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Friday, September 13, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.13.13

      Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *As the Rangers fall into the funk of another September Swoon, don't even start with blaming manager Ron Washington. His offense was decimated in the off-season (Josh Hamilton, Mike Napoli, Michael Young), further diluted during the season (Nelson Cruz) and his pitching staff (Colby Lewis, Neftali Feliz, Matt Harrison, Alexi Ogando) has suffered significant injuries. Right? Even if they sweep the A's in Arlington over the weekend, Rangers will be in second place come Monday morning.

   *I've been watching/remembering football since 1970 and Thursday night I witnessed a first. An amazing, incredible, improbable first. Louisiana Tech kicker Kyle Fischer made a 25-yard field goal by banking the ball off both uprights. Left. Right. Through. Most unlikely three points in the history of college football. Think about it. An oblong-spheroid football - traveling end over end, mind you - bouncing 90-degree sideways off a small, round piece of metal. The "flat" surfaces of both objects are minuscule and to have them meet just right is ... I'd love to see that Sports Science nerd or Bill Nye re-create this one. Seriously, could Dan Bailey turn that trick if he tried? Off the left upright. Then off the right upright Then through the goal post, but landing on the ground left of the original target, the left upright. No way. I'd bet him $1 a try for as long as he wanted to try. What Fischer did is the bowling equivalent of converting a 7-10 split, with an egg-shaped ball. We just saw the Halley's Comet of football. Once in our lifetime.

   *I'm all for cracking down on choreographed end-zone dances in the NFL, but the fine levied for Barry Church's touchdown celebration is ridiculous. His crime? Throwing the football into the stands. His punishment? $5,250. Allowing balls tossed into the crowd is one thing baseball has right over the other sports.

   *I know this is a stretch, but give me Mayweather over Alvarez Saturday night at the MGM in Vegas. He's 44-0 because he is the best defensive player in all of sports. Too quick and agile to ever get a clean hit on his cocky mug.

   *Alabama 37, Texas A&M 28. Even though it's impossible to root for Nick Prick Saban.

   *Remember all the back-to-back-to-back walk-off fireworks at Rangers Ballpark in August? Feels like years ago, eh? The Rangers have lost their way in the West because they suck at home. After getting swept by the Pirates they're only 39-32 in Arlington, but 15-16 since July 1. The A's at home? 47-27.

   *Strange Thursday night in college football. The above-mentioned field goal and, in Lubbock, a fox ran onto the field during Tech-TCU. No, not a hot girl from the '70s. An actual animal. (Come to think of it, never seen that before either.) It prompted Sybil and I to wonder - an then attempt to mimic - the sound a fox makes. She went with a sort of growl-meow. I offered the high-pitch, low-volume howl. Are we close? Or, on second thought, are foxes too sly to make a noise at all?

   *Wanna hear a horrible idea? Let's spend $15,000 to add a technological tweak to a "Whites Only" water fountain in Dallas as a reminder as to why we took them down in the first place. No, let's don't.




  1. As we said before, a demand letter is about as valuable as a piece of shit paper. A small claims judgment is equally as valuable. But good luck with that.

  2. Richie,
    Jason Whitlock may have been over the top with his comments about Thayer Evans but ESPN's own Brett McMurphy poked holes in the SI story

    1. so are you saying it's all a lie? Like everything in that article is incorrect?

    2. I'm not saying it's a lie but there seems to be a good amount of inaccurate information that didn't take much effort to uncover. Did anyone over at SI do any fact checking before the story was published? How do you screw up whether or not someone graduated or even the years they were enrolled in school? If SI got that information wrong what else did it get wrong?

    3. I'm ok with your assertion that there are mistakes in there, just as I am with the fact that Deadspin hurried an article out about Johnny Manziel without ever setting foot in College Station, Tyler, or Kerrville or having strong connections there. Thayer Evans is much more connected and plugged in to things in Oklahoma than someone is with Deadspin, right?

  3. -Rangers are Dead and Gone.
    -I don't feel bad for TCU, there were a lot of weird things that happened to Texas when they played up there in 2008 and that loss kept them out of the NC game. That place is weird. Also, didn't that backup QB for Tech, Webb, look like he was about 14?
    -You think 'bama will only score 37 on that defense? I'm thinking 49-28.
    -The Oklahoma State thing is a long time coming. They don't get the talent that OU and Texas get, but just enough to be dangerous. A lot of those kids could go to programs that have more tradition and are more competitive. Anyways, the fact that Dez made 2nd team academic big 12 and that Dexter Manley, who can't read, walked the stage at OSU, well, this was just a long time coming.
    -Twitter IPO? How did that Facebook IPO work out wall street people? Just hope your 401k manager isn't buying much if any of it.
    -Re:Belichick--I'm ok with him wanting them off the field. If someone gets kicked out of the game, they should be escorted off the field immediately. Imagine in the NBA if you kick a coach or player out but allow them to sit on the bench still....doesn't make any sense, does it? Another thing, in football why don't they kick players out for late hits that cause injuries? A 15 yard penalty for knocking out a team's qb who doesn't return to the game doesn't seem harsh enough. If you injure another player by ways of personal foul, you should sit out until they are able to return, that is, if you weren't ejected.
    -Jason Whitlock is a hack. Great hire ESPN! The Network that pays Bayless, Stephen A Smith, and Matt Millen.

