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Thursday, September 19, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.19.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *In sports, it's the coaches who get blamed. In sports radio, it's always the players. With the firing Wednesday of midday show Mark Elfenbein and Jane Slater, 105.3 The Fan bumbling program director Gavin Spittle has now canned his struggling station's two highest-rated shows in five months. (Some might remember a certain afternoon show getting shown the door in April.) He's also fired the station's three female on-air hosts: Slater, Jasmine Sadry and Sybil Summers. So if Spittle's goal was to rid The Fan of its most recognizable personalities while also making it a considerably uglier station, mission accomplished. New lineup: Gavin Dawson, Chris Arnold and Mike Bacsik from 10a-2p and the KandC Masterpiece from 6-11p. Though seemingly unwarranted - in the station's horrible August ratings, Elf & Slater was the only show to post a 2.0 rating for any time period - this move wasn't a big surprise. I surmised that Elf & Slater sat in wobbly chairs since The Fan's almost acquisition of BaD Radio back in June. Don't know if the station will be any better, but it's a little different. And when you're embarrassingly No. 3 in a three-horse race, I guess any change is good.

   *Tony Romo leads NFL QBs with a completion percentage of 72.5, but only nine of his 91 passes have traveled more than 20 yards. Why are the Cowboys so reluctant to throw downfield? My Deep Thoughts over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Joe Nathan, that Rangers' loss is on you. I know Jurickson Profar failed to turn a double play earlier, but all a team asks for is to get to its closer. And the Rangers got there. But armed with a 1-run lead and two-out, none out in the 11th, Nathan couldn't close the deal. Walking a guy in that situation proved a fatal flaw. That said, why was Joe Ortiz handed the ball for the 12th? He's obviously not ready for playoff baseball. Neftali Feliz was warming, but I guess Wash doesn't fully trust him yet? Deflating loss. Or, I should say, another deflating loss.

   *Personally, I'm sad over the firings of Elf & Slater. Though former program director Bruce Gilbert took an admitted gamble on a girl new to that genre of radio, she consistently worked to improve her craft. And Elf remains the most passionate, positive teammate I've ever worked alongside. I'll remember Slater for being my partner in crime on a Malibu beach and for a crazy night in New Orleans at last year's Super Bowl when she playfully slapped a hotel night manager with her hair weave. Serious. And I'll remember Elf for his smile, enthusiasm and ... Oh, who am I kidding? Cut the dramatic, twinkling piano. Sybil and I will have drinks with Slater within a couple days and I'll beat Elf's ass on the tennis court sooner than later. They're gone, but certainly not dead.

   *And on Sept. 18, the Cleveland Browns gave up on the 2013 season. The team with the worst helmets this side of Jacksonville traded franchise running back Trent Richardson to the Indianapolis Colts for a first-round pick in next April's draft. The Colts are going to be good. Their pick is going to suck. And so are the Browns. Richardson was their marquee player, plastered on media guides and pocket schedules, etc. While Andrew Luck is gifted a runner with 12 touchdowns in his first 17 NFL games, the Browns are left to sell ... starting quarterback Brian Hoyer. Awful.



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  1. Richie-2 questions-

    Do you think the fan will make a format change soon?

    Do you think Elf & Slater will end up back on the air in DFW?

    1. No format change for awhile. I know CBS suits in NY are committed to sports format in Dallas. Dunno what Elf/Slater want to do at this point. I bet they get back on air, but maybe not together.

    2. Bottom line is I could not change the station fast enough when I heard rage or elf & slater. I hate B&S because all they talk about is breaking bad. G-bag sux because gavin is a D-bag riddled with white guilt. Chris arnold is just unbearable. I always thought Bacsick, Jeff and Colby would make a better show. I did love Sybil's voice and she was fun and Jasmine was good as long as she kept her mouth shut about politics. I figure NS is next on the chopping block. Rj is the biggest douchebag hypocrite I have ever heard.

  2. "So if Spittle's goal was to rid The Fan of its most recognizable personalities while also making it a considerably uglier station, mission accomplished."

    It's radio, noone cares how hot the people behind the mike are! Also, noone wants to hear women on a sports station. The Fan had 3 at one time and they are in last place. The Ticket has none and they are in first place. There you go.

