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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.18.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Jason Garrett admits "We haven't run the ball well enough and we haven't ran the ball enough." DeMarco Murray suggests "It's something the coaches are going to have to talk about and discuss." Despite the change to Bill Callahan as play-caller and a supposed shift of emphasis to the running game, Tony Romo has thrown 91 passes through two games (4th-most in the NFL). There are 15 running backs and 1 quarterback with more rushing yards than your Cowboys. At what point does Murray shoulder some of the blame? I detail the problems over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Sure, Rangers. Erupt for seven runs with spot-starter Alexi Ogando on the mound after giving ace Yu Darvish absolutely nada in consecutive 1-0 losses. Any win is a good win - especially when it snaps a seven-game losing streak and bolsters Wild Card hopes. But, seriously, don't you think Yu witnessed all those crooked numbers on the scoreboard and grumbled "What the what?!" under his breath? In Japanese. So, something like ... screw it, I don't know Japanense.

   *Lots of dangers on a football field. Ants aren't supposed to be one of them. Sad.

   *Johnny Goofball has won me over, at least as a football player. Sure he had a couple of throw-it-up-for-grabs lucky completions against Alabama. But it was pure skill and elite athleticism that even put him in a position to be lucky. And in two games against Nick Saban's vaunted defense, Manziel has completed 73% of his passes for 907 yards and seven touchdowns. That's legit. He's a bigger, better Doug Flutie. And that ain't bad.

   *I root against Walter White. He's a bad person who makes careless decisions and profits from putting deadly drugs on the streets. And I root for Will McAvoy. He's a fair person who makes educated decisions and spews truths about being a Republican in 2013:
The problem is now I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con. I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride. And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect in the 21st Century. But most of all, the biggest new requirement, really the only requirement, is that I have to hate Democrats. And I have to hate Chris Christie for not spitting on the President when got off Air Force One.
   I know it's chic to get really emotional about A&E's gripping show, but to me The Newsroom > Breaking Bad. Smart and clever beats bold and violent on my TV every time. Even though it was clear Aaron Sorkin's latest episode was written as a series finale - Will proposes to MacKenzie, etc. - I'm thrilled the show will return to HBO for a third season next spring.



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  1. Breaking Bad is the greatest TV show in the history of TV. It sucks that so many people have jumped on board lately and made it played out.

  2. I respect your right to a different opinion.... but The Newsroom doesn't even compare to Breaking Bad... The Newsroom is mediocre at best

    1. I love 'em both. I just prefer tense drama without the need for explosions.

  3. "Turns out I'm a horrible judge of character. Ex-wife. Former radio partner. Friend to whom I loaned money. And business partner. Too trusting I am."

    I am not sure what happened with your business partner or the friend you lent money to, but let's look at the other two people mentioned above.

    From what I can remember about what happened with your EX, you caught her, red-assed, cheating on you....ouch!! I, for one, had the the same problem with my first wife (didn't catch her in the act though), but lot's of times infidelity is mererly a symptom of the real problem....and usually that problem is someone is not happy in the marriage and seeks happiness elsewhere. That's the catch with marriage...regardless what anyone says, you are somewhat responsible for someone else's happiness and that kinda sucks.

    As far as your radio partner goes, you need to quit blaming Greggo man. I will give you a pass on all the rest of the above-mentioned people and situations, but it is HIGH time you take your share of the blame. Greggo was the reason that the MAJORITY of your listeners tuned in. This is why you MUST stop playing the blame game Richie and admit your part in the demise of RAGE!!!

    Dave aka KOTT

    1. When someone is addicted, they poison everything they touch. Everything becomes about the addiction, and the collateral damage doesn't matter to them. The show did start to tank in ratings, but it was because the chemistry went to shit. You say that Richie must take more blame, but maybe, just maybe you should stop giving Greggo so much credit. Richie gave him an opportunity, which he excelled at when sober. Also Greggo isn't the reason you keep coming back to this site for more...Richie's opinions are just as engaging. Just saying.

