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Friday, September 20, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.20.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Wait, so a radio station whose mantra is "Breaking sports news first, guaranteed!" but never actually breaks sports news wins a Marconi Award for "Sports Station of the Year" last night in Orlando? While aural journalism hangs its head in shame, I'll congratulate The Ticket. Maybe it's just me, but I want my sports radio to be both entertaining and informative. An award-winning comedian has to tell fresh jokes. A blue-ribbon chef comes up with new recipes. And an elite "sports station" needs to go to practices and games and talk to coaches and players and air an intimate, unique knowledge of the teams it yaps about. But what do I know? I've been on radio and in radio for years and I fully admit, I do not understand radio.

   *Cowboys' most pleasant surprise of the season is ... over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *See what happens when the Rangers hit three homers in an inning and score eight runs behind Yu Darvish? They win. What a concept. September Swoon and Wednesday night's excruciating extra-inning loss be damned, these final 10 games are gonna be fun. Three at the Royals this weekend, followed by three against the Astros and four vs. the Angels. Last year Texas limped to a 3-7 finish and missed the playoffs. Another 3-7 and they'll miss again. 7-3 and they're in. Anything in between is a crap-shoot.

   *Songs I've heard 1,000 times and hope I never have to suffer through hearing again: 10. "Margaritaville", Jimmy Buffet; 9. "Beautiful", James Blunt; 8. "Free Fallin'", Tom Petty; 7. "Sweet Caroline", Neil Diamond; 6. "Umbrella", Rihanna; 5. "American Pie", Don McLean; 4. "Centerfield", John Fogerty ; 3. "Blackbird", The Beatles; 2. Anything by Weird Al Yankovic; 1. "Old Time Rock-and-Roll", Bob Seger.

   *Thanks to Andy Reid beating his old Eagles' team last night, the Cowboys woke up this morning with the only non-losing record in the NFC East. And suddenly, a one-point loss on the road to a 3-0 Chiefs team doesn't look so bad eh?

   *Lots of you think Breaking Bad is the greatest show in the history of TV. But are you buying that Jesse Pinkman can really tell the sex of a dog just by petting it? Meh, Will McAvoy can tell just via an interview.



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  1. Didn't wade celebrate a division title after beating the lions?

    I could add Somebody told me by the Killers to your song list.

    1. Yes Wade did, they even had "championship" shirts

  2. RW...why didn't you set up Pizza Buzz closer to home? As for the Ticket, not having coaches shows and owners/GM shows is a major plus. The fan hosts NEVER ask a difficult question and NEVER follow up or call the owner out when an answer is so ridiculous that a third grader can detect the smell of bullshit. I'll take being entertained and informed. If I need breaking news, there are plenty of other sources available. After all, you weren't the first to report that Elf and gravel voice got canned.

  3. We get it YOU DON"T LIKE THE TICKET!!!! It's obvious. Freaking give it a rest already! I read your blog everyday and like your writing but DAMN your Ticket vendetta gets so old.....

  4. I am digging the daily Whitts End updates hope you decide to continue

  5. 2 FACTS of the World:

    1. The Ticket is the greatest sports station in the country.

    2. Breaking Bad is the greatest tv show in the history of the world.

    Shocking that the contrarian (Richie Shitt) doesn't believe these 2 be true.

  6. -I'm a P1 but I'm with you on the Ticket. There's been more than a few times when I'm listening to the Hardline that I've thought how it really isn't much more than TMZ for guys. Music, E-news, teacher sex news, music, tv talk, and maybe 1 segment or quick hit on the Rangers. I like Breaking Bad, but on a Breaking Bad recap day, you'll hear more about them than that Cowboys, Rangers, Mavs, or Stars.

    -Love the "Hot" for today. I could look at her all weekend.

    -I do enjoy a woman's take on sports, but, you can't tell me that Slater knows more about sports than her contemporaries or the guys trying to break in on weekend shows. Jasmine knew more about sports than Jagger, hell more than any of the guys on her former crew, and I wasn't worried about Sybil knowing sports, you need an E-news and everything else person. Also, she'll know more about Nascar than I ever will. Basically what I'm saying is, sporty women are sexy but it does not translate as well on radio.

    -I know you're a big anti gun guy, so here's a decent hypothetical. What will happen first, football no longer exists or people will no longer be able to have the right to bear arms?

    -When you go to the movies, especially with a woman, bring your own snacks. My wife wears a jacket to movies and she usually just holds our drinks under that and our candy or whatever in her purse.

