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Friday, August 2, 2013

WHITT'S END: 8.2.13

      Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Saturday in Canton, Ohio is Larry Allen's crowning achievement: Induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. One of the greatest offensive linemen in the history of not only the Cowboys but also the NFL, Allen was a man of big accomplishment and little words. The over/under on his acceptance speech is two minutes (Michael Irvin's went 26.) But once upon a time - almost 12 years ago to the day - he invited me into his personal golf cart to chat extensively about how the hell he bench-pressed 700 pounds. Read for yourself. And, yes, I said seven hundred pounds. See for yourself.

   *Yu Darvish was crazy good Thursday night for the Rangers. Struck out the first six Diamondbacks - all swinging - and finished with 14 K's in a dominating performance. He's had three outings this season with 14 strikeouts and no walks. I said this season. In their careers Randy Johnson only had eight and Roger Clemens seven.

   *What started as my mistake led to an eye-opening observation last night at Denver International Airport. Headed back to Dallas after my Rocky Mountain High in Colorado, I left a big can of shaving cream in my carry-on. Big no-no. Confiscated at security. No biggie. But then as I'm walking into a restaurant my buddy warns me "Hey, be careful. Those things could poke somebody in the eye." He was referencing the sharp tips of my hiking poles, tucked onto the side of my backpack. Then, as we sit down to dinner, the waitress brought me a proper metal fork. A sharp plastic toothpick carrying limes. And a glass of water. So, really TSA, you'll take away shaving cream but allow me to board a plane with two 6-foot spears, metal and plastic stabbing devices and what could easily be fashioned into a sharp shard of glass? Also spotted in the airport: Guys carrying a skateboard and plastic swimming fins. You don't have to be MacGruber to envision the damage those "weapons" could levy on a plane. Seriously, are we this stupid?

   *Honestly, I don't really miss radio. (Well, other than the six-figure salary.) My life is better without my former boss and ex-partner. But Sunday afternoon I will be bumming when - for the first time since 2009 - I'm not part of the official Cowboys' Pre-Game Show on 105.3 The Fan. The official radio home of the Cowboys will keep New School on its pre-game show and replace Mark Elfenbein with Ben and Skin on the post-game. They've also made a player swap on game days. Out: Rocket Ismail; In: Marc Colombo.

   *Don't you if you've noticed but I'm the skeptical type. I need the facts to back things up. So when I read about tennis No. 1 Novak Djokovic drastically improving his health via a test that included holding a piece of bread to his stomach, I initially guffawed with raised eybrows. But I'll be dang if it doesn't work. It's called a Kinesiological test, and it helps you determine which foods you are allergic to. The theory: Outside influences dictate your inner body. Try this: Stand up, hold out your right arm and place your left hand on your stomach. Have a friend try to push down your extended arm. Then put a cell phone in your left hand and have the friend try again. The difference is amazing. Bottom line: Find out what's healthy for you, and stop carrying your cell phone in your front pocket. If you know what I mean.




  1. Ritchie-great stuff as always. Just a minor clarification for you. Yu didn't strike out the first 6. There were 2 singles mixed in there. Great performance nonetheless.

    Love the blog...keep it up.

  2. HOT link is not working

  3. The hot chick quotient was low because you were in Colorado. In Texas it's closer to 50%. Just sayin'...

  4. Like people say, we just need you to replace radio with online podcasting. Let's do lunch sometime...

  5. Unemployment is at a five year low is like saying 4 out of 5 people get murdered in our city, but it used to be 5 out of 5, so that's good right?

    1. @David Parks No offence man but of all the things to pick apart in this Whitt's End (and there's alot of them) this is the one you choose?

      - Storm_71

    2. @David Parks Close to a great analogy, except with the 4 out 5, the fifth one is already dead, and they take credit for not getting murdered again. Bill2455

    3. David, I'm just curious, are you happy when unemployment goes up? If not, then you should be happy when it goes down.

    4. RW - It's a case of everything is Obama's fault, unless it's good news.

  6. Honestly, radio really doesn't miss you

  7. You heard it here first huh???

    1. Big diff between a story saying "exploring options" and "done deal."

    2. I see "done deal" anywhere in your story. All I see is "leading candidate" and "likely".

      - Storm_71

  8. RW...I'm usually a defender, but the Kidd Cradick info was repugnant. If his toxicology reports come back with info that corroborates your "sources", okay. Otherwise, must we always try to find something shitty about everyone? This seems like another attempt (which have become almost nauseating) by you to say.."I reported it first!". I like to think you're better than this, maybe I'm wrong.

    1. If it was anyone other than Radio's golden boy, nobody would have a problem with it.

      If he came on here and said the same thing about Greg Williams, nobody would bat an eye...

