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Friday, August 30, 2013

WHITT'S END: 8.30.13

      Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Sure, $765 million is a lot of money. But as the total price tag for 4,500 former NFL players complaining of life-altering concussion side effects? I always thought memories were priceless.

   *Looking for My Top 10 Whitty Observations from Thursday night's scintillating Cowboys' loss to the Texans? It's right over here on NBC's Blue Star Blog.

   *Love a lot of the Cowboys' pieces heading into 2013 season. But you can't ignore how bad their lines will be. No Jay Ratliff. A limited Anthony Spencer. No Josh Brent. No Nate Livings. Doug Free at a position he's never played. It's ugly. And it's not lost on former Cowboy/ESPN's Darren Woodson: "You have to win in the trenches. That’s the sauce. We can say what we want to say about Dez Bryant and Jason Witten and Miles Austin and Tony Romo but if you’re not winning in the trenches, you’re not winning a championship." Sorry, the Cowboys aren't winning in the trenches this year. And they're not winning a championship.

   *At the beginning of August we were panicky about the Rangers. They were six games back of the A's. In an epic scoring drought. And now? At the beginning of September it's all good. Texas is 19-6 this month and can tie the best month in franchise history by winning Friday and Saturday against the lowly Twins. That the way baseball go. Big series starts Monday afternoon in Oakland.

   *Johnny Goofball's suspension will be shorter than the time you take to read Whitt's End.




  1. TCU over LSU?! "Not so fast my friend" ;)
    Should be at least a good game, although will be hard to beat the Vandy/Ole Miss game last night. Tigers take one back to "Red Stick" and start the SEC BCS Championship conversation once again; even if 'Bama is clearly the one to beat. Root for anyone playing whatever the hell a "Roll Tide" is...GEAUX Tigers!

  2. I can't find a higher number than 4 on TCU/LSU, but maybe that is just me. You know golf, so you know better than to call a 2nd shot on a par 5 a drive (Just continuing to nit pick for fun)

    1. Thought it was his tee shot, no? And did Bodog go from 5 to 4? Must've been my huge play. Riiiight.

  3. Rw...while I agree that Tarpley help damage the Mavericks, he did contribute (mightily) to a couple of major playoff runs. Lamar provided NOTHING for the Mavs and, as recent days have shown, has some major substance and emotional issues.

  4. Richie, I would say that the country using nerve gas in an attack on it's own citizens, including women and children, is the real bully.

    1. When their own neighbors won't do anything about the situation, why should we? We have different morals than that part of the world, whether it's the Arabs, Russians, or Chinese. If we did a top 5 list on threats to OUR national security, where does Syria fit?
      It's not our war, there are plenty of wars going on around the globe and most have to do with people of muslim faith. Look it up.

    2. When your enemies are killing your enemies, why stop them? God will handle the retribution for the innocents.

    3. There is no God. There is only justice in this life, or none at all. Is it OK to watch women and children suffer and die on TV, but not next door? Women and children are women and children, and I count neither of them as my enemy. If you think these women and children are enemies, and are OK with them dying, then I would suggest you are no better than those using nerve gas attacks.

    4. @ Anon 12:09
      - Storm_71

    5. Going to war with Syria is only going to accomplish two things:

      First it's going to put more stress on this country's military budget, which needs to get cut in half. Even by admission of the Pentagon itself, which is being bankrolled by politicians, who's contractor/lobbying interests do not want to see their profit margins go down. Secondly it will further antagonize the rest of the world against the US for being or appearing to be a war-mongering state. The Syrian people aren't even going to be appreciative of our supposed interest in their well-being, if/when a new government is installed and is rifled with corruption, and as much if not more insecurity.

      Not that I am a Ron Paul supporter but he put it best when he said, "we need to mind our own business." We should provide the Syrian people with moral support, but ultimately it's their fucking problem. Yes the US and Western-Europe's hundred year old oil interest, fucked the Middle-East(look it up) but they don't want us to "fix it."