    -Re: was refreshing to see someone say a goodbye that was classy and not denigrating to anyone(via facebook.) If the initial o/u on his show would have been 2 years, I'd have taken the under. 3+ years is pretty good seeing he made a part time gig on the weekends into a full time one. Godspeed to him.

  7. "been in radio for years"???
    man, you're clinging on to your brief stint @ a station no one listened to.
    allow me to remind you that your show, "the tardline" was responsible for the lowest PPM ratings in a major market in the history of radio.
    so you're better off clinging at making radio history.


    1. Was there for 4.5 years. And, nope, we weren't even the lowest-rated show at our station, much less in the history of the world.

    2. sub 1, homey.
      look it up.
      its clear for all to see.

      PM drive, major market.
      500K watts, less than 1 PPM.
      you are a part of history, pal.

      -PPM DON'T LIE

  8. Pretty cool, Norm just said the Ticket raised over a million dollars for charity last year.

  9. Richie Whitt is envious of the Ticket's success. In other news, the sun rises in the east.

  10. I'll second the insta-punch out on Old Time Rock and Roll. I can add "Light my fire" The Doors.

    My condolences on the drive over from wherever down 121. Take Mid-Cities Blvd by way of Glade if you want a bit of a change. If it is totally slammed on 820 it will get you there.

    Life before electricity: books, candlelight, cards, acoustic music and quite a few other activities. Had some epic 42 games in the dark with nothing more than a Coleman lantern. Bottles of booze, eating up the stuff in the freezer and dominoes all night. Good times.

    @RDP1 Elf is a class act. Might wear enough cologne to cause your eyes to water, but he said bye better than most. Will miss him.

    The Ticket: Been over this before. Compare it to a band, a restaurant or some other favored place or item that undergoes change. Those who were there in the beginning complain that "it isn't the same. It was better before." Those who never did like it point out that there are places they like better and that place sucked from the very beginning. Then there are those who still go there because even if it has changed it is still better than the alternatives. DFW sports listeners are mostly spoiled. We have it GOOD. Try listening to Houston for a while. Try some Austin. Try some San Antonio. If you are used to hearing a lively banter among frenemies and compadres you are likely to be disappointed. If you are not fond of hearing yet another dimwit spout off about the Cover 2 or why this player or that player is no better than a HS get my drift. Caller driven radio has all the appeal for me of listening to a drunken uncle rant about Japanese cars. See, if you don't want to read my comments here, you can scroll right past. I do on some of y'all. On the radio I have to sit and listen or punch out.
    I feel the same way about Cowboys press conferences. If I can possibly avoid another 30-60 minutes of obfuscation word salad sign me up. 90% of sports interviews are boring as hell. That is why Corby and Gordo interviews are fun. Random ass off the wall questions designed to make us laugh. It works. I do get breaking sports news from the Ticket. When something goes down on or off the field they are on it like stink on shit. When 9/11 went down they were capable of shifting gears and fulfilling that role as well. I'll quote Rhyner here (whose dead body is off of St.Augustine I think) "We can do what they can do, they can't do what we do."

    Marconi 2X. Winner winner chicken dinner.

    1. +5 Well said and as a former resident of San Antonio and Austin, I couldn't agree more. I pop over to Sirius 86 Mad Dog radio from time to time, the shows there do a pretty decent job of touching national sportsy stuff.

      Cowboys press conferences are the biggest waste of time and there's no one that says more cliche and coach speak than Garrett. At least with Parcells you'd get some vitriol.

    2. Ever hear Corby interview Shaq? See if you can find one online sometime and then tell me you prefer some spare sports talk guy asking him-AGAIN-about Kobe or Corby proposing some off wall hypothetical. Gordo and Nasty Nester-same thing.

  11. The ticket is more guy babble talk than sports talk in my if you want straight sports talk, the Fan or ESPN is still your best bet.

    One of 3 things will happen with the Cowboys vs Rams this Sun. They will either win in a squeaker, lose in a heartbreaker, or just get blown out of the water. The Cowboys generally play even with the competition (be it good or bad) or they just get destroyed. Honestly, can anyone remember the last time the Cowboys blew anyone out?? I can't.

    And for anyone who has some time to kill, I can't think of a better way to do so than downloading the first 5 seasons of Breaking Bad, and hunkering down to some of the best TV EVER!! I had never watched a single episode until a couple of weeks ago I decided to see what all the hoopla was about....WOW....2 weeks and 40 something episodes later I get it now....

