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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.25.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Death. Taxes. Jerry Jones hyperbole. You can always count on the Cowboys owner to get carried away at the tiniest glimpse of positivity from his squad. In the wake of Cowboys 31, Rams 7 he actually said of his defense, "I can't recall when I've seen us play better. Ever." Ever? C'mon Jerry. Ever? I know you'll turn 71 on Oct. 13 but in 1992 your No. 1-ranked defense helped win a Super Bowl. And it wasn't that long ago - 2009 - that your defense recorded back-to-back shutouts to end the regular season and then won a playoff game. Ever?

   *Thanks again to the Houston Astros for being so neighborly (and sucky) in 2013. The Rangers are 16-2 against them, and 70-69 against everyone else.

   *Before the dust settled on 105.3 The Fan's firing of Elf & Slater last week I heard a weird rumor that GBag Nation would only temporarily land on the 10 a.m.-2 p.m. slot en route to permanently switching time slots with afternooners Ben and Skin. Couldn't confirm it, so I didn't write it. But somebody who might know thinks it's a "done deal." Gregg Henson - one of the original G's in GBag Nation when he worked alongside Gavin Dawson in 2009-10 - says on his Twitter (@GreggHenson) that the switch will happen. This week. Believe it when I hear it.

   *Two things: 1. This Carissa Loethen chick is hot; 2. This naked haunted house idea is cool. What, too chicken?

   *For a wrinkly, old, white dude, David Stern has always been a progressive, hip commissioner. But the NBA is missing the point allowing nicknames on the backs of Heat and Nets' jerseys for selected games in 2014. Instead of LeBron James, for example, you'll see "King James." And instead of Ray Allen you'll get "Jesus Shuttlesworth." Hey, wait a minute. Not only is it a bad me-before-team idea, it's a horrible execution of a bad me-before-team idea. Jesus Shuttlesworth isn't a nickname, but a character from the movie He Got Game. I'm all for better nicknames than just the lazy first-letter-of-the-first-name-and-last-name (D-Wade, T-Rich, D-Ware, etc.), but with this move the NBA will take a step toward becoming The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh. Comforting thing about the notion is the flashy nickname Dirk Nowitzki would demand on the back of his jersey: "Nowitzki".

   *Even without their best defensive player from 2012, the Cowboys have options along the front four. Who and what the what? Over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.



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  1. +1 on Carissa Loethen. That girl is smoking hot

  2. Richie,
    Thanks for getting an early edition out today, now I can move forward to the rest of my day.
    Not surprising about the rumor of the G-bag Nation moving to radio "Prime Time" at first wasn't sure about their 10-2 move but after a few days & the addition of Mike Bacsik the show has become better than I ever expected.

  3. Don't get mad Richie, but Choppy did a quick spoof on you and M. Fisher this morning. Good clean fun

    1. I heard it too. It was that Mickey Fisher bit they do. It actually a pretty good bit

    2. Choppy's good people. Him and Shan can poke me whenever they want. Wait, what?

    3. Surely you saw Chop senior twerking on the web? I still haven't recovered.

      BTW: I hate that word...twerk.

  4. Jerrah - I stopped listening to him years ago. For the life of me I don't understand why anyone could possibly care what he as to say.

    Mavs - Meh. Looks the same as last year. Still trying to find a reason to care.

    Gbag > B&S

  5. Gbag could be interesting drive time radio competition

  6. *Ya know, not all of life's problems can be solved by simpleton strategies like "Put your big boy pants on", "Man up" and "Git 'R Done." I know nuances, subtleties and shades of gray are murky, scary terrain for shallow folks, but sometimes it takes a little deep thinking, clever strategy and pro-active foresight to hit life's curveballs. It helps to have more than just a Neanderthal Plan A when dealing with a quandary."

    RW, that might be the wisest thing you've ever written. I mean it. Now do yourself a favor and follow your own sage advice before putting forth some of your more shallow statements.

  7. Carissa, what a wonky set of bolt ons. Pass.

  8. The smartest character ever, Richie? You're on a trolling spree with that damned television show. I'm pretty sure Russell Crowe's Nash from A Beautiful Mind was legitimately smarter. There are also Jeff Goldblum's characters from The Fly, Jurassic Park, Independence Day, L&O: Criminal Intent, etc.

    Don't jinx Romo by bashing his haters. Romo is one five-turnover day away from bringing his stats back to the middle of the pack.

    I completely agree about simple sayings. In another life, I had leaders that would always respond to questions with commands like, "adapt and overcome" or "just make it happen." I always wanted to counter with, "So what you're saying is you don't know what to do, either."

    You're right about Shaq, Richie. He once called them the Sacramento Queens, and now he's a minority owner. In Dallas, that would be like someone dancing on the star at midfield and then later being signed to the team.

  9. uh...terrell owens did just that in 2006.

  10. I was skeptical of Gbag being successful moving from the 6pm slot, but after listening to their show with the full time addition of Bascik, I'm all in on it, except when BaD comes on at 12. Wow, what could have been. Imagine if BaD would have made the jump. As a P1, I know it's possible heresy, but give me Gbag over the Hard Line in drive time. Maybe it's a generational thing, I can't see the "older" crowd being into Gbag as much, but as one demographic gets older more are added to the younger, right? I'm not sold on the PPM measurement process and fluctuation. It's hard to find articles about it which shocks me, I'd think there'd be someone that would have an opinion on it in an article that isn't 2+ years old.

  11. Again, regarding Romo haters. It's not that people hate Romo. He just seems to ALWAYS find a way to fuck it up when it counts the most. No one doubts his numbers, just his ability to seal the deal.

    1. He has the best QB rating in the fourth quarter. What other possible stat do you want?

    2. Hmmmm playoff wins? Conference championships? Superbowls? Just a few I can think of...

  12. Whitt's trolling for a living. Dallas Observer style. Don't you, as he puts it, fools see? He's not dumb. It's a Skip Bayless-Screamin' A world out there. Mr. W wantsta get paid. And he knows his bread and butter and easy microwave dinners. He knows how to drive you dip shits nuts. Doesn't matter if he actually believes what he writes. Easy pickings, you are all. He also wansta say and agree with, publicly, whatever his younger by 2x digits fiancé and her friends go in for. Again, the dude's no dummy. So wise up, passionate commenters.
