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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.17.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Shots fired. Bodies drop. And here we go again. In the wake of Monday's Navy Yard shooting in D.C. that killed 12, I actually heard on TV and read on Twitter the repeated, ridiculous rhetoric of "guns aren't the problem" or even "Go guns!" The latest mass shooting occurred at a military base where there are numerous armed guards. So no, more guns don't equate to less shooting. Think about how absurd that is in the first place. To protect folks from getting fat, let's provide even more forks! I'm tired of writing the same ol' argument and having it fall on the same ol' deaf, dumb ears. Instead, I'll just link to the last time this happened. Waaay back in ... December. And, yes, there will be a next time. Enjoy your precious 2nd Amendment. Good luck ignoring the dead bodies littered at your free feet.

   *Cowboys under Jason Garrett: 22-20 overall. 29 of 42 decided by 7 points or less. 15-14 in nail-biters. Moral to the story: Get used to it. My full story over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Take heart, Longhorns. There's a big-time college football program in worse shape than yours. Up in Nebraska, Huskers Nation is reeling this morning. First, there was the home loss to UCLA last Saturday in which they were out-scored 31-0 in the second half. Beloved alum Tommie Frazier is off the bandwagon, saying "This crap is getting old. If this is what is going to happen for the remainder of the season, count me out." Head coach Bo Pellini shrugged off Frazier - that's like shrugging off Vince Young in Austin - by saying "so be it." But the coach won't so easily evade the sting of his recorded 2011 comments when he lambasted Nebraska's crowd for leaving prematurely in a comeback win over Ohio State. "Our crowd," Pellini said, "what a bunch of fucking fair-weather fuckers." You can get away with a lot as head coach of a college football team. You cannot, however, survive cussing your own fans. He's a dead man coaching.

   *Cowboys' cliff-hangers are bad for your heart, but good for TV ratings. Sunday afternoon their game vs. KC earned a 25.2 rating. Rangers-A's got only a 1.9. In terms of homes that were watching the games it was a complete blowout: 650,000 to 50,000.

   *I understand desperate times demand desperate actions. But Ian Kinsler's base-running blunders last night zoomed past aggressive into reckless. He made silly outs on between the bases twice, including a half-kinda-sorta attempt to fake like he was stealing home, only to be caught in a rundown. No matter what style of baseball you play, it's gotta be grounded in smarts. Rangers are obviously playing bad. And Monday night they played dumb.



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  1. That was a bad not. Even as an not, we should not publish that stuff.

    1. Could you see it? For me it was just a screen of text

  2. -That Miss America is HOT. To me, beauty knows no race or background, it's beauty.
    -Sad for that kid in NY. There's only so much coaching you can do in sports, tragedies will happen. Granted football is more in your face with chance of paralysis, brain damage, death, etc. Kids die playing other sports as well and they're all tragic deaths.
    -I enjoy watching Nebraska lose. Any team that was in a rush to get out of the big 12 and sucks, I'm loving every second of it(Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri.) I thought I would feel the same way about a&m and I probably will when Manziel leaves; he's just too fun to watch right now.
    -Wait, what the what on Syria? Obombya wanted to intervene. Ironically it was the Republicans that were against it. I think those are the typical "War Hawks" and I don't remember anyone posting on your blog saying we should bomb the damn hell out of Syria. O is arming the rebels now, which hasn't worked so well in Egypt and Libya, has it? The USofA needs to get out of the government building business. Predominantly Muslim countries don't want the democracy that we have. I'm more annoyed and empathetic that we haven't tried to help the people we could really help make a difference protecting in Africa or even Christians in Egypt and Syria. The rebels we're arming are trying to wipe them out. Oh, and Vietnam, should I remind you that a Democrat was in office when that kicked off? And that a Republican was in office when it ended? Come on. Obama promised we'd get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. If anything, we're worse off now than we were when Bush was in office on foreign policy. Meh.

    1. Repubs are now saying Obama is looking weak for not bombing Syria. There default position is always the opposites of Obamas at any given point.