    Good look with starting your own biz Richie, I had my own computer repair biz for 4 years and it finally whipped my ass so much, I just decided to get a job.....If things do work out for you, you might want to look at franchising because that is where the real money is.

    Finally, I have no love lost for Elf and Slater. I realize they were your friends and all, but strictly from a Texas born and bred (from Cedar Hill) point of view, they were an ass-whipping extraordinaire. Most of the DFW listeners (especially natives) don't want to hear some Yankee jew and his gravel voiced and abrasive female sidekick.

    Dave aka KOTT

    1. You had so much momentum going into your final paragraph and then you jerked the wheel hard right.

    2. To call Elf a "Yankee jew", makes you a Southern bigot.

    3. I don't get it....calling someone a "Yankee" is not being a bigot...for God's sake there is an entire team called the Yankees. As for mentioning Elf is a jew, he portrayed himself as such (with the constant yiddish talk).

      It's real popular these days to call someone a bigot just because you don't agree with what they say...something tells me you are probably under 40 y.o. and grew up in an age when political correctness was run amok and everyone was a "winner" and got a participation trophy.... Next time you want to call me out on something, you better think twice about it punk....

      Dave aka KOTT

    4. 61, retired and have grandkids.... And I suppose anyone who disagrees with you gets stereotyped and called a "punk". That said, you're still a bigot.

    5. If I'm a bigot than I guess you, sir, are a dumb ass (I was taught to respect my elders)

      And no... I do not call ANYONE ANYTHING just because I disagree with them....but I have been known to let fly on those that attack me first.

      Shame on you for calling me a bigot based on such a flimsy excuse... a man of your age should know better.

      Dave aka KOTT

    6. The FAN BLOWS!! I listen to Ben and Skin because Ben is a friend of mine but the rest of the station is terrible. They are forced to kiss the cowboys ass because of the fact that they are their station and it's annoying as balls. I love Ben and Skin but no one does less sports talk then they do. ESPN is unlistenable , I could care less about Mike and MIke, Cowherd is a douchebag. Durrett and Fitz are the worst show in the entire metroplex and Galloway has his head too far up Nolan Ryan's ass to do a good radio show.

      The Ticket gives you plenty of Sports Talk and the guys no what they are talking about. OBVIOUSLY doing sports 24/7 doesn't work SEE ESPN! 20 years on the air and 15 of which has seen no changes in a lineup save for Greggo and his coke problems tells you something.The freaking fan has gone through 15 lineup changes in 4 years for God Sakes. If you listen to any of the Ticket shows in their entirety you get more than enough sports.


    7. Pretty sure elf is from Houston...

    8. He was born in NY....and moved to TX before he graduated high school.... Still a Yankee....

    9. Elf was born in Houston, went to Hillcrest High School and graduated from UT.

    10. Thank you for clarifying Elf. A great dude. A good Texan.

    11. Yea, Elf never has lived outside of TX. Houston, then DFW. Jewish, yes. Yankee? No. Nice try, though...

  12. Hey Realdirty

    I am not alone in this opinion....many ppl on this blog thought that E&S was a weak show.... I am not saying I could do any better, I just think their show might have done better in a different (north and east of here) market. That's all.

    Dave aka KOTT

  13. Red Bull event is right outside my office. Setup looks sweet and Lake Carolyn is in middle of 'downtown' Las Colinas. 114/Riverside

  14. How's that?? He's a Yankee (from the North) and he is jewish.... It's overly sensative pricks like you that are the problem....

    Dave aka KOTT

  15. KTCK - cue tickethead dogpile in 5..4..3..2..

    Saban - if he says he's not interested in the job, there's at least a 75% chance he's seriously considering it. The only people who lie more than college coaches are baseball gm's.

    Title Nein - gotta be honest - never heard one on a sports station I thought actually brought something to the table. At the same time, I think that about a lot of guys on radio, too.

    Days before electricity - back then people had 9 kids per family. You have a hot fiance. Figure it out.

    Lake Carolyn - is that big pond over in Las Colinas. I believe it was named after developer Ben Carpenter's sister.

    Movies - you got off light. Try date night at the iPic in Allen. 2 people - $34 tickets; $70 booze and snacks.

    Girls night - pics or it never happened.

  16. The Ticket is "Guys in a bar". Plain and simple. It works.

  17. How many mass shootings have been stopped by card carrying members of the NRA or anybody carrying their own firearm?

    Dave aka KOTT - biggest asswhip of anybody that has ever commented on RW's blogs, whether it was the Obvserver, CBS or here.