    1. Yeah, you're probably right. It's probably that simple.

    2. Women know sports! I used to listen to The Ticket and they're boring as shit to me now. I started out listening to Mike and Greggo on The Hardline but Corby's high pitched squeal of a laugh drove me nuts. I hate ESPN for their bias of Dallas Cowboys on the television, plus Mike and Mike in the morning is too broad for me. I'm a homer. I want to hear local news. Then I found The Fan. I love New School and loved Rage. WOMEN are throughout the sports world!

    3. Actually, it probably is that simple..

    4. Women are made to be seen... no heard!

    5. Mike and Mike are only good if you're a whining, annoying Jest fan - who cares about a garbage team who has won nothing since Woodstock.

      Guess the Fan felt threatened by the Odd Couple on 103.3? I wouldn't - Durrett is awful.

  3. So I guess the biggest item to discuss is Elf and Slater getting the axe. Had to say I saw it coming.... never understood the pairing of those two in the first place. So now with E&S gone, the D-bag nation moves into their time slot and puts the KandC Masterpiece in the spot formally held by RAGE... ARE YOU FUCKING ME??? I know I have my differences of opinion with you Richie, but RAGE was a fucking million times better than that piece of shit radio crap.

    The big question now is will Elf come out and blame Slater for bringing him down?? Is there some blame to laid and some score that needs to be settled?? hmmmm :)

    Dave aka KOTT

    1. Correction "FUCKING KIDDING ME??"""


      Dave aka KOTT

    2. Another correction - Ben and skin took RAGE's place and K&C are taking G-BAGS

    3. Thanks...that's right....well either way, Ben and Skin do not measure up to RAGE in my book....even with Greggo only there 70% of the time and whacked out of his mind....

      Dave aka KOTT

  4. Sounds like someone could not get into a fraterity at......UTA!!! And now of course all of them are "artificial". Wish I could be there the first time you have to deal with an unhappy customer at your pizza joint with your over inflated ego. I can hear it now Richie: "Your wrong the pizza is great and your order was perfect you're just not eating it right".

    Oh and on your gun control stance. This bullshit is coming from a guy who supported the NRA 500 at TMS where someone was killed...BY A GUN.He even proudly displays a smug pic of himself holding two pistols on his blog banner. Hypocrite much? Then RW was fired the very next day after the NRA 500. May want to rethink your stance on karma while you're at it little man.


    1. Looks like I'm not the only Troll hanging around

      Richie it's a good thing you don't give a rat's ass what anyone but yourself thinks....else you might get your feelings hurt.... :)

      Dave aka KOTT

    2. Never tried to get into a fraternity.
      Have never given "support" to NRA.
      Shot Eddie Gossage's pistol blanks in TMS victory circle.
      Don't believe in karma.
      Don't get my feelings hurt.
      Other than that, great, salient points. Carry on.

  5. Richie,
    For the life of me I'm unable to understand what Spittle is doing over at the FAN. Does he not think that woman can be viable in the sports radio format?

    1. They make awesome traffic reporters....that's how the ticket uses them....and they are number 1.

    2. Name one that is in this market??? Or for that matter has ever been. No the sideline eye candy on the Cowboys network does not count.

    3. Kristi Scales is the best in the business. And she's been holding it down for nearly 20 years.

    4. Kristi Scales is great, but I was referring to women as long term host/co-host in a Sports Radio format. I don't see why some people think that women can't? There are plenty of women who play/watch sport and even do sports programming on television but not so many in Sports Radio.

    5. Gina Miller has done quite well.

      I enjoyed all the gals at The Fan. They did GREAT.

  6. Ok Richie after you guys were pushed out the door Elf and Slater were the only reason I tuned into the Fan. So I am so done. I have tried all the other groups on 103.5 and they are all yelling and talking over each other ... idiots
    My RAGE over radio morons
    thank you for your insite

  7. It may have to do with the location of the broadcast booth but the Tampa Bay crowd sounded loud on the radio broadcast last night. I agree that 14,000 is crummy attendance for a contending team in September, but it didn't sound like they left early and I thought they actually sounded like one of the louder crowds I've heard this season.

    Mike In Euless

    1. I didn't hear what you heard. At all.

    2. Were you watching on TV or listening to the radio? It's possible that there was one small cadre of non-slumbering fans and 103.3 had them miked for some reason. Which would be kind of stupid because they were distracting at times.

      It's also possible that subconsciously I thought they were loud for a crowd of 14,000 or so and consciously this got translated as just loud.