      Our first involvement in Vietnam was under Eisenhower in the late 50's. Johnson just made the error to go to full war rather than sending that money towards social programs. The biggest victory for our Industrial Was Machine. Changed the course of the last 40 years. Watch the documentery on Sgt Shriver.

      US has been a country for 236 years. At war for 215 of them.

  3. Why did football players stop wearing face masks with a bar going down the center from top to bottom. A nose guard if you will??

    I know totally off the subjects written above but just curious.


    1. It is weird to see linemen wearing face masks that not too long ago running backs were wearing. In school only the "skill" players got to wear facemasks with no bar going down the center.

    2. I always thought the center bar was cool looking. I was one of those "skill" (I use the word skill very loosely) players and I always wanted a center bar.



  5. Yes we should get rid of guns and go back to kilking each other with swords like thry did in the old days. Guns arent the problem. People have been killing each long before guns were invented. They are not the answer but getting rid of them won't stop the violence

    1. I'll take my chances against a crazy with a sword rather than a crazy with a gun. You?

    2. I'd rather do neither but the point is that people will kill when they want to. Bombs are illegal but people use those to kill masses. I don't have an answer but I feel better that I can protect myself even if its a false sense, at least I have a fighting chance

    3. RW vs Pressure cooker filled with shrapnel. Ready....go!

    4. YOU with a handgun or an AK47 against a pressure cooker filled with shrapnel. Think you came out any better? That's what I thought you said.

  6. Wait...what?...Whitt's end on a Tuesday?

    Miss America - is not smarter than me until after she gets her 3rd college degree, but she is much, much, hotter.

    Guns - you could stop selling them tomorrow and there would still be one gun in circulation for everyone in the U.S. That is why solutions that work in other countries won't work here. It's like peeing in to a pool - you'll never get it all back. If you're looking for a workable solution....then limiting ammo is probably your huckleberry.

    Syria - while I don't think we should have invaded Syria any more than Iraq, if you think the Putin brokered solution will contain ANYTHING in Syria, much less their stockpile of chemical weapons, you've been drinking too much beer at Pizza Buzz. It was nothing more than our president's way of saving face after he realized the Russians had a huge opinion of us invading a country sponsoring one of their military bases. Invading would have resulted in the Russians showing us the meaning of life. It had nothing to do with our ability to broker a peaceful solution.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yep, every day is Whitt's End day. As an experiment. We'll see.

  7. I'm guessing you didn't really look at that picture of the AR-15 you posted. If you did, it just shows how dumb you really are.

    1. I'm guessing he also didn't know that the guy didn't bring an AR-15 in and that it was grossly misreported. So, a big strikethrough on the AR-15 picture? I mean, might as well put a picture of a machine gun up there or whatever else shoots bullets, since that's the only similarity.
      I'm curious to see if RW retracts the information, since it's false.

    2. I'm guessing you really didn't look at the picture either TheRealDirtyP1. It is actually make fun of Richie Whitt and the anti-gun crowd.

    3. So the guy didn't have an AR-15. When I posted it was reported he did.
      But my problem isn't with the AR-15 in specific, but more so just guns in general.

    4. Look at the picture again and read what is written. If you are anti-gun, you might want to take that picture down. It makes you look very foolish.

    5. +1. And the use of the picture is sadly very typical. However the disclaimer at the end fits like a glove.

      Richie, if you could point me to the right Wal-Mart. The one near me seems to be out of stock and I'd hate to have to special order. But man, that is an awesome price though. lmao......


  8. I was under the impression that murder was already against the law. And if so, wouldn't it be safe to assume that someone who is willing to kill others, oftentimes en masse, really doesn't care about the law anyway? I can hear it now..."hmmmm.....was going to go on a shooting rampage until I found out I am not legally allowed to carry a gun. Damn the luck. I guess I'll go run down a group of people in my car instead since my driver's license is valid."

    Doing what can be done to prevent CRIMINALS from having firearms and enforcing and prosecuting to the fullest extent the laws we have on the books is a valid effort. Further restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens who choose to own firearms and violating their Constitutional rights is representative of oppression and tramples on one of the freedoms that this country was founded on.

