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Friday, August 9, 2013

WHITT'S END: 8.9.13

      Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Source told me yesterday that while the Mavericks had serious discussions with 105.3 The Fan to become partners, they ultimately are staying put at 103.3 FM. Whether it's ESPN or Tickespn or whatever, for the next two years you can hear Mavs' hoops there. For Chuck Cooperstein fans like myself, that's good news.

   *Putting in a claim to acquire the White Sox' Alex Rios won't save the Rangers' suddenly surging season. He's a .277 hitter with 12 homers. Without Nelson Cruz, the path to the postseason is paved with pitching and defense. Or, by playing the Angels every night. I almost felt sorry for Anaheim as Texas swept it for the second time in 10 days, but then I saw Josh Hamilton's arrogant flailing at first pitches and had to giggle. Considering his second  half in 2012, he's not in a slump. More like a year-long slide below mediocrity.

   *I have a guarantee about tonight's Cowboys-Raiders' preseason game: Jason Witten will have a better night than he did a year ago in Oakland. Remember?

   *I wrote this week that Ticket P1s were "narrow-minded" and I've been asked to expound on that theory. Here goes: Ticket fans are so extremely loyal that they've become blind. Listeners love BaD Radio, but if Bob and Dan would've left for The Fan back in June Ticket fans wouldn't have followed their show. In fact, they would've labeled the hosts "traitors". The quality of show has been replaced - even usurped - by the location on the dial. You can be loyal to McDonald's while recognizing that Wendy's has a delicious Spicy Chicken Sandwich. But some P1s have decided that anything and everyone sold outside 1310 AM is dog shit. Kudos to The Ticket for nurturing such brand loyalty over almost 20 years. But to me, that's narrow-minded.

   *A&M fans are the most sensitive, irrational bunch on the planet. C'mon Aggies, you really, honestly, believe that Johnny Goofball signed hundreds of autographs on memorabilia - assembly-line style - for zero compensation. Just because he's a good guy? Just to help out a bunch of brokers he'd never met before? Riiiiight. When this thing finally plays out we'll be reminded of the perils of hiring 20-year-old kids named "Uncle Nate" to be in charge of anything important. All that said, hopefully this is the impetus to prompt the NCAA to be Dead 'n Gone. Yesterday NCAA Prez Mark Emmert admitted a mistake and yanked all individual jerseys for sale off Go away, NCAA. At this point you're part of the problem, not the solution.


   *Bonus Hot. (Because apparently the link didn't work on some platforms last week.)



  1. When BaD Radio's departure was a probability, I made sure I had The Fan programmed on my radio presets.

    Blinded by loyalty? Not hardly. I listen to what's good, I don't like stuff that sucks.

    1. Agreed, I listen for the entertainment not loyalty

  2. I just hate the shows available excluding New School. Listening to Slater is like nails on a chalkboard. Ben and Skin just suck. Mosley is ok, but who knows where he'll end up. The Ticket is just fluff to me. All insider jokes and no substance.

    Ugh.... Richie I'm looking for suggestions here.

  3. Hey RW quick question, would you describe the ten's and ten's of loyal listeners of RAGE (now all but a memory of course) as narrow minded??????

  4. Texas Cotton Kings is fronted by Wil Riggs who once helped Greggo but also had a falling out. I know it is old news now but if you didn't see it back in June, here is his take.......

  5. Funny how you rip one website about the cowboys, then you say Romo is a former cowboy.

    1. Erbie is a "she" as well. Not like you Richie. Edit up buddy. Good stuff though.

  6. In regards to BaD, I think some might consider them traitors, the others that enjoy the show the way I do would follow them for the show. I know I'm not the only one here that values content over brand loyalty, but just like there are Ticket P1's, there are Fan and ESPN P1's that refuse to listen to the competition, or deny it vehemently. When I can't find anything on the local stations or I'm beating down with 10 minute commercial breaks, I tune in to Mad Dog Radio on Sirius. I think it's channel 86.

