ben and Skin. If you don't like their show, that's fine, but don't act like they somehow betrayed Richie and Greggo. Spittle did, yes, and he did so to bring in Ben and Skin. Is it likely that Spittle told them he was doing this before they left ESPN? Yes, I think so. That still makes Spittle the bad guy. I personally loved RAGE, but still like Ben and Skin. No doubt that if both shows are at their best RAGE is better, but that doesn't make Ben and Skin bad. Just my two cents.

  11. When are you going to tell us that the Ticket is going to ESPN and attempt to say we heard it here first?

  12. With such high ratings, this species will dominate for more than a month, because the figures shown are simply impressive.