      Also please stop with this whole "we're better than the Russians and Chinese" rhetoric. This country has a long track record of disregarding human rights for monetary gain, no matter who's in charge. Jimmy Carter is loathed because he didn't fix the economy, but he didn't fire a single bullet. Leave those people be, and let us enjoy our safety and fix our economy.

      K. Thnx. Bye.

  5. Richie, you are somewhat competent talking about sports and Richie, but are obviously not well-read in politics or other such matters in the world. Please stick with those subjects with which you are familiar and leave deep and important subjects to others. Just friendly advice to keep you from appearing too foolish. Perhaps when your grow up, you can offer serious opinion on serious subjects. Not yet. Bill2455

    1. Thanks for the advice, but I predict I'll continue to address any topic I see fit on my blog. And I won't hate you for disagreeing. Thanks.

    2. Bill, maybe you shouldn't be on a blog, but rather in a political type job since you're so well versed in everything political.


    3. I was a little miffed when you did not have a name to refer to ...just anonymous. Then I realized you did sign it. Have a nice weekend, Idiot.

      Signed Bill2455

    4. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ol' Bill trying out his Jay Leno-esque type humor. Again, get off the blogs and get to DC to spew your "I Know Everything About Politics And You Don't" garbage. Effing Douche.

    5. Hello again Idiot,

      You have me very intimidated by such brilliant rhetoric. I hang my head in shame. With such a clear-cut victory, you should sit down celebrate by polishing your "everyone gets a trophy-trophy from Little League", and dream of your other hard-fought victories. Mommy will give you a hug and tell you just how smart and brave you are. Well done little trooper!

      Signed Bill2455

    6. Typical of your ilk, your ignorance is eclipsed only by your stupidity.

  6. Dude, you really know that Greggo was at a liquor store in Gainsville? Did you put a tracker on his car a la Hank Schrader?

    1. I'm a reporter. I know things.

    2. And rightfully so. RW pulled The Hammer out of the gutter after his 1310 implosion. Then watches as The Hammer stacks off their shot on the Fan. Nobody asked for Ticket numbers. Just above ESPN. It was doable. Weirdness ensured. Ratings tanked. If I was RW I would document every slip. Nobody in the know thought RW was a top radio guy. It's the Hammers fault though. And there was no bigger Hammer fan than I from 1995-2006. Sad to look at that mess of a website he has. I bet RW has some SERIOUS trash in his arsenal. Hunt James, where Art Thou ?


      The Left Handed Stranger

  7. Cowboys - 8-8 again this year. There has never been a more sure thing.

    The Johnny Goofball suspension was a joke. Why bother?

    Dude. Wait until menopause gets here. She will have your thermostat turned to 40 degrees in the dead of winder.

    Lamar Odom - if you were married to the same beast of a woman he is, you'd drink, too....

    Tiger Woods - say whatever you want about the dude, but he's still the only reason why a P3 golf fan like me watches golf on TV.

    Tennis? - Trying to care...Trying to care...Nope...Not feeling it...

    Greggo - it's a damn shame. That's really all I can say.

  8. So you go after faking an injury, then go after James not having a great career. You then add the cherry on top by going after a 17 year old American tennis beat a former champion at the US Open?

    Other than Greggo, do you think white people do any wrong. Just another blow hard Texas racist.

    1. When you're done with your ignorant rant, go click on my Hot link. Yeah, total racist.

    2. I guess Anony missed the dig at Duck Dynasty? I do have to disagree with you about Tiger. No way he was faking.

    3. Richie, I'm willing to bet my entire bank account on you not having a racist bone in your body. But to try to prove this by telling someone you picked a black chick for your Hot link is absolutely unconvincing. Gestapo officers used to routinely pluck the prettiest Jewish women in their disgusting lineups, keep them (alive) as housemaids and cooks, etc., for you can only guess what reasons. They were still Nazis. Same went for plantation/slave owners in the South. I am NOT comparing you to either. This is plain enough. Just saying you used a poor defense, that's all. The very fact that you've been harping on Manziel for what?, 2 or more months now ought to be enough proof. You attack white trucks, not black, no? (Okay, I'm joking here.) It goes on and on, example after example. You get my point. Anyways, it's too bad some of the dregs form the Dallas Observer comment sections have migrated to this site.