    -Re: Pizza Buzz, saying "I toldya so" gives me no satisfaction because I've been in your shoes. Take the mistakes you've made and things you've learned as an educational experience. The first pizza place we opened cost x2.5 more than the second place, and so on. I like the concept, the first one is always the hardest. Good luck.

    1. Facebook is currently trading at $44.40/share. That is a 15.5% gain since it's IPO. I would say that the Wall Street people are making out just fine.

    2. The initial IPO was bad, but that's good for Twitter and will help them. Facebook is trending up but their current price is about the highest as it's projected to be for a while. A month and a half ago it closed at around $26 and rarely went above $28. The people that held on or bought in July are doing just fine. The people that jumped out after the IPO and during this year probably didn't reap the benefits.

  4. You weren't asking about a the sound a Fox makes to set up this link were you?

    Also, if you can't be friends with people who are superstitious and believe in karma, how can you believe in today's day and age that something as large as the 9/11 event could be a conspiracy without someone coming forward by now with proof? See Oklahoma State as the latest example of you just can't keep everyone quiet. Same reason the moon landings were not faked. Does this mean you can't be friends with yourself?

    Man, humans are weird!

    1. NotA,

      That youtube link just made my day. Might hafta tweet it. High five to you, Friend.

    2. There is now even a woot shirt to go with the song / video.

  5. These guys deliver beer and wine. I'm sure if one where to do a little more looking around the magic of the internet more would pop up.

    1. And if one were to do a little more research you'd realize they are a courier, not a restaurant.

  6. People who can't wait for RW's pizza and beer delivery can try this place they do the same thing.

    1. Sure, get beer from them. Go online and order off their menu. Good luck.

    2. But thanks for the heads-up. Every little bit of research helps.

    3. No problem dude. Point is your not the first place to deliver beer and pizza.

  7. ESPN has become controversy-pornography. Everyone there from Wilbon, Bayless, Whittlock, Bruschi, Hannah Storm, etc, etc, etc is there to rile up the public. That said the only good thing that ESPN's sport coverage has is 30 for 30, and Bill Simmons Grantland.

  8. "*We hear all these people who "die", see a wonderful bright white light inviting them to Heaven before being yanked back to life on Earth. Ever hear of somebody who temporarily died and reported seeing darkness lit only by searing flames? Didn't think so. How convenient."

    A little research before hitting the "post" button might be in order for you, Richie. There have been many such NDEs (Near Death Experiences). Do a quick search of NDE of hell and you'll see what I mean. And that quick search only scratches the surface. There are several books about that very topic, as well. I like your work for the most part, Richie, but I swear, sometimes your ego (in this instance, bearing the guise of "HA! Gotcha! Syndrome") gets the best of you. "What the what?!" / Tina Fey. Does that ring a bell? Again, before making such bold claims, at least put a little effort into ensuring your ducks are in a row. Else you have egg on your face.

    Moreover, even if there weren't accounts of NDEs of hell, how would that, in of itself, invalidate NDEs as such? It could mean that there is no hell (i.e., certain Universalist accounts)? Conversely, that there are NDEs of hell and of heaven do not prove that NDEs are real--real in the sense that such places exist.

  9. You really should not have loaned Greggo that $6500 if you thought he was on drugs.....what were you thinking Richie???

    Dave aka KOTT

  10. I have theChive app on my phone. I don't get the purpose of it, but it's damn fun to look at. Not only a bunch of hots, but pretty funny pictures too. Don't get the fascination they have with Billy Murray either, but it's a good time killer. As for the shirts, I've got two. Wearing them in public and having people yell "Chive On!" is weird and I don't know what I'm supposed to say back. I end up with a deer in the headlights look on my face. I do know their "official meetups" raise a good deal of money for various charities, so it's not all weird.

  11. your gunna be in my own backyard tonite?!?!?! funky town!! i hope i can spot you and syb! i gotta get a pic with ya'll! miss ya'll like krazyyyyy not hearing ya'll's voice on the radio waves! especially that sarcasm you have rolled up your sleve Richie! hope to see ya'll 2nite!!!

  12. Remember when Richie claimed that the Aggies would not be relevant once they went to the SEC? LOL!

  13. chive on Richie, check out FLBP...

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