    It's too late now but I wish Johnny (Cash, Football, Paycheck, Hancock, Arnold) would have gone to Texas as a defensive back. After a few practices and the futility that the Longhorns have had at the QB position, he would have been entrenched as their QB. He probably wouldn't have won the Heisman(Alabama isn't on Texas' schedule), but I'd have to think with the number of high profile skill players the 'horns have had that they would have quickly figured a way to work with Johnny instead of leaving him on a proverbial "island" that the ags have.

    My wife was a Kraddick P1 and if the toxicology comes back with what you mentioned before, then he's human. Are you perfect? I know I'm not. There are some people that we look up to because we know we can never be like them and what they've created; Kraddick is one of those.

    I don't listen to GAC but it would be an upgrade over B&S. Do B&S even like doing their own show? Just the vibe I get from listening that they almost don't like doing it.

    Thanks for the laugh on Greggo. Interesting how he tweeted everyone(including Storm_71) that he'd be back in a week...he was too busy to blog and move at the same time (because posting a lyric and quote of the day are so time consuming)... I think most of us that were curious about Greggo are just about done with him now. Thanks for pulling back the curtain.

    Man, how umcomfortable will it be at that birthday party? There will be cliques like at a high school party--Ticket-Jocks; ESPN-friends of the jocks that the jocks tolerate but talk about behind their backs; Fan-looked at as the nerds or new kids in school that no one really knows and won't try to get to know because they'll never be cool like the jocks. Except for B&S, who have been all 3 and will make fun of their former & current employers and will move freely among them all(for those of you with not a lot of talent but wanting to keep getting a job--follow this model of networking)

    1. If your wife wasn't a Kraddock P1 and the test comes back as he mentioned, then is he human?

    2. I don't think toxicology came back but the coroner ruled it was from arteriosclerotic and hypertensive cardiovascular diseases. I didn't see any mention of a toxicology report.

  7. And by the way, if I'm The Fan, soon as Galloway is bought out by Cumulus I make him a rethink-retirement offer.

    Well, you aren't. They fired you for not having any talent for radio, so not sure they would want to listen to you on that subject.

  8. Cue P1 dogpile in 5..4..3..2..

    1. Yeah, Rooster, expressing an opinion contrary to RW's--and in a cogent and respectful manner, like the majority have--is dogpiling. Are you capable of adding anything of substance to the conversation? So far, you haven't.

      Cue Rooster dogpile on those who disagree with RW in 5..4...3...3...

      Again, Rooster, see how that works? Refutation by analogy. Grow up, son. And use your brain a bit while you're at it.

  9. Although it's more fun to believe that the guys from all 3 sports stations hate eachother, I am sorry to inform you that's just not the case. I interned at the Ticket and had a classmate intern at the Fan, and we both experienced the same thing. For the most part, the guys are friends. They want to beat eachother professionaly, but that's the extent of the dislike.

  10. Your ideas concerning Galloway, The FAN, and The Ticket/ESPN seem solid to me. I think your assessment of BaD listeners and narrow-mindedness are fairly off-base. You are underrating BaD's appeal and listener loyalty. Furthermore, and from the looks of it you'll either never admit to or have a cognitive/emotional block rendering you incapable of understanding this point, listeners are loyal to The Ticket for a reason: it's much better than the alternatives--and yes, that included RAGE. Truth is, many P1s would absolutely love The Ticket to have some real competition. I was excited at the prospect of BaD's move to The FAN. Especially so, if that meant their eventual taking over the p.m. drive slot. The Hardline sorely, desperately needs competition. Many many P1s I know feel the show has long grown stale, fat, happy, and has mostly devolved into TMZ with some sports talk thrown in. But, as stale as it has become, it's still better than either GAC or B&S; and it was better than RAGE. Now if the tables were turned and The FAN (with RAGE) had the same loyal listenership, etc., would you be saying as much about FAN fans? I highly doubt it. And if you're honest with us and yourself, I think you'd agree with me on this point.

    I really appreciate your insights into the radio game and your industry scoops/rumors; however, it seems like you still need to put some distance between yourself and your experience at The FAN. Else you make, in what are tantamount to, baseless claims that pertain to a large number of people (many whom comprise your audience).

