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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.24.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Big blow to the Cowboys' defense with Anthony Spencer needing microfracture knee surgery and likely being out for the year. Dallas is already without Jay Ratliff three more games and Tyrone Crawford suffered a season-ending injury early in training camp. I know new defensive line coach Rod Marinelli is working magic with the likes of George Selvie and Nick Hayden and Edgar Jones. But the Cowboys can't keep this up with only DeMarcus Ware and Jason Hatcher anchoring the front four. Can they?

   *My former radio partner needs help. Serious help. At least he's getting heart-felt advice from friend and former Ticket co-worker, Grubes. I don't take Greggo's calls or texts and I no longer follow him on Twitter, but couple of friends alerted me Sunday that he was attacking 105.3 The Fan's Mike Fisher. In attempting to harpoon Fisher's breaking news about Spencer not playing against the Rams, Greggo used words like "truth", "class", "integrity", "slimy" and "unethical." Laughable. Those criticisms coming from a guy with sub-freezing credibility. Those accusations coming from a guy who, among his litany of lies, skipped out on his RAGE teammates, fabricated stories about his own mother to miss work, and misstated his days of supposed sobriety on the air. Ring a bell? Sorry, but at this point anyone who believes Greggo's version of "just tellin' the truth" is simply stubborn, naive or as fucked up as he is. Greggo was once a radio icon in DFW. But these days he's nothing more than an alarmingly skinny 53-year-old habitual liar with a failed blog, banished to a life of irrelevance and Internet trolling with his days spent buying Heineken at Still On The Corner in Gainesville and picking nonsensical Twitter fights in a lame attempt to get people to notice him. It truly saddens me. We had some great times, made some good radio and I'll always have a special place in my heart for him. But I won't help Greggo until he finally decides to help himself.

   *See, that's the maddening thing about your Rangers. Monday night they used the worst team in baseball as their personal pinata with Alex Rios' cycle, 12 runs, a complete game by Derek Holland and lots of fireworks and fun for the whole family. 12-0. Can't help but be a tad frustrated that this team wins games 8-2 and 12-0, but can't scratch out a single tally in all those 1-0 defeats.

   *What do you mean your son almost drowned at the football camp of some Cowboys? Sounds to me like the players should almost pay you a bunch of money. Unless, that is, the kid suffered permanent physical damage. If so, prove it.

   *After shredding the Raiders on Monday Night Football, Broncos' quarterback Peyton Manning is on pace for 475 completions, 6,096 yards and 64 touchdowns. All would be NFL records.

   *Is it too early, or does DeMarco Murray's 175-yard rushing performance demand an apology from his critics? I discuss over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.




  1. I'm on your side about the whole Greggo issue. Don't blame you for being angry and not wanting to have anything to do with it but your doing the same things he is , your constantly throwing him under the bus , there is no reason to be posting in your blog that you know he is out buying beer in Gainesville. NONE what so ever. Move on , Rise above it all and quit running him down. Be the bigger person don't be like Greggo RIchie your better than that....


    1. Nope he's really not better than that. He knows a Greggo mention in his blog will get page clicks so...............

  2. Richie, I appreciate your blog and I enjoyed your expose' on the fall of RAGE. You told your side of the story to clear your name and I get that. need to let it go. I understand your resentment toward Greggo, but by continually bringing it up and your attempts to expose him, you are bringing yourself down to the level of the addict. In other words, you may consider getting some help as well. What Greggo does now should be of no concern of yours unless he is attacking you directly. Mike Fisher is a big boy and can take care of himself. Just some advice from someone who has been on both sides of the fence with dealings with an addict. I do love reading your blog and won't stop.

    1. I concur with your comment. Richie seems to be cross between a bitter old man and a gossipy teenage girl when I read his commentary about his former partner. Bill2455

    2. For all you Greggo apologists and sympathizers, read this from someone not affiliated with this blog. And try reading his Twitter feed. The operative word is try.

    3. @ anon 11:15 Whitt just posted the very same thing but thanks Chief.

    4. For the record, I despise twitters such as the one you linked. This POS that sent it our was self-congratulating himself using another's tribulations how "caring" he is for his mentor and friend that helped him. Hey POS, if you care for the man, go help him. Go sit down with him, talk with him. Take a few hours and drive out there. Or write a letter, call him on the phone, but do things in private; do a good deed without everyone knowing. This twitter was just a "look at me I am sensitive; I tried to help, I am such a good guy." After done tweeting, he can wash his hands of the situation, and move on to the next "good cause." Words mean nothing, actions matter. How very shallow. What a maroon. Bill2455

    5. Bill - When you say words mean nothing it might help to realize that yours, in fact, don't mean anything either, you "maroon." God, your such a beating.

    6. Anon 12:37 do you really think that is a "gotcha?" Your logic is nearly as good as your grammar. Context matters, my dull-witted critic, context matters.

    7. @anon 11:47...Richie can't do a good deed in private.. remember the make a wish boy to Hawaii? He bragged about about that one for days.
      It's all about Richie!

