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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Ticket Begins Its Move to 103.3 FM. Step Aside, ESPN Radio.

   Not exactly sure how this is all gonna shake out, but - as I hunched about a month ago - 1310 AM The Ticket this morning indeed began the process of moving to 103.3 FM ESPN.
   Couple employees from both stations say they were told in morning meetings, but even they're not sure exactly what the what?
   From my July 12 Whitt's End:
The Ticket on 104.1 FM is about to be a thing of the past. Cumulus has sold the frequency, and doubtful the new owners will simply keep 1310 AM's simulcast on its station. So here's my working theory: The Ticket is positioning itself for a move to 103.3 FM. Yep, ESPN. I know for a fact that Clear Channel attempted to buy 103.3 FM earlier this year. If The Ticket hopes to buy it, and thereby move to a stronger, FM signal, it would have to dump its existing FM signal, 104.1. Again, it's only a hunch, but if The Ticket winds up on 103.3 FM and ESPN moves to 1310 AM, you heard it here first.
   For the immediate future, lineups will stay the same. But long-term - weeks and months, not days - it's going to mean huge changes for DFW radio listeners. Where will the Mavs and Rangers games be aired? Will ESPN wind up on 1310 AM?
   And, most of all, are you ready for 103.3 FM The Ticket?
   As I wrote earlier today, The Ticket is eating up its competition. Why not go ahead and take them over, too?

   EDIT 1 p.m.: Far as I can tell The Ticket now has "business control" over ESPN Radio. All Ticket shows, etc. could eventually move to 103.3 FM with 1310 AM becoming an ESPN affiliate, with Mike & Mike and Colin Cowherd keeping their existing time slots. As for Fitzsimmons and Durrett, and Galloway and Co., their fate now rests in the hands of the Cumulus/Ticket decision-makers.


  1. How long do you think the Fan can stick around? It's got me hemorrhaging money with ratings that low.

    1. I actually think this is good news for The Fan. They'll never catch The Ticket barring a catastrophic event. But their next opponent, ESPN, is about to be severely weakened.

    2. I'm not sure why The FAN exists. No one is listening.


    3. I think this may be a great day for the FAN. If I am Galloway and other ESPN folks, I am calling to see what may be available. Any changes at the FAN will improve their dismal ratings.

  2. A tip of the cap to you, Richie. You broke this story a while back; no "I heard about this over a year ago" sort of comment can be credibly made. This story is a Richie Whitt exclusive. Good job. The possible outcomes (short and long term) of this move could be wide-ranging. I have to think that Rhyner is tickled pink at the prospect of having Coop back in the fold. I know that he (Rhyner) was sorely disappointed when Coop was let go by The Ticket. Interesting times ahead, indeed.

  3. You called it Richie, well done. I fear for the lil Ticket what broadcasting games will do to the Ticket. Like federal money - comes with federal rules - no bueno.

    Do NOT want to see any kind of integration. Only interested in ESPN for game broadcasts. Sorry, but ESPN lineup is not appealing. Galloway is not entertaining, just a blowhard.

    And sorry about dealing with Greg. You tried.

  4. Great.....103.3's signal is even worse than 1310 south of I-20

    1. Both are really, really bad. Probably why I didn't listen to the Ticket growing up in Cedar Hill.

    2. Sorry to hear you don't get a good signal but I live south of 20 and never have an issue with 103.3 (not that I listen). 1310 has a peak (day) wattage of 25,000. And 5,000 watts at night. 103.3 has a constant 98,000 watts. This should be dramatically better.

    3. Not in Waxahachie....103.3 is bad

    4. here in Cleburne i dont get 103.3FM or 1310AM. If i want to listen to Rangers games i switch it to 93.1FM a Cleburne Radio Station.

    5. What's up with that? I've noticed it to. It will be fine going down 360, then at I-20 it just goes to crap.

    6. I get 1310 all the way to Hillsboro while driving.

    7. South of I-20 and west of 360, I've checked out 1460am since they went to ESPN affilation. Not local high school sports and college. And they carry Rangers games. Think it's that same 93.1fm signal in Cleburne.

    8. It can't be worse than actually living south of I-20

    9. Think it's stronger north of Dallas than south of it. I was just in Wichita Falls last Thursday and I was getting 103.3 perfect over there.