    Daily Whitt's End - Page views were down. Kicking The Ticket in the balls? Page views were down. Gun Control talk (though I agree with RW)? Page views were down.

  18. Were you smart enought to open your windows last night RW?

  19. Once again, RW assumes that criminals will give up guns because their against the law. Wrong assumption and invalidates your whole argument.

    And I too will take my chances with some dude with a knife, etc., but I own guns. You?


    1. "they're" against the law before the grammar police show up.

    2. A background check makes it harder for criminals to get guns. That's the point people purposefully miss. A background check doesn't equate to a gun grab, which the extremist right/NRA is trying to get people to believe.

      A little common sense would do wonders for this country.

    3. First of all, you already have to submit to a background check to buy a gun. Not sure why liberals say you don't. Another fallacy. I know because I've bought plenty and done just that. Second of all, criminals don't buy their guns at Cabela's or Academy.

      A little common sense would be nice, you're right. But get your facts straight first.

      Secondly, if that's all whiny yuppies like RW wanted, fine. But he's of the opinion that guns should be outlawed, period. Or do I have it wrong, Richie?

    4. Reread the statement: "A background check makes it harder for criminals to get guns." Key word HARDER. Again, common sense. Also, it's not just "liberals" - minus the Tea Party freaks, many Republicans were for them too. I can't speak for RW, but I'm not a "liberal" (you folk say it like it's a bad thing though) and I'm certainly not a whiny yuppy.

      The argument of where they may or may not get guns is as ridiculous as the "well, why have laws because criminals are just gonna break them anyway!"

    5. Have to again speak to this goddamn lie about background checks. Going to the gun show right now. Every fucker in there buying from a vendor has to pass a background check. Every fucking one. Now private sales. Yeah. It's person to person. But got news for you. I've seen these guys who private sell. You want to make fun of rednecks and tea party people (of which I'm neither, just let other be themselves)? These people are not going to sell to anyone they feel is crazy, much less brown, black, yellow, with or without towel head, etc. This liberal idea that gun are proliferating via the absense of background checks is just a flat out lie. The ole "gun show loophole" that I hear peddled everyday. Whitt, head on down there and see for yourself. Open tomorrow as well. If you're going to comment so staunchly on a subject, how about a little perspective. Can't know what the coach is saying if you don't go to the locker room. Be interesting to see if you take me up.


    7. Anon: Again, Jesus dude. That propaganda map is for private sales. Again, is bullshit. It is not a GUNSHOW LOOPHOLE. It is a private sale. Just because it occurs at a gunshow is just liberal bullshit. And do you really know how many private sales really occur at a gunshow. Very, very, very few. Reasons? Sellers usually asking too much, gun is too old or used too much, and you have all the nice new guns ready for sale. Every buyer at a gunshow from a gun dealer has to pass a background check. It is NOT, again, NOT a gunshow loophole. Go peddle your lies elsewhere with your map.

    8. Go take your inability to comprehend facts elsewhere. I'm sorry that facts go against your purposefully misinformed opinions. Sucks to be you.

  20. The Ticket winning their 2nd Marconi in 2013 is like Al Pacino getting the Oscar for Scent of a Woman. Almost like a lifetime achievement award.

    In reality, I think the Ticket should have 5 or 6 Marconi awards but all before say 2005.

    It's decent but stale.

  21. Love reading your stuff Whitt! Even though I disagree with you on just about everything, I still read your stuff and would listen to you on radio because your arguments are thought out and intelligent. I hate listening to some of these overnight guys (Scott Farrell and J.T. The Brick) and even some local guys who believe their opinion is law and you're an idiot for not agreeing. Keep the good writing coming!

  22. DUDE, give up THE TICKET hate. you seem to be a good guys, a little on the doucy side but possibly a good guy. sorry greggo ruined you but the fan is just not that good.

  23. I just don't get the Fan's business model? How can you ever expect to increase or maintain ratings with constant change? It reminds me of the saying: "The beatings will continue until moral improves."

    I understand tweaking a show or two. Really they should have looked for another co-host for the Rage. It was obvious that Greggo was the issue, so everyone gets fired?

    Change the format if the format is not working, don't just dump show after show, expecting the next show will change the numbers. Make it Mexican Sports talk or Tejano music.

    I just know that the Dallas Cowboys channel should be able to put a better product than the pathetic shit they have now.

  24. Good point, but you also can't ride it out with Elf & Slater and Rage and expect to maintain ratings. No offense to those shows, but they didn't cater to a younger audience. The only way to get ratings is to change things up and go for a younger crowd that will grow with the station, just like The Ticket did.
