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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ticket Takeover: What It Means for DFW Radio

   The Ticket is taking over ESPN Radio.
   Powerful. Defining. Epic. Yet, let's face it, confusing.
   Kind of like Texas A&M's Johnny Goofball signing hundreds of autographs - assembly-line style - for memorabilia brokers, just because he's a nice guy. Yeah, right.
   What happened yesterday - in a move I sorta saw coming a month ago - is seemingly the first step in a long journey toward 103.3 FM The Ticket.
   But when, how and what happens when we get to that point? After talking to peeps from all sides of the transaction, let's try to take some educated guesses at where re-shaped DFW sports-talk radio is headed.
   What this move means for ...


  1. Who takes over Greggo's Gigantic Blog and Cafe?

  2. Is it possible that we can finally get Elf back with the ticket and maybe send Norm to 1033 to take Galloway spot. I'd love Elf and Donny Do together at 10-12. You know he always wanted his weekday show on the ticket and I can't imagine how big of a beating it is to work with slater every day.

    1. Slater is Hot, But god her sports opinions are so stupid, never make sense and you can tell Elf gets mad. Elf & Josh Lewin together was great radio. I was not happy when Josh left.

  3. Richie, is there anything preventing the national shows from being sent to 1310am frequency?

    1. Yes. The LMA mandates that 103.3 remain the ESPN affiliate and broadcast the two national shows.

  4. I don't listen to ESPN with the exception of baseball games, so not much of a change for me. I don't see much wrong with this; you have the Cowboys on the Fan as well as Nascar--Rangers and Mavs(possibly) on the Tickespn, so a straight up split. As far as hockey, do people actually listen to hockey on the radio? The Elf & Slater show probably beat a hockey broadcast and I can't stand preempting a show for Stars hockey, get outta here with that. I would have been much more disappointed if The Ticket and ESPN were the only two sports stations in the market.
    RW, question, will KESN even with the LMA be seperated in the ratings book from KTCK? That would seem confusing if shows bounced from signal to signal or if there was simulcasting. When the espn shakeout happens, who takes drivetime on KESN & KTCK--do you predict a simulcast? And if so who gets the ratings?

    1. Now that's a great question. Who the heck gets credit for PPM ratings when it's Mike & Mike, followed by a Ticket JV show? Don't have that answer. But I'll get it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I personally can't stand half the shows on the ticket and I'm dumb founded they rule the air waves like they do! This is the main reason I recently subscribed to Sirius & washed my hands of listening to crack pot shows like GAC &BAD radio. The fan was actually the only decent sports talk in the metroplex & I hope your right about them gaining second place whether by default or just the fact that it's much better SPORTS TALK NOT E NEWS with a sprinkle of sports like the ticket subjects us to! Sad thing is after reading this article I'm forced to believe that is what Dallas sports fans tune in to hear & at 20 mil a yr I don't see that changing any time soon. Enjoy P1s may the sappy jokes rule our air waves forever more.

    1. Galloway And Conpany.

    2. Ah, makes sense. He was referencing Ticket programming and I couldn't come up with GAC show on the Ticket.

  7. This is super dicey. Do Bob and Dan move to Afternoon Drive to "compete" against the Hardline? It would make more sense to shutter 104.1 and move all Ticket programming to 103.3, but as you've said ESPN still technically OWNS the station and demands that Mike and Mike and Colin Cowturd stay in place. It'll be interesting to say the least. If you take all of the talent on both stations and condense it down to the best of both, does anyone on The Ticket lose? This is very a la Vince McMahon buying WCW and trying to make competing brands out of RAW and Smackdown. The question is not what is the SUM of The Ticket + ESPN. The question is what is the total of The Ticket + ESPN / 2. I think that this move will ultimately make ESPN stronger and make The Ticket weaker, leveling the playing field between them. Otherwise, you're in a situation in which ESPN is being deliberately held down, and what advertiser wants any part of that? Like I said... Dicey...

    1. 104.1 is already shuttered/sold. Just waiting for deal to be finalized. That's why all of this is in motion per Richie's blog two weeks ago.