    8. For clarity, I do not directly blame the tweet today on Richie, I put the blame on the POS that tweeted it in the first place. Richie I peripherally blame for linking it onto his web site. Bill2455

    9. Wait, so you want people, anyone that has known and been close to Greg to have to go take care of a 53 year old man? Do you know who Grubes is?

    10. Don't know this Grube-person at all. And based on his little tweet, I have no desire to ever know him. He was the one that posted about their mentoring and close friendship and then embarrassed Greg publicly. In my world, one does not do that to a friend. You want to a have a frank talk and advise a friend, you do it like a man and as a friend personally and privately. If you are unwilling to do that, then keep your mouth shut and your fingers off the keyboard. So to answer your question do I expect anyone who had know or had been close to take care of this 53- year old man? No that is absurd. On the other hand would I ever publicly humiliate someone I call a friend? Never. This Grube-person committed a betrayal of the worst kind. Bill2455

    11. Your parents betrayed the world by conceiving you, Bill2455.

    12. Anon5:59 I am certain in your world of sloth and shame, dignity and integrity is a betrayal. We agree to your conclusion Bill2455.

    13. No, I just don't like know it all folk who think their shit doesn't stink. You're a hypocritical little bitch. That's all. Nothing more.

    14. Oh ouch, your well-crafted rhetoric has devastated me.

  3. Ok, Richie mentioned 2 out of the 3 things to get people to be all over this post. Greggo and Breaking Bad. Only thing missing is the Ticket. Good Job Whitt. You know how your bread gets buttered!

  4. Cue Greggo apologists and sycophants in 5..4..3..2..

    1. hurahhhh richiez a faggit lololololol.

      In all seriousness. I hope he(Greggo) gets well, and Richie stops mentioning him. I completely understand how Richie feels about Greggo, but Richie has to move on. The best revenge he could get, is to "live well." And constantly bashing Greggo is not a good look. That said, if Greggo does decide to get his life together, hopefully Richie can help him, and not throw it back in his face. This addiction business is so destructive, but so is the resentment business.

  5. So Greggo got drunk Saturday and started running his mouth on Twitter - Big deal!

  6. Here we go again. I am convinced the only reason you bring Greggo up is to rile up the trolls like me. Greggo is fucked up!!!! Is that really news man?? Seriously?? He hasn't post on his blog since Sep 4th. When he does post on his blog, it is generally off-putting if not completely incoherent. He probably is on something. But the question to be answered here is... is it any of your business now that RAGE is no more?? You might have had a reason to be concerned when he was your radio partner, but now, you just need to let him be. By constantly bringing him up, you sound trite and petty. So for the sake of the people who are Greggo fans and also enjoy your blog, can you please let the man be??

    Dave aka KOTT

    1. Personally, I find great entertainment in watching him work you, and all the rest of the Greggo butt-kissers, into a lather...

  7. As KOTT (King of the Trolls) I would like to challenge any and all Greggo sympathizers to stop giving RW what he wants. The next time he mentions Greggo for ANY reason, please do not reply on the post. By feeding the monster, we will continue getting more of the same.

    Dave aka KOTT

    1. Dave, you're a strange bird. Just the other day you were making it your life's mission to get me to admit Greggo wasn't to blame for the downfall of RAGE? Now you're suddenly doing an about-face and calling for a Greggo gag order?

    2. Dude. The self-annointed "king of the trolls" schtick is already tired and worn.

    3. So is your commentary Rooster...but that doesn't seem to stop you.

      Dave aka KOTT

    4. You're right RW.... I have given up on my "life's mission"... I finally figured out that you will NEVER give Greggo the credit for being the primary talent of RAGE, and will always give him 100% of the blame for the breakup. With that said, you just have to let things go sometimes.....(some advice you should consider)

      Dave aka KOTT

    5. Uh...your KOTT crap is fucking really should stop. Nobody gives a shit about your made up nickname.

    6. Dave is the kinda guy who goes down on a chick... Then goes to work the next day without washing his face...

    7. Hey can blow me while I'm doing your sister and your mom watches.....


    8. Uh, sure...if that's what floats your boat. Doesn't discount the fact your KOTT shtick is gay as fuck.

    9. I am under the assumption that Dave(KOTT), is fat. And not the "still gets laid kind." More like, "lives in Mom's garage even though he's 49 kind of fat."

    10. I am under the assumption that Dave(KOTT), is fat. And not the "still gets laid kind." More like, "lives in Mom's garage even though he's 49 kind of fat."

  8. Mike Fisher is a friend of mine. I defend my friends. Appreciate the psycho-analysis, but that's really what prompted this and that's as deep as it goes. If Greggo gets drunk/high and trashes his Porsche, so be it. You won't read it here. But if he attempts to trash me or those I respect, I have the right and the obligation to retort. Thanks.