    2. Richie (and Sybil) were not good enough to keep the show going without Greggo. He WAS the show..period. If Richie was even servicable, he would probably still be employed there. I don't care if Greggo was WHACKED out of his mind or not, he was entertaining to listen to...and if all you wanted was strait sports talk, then you were listening to the wrong show buddy.... just saying....

      Dave aka KOTT

    3. Richie and Sybil were on The Fan since before Greggo arrived. So I think they would have carved a corner for themselves. That said, White Truck Wednesday, Whitt's End, Sybil's stuff were all non sports segments, worth listening to. Even Armen was engaging and freaking hilarious. By the way I'm not trying to say Greggo wasn't interesting to listen to, even though some of the stuff he said made me scratch my head. But to suggest that Richie deserved to be fired, when he did his best to bring GREGGO's ADDICTION to management's attention, only to be ignored, is absolutely ludicrous.

      And again, you want to attack his credibility yet you, Mr. Dave aka KOTT, are commenting on nearly every thread...multiple times. You are drawn to Richie as much as anyone, buddy....

    4. I comment on things I think that I have something worth contributing. On things I think I have NOTHING to contribute I do not commment. I think RW is a decent sports writer/blogger, and respect that aspect of his career. Where I have problems is when it comes to RAGE and how he places the blame for his demise. And I will continue to fight for what I think is right and TROLL this blog until I see some change in RW's attitude towards his former partner. Until then I will be Dave aka KOTT (King of the Trolls)

    5. As far as RW's opinions go, I see this him spouting these famous lines...

      "I'd fight a bear for you. Not a grizzly, or a brown bear. And not even a Panda. But one of those Care Bears. I'd fight one of those sonsabitches for you."

      RW the poor, poor victim.

    6. Keep coming back Dave. Every day. I'm sure you'll get me to change. I'm real impressionable that way.

    7. You may never see the err of you ways in this lifetime Richie, but karma is a bitch and you will eventually reap what you sowed.

      Dave aka KOTT

    8. Greggo was undoubtedly the draw of the show; I don't see where Richie has ever said otherwise. Richie is upset because Greggo also single-handedly tanked the show and as a result put Richie in the unemployment line. And yes Dave, it was ALL Greggo there. Richie had moderate success before Greggo and probably could have again, but instead he lost his job due to Greggo's bullshit.

    9. Karma? Reap what you sowed? What the hell?

      Why do you fail to see that for MONTHS RW kept RAGE afloat which gave Druggo a job to come back to when he did occasionally get himself clean enough to show up?

      More importantly, it's been almost five months why do you need to keep rehashing Druggo? RW gives us plenty of current material to bitch about. Let it go already.

  4. In the words of Billy Crystal, when he was told in the movie "When Harry met Sally", that infidelity was merely a symptom of the real problem. "Well, that symptom is fucking my wife".

  5. RW,

    If you need a suggestion for a Halloween outfit, skip the dead dog bit and dress up as Superman, have Sybil dress as Lois Lane, find a wheel chair, put a straw in your mouth and have her push you around all night. I'm sure that will garner some attention.

    For the record from my view, BB is the greatest show ever to be put on TV and The Wire is a close second. The writing on both shows, head and shoulders above the rest.

    Lastly, can we start calling him Johnny Autograph?


    Clark Kent
    aka NTDSLARS

    1. No, we're sticking with Johnny Goofball. It's Goofball. And we're sticking with it. Goofball. Thanks.

  6. Breaking Bad - Awesome show. Without Walter White, there is no Breaking Bad movie. Go Walt.

    Rowdy - I don't know the dude personally, but you won't find a bigger Ranger fan. He's been going to the games since he was a kid, and I'm not just saying he went to a couple games a year. Seriously. Every game I went to (I sat a section over from him in the outfield bleachers), he was there. Every year. Every game. Going back decades. I found out about his webpage about a year ago. Turns out he's a pretty damn good writer. Who knew?...