      Mike In Euless

  8. Richie, looks like the daily Whitt's End is working out great. Congratulations.

  9. -Wait, we couldn't get a bikini pic of Slater for the hot? What the...
    -I won't deny that Spittle will drive the fan into format change, but Elf & Slater weren't long for this world. Josh was decent but seemed at time disinterested before he left for greener pastures(and I guess divorce could do that to someone as well) I like Elf, he has so much enthusiasm and you can say the same for Slater. Tough first full time radion gig for both of them, but you live and you learn. For them to stay in the business, they won't be able to stay in this market. Slater is hot enough to be on tv, why not float that application over to ESPN for some sideline work? Or Fox1? Good luck E&S
    -I didn't get to watch the game last night, but who is shocked at Nathan walking a guy? He makes me more nervous that I used to get with Nefty back in the day. You knew that most of the time Nefty was going to walk one or two, and then blow it by the next two batter for 4 or 5 pitch strikeouts. I miss that closer.
    -It's funny how we have been told in this area that unless there's fan support, the Rangers can't field a competitive team. Then on the flip side, you see a team with little to no fan support, a shitty baseball field, and probably a crappy tv deal, that fields a competitive team in a division with the Yankees and Red Sox.
    -How is Trent Richardson allowed to go to Indy for a single first round pick? Dallas will have a worse year than Indy, how did no one in the front office at Cleveland pick up the phone and call Jerry? Something smells about this deal. I don't know what is smellier, the fact that they could have kept Richardson and still had a bad year and gotten a pick in the top 4 or the deal that was made.

  10. i guess they finally got slater to shut the fuck up! she never let elf get a word in. if i was elf id be pissed. fucking bitch brought him down

  11. The reason Romo's passes have largely been underneath is quite simple, but I'll explain it anyway.

    The Cowboys can't run the ball, period. The couldn't last year, the year before, and have been pathetic this year thus far. When there is zero threat from the running game, the defense can play max coverage....kind of a modified prevent if you protect the deep passing lanes and shut down the potential for big plays. This means the only options are the underneath passing game which is good to have but not when that is your only offensive weapon. Defenses are willing to give these up in exchange for protecting against the big play.....smaller chunks of yards, more three-and-outs, longer drives, more chance of turnovers, and in the end fewer points.

    This also applies to the woeful red zone performance.....again all related to the lack of any running threat. Field is shorter, windows are smaller, coverage is tighter....and with no threat to run, the chances of punching it into the end zone decrease dramatically. Romo is doing good because he is taking what the defense is giving him and not pressing and making risky throws, at least not yet. However it is the obvious lack of talent in the trenches where it counts that is holding Romo, the offense and this team from being able to do more offensively. Nothing seems to have changed from last season, at least not near enough.

    And your gun position is just plain wrong, as stated in the last column. Either you're trying to stir the pot to create hits as one poster mentioned or your totally ignorant when it comes to this issue.


    1. Agreed on Cowboys' restricted passing. But don't tell me you actually fear the government kicking down your door in the middle of the night. This isn't 1773 England.

    2. At present, I don't fear that. Did I say that? No. Why should I? The point of a free armed (if they choose) society is to avoid that fear/possibility altogether. The greater fear is someone kicking the door in and not being able to protect myself and my family, just not the government. But personal protection is just one facet of why people, including myself, exercise their Constitutional rights, not that I expect you to understand any of them. The more poignant questions is whether you think homicidal criminals won't kill because it's against the law for them to carry a gun as I stated in response to your last rant. Government trampling on the Constitution only affects those in society who follow the law. Criminals don't give a shit.

      Funny thing about liberals....they love to chirp about rights and/or freedom of speech unless it's a right that they choose not to personally exercise or speech that goes against the grain of their fictitious utopian liberal being. Then they want to take it away. If you don't want to own guns, then don't. I could care less. But I will own whatever I want because that is my right and is guaranteed. And I know that bugs the shit out of you. Sorry about that.

    3. And DOWN GOES Whitt... Down goes Whitt...

    4. Funny thing about the right wingers: if a person doesn't agree with their line of thinking, they're automatically liberals and against the constitution.

    5. @JC,
      its "COULDN'T care less", not could care less.
      just think about it for a second.

      other than that flawless reply to RW.

      and to anon @ 1:00,
      Cosell repeats it 3x
      so does good ole JR when excited

  12. I've got to say, Richie, I think your Elf bias is really showing here. If you think a 50 year old man who constantly uses Yiddish terms and a girl with weather lady talent at best who constantly brags about the upscale uptown bars she frequents are relatable to working class texans, you're dead wrong. Both GBag and K&C are light years better. I don't care for Spittle much, but I think he got this one right.

