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Friday, September 6, 2013

Better Late Than Never, It's Our Official Launch Party!

   EDIT: By popular demand, we've now got XL and 2XL sizes in shirts. Enjoy.

   Girls. Grub. Goodies. Games.
   Sounds like a party because, well, it is.
   I know we opened our doors way back on June 17, so this is long overdue. But wanted to wait to see if this blog would actually lift off the ground while also wanting some football to huddle around on the TV.
   It is. And there are.
   So here's the plan:

   What: DFWSportatorium Official Launch Party
   Where: Baby Dolls, 10250 Shady Trail, Dallas TX 75220
   When: Saturday, Sept. 7. 8 p.m. until ???

   It's a meet-'n-greet, with a spectacular view.
   Just ask for my party at the front door and you'll be escorted up to our suite. T-Shirts and dinner are on me. Drinks are on you. My other venture - Pizza Buzz - will provide the food.
   We'll mix in some Notre Dame-Michigan plus college football games featuring Texas, OU and Johnny Goofball. The Rangers will be on TV spanking Josh Hamilton and the Angels. We can game plan Sunday's Cowboys-Giants game. And I suspect at some point during the night we'll make some new "acquaintances."
   If you can't make it but still want a new DFWSportatorium T-Shirt, they're now available at our online store.
   Thanks for your support.


  1. Can you line me up with some pussy?

  2. What say you to that one Richie, can you introduce him to Skip Bayliss? He's certainly a pussy.

  3. Does it have to be at a strip club, man? Can ya be any more of a caricature? Russ Martin City, all the way. Sheesh, dude.

    1. Jesus Gran'pa. Wyatt's was booked full that night. But don't worry. You can close your eyes and still order a la carte. SMH...

  4. I'd like to show support but your out of XL shirts I guess...

    1. Ditto...S, M, and L only? Your target demo must live in munchkin land :-) ...Would love to support, as well...let us know when XL and XXL are available.

    2. People who wear normal sizes are munchkins? How about not be a fat ass. We should not have to make larger sizes for people who are fat and lazy.

    3. I checked my box and, sure enough, I've got XL and even a 2XL. So order up!

    4. Hey, I'm not lazy! :-) nor fat...I like buying larger because cotton tends to shrink...but I do apologize if I offended anyone representing the lollipop guild.

    5. AnonymousSeptember 4, 2013 at 11:32 AM
      People who wear normal sizes are munchkins? How about not be a fat ass. We should not have to make larger sizes for people who are fat and lazy.

      There's no way you're not a small guy! A normal size person doesn't make that post.

  5. Is Greggo gonna be there?? I figured since he carried your ass before why not now???

    1. If Greggo is coming then I am there. That would have some potential.

    2. Yep, carried our asses right out of a job. Maybe you should read this blog a tad closer.

    3. I think were fired because of ratings....not because of fact...what little audience you did have tuned in to listen to him...not you..not Sybil... but GREGGO!!! and the sooner you can wrap your head around that the sooner you will come to realize that whatever success RAGE had was pretty much ALL GREGGO. As for reading this blog, I read your self-pitying, blame- laden, excuse-having piece of crap on why RAGE was shit-canned....throwing your parter under the bus and blaming him for your short comings will not win you many fan's Richie.....

    4. +1 fan.

      In fact, I liked robo-Greggo better than Greggo himself. It was obvious Greggo was flaming out months before RAGE ended. He kept getting more and more unintelligible and angry as the end approached. Have you listened to his podcast? It is a MESS.

      As much as I like boobies, I don't care for strip clubs. Hooters, Bone Daddy's or Bombshellz would have been better locations. Good luck with the launch party.

    5. Apparently either Greggo, or Jennifer (or both - see previous Anonymous) are still following you, Richie...gotta love that!

    6. I seriously didn't think this was a comic relief website. Williams carried the show......what a fucking hoot. D E L U S I O N A L should be your sign-in name. He was about as coherent as reading a freshly poured can of spaghetti O's into a bowl. And by the look of him on his daily "blog" (should be accessed via he hasn't kicked any habit. Matter of fact, looks like the only thing he's been kicking is his own ass. carried the show...anon you owe me money brother for the surgery to fix my split side.

    7. Hey dumb ass poster above, this is anon who started the original thread and then commented on Richie's reply. Greggo might have been a side show carnival act, but that is what made him entertaining, in fact, he had more entertainment factor in his left pinky toe than the entire rest of the for him not kicking the habit, I think that is NOBODY's fact I would have rather listened to a whacked out Greggo and his crappy partners than that crap they run out there now. HE IS AN ENTERTAINER YOU DUMB FUCK!!!

  6. Good for a soon to be married man to be spending his nights in a strip club, you stay classy Whitt.

    1. No worries dude. I'll have my super hot soon to be wife "working" the floor for a little extra cash. Don't forgot how super badass I am and how I have some much more money and fame than you will ever have. You probably drive a white truck and wear your baseball cap with the bill in the front. Lame.......

      Richie Shitt

    2. Much as I long to let you draw my moral boundaries, I'll go ahead and let Sybil assist in that process. But I'll tell her you said hello on Saturday night.

  7. See that the town whore.. I mean sports bunny Amber Leigh is rocking a shirt lol.. who ain't she fucked from Dallas sports

  8. "who ain't she fucked..." who the hell talks that way?

    1. Normal people lol... she is what we call a whore and a slut.. she will fuck anyone who plays sports or can get close to them

    2. Hey "anonymous"...I'm guessing that Amber Leigh wanted nothing to do with your cock (maybe cause you're fat, ugly and don't play sports)...and thus you feel the need to trash her on a blog. So obvious...

    3. Which one us she?

  9. I just don't get why people come on here to badmouth Richie. I know if I don't care for someone's work, I certainly don't keep reading/listening/watching. To each his own, but I'm sure Richie enjoys the page-views nonetheless. Have a good time tomorrow, wish I could join.


  10. Should've had this in Arlington or some place in the middle. You do have readers in Tarrant County and some of us spend the majority of our time avoiding trips to Dallas.

  11. RW gotta say, you got some of the best trolls in town. Relentless, delusional and rude. A trifecta of free entertainment.

  12. Richie has earned every troll he has. Sorry, but Hammer did carry the show. Just think Richie started whipping his ass so badly, it drove off him the deep end again.

    1. Hi Greggo!

    2. Call me the "King of the Trolls" and yes RW you deserve every troll you have....shame on you for blaming Greggo for you demise....he provided the entertainment factor to your show....and the ratings of the crap they put out there now prove it!! So you just keep on telling yourself that he "screwed" you and I will be right here to remind you that only screwing going on there was you screwing Sybil (which BTW I give it 2 years max before she tires of your 2" manhood.)

  13. Corby?! Is that really you? Son, you might want to stay out of this! You're prolly the only person that sucks worse than Richie!

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