    Boxing judge - Either had money in play it wouldn't be a unanimous decision, or a mobster involved with her had money in play it wouldn't be a unanimous decision. There has never been a more sure thing.

    1. Amen on Rowdy. Dude will spike his hat in anger at a groundout that doesn't move a runner over in the 1st inning, of the first game, in April.

  7. Objective and neutral results based, political free science have overwhelmingly shown in the last few years that....a huge portion of the global warming/climate change scare has been proven to be patently false. I urge you Richie, as someone who writes well and also appreciates a good read; and I urge everyone else as well. Please read the book "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. It changed my life. He got death threats so he wouldn't publish that book. He's a liberal democrat scientist friend of Al Gore, who has an incredible surprise for you if you read that book.

    1. Thanks. I'll check it out. Though I hate reading.

  8. Dallas hasn't had a good running attack since Tony Fiammetta got injured and eventually found himself off the roster. People complain that Jason Garrett, Bill Callahan, and Tony Romo aren't committed to the run, but the run game sucks. Why would they want to commit to that?

    I don't watch Breaking Bad or The Newsroom. I checked the reviews, and Breaking Bad has nearly universal acclaim, with many praising it as the best television drama ever. The Newsroom has mediocre reviews, criticized for being sanctimonious and preaching to the choir. It might be possible that putting The Newsroom over Breaking Bad says a lot more about the writer than it does the two shows.

    Richie, didn't you say that someone at NBC told you to stop crying about other media stealing your journalistic work? I have an addendum to that piece of advice. Stop whining, in general, about people screwing you over. I say that not as someone trolling you but as someone looking out for your best interests.

    You have a nice suburban home, an attractive woman half your age at your side, and you get paid to watch sports and talk about them. You might be in a little slump for your career (I'm guessing; I don't know how much each of your gigs have paid over the years), but things just aren't that bad for you. When you constantly bring up the past, it makes you seem petty.

    1. RW is convinced that Greggo was to blame for him losing his job. He keeps bringing up the fact that Greggo screwed him, when in fact, if it were not for Greggo, he would not even have had a show worth listening to in the first place. Whinning about his situation and blaming other people for his misforturne will not win him any fact, I think that line of reasoning has cost him more fans....

      The problem with RW is that he is extrememly hard-headed and stubborn and refuses to back down and admit that he is wrong concerning his stance on Greggo. The sooner he does this, the sooner he can redeem himself in the eyes of MANY of his former listeners of RAGE....

      De-Nile is a tough river to cross Richie, especially on a raft crafted of poorly woven excues and misplaced blame.

      Dave aka KOTT

    2. Dude. Seriously. Let it go.

      Every former co-host Greggo has ever had comes out and says the same thing. Every single one of them talks of being burned by the dude.




      That means there's something to what they all say.

      Maybe Richie would have lost his gig, anyway. Maybe he wouldn't have. Who knows? While Richie was no Musers, his schtick was in no way/shape/form/fashion worse than what Ben & Skin toss out there on a daily basis.

    3. Rob M, blaming myself - me, no one else - for being a bad judge of character isn't whining.

    4. I applaud RW's transparency. I like reading a guy that gives a somewhat insight into his life and what goes on. Will you get that from other writers? Nah not really. Everyone has some kind of problem but coming on here and judging someone when I'm pretty sure the majority of the commenters don't live a perfect life, that just annoys me. Most of us have been divorced/had bad relationships, had a coworker that screwed you over or you hated, lent money to someone and not gotten it back, etc. Don't stop what you're doing RW.

  9. The Ticket fired Greggo and the Hard Line just kept on rolling....they obviously had the talent to replace him.

    ESPN fired Greggo because I think him and Galloway did not get along. It was Galloway's show and the chemistry was just not there.