    1. I'm a P1 and I too would've followed BaD Radio to the Fan. Many P1s are P1s because the quality of the other stations has been consistently sub-par. The Ticket are the standard bearers in this way. I actually enjoy New School but they're no Musers, but for the Fan they are a well done show.

      The Ticket has built brand loyalty for a reason, but I think the vast majority of listeners would welcome stronger competition and more listening options. It's about quality more than station letters, and the Ticket has been savvy enough to have the best of both.

  11. You make sense Richie in part of your theory. Alot of P1s have the "automatic" listening mind to be on that station regardless of other programming. Narrow-minded? No. That would mean that us P1s would rather listen to a screaming baby versus the opera. Speaking only for myself, there are portions of the day where I certainly jump over to GAC. There are times at night when driving home from the airport I will jump on Gbag. There are times on the weekend when I will go to both ESPN or The Fan even when The Orphanage, Shakejoint or Ticket Sports Saturday is on. Point is, yep, we are all very programmed to the programming. We have been for years. This is where you are correct. Where you are wrong is the fact that we don't have the creative fortitude to venture out and be informed or entertained elsewhere. In other words, not narrow-minded.

    1. As a P1 I would of followed BaD radio as would many of my friends who are P1s, too. Narrow minded? Nah. Twits wrong again.

  12. So you didn't like being called Richie Shitt, but it is OK for you to call Johnny "Goofball"?

  13. I'm a P1 and an Aggie. I would have followed BaD to the Fan if they had left, just like I gave RaGE and B&S a chance at times. I'm a P1 because the programming on 1310 is superior. Period.

    Oh, and I won't be surprised if JFF is on the take. But I'm still glad we had one glorious year with him, and am hoping for a 2nd. A&M football is relevant again, and it's mostly because of him (Sumlin deserves at least some credit).

  14. Where's Greggo? He has gone into submission after your story. I think you literally ran him out of town this time.

  15. This turtle headed jackass once again brings up the Colby Lewis thing that he got killed on when he trolled us on the observer blogs. Any guy that has the option and chooses another day at work over the birth of their child is a piece of shit. Richie will never understand that simply because he doesn't have ovaries in his throat.

  16. What an odd definition of "narrow-minded". Now for me, I would have followed BaD over to the fan (they're my favorite show on the little Ticket), and it sounds like most others commenting here would have done the same. But lets get back to the definition...
    By RW's definition of "narrow-minded", most sports fans qualify. You root for your team. If your star player signs a free agent deal with your biggest rival, do you now root for them? Or do you consider J-Ham a traitor and boo him every time he returns to the ballpark? Any Rangers fans who are not now Angels fans are, by RW's definition, "narrow-minded". Not sure that makes much sense...

  17. I had very little respect for you and the talent you lack to do anything at all memorable. But for you to continue to spread a rumor about someone that can't defend themselves is disgusting and even low for a scum bag like you. I can get past you bragging about how great your life is, even though you failed at radio and can't admit it was cause you didn't have any talent. I can get past you constantly bragging about how hot your fiancee is, and that's a bit disturbing to me. I'm sure she has more to offer than just her looks, but it's clear that's all you have the ability to talk about is her looks. But, let it go man. Let it go that Kidd died. At some point you have to say, nah, I'm not going to post that. Rumors may exist about his drug usage, but that doesn't mean you have to continue to spread it. It's almost as if you just post it to get hits, which again leads to the whole thing about you being a massive piece of shit. Knew it from my time at CBS, knew it now. You're a shitty person. You're lucky you have minions that come and rub your ego everyday on here otherwise this stupid blog would just be another of a million blogs on the internet. And one day, the sponsors will leave, your pizza business will fail, and you will be left trying to figure out what the hell to do. Spread more rumors? Yeah, that will work.

    1. Hi Greggo! work getting your blog up and running again and quit trolling Richie...

  18. Blog boy is a professional failure. I doubt if there is that many minions.