  13. Anonymous- I totally agree with you about Elf and Slater. I loved Elf, but only for a short time. I think a weekend show a couple times a month with him and the boys from Brooklyn would be awesome. Slater was awful and for them to give her that job was just one of many mistakes TheFAN has made. G-Bag and K&C both are much better than those 2, but I think it is too late for this station. It is a sinking ship. This has never been short on talent (With the exception of Slater, Greg Henson, and Mike Rodriguez) but managements constant shuffling of schedules, firings, and just all around inconsistent programming is what has driven away listeners.

    Richie, I really wish you and Fish would have gotten that show together. I would have at least questioned tuning into that other than The Hardline.

  14. I know I'm probably going to get bashed here for this, but I actually really liked Jasmine Sadry. She knew sports. She was funny. She was smart. It's unfortunate the Fan seems to have dumped all its ladies.

    As for firearms, Richie has a deliberately inflammatory style about politics, but he's right about guns. The numbers back him up. You're more likely to be killed by a handgun if you own a handgun. You're more likely to have your firearm stolen by a criminal than you are to use it in self-defense. Your firearm is more likely to be used in a suicide than in self-defense. Your firearm is more likely to injure someone in an accidental shooting than it is to be used in self-defense. In England, where private ownership of firearms is virtually illegal, firearm-related homicides are nearly nonexistent.

    Appealing to the Second Amendment can only get you so far if you are intellectually honest with the historical context. We know what the Framers thought about people owning inaccurate, hand-loaded firearms. We have no idea what they would say about accurate semi-automatics.

    1. you are right, you are going to get bashed for liking Jasmine. I am a little tired though, can someone else take this one for me?

    2. Anon, I'd try, but this shit is just too tiresome anymore to argue against people who just don't get it. Bottom line Rob: Gun control to level the liberal utopians sant will not happen. Deal with it and get over it. And I'd be willing to bet the farm your "more likely" scenarios are from left-leaning publications/researchers/websites pushing the agenda. Much like the liberal environmentalists who know good and goddamn well global warming is horseshit. Doesn't stop them from pushing the lies though.

      Again, guns & 2nd amendment....not going anywhere.

    3. Jasmine was freaking hilarious and engaging. I was terribly sad to her her go. Also props to RJ and Shan laying out why Elf and Slater were let go. They were also the ones who mentioned your blog, and criticized certain parts of it.

      That said...the misogyny and GED intellect of conservatives, who honestly act like they hate humanity as a whole, don't even adhere to their supposed philosophy. Eisenhower who was the best conservative in the last 100 years, would be labeled a "socialist," and unamerican in this political culture. Also the "climate change deniers," have bought into the propaganda of big oil. The 2nd amendment may not go anywhere, but stupidity isn't going anywhere either.

    4. Oh give me a break last anon. Jesus. It's the energy revolution here in the US that's going to save this pitiful country, along with your liberal ass. And get this through your head: global warming is BULLSHIT. Just look to the latest, INDEPENDENT, reports regarding this "phenomenon". But honestly, fuck it. You have an excuse for everything. No hurricanes this season. "Oh! That's part of the cycle". The polar ice actually increased year/year. "Oh, that part of the cycle too", even though your so called scientists didn't even predict those data points, much less a larger warming event. Dude, again, its all bullshit. But honestly, part II, fuck it.

      And you're right about one thing. Stupidity is alive and well in your camp.

      PS: Bet your patting yourself on the back till it hurts with the misogyny and GED comment. Bet you're just a hoot with the locals.

    5. Good points all Anon 7:46. Good thing Gore & Co. has mindless drones like Anon 6:10 and his numerous Ph.Ds to buy into their sky-is-falling bullshit so they can sell books and movies and give speeches which pay for them to live in their mansions and fly the world in private jets and sail the seas in massive yachts. Facts are facts....and the alarmists who bought into this nonsense in the first place hook, line and sinker are unwilling to reevaluate their position and admit that they just *might* have been sold a bill of goods. As a man wiser than most once said, follow the money.