    Richie had a semi-successful show before Greggo even showed up, with Newy Scruggs... But when RAGE really got rolling, I considered them as entertaining as The Hardline and it was pretty much ALL Greggo. Yeah Richie and Sybil contributed, but in the end, it was the TRAIN WRECK named Greggo why most people tuned it.

    Truth be told, I would rather listen to a whacked out Greggo with Richie and Sybil backing him, than to that audioi drivel called Ben and Skin. So what he missed a few days and sometimes did not make sense....HE WAS ENTERTAINING!!!!

    I am not letting it go until RW decides to give Greggo more credit and less blame......PERIOD.

    Dave aka KOTT

    1. Seriously, Dave....he missed a FEW days? I guess in your mind the Titanic took on a little water. I always taught my sons that the most important trait any worker can possess is the willingness to SHOW UP for work every day. A person may be the best salesman in the region, but if you're never there, you're useless.

    2. The Titanic is actually a great anaology. It was a fabulous ship that supposedly couldn't sink. But I guess that depends on the size of the iceberg and the strength of the hull. The iceberg (management) made an excecutive decision that RAGE without Greggo was not worth saving, so they shit-canned the whole thing. The hull (RW, Sybil, and Greggo) was doomed from the get-go. Was Greggo the weakness in the hull??? Maybe. But he was also what made the ship float in the first place.

      Dave aka KOTT

    3. Again, Dave, read The Hard Lie 2. If you're truly objective you'll see that it's not an opinion that Greggo torpedoed RAGE, it's a documented truth. If you're hoping to get me to admit it was more my fault than my partner's then ... see ya here tomorrow.

    4. And thank you Gerald for getting it.

  10. Rooster, I agree with everything you said just now. The only thing I would add is that Richie, having written The Hard Lie, should have known what he was getting himself into. For that, I agree with Richie's assessment that he may not be a good judge of character.

    Dave, it's hard to have credibility when you claim Greggo was interesting and Richie wasn't, but yet you visit Richie's website and comment all the time.

    I would gladly listen to Richie if he were back on the air, and I think other people would, too. I think his show should be three or four hours instead of five to help cut some of the fat. And I think he needs a straight man. Costello needs Abbott. Sean Connery needs Alex Trebek. Pinky needs the Brain. Sometimes Greggo and Richie were all Pinky and no Brain.

  11. It's real simple Rob...let me spell it out for you since you don't seem to get it.

    I don't mind RW's blog, in fact, I do find SOME of it interesting and I comment when I think I have something to add.

    The only other time I really comment on something on this blog is related to RW and his laying of 100% of the blame at the foot of Greggo without giving him ANY credit for what success the show did have. And I don't care what you say, RW and Sybil were filler for the real STAR of the show GREGGO!!! there is nothing you can say that will convince me otherwise...

    Dave aka KOTT

    1. Greggo. Dude. Let it go.

    2. Not Greggo...but one of his stanchest supporters and the KOTT of this blog. You should join my quest in getting RW to admit that he was wrong in blaming Greggo for his downfall...

      Dave aka KOTT

    3. Dude, really? That's your "quest"? Then you're a horrible judge of quests. I seriously doubt if you've read the Hard Lie 2. 99.9 percent of folks who read it and saw the evidence no longer support Greggo. But maybe you belong in the 0.01 percent club?

    4. Yeah really. You keep telling me REREAD something I read once and it was enough for me. Your FACTS are laced with ADJECTIVES and in some cases look remakably similar to OPINIONS. We are just going to have to disagree on this one Richie...

      And let's say for a moment that half of what you say is true.... OK... What good does it do you to torpedo Greggo?? Did you feel like you owed your listeners some explanation?? Why couldn't you just say that you suffered from "personal" and "creative" differences. Your vaunted, all that-ever-was explanation, The Hard Lie 2, does nothing but pour gas on fire that burns and that what you want to be your legacy at 105.3??...the guy who torched his partner....even though his partner was the reason 90% of his audience tuned in....

      Keep telling yourself what you want to hear Richie....that's the solution....