    2. Yes, Sam. 104.1 is in the process of being sold. Once that's finalized, this new LMA kicks in.

  8. Richie,

    Didn't you mention in a Whitt's End couple of weeks ago, That perhaps a possible 4th (now would be 3rd)sports radio station entering the market? Whats the Status on that? Will that even happen after this?

    1. Haven't heard another peep. But at the time I was told the new station was targeting Sept. 1. I'll keep you updated when I hear something new.

  9. Being one of the narrow minded P1's you mention I don't like this because for one I work from home and can't get the ESPN feed on any of my home radios and it's a pain to stream when you have a company monitored lap top. Two, Sam up above pretty much summed it up it would be a pain the ass to have to switch back and forth from stations. On the bright side the new Ticket app that you called gibberish works really well plus I can rewind what I missed if I have to take a call. Speaking of gibberish when is this pizza place you have been trumpeting opening up?

    1. I'm with you, I live just north of 75 and can't get 103.3 on my clock radio, nor can I get 1310. It is what it is, I was using iheart to hear the ticket before and I downloaded this new app.

    2. How can you live north of a north/south road?

    3. Sorry man, I meant 75/190. It would be nice if this site had an editing capability. Saying I live in Plano doesn't say much, but thanks for catching that and no i don't think you were being an asshole.

  10. Such a little man. Always trying to make people think you broke this story weeks ago while taking shots at The Ticket listeners that can't stand you because you have a big bag of nothing. Just makes you crazy that you can't be part of The Ticket empire doesn't it?

    DFW media will be a much better place when you go away for good.

    1. Is there a demographic more thin-skinned than the P1?

    2. why do you come here? Is it because your wife is on your ass all the time so posting here makes you feel powerful before you go home to the ass-whipping that is your family? Sad for you little buddy, and I'm a fellow P1.

    3. Hey Ed, RW WOULD go away for good (in your mind, anyway) if you'd quit trolling this site. Just give it a try. I know the rest of us would be thrilled!

    4. Ed: Make you THINK I broke it? Um, I did break it. Thanks for stopping by though.

    5. And, Rooster, the only thinner-skinned folks than P1s are A&M fans.

  11. Was it Greggo's fault that the announcement this morning wasn't what you thought it was going to be? Or, will you man up for once and admit that you were wrong??

  12. Thanks for the info, Richie. Good stuff. Though I understand neither the back-handed compliments tossed toward The Ticket nor the not so veiled jabs at Ticket listeners. While I'm not a P1, I am a regular listener. Yes, there are things about each show that I would like to see changed, but overall the product is superior to what's put out by its competition. The ratings prove it, in spades. Perhaps there are Ticket Sheep out there; but the same could be said for RAGE fans, GAC fans, etc... However, there are far too many avid Ticket listeners to paint with such broad strokes. Moreover, as someone who claims to have not listened to the station in three years (until this morning), I don't think your inferred claim that every show is the same is valid. Anyway, very good story.

    @Rooster Is there a demographic more thin-skinned than the Ticket hater? (See how that works, Rooster? It's called refutation by analogy. Anyone can play your sophomoric games.)

    1. Don't think I ever said every show is the same, did I?

  13. I like good radio... Thay doesn't make me narrow minded. You and your show were terrible long before Greggo got back on drugs. The fan loves to have their shows do shocking, innacurate teases before breaks. I fell for it a few times. It always ended up being some bland or idiotic topic that wasn't nearly as "interesting" as the tease made it sound. You were perfect for the fan. All hot air with no substance. That's why you failed (Greggo was the only thing keeping that show listenable). The ticket guys are likeable, funny and interesting. You and everyone else on the fan fail to meet that criteria. But, that is either Greggo's fault, or because I am a "narrow minded, brain washed P1".

    1. I predict that if Bob 'n Dan would've gone to The Fan, you wouldn't have listened. In fact, you would have considered them traitors. That, my friend, is narrow-minded. No matter who the Ticket throws on its air you'll like. And no matter the quality of the competition, you're pre-determined to despise. That hit close to home?