      And one thing I have found in regards to being an gun owner and 2nd Amendment supporter.....I own firearms for many different purposes, collecting, antiques, family heirlooms, mainly hunting, target shooting/recreation and even *gasp* personal and family protection. However I've come to realize the most enjoyment I get out of being a gun owner is seeing the whiny ass left squealing and hyperventilating at the very thought of me or others exercising our Constitutional rights as law abiding citizens of this country. I love it that it drives them nuts. Sorry whiny lib, but suck lose.


    6. If you follow the money for climate deniers it leads to oil companies. Lol. But we can look at a country like Germany, which promotes alternative energies, and simultaneously has a thriving automotive industry and tech industry. Also they have the 3rd highest GDP in the world, despite having a high tax rate, which *gasp* actually helps their infrastructure. But I suppose the average conservative doesn't even know what Gross Domestic Product is. But yeah Alaska losing about a mile of ice in one decade is simply alarmist. Global Warming is very real, and fucking with food production. But no, it wouldn't have something to do with rising food costs all across the globe or anything like that.
      I also find it funny that Conservatards hyperventilate when someone suggests that their should be more stringent demands put on owning a gun. Cause you know, they can kill people and shit. Also if someone randomly walks up to you with a gun, you are not going to have a chance to draw and retaliate. But let's make use of an outdated amendment, and fund fear mongering organizations such as the NRA.

      -Reality has a Liberal Bias

    7. Man made global warming is a façade, fake, false, and the facts now back it up. It was the whole time, but that was before all the alarmists made their billions thanks to gullible morons like 9:34.

      Seriously....take your pied piper Gore. The lardass owns half a dozen mansions on like three continents, rides in a limo and flies via private jet, made hundreds of million personally in the fear business...uses more energy than 50 Americans. Hell, his farts alone are more than a dozen. His actions scream....that even he doesn't believe the shit he's shoveling, but yet you do. Congratulations. You've been had. Ironic that anyone who screams global warming would accuse any other organization of fear mongering. Guessing you live in a tool shed with no electricity, gas and a rainwater collection system? Doubt it.

      And as far as my guns, owned legally and honestly. They've never done harm to anyone, nor will they unless it's warranted, God forbid. "kill people and shit." Give me a break, oh educated one. Oh, and they're still here. And I relish the fact that it bugs the fuck out of you and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Scoreboard, bitch.

    8. Notice how you don't attack my German economy argument with statements about their economy. Rather you attack an atrocity that their nation was responsible for 60+ years ago. A crime by which their nation atoned for, and basically every student is taught that it was bad. What's also funny is that your loud american pride, fails to recognized the vast cache of atrocities this nation has comited. From the displacement of Native Americans, to Jim Crowe, to the modern war on drugs; which has not quelled the appetite for drugs, created a vast black market, and put minorities in jail in disproportionate numbers. That trillion dollars that this government has spent could have been used for something much more useful. But yes, America is a beacon of hope and equality. Right? Wrong. Dead fucking wrong.

      And I am not going to touch on Al Gore, who I have no idea what his lifestyle is. I do know that 97 percent of climate scientists believe that Global Warming is real, and there are mountains of evidence that suggest it's true. But no, what would actual scientists know? Global warming is an inconvenient truth. See what I did there? Hardy har har

      As far as guns. There is something that will be done about it. Every mass shooting is a precipice for reform that is inevitably coming. Hell, Richie who is pretty moderate, is coming around. That should count for something.

      Finally, in the words of Prince, "Game. Blouses."

      -Reality has a Liberal Bias

    9. *Committed and probably a ton of other grammatical/spelling errors, which my lazy liberal ass won't fix.

      -Reality has a Liberal Bias

    10. If you don't know how Weird Al Gore lives and the size of his massive carbon footprint which is almost as big as his ass (a) you're probably lying, but all it takes is a click or two. Once again, your posts are filled with half-truths (97%? bullshit) and outright lies, not the least of which is that "something will be done about it," if it has anything to do with the Second Amendment.

      Oh, and I checked this morning and my guns are still here and they're not going anywhere ever, much to your whiny chagrin. Picked up a little extra ammo today too, just for you. Scoreboard again, bitch.

      The difference between you and I is, among other things, that I don't give a fuck what you do.....own a gun, don't own a gun, drive off a cliff, marry your boyfriend....I don't care. You, on the other hand, feel an unhealthy need to restrict the rights and dictate to others who don't act or think just like you how to live.