      Dave aka KOTT

    5. Greggo, er um, KOTT. RW just presented his side of the story...just like Greggo did on his blog.

      Richie torched Greggo in his blog. Greggo torched Richie in his blog. What's the difference?

      Neither one of them said they suffered from "personal" or "creative" differences, and in all honesty, everyone reading it would have thought it was BS if they did.

      I was a fan of both. Listened to both. Frequented both their blogs. Follow both on Twitter. I don't have to choose one side or the the other to enjoy their work.

      All you need to see the truth how Greggo has handled his blog since it began.

      It's one thing to be a fraud when you have an entire radio station blocking, tackling, and covering up for your BS. It's another to get your bare ass exposed when you're on your own, when there is no one left to cover for you, which is exactly what has happened to him.

    6. 99.9%, are you serious chief? If half of that amount thought you were as great as you think you were, you would still be on the radio. Maybe you should go back and read all of those comments.

    7. Rooster,

      RW was the first to torch Greggo, after that, I did read Greggo's blog and he was basically conceding a lot of what RW said, but was upset at him for making a lot of his privite stuff public.

      My point is that even if what RW says is 100% true, it is the way in which he portrayed himself as the victim and Greggo was the EVIL, drug-addicted, genius, who plotted, and ultimately caused his demise.

      I would just like to see RW come out with a "Hard Lie 3" installment where he doesn't necessarily apologize for his previous comments, but maybe give a little more credit to Greggo and emphasize the good in their relationship (it could not have been all bad). RW should probably also acknowledge that making Greggo's private emails and text public was probably not the right thing to do. Even though it may have been the proof he needed, I think it was morally wrong to do that to him.

      So RW, if you read this post, I am willing to back down if you are willing right a few wrongs and try and give some credit where credit is due...

      Dave aka KOTT

  12. RW, I am a daily looker at this site (never the blue star crap) and I recognize that there may be differences of opinion. However, anyone who thinks the newsroom is greater than Breaking Bad is an idiot. As my dad used to say..."some people have all their taste in their mouth". Last Sunday night was the greatest one hour in the history of dramatic series television.

    1. Agree totally with Breaking Bad being much better than Newsroom; RW might think so too if he'd watch BB on AMC instead of A&E. I'm sure it was just another in a long line of bad judgment decisions to add to his regrets. And, KOTT your points make alot of sense given the current roster on the unlistenable 105.3.

      James Van

    2. Thanks James. I like to think of myself as one of the torch bearers for Greggo and stand up against those who place all the blame on him for the demise of RAGE...primarily RW.

      I have never watched newsroom, but I can honestly say I am completely hooked on BB. I downloaded the first 5 seasons and within a 2 weeks, am now on season 5 episode 5. I even got my wife hooked on it. We are completely enthralled with the twists and turns...truly remarkable television.

      I think the ones I have downloaded are mostly from AMC but what is the difference?? language...nudity...on AMC and not on A&E??

      Dave aka KOTT

    3. Gerald, I enjoyed Newsroom's hour on Sunday much more. It makes you think, not just react. Again, I'm not putting Breaking Bad down. And I would never say someone is an idiot for simply liking a TV show.

    4. KOTT, nah it's only on AMC just giving RW a little dig. Newsroom is a really good show, watch it each week and the rant from this past episode was classic Sorkin at his best, but it isn't close to Breaking Bad. Hang in there with your opinions; we're not all sheep (aka P-1's).

      James Van

    5. I didn't say you were an idiot for liking the show. There is simply no comparison between the two. It's like saying that you like fish and Long John Silver's is better than Truluck's. Or Golden Corral is better than Del Frisco's

  13. Richie you missed the forest for the trees on the Boys running game issues.

    You look for reasons other than the pathetic play of the O-line, as to why the Boys can't and don't run the ball ...and in so doing, you have ignored the problem itself.

    The O-line is getting whupped up front, when they try to run.