    2. gerald, I too am very disappointed in Richie on this regard. If you refuse to believe something, claim that even it it is true it doesn't have any bearing on the subject, and yet still feel the need to report it. . . . well, there's a lot that can be said of someone who engages in such antics. None of it good. This is absolutely inexcusable. To be honest, the mentioning of the six-figure salary was in somewhat poor taste, but I can let that slide. Ditto the need to pile on to an already five part essay on why he was fired and the, in his opinion, responsible parties. One more thing: I'm sorry, Richie, but your understanding of how the unemployment numbers work/are interpreted, the stock markets, and their relation to the president appear to be woefully ignorant. Pitiably so. If I were you, I would avoid these subjects unless/until you learn what they mean and how they all relate--if they relate.

      I really dislike posting such a negative comment; my comments are not usually as such; indeed, I'm a fan of your work. Alas, you earned it today, Richie.

    3. You are wrong. This dick has proven time and again he's not better than that.

    4. Okay Dave, so educate me as to how exactly unemployment numbers going down and stock market prices going up is somehow a negative thing to the White House.

    5. As for the Kidd thing, I clearly wrote them as "rumors." I don't believe they are fact. But to totally ignore them isn't my style. Never has been. I believe I couched it the right way. If you think otherwise, I understand your stance.

    6. Have se respect for the guy and not post bullshit like this to get stupid hits to your blog. God you're a scumbag to the highest degree.

    7. Richie, we'll have to agree to disagree where Kidd is concerned. Fair enough. As to the unemployment numbers, the White House, Wall Street, etc., I would ask you to please scroll down to Bill Ratcliff's comment. He partly explains my point. There is a lot more to it; a lot more nuance than even his fine explanation lends. If you really want a primer on how to read these sorts of figures and correlate them to other aspects of the economy and politics, I'd be happy to point you in that direction (a non-partisan direction). I'll post up a comment here with some links for you either later today or tomorrow.

    8. Richie, here is one link to an AP story that might shed some more light on the reported numbers. This is an excellent illustration of how numbers can be "creatively" interpreted. This latest release of the unemployment numbers means that the interpretation of the data began and ended at the superficial level. I'm trying to be charitable to the administration, hence I say the interpretation "began and ended at the superficial level" and not "was deliberately deceptive." I have some other links, but I figure you have other things to do with your time. Leave a comment saying otherwise and I'll gladly post them. Else, I hope between this link and Bill Ratcliff's comment, you have a better picture of the reality of the latest (and all) unemployment figures. (As an aside: This sort of "creative" interpretation isn't unique to the Obama administration. Not by a long shot.)

    9. The link (duh!):

  9. Rooster, I have to disagree with you. The two situations are disanalogous. Gregg is a self-admitted user; Kidd was not. Gregg's behavior and history of lies and substance abuse are well-documented; Kidd, if indeed he has a history, has a history that is not public. I hope you can see the difference. Now, if photos, other sorts of evidence, testimony, etc. begins to come forth and it looks like it is the case that Kidd had an unsavory side, then so be it. However, Richie never claimed (even in his Hard Lie article, pre RAGE) that he didn't believe the rumors about Gregg, and that even if true, it matters not. Quite the opposite. But with Kidd, he has done just that, and yet still felt the need to publish the rumor. In short, he's as guilty as any rumor monger. And that disappoints me.

    1. Fine. I'll play.

      If he said the same thing about RJ Choppy, nobody would bat an eye.

      Everyone has their panties in a wad because radio's golden boy couldn't possibly sin.

      I'll bet the dude even had pre-marital sex...

    2. +1

      Everybody has feet of clay. Even Golden Boys.

    3. I thought the Kidd insertion was unwarranted and unneeded. Putting rumors that are unsubstantiated in a blog would be like me creating a blog and saying "it's a rumor that Richie's gay, don't know that I believe it but it's out there," see what I mean?

      In regards to people still sticking up for Greggo, guess who's blog hasn't been updated since 7/18 by Greggo?(don't count the 7/19 updates, they were done by Jenn) Point is, bash on RW all you want, he was right on Greggo. Richie blogs while on vacation, Greggo can't even do a bullshit "lyric of the day" update while he's "moving".

  10. As if we need more evidence you are a Chris Chris douche bag, you have to continue to find ways to remind everyone you once had a six figure salary as a host of a failed radio show.....shows how careless CBS Radio is with their money that they would pay a spare like you six figures. Might as well have flushed the money down the toilet.

    1. Yeah, CBS probably should've flushed money down the toilet. Well thought-out point.

  11. Love your blog,

    Can't resist, out of the 953K jobs created in 2013, 731K are part time (fries with that)
    Lower unemployment rate is a result of more folks not even looking for a job (simple math lower the denominator and increase % of employed)
    21 million young adults living with parents (wait until the parents get dropped or reduced to part time, those under 26 year olds will be able to piggy back on their parents zero insurance) Hooray, everyone gets to pay the fine)

    Black teen unemployment rate 41%
    Stock market is not the economy, it produces zero goods, It's rise is due to US Treasury buying it's own debt, did you see what happened when Bernake hinted at no more, dropped 200 points overnight,
    And one other really sneaky detail, the government, this week, changes the way it calculates GDP and wallah, GDP grew.
    Good luck with the restaurant, I will try and visit when I get to Dallas

  12. I'm starting an over/under called the "Richie loves him some Richie". This week the count is 3 (with 2 under review).
    1. I rode in a golf cart with Will Allen
    2. I made 6 figures
    3. I had the scoop on the Cowboys moving to Frisco
    Under Review
    4. I was planning on going to Oxnard
    5. I checked out 61 women at the airport to see if they were "doable". (Even though 61 women walked by thinking why is that bald midget staring at me).