    4. Lighten up, Frances.

    5. Greggo's white?


  9. Hit the nail on the head with the Cowboys....mediocre to well below average play on the O-line and less so on the D-line has been the downfall of this team for quite some time. Shiny toys at the skill positions don't help when you're regularly getting your ass kicked up front. Case in point, those recent Giants teams.....why did they win Super Bowls? Got hot at the right time, yes, but more importantly because the ran the ball effectively, protected their QB, and had a dominant pass rush without having to bring the blitz. Most people can't name a single D-back from those teams because it didn't matter. Their pass rush makes middle-of-the-road DBs look much better. Same blueprint from the '90s Cowboys. And this all falls on the shoulder of the personnel guy out there. Who is that again?

    And agree with Billy Ray's daughter. And I would never expect you to identify with anything related to the Duck Dynasty crew, Richie, for various reasons. And while I'm not a huge watcher, we could learn a lot from them as a society, faith, family, success, self-reliance, personal responsibility, and being successful at something you love.

  10. I completely get the women are always cold reference. I came into our office one day on a searing hot July day. When I opened the door, it was like an oven. The "girls" in the office were cold and wearing sweaters and turned the heater on in July! The customers( all male) were sweating and visibly uncomfortable. I promise you it was over 90 degrees inside that office. You'll argue more with a woman over the thermostat than money.

  11. That little brat Duval knocked Sam Stosur out of the open. I'd rather look at sam Stosur....great legs.

  12. You are a coward for continuing to try to disparage Greg Williams.

    1. Hi Greggo.. how many fingers am I holding up...

    2. People ask about Greggo all the time on this blog, I am sure Richie is just trying to let people know what he knows about the situation.

  13. Cowboys are DONE !! They whiffed on the offensive line. Only the combo of Tony to Dez will make it fun.

    Come on RW, watching the managers argue with the umps is the best. It's playground posturing at its best. If you were at Lace in the 80's then surely you ran into Billy Martin at least once. At least appreciate the PRINCIPLE of the move.

    How did you miss the drama of Demtrus Bell ? Karl Malone should be called down. And DB should be exalted.


    The Left Handed Stranger

  14. While I enjoyed your expose on your firing from 105.3 and insight into your relationship with and blame (and probably rightly so) of Greg Williams for the ultimate demise of your team, I think enough is enough. If you really "prayed" for him, you'd stop embarrassing him publicly on this blog and would reach out to him privately. Either way, enough is enough. With friends like Richie.....well, you know.

  15. The only way Richie can get any comments on here, is to write about Greggo or the Ticket.

  16. You sucked as a radio show host! Your writing is fantastic! Props for giving a loser a shot on air, sorry it bit you in the ass.

  17. So many greggo defenders, all anonymous... Looks like someone hit the liquor store and pharmacy on the way to his new place.

    1. Not a Greggo defender. In fact, not a fan at all. Just think it's disingenuous and cowardly to write about how you're praying for the guy to get help, get better, whatever, and all the while keep ragging on him and making continuous obvious attempts to embarrass him on a public blog. Seems counterproductive to me. You don't agree?

    2. Thanks to Greggo, Richie got to draw a pretty fat check! [the likes of which he'll never see again]

    3. Maybe he won't "draw a pretty fat check" but I think Richie will be fine. As far as we know, the guy still lives in McKinney. That said, I do wish Whitt would stop mentioning him. Not that Williams doesn't deserve the heat he is getting, but taking the high-road would be his best course of action. Letting Greggo hit rock bottom on his own, might get him off drugs once and for all, and help him make amends with those that he hurt...eventually.

    4. Not a Greggo defender but it is fun to read Richie's jabs and then hear Greggo's confusing retorts and accusations. So don't stop, some of us get a chuckle out of it all.
