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Friday, August 23, 2013

WHITT'S END: 8.23.13

      Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Congrats to avid reader Robert Candeleria of Fort Worth. By paying attention this week he knew that the winning sentence was "I saw Tony Romo's baby at DFWSportatorium." Took his knowledge to Pollo Campero this morning and now he's got a full belly of free Latin chicken and two tickets to a big sporting event. Very cool.

   *With a loss to the Bengals, the Cowboys (1-2) would clinch a losing record in the preseason for the first time in more than a decade. You heard me. Last time the Cowboys were under .500 in exhibitions was 2001 (2-3), when Dave Campo coached and Quincy Carter handed-off to a fella named Emmitt Smith. Since '02 the Cowboys are 28-16-1 in the preseason, a winning percentage (.622) better than over their last 11 regular seasons (.534). But they had losing pre-season records before all three of their Super Bowl seasons in the '90s. Moral to the story: There is little or no predictive value in the outcomes of NFL pre-season games. If the Cowboys fall to 1-3, shrug.

   *Alerted you about a month ago to a potential fourth 24-hour sports-talk radio station in the Metroplex. Despite the obvious hurdles - it's an AM station in an already crowded market dominated by a ratings-greedy gorilla named The Ticket - apparently plans are still a go. Though the initial Sept. 1 launch date is pushed back. ... In other radio news, I still hear ol' friend Randy Galloway is very open to being bought out of his contract by his new bosses over at The Ticket. His contract runs through December, but he's lame-duck done.

   *Something I bet you thought you'd be saying by now but haven't: "Man, I miss Nelson Cruz." As long as the Rangers play the Astros we can't forget about the steroid slugger.

   *Dig a tad deeper and the three teens that gunned down that college baseball player in Oklahoma weren't merely thrill-seekers, but people filled with evil, hate and gangs. This was a hate-crime, right?

   *How bad of an off-season has it been for Johnny Goofball? From accepting the Heisman Trophy as America's best overall college football player, to now not even considered the best quarterback in his conference. He's second-team pre-season All-SEC, behind Georgia's Aaron Murray. Gig 'Em. Giggle.




  1. A. lesson learned.

  2. loving the blog you got here Richie! still miss hearing your voice of sarcasm on the really got me thru the work wk!...keep up the good work and good luck on your endevours to starting your own business!!
    *******GOOOOO COWBOYS!*********

  3. exposure, otherwise you are just an inabler.
    says anonymous

  4. advise? advice? never mind he's rolling (really just fun because you used to bust my chops for twitter typos)

    1. And he threw the grammar penalty flag on another blogger in the same posting. Nice.

      Oh, and option A. Lesson learned.

    2. I make mistakes all the time. Especially in 2,000-word wrap-ups. So call me out. I fess up, then fix. Thanks.

  5. Fox? NBC has the rights to the Premier League.....

  6. I actually heard about the Tebow thing here...........first.

  7. Assuming the "friend" wasn't Greggo, go with option "A"...if by some strange chance it was, choose option B and C. :-)

  8. I Love Whitt's End, keep it up! It makes my Friday

    1. Agree. Always a fun read to wrap up the week. Thanks, Richie.

  9. Preseason - meh.

    Rangers - we sure picked a great time to play the worst of MLB. Timing is everything.

    Hot - definitely future ex-wife material.

    As long as we have the same GM placing people around the QB, we could have Johnny Unitas as a quarterback and it we'd still go 8-8. It's what we do.

    Soccer. Meh.

    B or C, but it's one thing to get a judgement in small claims court, and another to get paid.

    I have yet to figure out 1) How TT is still in the NFL, and 2) How a third string QB gets so much publicity.

    Ben Affleck is the new Batman - meh.

  10. Never, ever, ever, never lend money to friends OR family. It ALWAYS ends badly. Lesson learned. Smalls claims is a waste of time and effort. As another said, getting judgment...easy. Getting paid...won't happen. Taking him/her to the whipping tree? Only if you think it will produce the desired result and/or will make you feel better.

    1. I keep hearing small claims is a waste of time, and even more money. Thanks for input folks.

  11. -I don't know why anyone else would start a sports radio show here, unless they were going to be more "ethnic".

    -It's easy not to miss Nelson Cruz when you're beating up on the Angels and Astros. Only time will tell, but I'm sure that Warsh will put Nelson back in as DH in the playoffs. Nelson's glove can't be trusted in the playoffs.

    -The black teens that killed the baseball player and the ones that killed the 88 year old....well, I don't need to dig deeper. Flip the races and Obama and the race mongers would be up in arms. Apparently hate crimes are only perpetrated by white people.

    -I'm sure the Romo haters hate hearing Staubach and Aikman speak so highly of Romo. They were nice enough to kick me in the nuts last week when I said something nice about him.

    1. Oh and about the money, I'd lean to say "A", no one here has to tell you from now on not to lend money to a friend or family, that lesson is learned. It sucks to have to bargain with your friend to get YOUR money back, with them probably telling you that you have enough money and won't miss it. Chances are this person has done it to someone else as well, so if you went with "C", you're just possibly keeping at least one other person from getting bilked. In any case, I hope you wrote a cashier check and didn't do the cash option so you'd have a decent chance of winning "B".

    2. I'm trying to figure out what stick its going to be on. The only 50,000 watt stick I know of is 1190, and Cheap Channel is not about to put any money into that stick.

  12. D... all the above

  13. Holy cow, 10% interest? Either he's not a very good friend, or you knew he was a credit risk, hence the high rate of interest. Or both.

