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Monday, September 16, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.16.13

      Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Chiefs 17, Cowboys 16. My Top 10 Whitty Observations.

   *Worst kick-to-the-crotch homestand in Rangers' history? Gotta be close. Jockeying with the A's for the AL West lead when the week started, Texas went 0-6 against the Pirates and Oakland. Rangers didn't lead at any time in the six games. And they didn't hit a single homer, the longest dinger drought ever at Rangers Ballpark. Starting with a four-game series against the Rays tonight, the Wild Card - the playoffs - are suddenly in serious jeopardy.

   *Wait, did I miss CBS's "Johnny Cam"? Or, like Alabama's defense, could the network's solo camera simply not keep up with A&M's frenetic, fantastic quarterback?

   *Saw Toadies play an acoustic set Friday night in Fort Worth at a place called Panther Island on the banks of the Trinity River. Very cool. There's a big, grassy hillside or you can hop in the water on a tube, all with a gorgeous view of downtown. But why Panther Island? Turns out Fort Worth is sometimes called the Panther City. Worked at the Star-Telegram for 18 years and never heard that one.

   *I know it's early, but we may have already witnessed college football's Game of the Year. And I know it's a long shot, but after watching A&M 29, Alabama 24 last year and Alabama 49, Texas A&M 42 last weekend, I wouldn't mind seeing Round 3 in this year's BCS title game.



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  1. Always the guy with no kids who says it's a good idea to miss the birth of a child. Want to hear Flacco explain to the kid in 10 or 12 years why the second game of season against Cleveland was more important than being with the boy's mother. After all, they play at least 16 games per season. After seeing the Ravens output yesterday, it appears Joe wasn't there anyway!

    1. +1
      RW isn't going to change his mind on this until he's actually the dad witnessing the birth of his child. I've been there 3 times, there's nowhere I would rather have been. Top 3 moments in my life.

    2. I'm a Dad, and I was the first person to hold my child after the surgeon. But I'm with Whitt on this one. Flacco makes over one million dollars per game:that's more money than the average person earns in an entire career. For that much money, the job DOES come first. Don't want that hung on you? Be an insurance salesman. Manage a Costco.

      If the child ever reproaches his dad for playing the game over showing up for his birth moment, perhaps Dad can point to the 8 figure bank account, the gated mansion, the stable of cars, the Super Bowl tickets, the beach houses, the ski vacations, the incredible private schools the kid gets to attend, the kid's presumably unlimited college funds and increased life opportunities over a "regular guy's kid, and say, "I did it for you, Kid." "Would you rather wait tables through college and graduate from East Somewhere State with a ton of debt? Or go to Yale on me?" Don't forget, Flacco will be retired before he is 40 years old, and if he doesn't blow his money, he'll never have to work another minute of his life. He can spend lots of quality time with his kids then.

    3. Flacco's large contract was signed BEFORE the kid was born> Since he makes over a mil per game I'm thinking he could probably get by without the money for this week.

    4. Mucho respect for those who put what's most important first, and loss of respect for those who play a game instead. I don't give a shit if they make a billion dollars a minute. But then again I'm a dad unlike RW.

      No amount of money or fame could have kept me from being there to hold my kids right out of the box. Nothing like it and can never be replicated.

    5. I'm a woman...I would not give a rats ass. Make that money, honey. That's what I would say. Digital cameras and videos can capture the moment....without the smell (yes, sometimes massive amounts of liquids escaping from your body smells).

    6. I appreciate the conversation on this one. Generally intellectual and thought-provoking. Kudos to y'all.

  2. What a crapper of a weekend for Dallas sports...

    I actually went to the Ranger's A's finale yesterday and was hoping that the Rangers would not just roll over and take it...well they did just that...They are done. Nelson Cruz has been sorely missed and now Jon Daniels should be thinking about how to fix the neutered line-up for next year. The Rangers have done a complete 360 from the old days...where they couldn't win for lack or pitching, now they can't win for a lack of hitting. Who gets the axe?? David Murphy?? Mitch Moreland?? Both were extreme disappointments.

    And now some Cowboys math for you. The Cowboys offense seems to be predicated on the 4 point system. They continue to score 3 points when they need to score 7. The difference is 4 points...and when done several times a game, the 4 point differential just keeps adding up. Scoring 3 when you should score 7 is a real problem with this team. Had they avoided just ONE of these during Sundays debacle, they would have won the game. I think getting someone else to call the same load of shit plays doesn't fix anything. I think you need a complete new system... When the car's motor is blown, you don't buy new tires.....The Cowboys keep retooling and retreading the same base offense year after year...and this year added some "secret sauce"....well I'm sorry....but all I smell is another 8-8, same-as-always shit season....

    Dave aka KOTT

  3. A daily whitt's end!?!?! Yeah I hit the jackpot!! keep up the good work!!

    1. I'll experiment with it for a couple weeks and see what we think. But thanks.

  4. My sports life has sucked lately, I feel like Sports Jesus is laughing at me with my Spurs losing, the Rangers tanking, UT football... Let's not even start with my kids' youth teams.
    Would you rather stay mediocre but on the precipice of making playoffs or being bad for a couple of years to build for the's a tough one to take but I'm for blowing my teams up in hopes of being great again. Changes at this point need to come from the top to bottom and bottom to top. Bottom.
    Oh, and to add to the "hot" section, check out Whitney Drolen and vote for her on D's site
    36 years old??? Wow. Just wow.

    1. That list is a crock. No Sybil or Jasmine.

  5. Love the Daily Whitt's End -

    Suggestion - Keep the Friday - Whitt's End and make the other's
    Whitt's Wit. :-)

  6. Is it just me or does the bee from the Pizza Buzz logo look like a potential future Bond villain?

    1. He just looks like he is delivering Pizza,Beer, and an over contrived death for James Bond.

  7. I'm pretty sure I've heard Richard Petty pronounce "Car" as if it rhymes with "oar" and/or "war."

    Just sayin'

    1. It's a silly comment by Whitt. Dialect. He could ask the same question about Comb, Tomb, Bomb. But he did not. So what? He could ask why is Worcester pronounced "Woostah"? But he did not. He is just trying to be cute. Ho-hum.


    2. Pretty sure the guy trying to be "cute" is the one who duct tapes the last four of his social onto his first name.

  8. daily whitts end is greatness...

  9. I may be wrong here but I think there is zero chance of seeing A&M and 'Bama in a BCS title game. However, you may see them Dec 7 in the SEC championship game.

    1. We're in the same division as Alabama. Only way we play again this year in the title game.

    2. My point exactly. I think RW has them playing for a national championship when only one will get past the SEC title

    3. Didn't LSU-Bama play for National Title? Only one of them "got past" SEC title.

    4. I was agreeing with Richie. The only way we play again is in the BCS title game. Doubtful at best but with the wacky BCS system that gave us Bama-LSU last year you never know.

  10. Rangers do not lead at any time of the 6 games during the home stand, the last time that happened was 1972. Yep they still are the Washington Senators at heart. Go A's! Bill2455

    1. Shouldn't you be on political message boards spewing unoriginal rhetoric?

  11. 37 yards rushing for the Cowboys?? Really?? Alex Smith had 57 by himself.

    So much for the much ballyhooed play calling abilities of Callahan. Looked exactly like the past few seasons. Can't run the ball....abandon running game by the 3rd quarter....opposing defense knows you can't run the ball so plays max coverage where there's nowhere to go with the ball. Game over. Doesn't matter who the QB is, the head coach is or the play caller is.

    Now the GM on the other hand......