    If you watch NFL teams that run the ball well, you'll see the RB get the ball with a clean backfield, and able to pick a lane to attack. In Dallas? With regularity, the RB is dodging would-be tacklers in his own backfield, and there are no running lanes to attack. Run outside, using the sweep with a clean corner seal? Isn't there either.

    But you want to blame the play calling, and the RB? Wrong culprit. They can't turn crap into diamonds.

    When the result is 2,1,0,3,-1, 2 etc, continuing to pound the line is nothing more than a waste of a down. And to their credit, they have continued to try to run.

    Jerry loves him some star players. But he has no clue in how to build an O-line. Until they get a GM that can lay the foundation for success, in the O-line and D-line, this team will continue to look good on paper yet sputter in mediocrity.

    1. Negatory. If you read this blog you know what I think of the offensive line. Sucks.

    2. Sorry Richie, but you just wrote a Blue Balls Blog item where you made a cursory mention of O-line, then skipped past it to look for a deeper reason. But if you really believed it was the O-line, then what's the point in having an article that focused on minor issues?

      Lots of words about Murray and Callahan. Few about the pathetic blocking.

      One other quibble - if you write an article and I read it, it's a cop-out to blame me, for not knowing your opinion because I haven't read everything else you wrote elsewhere.

      So if you think the real problem is the O-line, communicate that. Put your writing where your opinion is. This time, you didn't do that.

  14. Elf and Slater are gone.

    1. Would have to say I saw that one coming....I thought they were anwful pairing to begin with...individually they sucked and together they were no better.

      Dave aka KOTT

  15. Why the fuck are they getting rid of people and keeping that HORRIBLE morning show going. That is the albatross dragging the fan down.

    1. The morning show is the only one getting the ratings. Hate to see people lose their jobs. Really if everyone at the Fan hasn't gotten the memo, they all should bail and look for work elsewhere. That station is not long for the world.

  16. The G-Bag nation works better at night, they are much more listenable as a fun and easygoing night show, I don't really get a daytime type show feeling from them.

    It would have been best to ditch New School, their act is so tired and BAD.

    1. Only show worth listening to. You're wrong. Except for that rapping fucking segment. You're right on that one. So, so, sooooooooo tired of that crap/shit/nonsense. Please, anyone at the Fan reading, stop with the rap. Stop, stop, stop, fucking stop.

  17. I like the new word RW made up today:

    "So, something like ... screw it, I don't know Japanense."


  18. With the advent of PPM, it is possible to look at a weeks worth of ratings. I can only guess that the ratings for the Greggo-less weeks may have something to do with the Fans decision to not keep richie around. For example, in October of 2012, the fan had a 2.5 rating with men 25-54, ranked 19th in that demo. I think the fact that RAGE was getting beat by 18 other radio stations explains why CBS may not want to keep anybody from that show around.

  19. RW....please don't buy into the whiny lib ideological drivel talking points that you tend to parrot here on your blog. It's unbecoming and not only fictional and divisive, but makes you come across as extremely small-minded and judgmental as is anyone when they try and pigeonhole a massive group of people into a collective thought. Immature and flippant at best and ignorant beyond belief at worst.

    I mean do you really believe Republicans are against education? Give me a fucking break....


    1. I submit he's looking for blog hits by going looney-toons libtard -- he's banking on opposing conservative viewpoints to increase hits and his wallet.

      His stance on guns is laughable and weak. Quoting a far left-wing nut (Sorkin) to describe Republicans is again, a cheap ploy. I'm as conservative as they get and I do not fit into any of the categories described in that quote; 80% of us do not.

      I enjoyed his radio insight but I can no longer provide him with web hits as the desperation is so obvious at this point.

  20. Horrible judge of character and untalented. Unfortunate.

  21. I'm not as passionate as KOTT, but I too believe there was sorriness on Richie's part. I think Richie was, and is, an opportunist. After we kinda got to know blog boy from his radio show, we got to know the sorry and immature person he really is.