  15. To hell with the damn jew and the bitch....fuck.em....he couldn't stand soccer as you Ritchie. they are out of the station.

  16. I agree with Joey on the Whitt/Fisher pairing. I always liked when Mike would pinch hit for Greggo on RAGE. You two have great chemistry. It would be a great show!!

  17. richie had to crop out greggo in that pic with elf and slater. lol!

  18. Gotta admit, I dug me some Elf, but once Josh split and they brought in Slater, it was a tune out for me. I'd still listen to them over anything else they currently have on that station though.

    I think the loss is on Profar. If Profar turns the double play like he was supposed to, Holland doesn't give up the two run homer. Ranger win.

    Browns - Given how clueless the Cowboys front office is, it's tough for me to look down my nose at decisions another organization makes.

  19. Sorry to see Elf go. I really liked his pairing with Josh Lewin. I knew he was a dead man walking in less than one week with Slater. She knew nothing, had no historical perspective on any of the local teams and she seemed more intent on spreading her gospel of, "I got drunk at the so and so bar last night" than actually trying to add any interesting or knowledgeable points while on the air. As a side note, her voice sounded like she had been drinking alright....drinking broken glass.

  20. Why don't you change the name of the blog to Whitt's End? I think you've seen the comments and hits differential between a generic sports or otherwise post and a Whitt's End post; and you have come to the (IMO smart) realization that mostly uninformed, superficial, troll-like socio-political quick hits designed to incite and ignite the more passionate individuals who are easily suckered conjunction with Skip Bayless like sports the winning combination; the formula that will keep the blog relevant and generating the maximum amount of daily advert dollars. Again, and I mean this with all sincerity: very smart and savvy move on your part.

  21. Let me serve myself up a big slab of humble pie and say that even though in times past I have said that the only syllables from a female I want to hear emanate from my radio squawk box were to inform me of the jacknifed semi on whatever road I would like to avoid, I am ready to say that there are times that a female voice is welcome in the sports bunker. Gina Miller is one of them. Even if she does blog about purses and some diet or other chick thing that is wholly unrelated to sports. Well, the purse thing was related to what was acceptable to bring into the AT&T deathstar. When Emily Jones was a third wheel on occasions I liked her being around the Ticket. I liked Jen Floyd Engel when she was on with Galloway. And now that the sugar has been ladled up, here some bitters.
    Slater got on my nerves to no end. Sorry if that is hard, but she was like nails on a chalk board. I didn't mind Sybil or Jasmine, I think they both brought something to the game, but Slater made me want to hit things. Maybe it will work out for her on the tube. Worth a shot anyhow.

    Elf. My good friend of the extra extra extra crispy bacon and bagels with a shmear. I wish you well sir. I hope you find another home on my radio dial. Will miss you.

    If you can't block then you can't run. This ain't brain surgery.

    Never seen Tosh and not gonna start now.

    If there is a big assed plane headed for my house not sure what the plan might be and I live right in the flight line too. A monk I know from HS days was out there off 114 giving last rights to the victims of that microburst smackdown back in the day. I'd really rather not think about it, but sometimes I do.

    Not sure what to say about gunz. I have several. My child is fully aware of their presence but is mostly uninterested in them. She is not quite physically capable of firing most of the long guns or the pistols, but it might be about time to start learning the basics with the .22. I was near her age when I got my first rifle. But, I had already had years of air rifles and was taught very early and often what to do and not to do. As far as me protecting myself from the gubmint... Look you posse comitatus idiot, they have tanks, artillery, air supremacy and every imaginable weapon known to mankind and some that aren't known. You go hide out in the boonies and live off of roots and berries. You go wait in the woods for doomsday and the rest of us will miss you not at all. If you are so damned convinced that the economy is going to go belly up, don't buy gold, buy lead. And that is how the price of bullets keeps going up. cha-ching.

    The Rangers are making me all kinds of sports sad. The Cowboys are an amusing but not nearly as heartbreaking as watching their neighbors over there in Arlington piss away another season for reasons I am not sure I comprehend. And then there is the Longhorns, but if I start thinking about them again I will start drinking heavily and it is a bit too early for that just yet.

  22. A little bit of bias in this blog today..
    G-BAG is an entertaining show. Maybe I say that because I'm 25 years old and that show fits me most. Not much a fun of K&C though.