  14. Let the deadbeat go and the anger and disappointment along with it. Lesson learned and that kind of crap is heavy to carry around anyway.

    100% with you on the US Open. Used to love me some Super Saturday back in the day and the late night early round matches on USA Network! Johnny Mac my all time favorite athlete.

    Have a good 'un.

    John Head

  15. I for one will miss the hell out of Galloway. The only reason I stick with Corby's lame stories now is because the only time I can pick up ESPN is in my car.

    1. Corby does tell boring stupid stories!!! I wish The Ticket would swap BAD Radio and The "Former" Hardline show times. I'm really tired of hearing squeaky corby and iron smoke lung danny.


  16. You are asking money and ethics advice from the same people whom would go to Baby Doll's for a T-shirt? Hmmmm sure about THAT.

    Before I did anything, what is the person like in totality? I believe there is a big difference if he has had setbacks due to say medical bills for a child and he is doing all he call to support them, as compared to someone that has been visiting Babydolls and is just a liar and scam artist. If it is the former, no reason to publicly humiliate him; he feels it already. Should it be the latter, go Roman on him, devastate the liar. Bill2455

  17. People pay me back or I take it back the hard way. If you can't see your way clear to go that route, here's the other suggestion. Six grand looks better in your pocket.
    Make sure everyone else knows he or she is a deadbeat. Save someone else the same crap. After all, you might have saved a lot of grief if you had an idea before that. Small claims can't hurt, that way you've got a legit claim and can beat them up in public. It just depends if you want to throw more money away.

    In either case, don't berate yourself for someone being a deadbeat. But really...10% interest? That's a bad sign, nobody offers that if they really intend to pay you back.

  18. I never listened to the "RAGE" because I'm just not a Greggo fan, but I do like this blog and your other work as a writer. I think the advice you got about "whining" about breaking a story is good advice. Information travels incredibly fast in this day and age and nobody really cares about who broke the story as much as how it's presented and for that you should be proud.

    For the people out there mad about Obama eloquently speaking about race and the Trayvon Martin case:

    1. The first time he spoke about it was in response to a journalist's question. Would you have rather the leader of our great nation be a yellow belly and say "No comment?".

    2. The second time he spoke about it he was exhibiting leadership as the crux of his message was THE COURT HAS SPOKEN, if you have negative feelings about this case express yourself non-violently. Looks like it worked because no cities shut down due to rioting, js.

    Comparing what happened last week to the Trayvon Martin case is apples and oranges. The main difference is that it didn't take 6 weeks of protesting and national pressure to make those repugnant a-holes who shot the Australian and beat that WWII vet stand trial for their crimes. They will and deserve to rot in jail.

    Option B. Court sucks but A. definitely won't get your money back and C. will definitely damage their credibility and may make it harder for them to get the work necessary to pay you back, depending on their occupation of course.

    1. I too get tired of seeing all the anti Obama [Obama's sons] comments after these terrible crimes! It makes you look as ignorant as the bastards that commit the atrocities. Obama has nothing to do with it. Personally, I blame alot of this frustration in our society today on the economy, and one George W Bush! That fool set back and let the oil companies gouge our eye-balls out. Exxon-Mobil made the most profits in 2006 than any company in American HISTORY!! Bush regime did NOTHING to reel them in. No, I'm not black! I'm a middle aged white [FORMER} Republican!

    2. Hmmmm let's see 2006 budget deficit was 246 billion as compared to 1.1 trillion in 2012; unemployment was 4.4%. Yep Exxon making money was a horrible thing. I think most of the country would be quite happy if we had those kind of statistics now. Your comments are brilliant Old Man. Bill2455

    3. Whoa, easy gentlemen, I'm not trying to get all Donkey vs. Elephant here (btw, possible new ScyFy channel movie of the week?). I was just trying to make someone stop and think beyond their political beliefs for just a second. Seriously though, why did all that upset the righties so much? Who else better to speak about race in modernity than a person of mixed race and a Harvard education? I digress, anyone ever had Pollo Campero? Any good? Worthy of a cheat meal?

    4. Well, we always averaged 4 gallons of gas per minimum wage ratio in this country [which allowed for a faifly decent economy] until Bush's second term. We could depend on the government to keep the greedy bastard oil companies in check for the greater good of the economy. The economy crashed alot due to gas prices big Bill. When you can't afford gas to get out and spend money, there goes your economy. People arn't eating out as much, are not shopping as much, stores start closing, people lose jobs. Don't give me the ol "gas was $1.70" when Obama took office. Yeah, they dropped $2 right before the Nov.08 election. Republicans tried to save their butts at the polls, but it didn't work. Didn't take long for the Republican managed oil co's to get gas prices back up to the Bush glory days. Bush did need a new structure to honor his name, but it should have been a prison wing with him as the sole occupant. Wake up big Bill...whatever the hell your number is.

  19. Age-old advice about lending money: never lend anything to a friend you're not willing to lose. Should your friend have paid you back? Of course. Should you have tried to profit off your friend in need (to the tune of 10% interest)? Absolutely not. Two wrongs already here, don't make it three by continuing to attack this former friend, either on the court of law or the court of public opinion. Enough damage to the friendship has been done.

  20. Before you lend money out, you need to ask if you're willing to lose it. If you're not, you have to figure out how you'll get it back.
    If you're not willing to lose it and you have no way to get it back if the person decides to stiff you for it[1], don't lend it out.

    [1] Yeah, death counts. I said "stiff".