    2. Could the same not be said if G-bag left the Fan for the Ticket or if Galloway left ESPN for the Fan? So anyone who likes a station and does not feel like changing stations is narrow minded? Also if that is the case why then did your 5.9 ratings drop once Greggo got on the sick?? Is that not what every singal radio station in the country wants, listeners to stay when popular hosts leave???

      This being said I am one of the narrow minded P1's and I very rarely listen to Norm on the Ticket simply because I don't care for his brand of radio. I turn the station to music when he comes on. I like Bob and Dan and would have turned the dail over to the Fan if they moved. Listen belive it or not I gave RAGE multiple chances when you were on the air because I beat down by cocky Corby. But your cockyness far exceeded his and quite frankly I found your show pretty much unlistenable.

      I do however check your blog out because you do from time to time have some good information and good reads.


    3. not true. the little ticket could put your sorry little ass on the air and you'd drive the ratings so low into middle earth that you'd meet your hobbit grandparents, bitch

  14. Since the day RAGE went off of the air I haven't listened to The Fan, and now will I. RAGE was the only good show on The Fan, Galloway or the Hardline are way better options than Ben and Skin. They were horrible at The Ticket, they were horrible at ESPN Radio, and they are still awful. I don't see how anyone listens to them. Hopefully their ratings continue to plummet, so they get better shows on the air.

  15. I do think the Mavericks will go to KRLD-FM. The problem is who will control the inventory. The Mavericks sell all of their pre,in-game and post game commericial inventory. CBS Radio usually pays a straight rights fee to the team with some co selling of inventory. What will happen with this one knows except Dan Bennett, Lew Dickey and Jeff Catlin.

  16. Continuing your football analogy, I far from see this as good news for the FAN. So in 105.3's quest for #2, that #2 team (ESPN) is now coached by the same Jimmy Johnson that calls the plays on 1310. Sure, they have to keep mike/mike and Cowherd, play sportcenter updates, but short of that, Jimmy gets to run his offense on the rest of the station. I actually see this as a final nail in FAN coffin. I never thought CBS would shell their format, but this just might do it. 1310=majors 103.3/105.3=minors, now 103.3 just got called up to the bigs. They'll own sports talk in DFW more than ever.

    1. You might be right. But, as of now, it can't get any worse for The Fan.

  17. Galloway to the Fan, that could save the station. Just a thought. Cumulus aint gonna pay him to stay on the air and compete with the hardline

    1. I would like that if they gave him some freedom to structure his own show and segments; he was a total mess on WBAP and it was great radio.

    2. The greatness of SM...thanks for taking time from your DO posting to come here. Great point and even though I don't listen to GAC, it would be an improvement over the B&S Extravabortion.

    3. Would LOVE Galloway on the fan. I love GAC and Ben and Skin. Maybe Galloway can take Elf and Slater's slot, bring Mosely with him, and Elf and Slater can become part of the "And Company" of Galloway and Company?

  18. Eveyone is a critic, no one is an expert. Smart people that read this blog look to it for information...dumb people read it and look for a chance to be the "who's the wittiest wise ass".
    Move along..

  19. So Patrick.. Which one are you? I have my guess.

  20. RW, is that a post stardom Leif Garrett or Ice Cube pictured in the upper left of your blog Header? All blacked out, the guy looks really tough.

  21. Here ya go, RW:

  22. C'mon, RW. Am I narrow minded if I tried listening to the other sports stations but didn't like them? To use your analogy, I tried the other buffets and I didn't like them, so I dine at the one I like.

  23. Someone here mentioned the GGBC so I headed over there. The site hasn't been updated in 22 days. Is he in rehab again? What an absolute mess that guy is.

  24. Im a big P1... But I have to say this deal is very odd.

    The Ticket whores their massive brand out for 5 years (for addl revenue streams) and gets a stronger signal in the same tenure but in 2018 the gig is up. In the meantime, some P1s get used to 103.3. And the Ticket in 2018 has to downsize their operational capabilities to go back to the weak signal and must tell everyone that 103.3 is the enemy again while possibly risking the auto-behavior of automatically tuning into 1310AM.

    Am I missing something, Richie?

    Your friend,

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