    Elf shouldn't have been let go. He was kind of screwed after Josh left. Slater was terrible and you know it. She belongs in 106.1 KISS FM or something along those lines. I couldn't stand to hear her talk about sports like she knew what the hell she was talking about.
    I remember last year, when the Cowboys had a big loss, she was upset and said, "I don't know, maybe we should go after Geno Smith or something."
    A few months later after Romo's signing. She was arguing with callers who were upset about the signing. She would tell them, "Well, tell me who else do you want that's out there? Tell me!"
    Horrible. Just plain horrible.

    I like GBAG, although I don't think they should be a mid-day show. They're a show for the evening or even drive time. Ben and Skin cannot handle that spot. They should've kept Elf and find him another co-host.

    Obviously, it didn't go that way. So why not move Ben and Skin to 10-2 and put GBag into drive time? Oh that's right.. They're Spittle's boys. Those 2 are stinking up that slot and probably will do so for a long time. I was a RAGE listener and after they were gone, I tried over and over to listen to the Ben and Skin Show and I just couldn't get into it. I quit listening radio altogether during that time, but.. I have been listening to the Hardline now for the past few weeks and I like it.

    I will still listen to GBAG as it is the only show on the FAN that I still listen to, but will continue to listen to the HARDLINE on the TICKET as well.

    I did like Jasmine as well, I thought she brought something to New School. Now that she's gone, I won't listen. A little too much of riding Manziel's nuts on that show now.

    Gina Miller is DFW's best woman in sports media.

    Also, I agree with RW, that loss was Nathan's fault. He's a closer, his job is to come in and close the games. Plain and simple.

  23. I loved rage also elf and Slater the fan is throwing its best shows away i now am boycotting the fan wish Richie and greggo were still on air missed you guys since April and I wish all you guys the best of luck

  24. I thought Jane wals working to improve her game. But Elf was not very entertaining too much shouting and all the Jewish references just a chore to listen to him.

  25. Richie, been listening to The Fan since The Cowboys games been on. I really started listening everyday since The Rangers pre-World Series run because of Richie Witt andThe Rangers(of course). Agree or disagree with you, you always had good reasoning to back up your views. I still listen to The Fan but if you cant "emprace your RAGE" well its hard to be Fan fan.

  26. G-Bag was a good chill out-evening drive show. Midday will be it's down fall. I liked it at nite [and will miss it], couldn't even listen to it today. Not really a fan of Richie but I would bring RaGE back 11-2. Josh and Elf were great but think people are being too hard on Slater.

  27. Off topic a little but I just have to say I have no place for tosh, newsroom or breaking bad. I've seen a little of all. It can be entertaining but in the end it's garbage. It's not because I'm uneducated but because I have enough stress in my daily life and I see enough horrible crap on the evening news. I don't want to replay that in my down-time entertainment. When I was younger all I listened to was talk radio. Political talk radio to be exact. Now as a mother of three, including a son with severe Autism, I choose to listen to sports radio. I love my local teams for better or worse and for the most part sports radio is informing and light hearted. I think that most male listeners would be stunned to know how many house wives and stay at home moms listen daily. I have a radio in my kitchen and I start my day with coffee and the morning show and listen while I work until I pick my children up from school. I miss Jasmine and Sybil. I will miss Slater as well even though occasionally she was a little screechy. But she knew that. :) The ticket isn't the number one station because there are no female co-hosts. Way too simplistic! Many female listeners including myself might switch over if they had a few women on the air. Especially now that most of my favorite fan shows are gone.

    Back to TV. Richie I know you think it's crap and that might be because you don't know anything about the Robertson's or what they stand for but duck dynasty is worth watching. I've seen you mention it more than once. It's a silly show but it's not your average reality tv. There is a reason it has such high ratings! We're not all dumb rednecks. :) Regardless of your political, gun or religious belief, the show is about a family that truly loves one another. It projects a strong message of peace and camaraderie. It's the opposite of the kardashians. (Threw up in my mouth a little just typing that name...) Yes they are Christians, but you don't have to be a christian to appreciate how they treat each other and how they live their lives. Especially off-screen. If you ever get bored, lol, look up the family... not the show. Sports tie-in, Terry Bradshaw was the back-up QB for Phil Robertson once upon a time.

  28. Keep touting that your trash show was the highest rated show on the fail but when youre still dead last thats not really something to brag about dick. Bet it drives you crazy the ticket won the marconi. You wanted to be a part of it so bad. Fortunately they were wise enough to keep you out.