    1. Greggo has a Porshe??

    2. Look Richie, I hear what you are saying, but we both know (as you have stated) you don't give a rat's ass about Greggo or anything associated with Greggo. You mention Greggo to get people riled up, because riled up people tend to increase the hits on your blog. Hits on your blog increase your revenue for advertising. And until you become rich selling pizza and beer or get another top notch gig in radio, you need all the cash you can get.... so carry on....

      Dave aka KOTT

    3. But you don't have to defend your friends...they can defend themselves if they so choose. You tell Fisher, and Fish can respond. By you defending, with your past with just sounds petty. And not psycho-analyzing...just pointing it out the way it looks. I am not a Greggo apologist either. At this rate, he will either die choking on his own vomit, or wrapping that Porsche around a telephone pole or worse (be taking innocents with him.)

    4. Do you work Dave? Damn I want your schedule.

    5. seriously guys, take this shit to twitter. Then at least I won't have to read it on here.

  9. RW...I'm a past middle aged white guy with grown children. I offer that information so you'll know that I'm not some teenager or know-nothing "troll".. Please stop mentioning Greggo on this blog. It diminishes you and your work. You don't keep us up to date on the comings and goings of your ex-wife and you should take the same path here. If you goal is to increase page hits, then say so. Otherwise, it comes off as petty and small. As the great Don Henley wrote and sang, "you keep carrying around that anger, it'll eat you up inside"

    1. @beevomav...
      Gerald..he was responding to Greggo going off on Fish, and for no reason. He's not eaten up and as for talking of GW's drinking, if he would quit telling anyone that listens how sober he is and has been, then maybe RW would stop.
      More like he is exposing the lies than coming apart at the seams?

    2. Greggo mentions = Page views = revenue.

  10. I think that Greggo is the principal owner of Pizza Buzz and they are both getting the last laugh.

  11. @beevomav
    I believe I was one of the first to call Greggo out for attacking Fish. It was obvious that he was under some kind of intoxicant? He responded by telling me that I didn't know the real Fish
    Funny because I have had several conversations with Fish and have been a paying member of DB.Com since the beginning. I have never read or heard Fish go after anyone. Well maybe Skip Bayless, but that doesn't count.

  12. Richie people don't like it when you bring up Greggo, because we don't want to see you stoop to his level. There is no need to defend anyone from his attacks because no one believes him.

    1. David, I want some of that stuff you're smokin! "stoop to his level" Are you serious? Short briches Richie would have to climb a ladder, then step on his tippy-toes, to even be able to reach up and nibble on Greggo's foot corns! There is no bigger [yet, no talent] self consumed-whore than Richie!

    2. If you hate him so much why do you read his blog? The opposite of love is not hate it is indifference. Hate and love are actually similar in that you have a strong emotional reaction to someone. You are obviously not indifferent to Richie. So...... just saying.

  13. Not sure which is sadder....Greggo's addiction and denial, or Richie's incessant need to feel relevant. Both act like superficial little girls.

    1. Okay, I'm not relevant. Remind me again why you're here?

  14. Trust me, if Greggo hadn't publicized his unprovoked attacked on Fish you wouldn't be reading his name in my blog this week. Unless Dave brought it up. Which he would've.

    1. Gee I must be doing something right...I got mentioned!!!!!
      You know Richie, you could probably put all this to bed if you really wanted to, but like I and others have noticed, you don't want it to go away. You thrive off of the chaos....and your blog gets more hits because of it. I am no longer gonna play your games RW. So you can just stop mentioning me in regards to Greggo.


    2. So let me see if I have this straight...the guy who calls himself "king of the trolls" is no longer going to "play the game" that he started.

      Right. Got it.

  15. I don't care if Whitt calls Willaims a big pile of steaming elephant shit sprinkled with meth, it's his blog. He can put whatever the fuck he wants. And the beauty of all of this? You don't have to come here and read his words. So as far as I see it, you guys are the dipshits proving you're no different than idiots calling for sensorship/content change when all you have to do is click to another page.

  16. Always thought the first rule of holes was that when you were in one you quit digging. GW doesn't seem to have grasped that yet. I'd like to think that Grubes might have some impact on him, but I ain't holding my breath. Times like these that line from the Dead seems fitting. Or Neil Young. A damn shame.

  17. LMAO at "big steaming pile of elephant shit sprinkled with meth".

  18. Hey Richie, can you do an expose on how Newy was fired from 105.3 the fan after you dumped him for the greener pastures of radio fame and fortune with former highly successful host of The Hardline? That would be an awesome read. Thanks and peace be with you.

    1. Wow. Richie Whitt did the hiring and firing at 105.3. Who knew?

  19. I have admit, I love reading this stuff! It's hilarious! Greggo still stirs the flames, even after being off Hardline for 6 years! I would love to see the comments or any real concern, if say, Corby got fired. Comments would peter out after about 24, and never return. Greggo was the real draw on that show, and the ONLY draw on that RaGE circus!

    1. LOL...maybe I meant "fan the flames"..

  20. Richie Twit still won't let go of Greggo....Lolzz