    10. The ticket just needs to buy all other radio stations, and broadcast the Musers, Norm, Sturm& Drang, and the Hardline on all frequencies. No changes to the lineups the times or the content, just make every station broadcast the little ticket. Greggo can host the Wild Assed Circus. C'mon let the guy eat.

  5. I'm one of the few who enjoys Galloway and Company. Would hate for him to lose his spot, along with Coop and Mosely.

    People call Galloway a blowhard but really he knows what he is doing and just makes ridiculous statements to let Fitz and Mosely play off of it.

    1. Agree Andrew. Worked with Galloway for years at FWST and always respected him.

    2. Galloway is going to Retire. He wanted to hand over show to Ben&Skin but they moved. With this takeover i see old Gallo retiring.

    3. Andrew - a kindred spirit! I've been listening to Galloway for years. The younger generation does not get Galloway's "schtick." It flies right over their heads. I always love to hear Galloway's take on things. I've come to enjoy Matt Mosley as well. For several years, my radio listening habits have been listening to the Ticket until 3 - and then I flip to 103.3 for Galloway until 6 (sorry Richie).

      Back in the day, I listed to Galloway on WBAP at 6pm. He ruled the sports airwaves around here in those days. Who all remembers Jimmy Johnson calling in to Galloway's show (after having a Heineken or two) and making his famous "You can put it in three inch headlines" proclamation?

      Ok, here's an idea....(I know it will probably never happen, but I can dream :) ) How about ending the Hardline at 6pm instead of 7pm and moving Galloway to his old 6pm timeslot and broadcast it on the Ticket? I like it! C'mon, Cumulus!

  6. Galloway's old WBAP show was the best. He'd blow through breaks and pretty much do what he wanted. It was greatness. Show on 103.3 is okay, but it is too watered down and structured. I'm convinced the way to stick out and be different is to break the format The Ticket invented. They're now a slave to their way too structured way of doing things. It seems to be all about "segments" and it bores me way too often. JB in GP

  7. Don't know why anyone would put Coop on regularly. GREAT play by play man....TERRIBLE host. For once, the Ticket's "Major Station Announcement" will actually be something of merit.

  8. I don't understand why guys keep listening to the Ticket. They don't talk much sports! It's all schtick. Had a buddy come in town from Chicago and he was like, what is this crap? It's all schtick. Made me think. Since you left The Fan (Richie) and save for Gavin and Galloway now, there's very little actual SPORTS talk in this area. I'm sorry, but The Ticket just sucks. -Steve Remington

    1. Norm talks sports

    2. Steve--it's the first week of August, you can only talk about the Rangers and cone drills from training camp for so long.

    3. Who wants to hear a bunch of sports talk? The Ticket does a great job of balancing it all out. If you want to take a thorough sports beating, they always play the Garrett power down every day at 2:00.

    4. And I bet you watched all 4 qtrs of that "game" between the Cowboys and the Dolphins. Most males 25-54 in this market enjoy a respite of X and O's and pitch counts - hence ratings

    5. The difference between the Ticket and many of the others: That I know that Sturm's kid is named Justin and that Dan cruises porn regularly; that Rhyner's dog was named Digger and died not all that long ago; that George is a hell of a musician; that Gordon hunts; that Corby's has met the guy he's named after. I could go on, but you get the point: if you've listened for very long, they're not just talking, they're talking TO you. These guys have been talking to you for long enough for you to get to know them and that relationship makes the ratings that have eclipsed the competition for so long. That's my angle on it

    6. Agree. Keith's impressions are funny and Norm talks sports, but for the most part the Ticket just sucks. I have no interest in Hollywood gossip, endless fart drops, or Dan's complete ignorance of the local teams.

      I just hope ESPN eventually gets a different tower. And I bet they do.

  9. JoCoMoFo!! You called it again!! Good job, enjoy your site

  10. Nicely done sir! You are to be commended!!



  11. Anon 5:45, Im with ya brother! Always LOVED Galloway but he's not for these PC PUSSIES today. His wbap was the best till old school Hardline came along, but sucks now with that idiot Corby. I can't listen to Galloway at times now because of the signal. I think the Ticket AM signal is better than FM 103.3.

  12. Baby arm.........

  13. Listening to GAC is like listening to a combination of classical/old western/soft pop music. It's boring and not the least bit edgy. G-Bag nation truly knows how to reel in the 18-25 demographic. When GAC/RichieGreggo/BenSkin reminisce about old time DFW, I instantly switch to Sirius, it's that simple. Gavin and company keep it real along with New School.