    The over/under for the August 9th sportatorium in the "Richie loves him some Richie" is 3 and 1/2 (we can't have pushes). As final say and commish I will listen to arguments on boasts I miss. But final results will publish on Wednesdays. Good luck to you men.

    1. 5. I checked out 61 women at the airport to see if they were "doable". (Even though 61 women walked by thinking why is that bald midget staring at me).

      No kidding. Forget telling friends. I'd want to slit my wrists if I ever woke up with that. Instead of hair plugs Richie should have tried to get free Lasik.

    2. He is a hack. Has to tell himself he isn't but his constant attempt to tell us why his life is so fantastic shows some serious cracks in the foundation.

    3. Wjy do you guys comment if you feel this way about Richie? seems pretty miserable to me..


    4. Before the Supreme Court of Blogdom comes Brian, asking said court to impose "Brian's Law" where no one will read a blog until they agree to believe and support all information within the blog before even reading said information. Should one disagree with the information they had blindly agreed to agree with, they shalt not post a negative comment but rather get up kick the dog and then post a positive response. Heretofore "Brian's Law" is approved and we will all sit in a field of flowers with our solar powered laptops and agree with everything we dare open on this magnificent gift called the internet. This judgement is based on the precedent of the below mentioned blog entries, which under Brian's Law we will all agree with, should we dare read them.

      The Mavericks have assembled their best roster ever
      The Cowboys should be the favorite to win the Super Bowl this year
      Terrorism will cease to exist after Labor Day
      After retirement Ron Washington will become an English professor at Yale
      The Fan was kick ass when Rage was on

    5. you left an important one out of the one should be allowed to comment on a blog using the moniker anonymous". It's easy to be a douchey prick when you can hide on the grassy knoll.

    6. Good point "gerald". There's a huge difference between hiding behind "anonymous" and putting yourself out there as "gerald". Lord knows there's only one gerald in this world, way to let everyone know who you are. I'm bringing my douchey self off the grassy knoll, I'm bob. Does that help gerald?

    7. At least I've limited the number of persons out there who might fit my moniker. You, on the other hand, have shown yourself to be nothing more than a grade A asshole. Have a nice day.

    8. Thanks for the grade A rating on my assholeness. A few weeks ago someone said I was a grade C asshole and I've been trying to get it straightened out withe credit agencies ever since. Your name carries a lot of weight in the asshole community so a grade A rating from you will definitely help me out. You are a righteous dude, thanks.

      I'm feeling so comfortable leaving my "anonymous" moniker behind that I have also released my last name. I am Bob Johnson, look me up.

  13. All I'm saying is, why would you come here daily and read these blogs that obviously don't like and then take the time to comment? again seems pretty miserable...

    1. Brian, I like a lot of Richie's writing but he's got a distorted self-image of epic proportion. He's begging to be called out on it when he tells us how ugly or not "doable" someone else is.

      If he can't handle being called out on his BS then the internet was the wrong place to set up shop.

  14. I don't listen to sports talk radio and only learned of this blog from a fellow Wise Countian who shared a mutual interest in the Greg Williams saga. That said, I've kept coming back (darn near daily) due to the outstanding prose. The writing is absolutely excellent. I guess I've turned into something of a follower. Jack Twist might say, I just can't quit you, Whitt.

    On another note, anyone who gives long explanations as to why a lower unemployment rate is false and unreliable only reveals one thing: their man ain't in office. And a bullish stock market surely indicates a stronger than not economy. To express otherwise indicates one may have run with the bulls and taken a horn to the head.

    So, keep on keepin' on, RW.

    1. Your knowledge of macro economics in an international market is spectacularly dense. Limit your comments to important items like the Greg and Richie saga, you will stay with in capacity of thinking, and look less the fool.

  15. You would like that typical aaron sorkin liberal agenda driven crap. Why am I not surprised?

    1. You don't like something and that makes it liberal agenda driven crap? People like you need to be hit by a train.

    2. The first season had an agenda to it, it's undeniable. I'm a huge Sorkin fan, but he does tend to broadcast his view on things. Season 2 has been a lot more story focused and less moral focused, so as of yet I have yet to see any liberal agenda.

  16. Larry Allen was probably the strongest man ever to play football, but it doesn't count if you have six hands on the bar that aren't your own.

    1. watch the video again! they weren't helping him lift! my god the people that troll on here...