    1. The Left Handed Stranger agrees with this 100 %. Criminals will always find a way to get their guns. Just look at how the strict gun control worked in Mexico. In 2010 Juarez had more than THREE THOUSAND murders. Way more than Chicago. And Chicago is a whole lot bigger city than Juarez.

      Sorry RW, pillaging the Constitution is a NO NO. Go watch Bowling for Columbine.
      It will make you think about WHY ?!?

      Love the Whitt's End Daily. Keep it up !!!

  9. Outlaw guns what a novel idea, because criminals follow the law so well as it is.

    Washington is a big gun control area and yet this still happens. How about Chicago? How's that working out.

    Protect the 2nd Amendment so I can protect my right to protect my family.

  10. The problem is not guns. If we stopped selling them today and banned them completely, criminals and crazy people wanting to commit mass murder would STILL get them. Besides if you ban guns, then they would just find another way to kill people, like bombs. People have been killing each other since the stone age, its just now its a little easier...and the news of which is more widespread and instantaneous. Homocide is apparently just a trait of the human fact, many animal speciecs (especially apes) kill one another for various reasons (usually overy mates or territory). So really we are just acting like the animals that we are. Sorry Richie, you cannot hope to change human behavior by legislating ANYTHING!!!

    Dave aka KOTT

  11. The problem with the gun debate is that it is not a black and white issue. People who feel guns are the problem are wrong just as people who feel its purely a people issue. There is probably no good solution to this one people. The cats outa the bag. The guns are out there. Banning them is never going to work. If there is a need in society there will be any number of people stepping up to fill that need legally or illegally. Just look at prohibition or drug laws. Those worked well didn't they. As far as it being a people issue.....well if that is the case we are really screwed because crazy people gonna keep on being crazy no matter what. I guess what I am trying to say is we are fucked........carry on.

  12. Whitt, You can dream all you want about this "gun free" liberal Utopia, where everyone is fed and housed, everyone makes 40k/year flat, everyone gets a trophy regardless of education, and everyone salutes our fearless and dedicated leaders, regardless of corruption. We can all stand in line and nod at each other in pure ectasy at the wonderful and fulfilling world we created for ourselves.

    Tell you what. You get all the African-Americans, native-Americans, Hispanic/Latin-Americans, Asian-Americans, Arab-Americans, and every other non-American American to buy in to it I'll join you. Your hardest sell, however, just might be the White-Non-Hispanic group. We are the minority-majority right?

    It's all horseshit.

  13. The racists calling Miss America a muslim, arab, or using the n_____ word are showing their massive ignorance and stupidity. People from India are NOT arab or muslim. They can be from many religions. Yes racist assh___s, you are that stupid.

    As for Syria, it was many of the liberals that were crying for attacking Syria when Syria attacked no US citizens and no US territory. The liberals are so upset about using chemical weapons but they miss the big picture. Now they are all happy that Assad's chemical weapons are "contained". But does anyone believe the victims would be happier if they were killed by an artillery shell, aerial bomb, or by machine gun fire? Does anyone believe that Assad will fulfill all his promises? Anyone who does is a total fool.

  14. Sure, we're not going to Syria....and the Russians get to keep the warm water ports and Iran its protected corridor to Isreal. Politics is boring though.

  15. She's pretty hot for a chick with Indian ethnicity. Hotter than the others? No, not quite. Was it a attemp to garner attention or just typical intersectionality? Yeah, probably so.

    RW - having a mestizo wife doesn't make you special.

  16. Richie you ignorant slut. Military installations have some of the toughest gun restrictions anywhere. Service members and civilians are not allowed to carry weapons under any circumstances unless they are MPs, and soldiers who live in barracks cannot even possess a personal weapon, they must be locked up in the armory at all times.

    The end state that gun control advocates desire is exactly what is already in place in military installations like the Navy Yard. Surrounding the Navy Yard is the city with some of the toughest gun restrictions in the country.

    Now try this thought experiment: what would the outcome have been if we trusted out military officers and senior NCOs to carry a sidearm on duty all the time? Would the shooter have been able to kill 13? Would the shooter have even targeted that location?


    1. This. Richie, your argument has been completely, and utterly invalidated.
