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Thursday, September 26, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.26.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *"We know that once (Tony Romo's) rattled and what not, it’s easy to take him out of the game.” - Corey Liuget, defensive end for the NFL's 32nd-ranked unit. The Chargers - Dallas' Sunday opponent - are the only team to surrender 1,000 yards passing through three weeks. In other words, seems like a good week for Liuget to shut his pie hole and fix what is broken in his own trailer.

   *Fitting that with Josh Hamilton in the yard tonight the non-"baseball town" of Arlington will welcome its 3,000,000th fan into Rangers Ballpark. Rangers average about 1,800 more fans per game than the Angels. Said Hamilton of his team's four-game season-ending series against his old team: "Sure we'd like to (knock them out of the playoffs) and silence their crowd."

   *At the Valero on I-35W just north of downtown Fort Worth the price of gas is ... $2.99. Where are all those doomsdayers who predicted Obama's incompetence would push gas over $5 a gallon? Enjoying low gas prices at the pump, that's where.

   *Toldja earlier this week that Randy Galloway's days at 103.3 FM ESPN were numbered. Think you could fill his iconic boots? The job apparently is already open. Good luck!

   *More fragile: Those silky spider webs suddenly floating in our skies or Miles Austin's hamstrings?



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  1. Yeah, we've all enjoyed the near 4 dollar gas instead of the buck sixty somethin average of the oppressive Bush years. This admins miserable energy policy has cost my family 10's of thousands of dollars since he took office. But hey, YAY! Let's celebrate that some station is doing 2.99! It'll be back at 4 dollars when Holiday travel hit.

    1. Yes, exactly! Let's celebrate the fact that it's under $3 instead of predicting/dreading the day it might go back up to $4. Don't let your stubborn politics keep you from being happy, man. Or are you simply one of those Cowboys fans who pollutes every win with "Doesn't matter 'cuz Jerry sucks and they won't win the Super Bowl."? What a downer existence.

    2. Anyone remember that gas was a low as 89 cents a gallon during the CLINTON administration? Here's the person to blame for our gas prices: PHIL GRAMM. it was the law he pushed in 2000 that stripped the futures market of all its regulations, allowing speculators to take over the market for the first time in almost 70 years and create a dangerous middleman between suppliers and vendors, artificially inflating oil prices so the middlemen can make money buying and reselling. THAT'S why our oil prices have skyrocketed and been in constant flux since the turn of the century.

    3. Also Phil Gramm and his cunt wife Wendy Gramm(she totally deserves the "C" word), are basically responsible for the economic downturn. This shit started when she worked for ENRON, which was the largest corporate supporter of Dubya. Despite all of this, it's clearly Barrack Osama's fault that gas is expensive, and that I have a shitty life...right?

  2. This article is a bit out dated, but:
    According to EIA data, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States was $1.838 on Jan. 19, 2009--the day before Obama took office. As of Monday, Feb. 11, 2013, the per-gallon price had risen to an average of $3.611--an increase of 96 percent. - See more at: don't give him a pass either.

    1. Check the prices of gas six months prior to that date. It was MUCH higher then as it was the entire time GWB was in office. The Bush family are always looking to line the pockets of their oil buddies. Check into the Ray Hunt deal. Pure thievery.

  3. I hear Galloway will be out at the end of next week and as he would say " STOP YOUR OBAMA NECK NUZZLING!"

  4. Let a year or two of small business ownership hit him. He will learn pres obama is not the friend of business owners.

    1. Exactly - It's Obama's fault that it's taken so long to open this damn pizza place.

    2. Exactly. If they open another location or two and go over 50 employees, will he provide health insurance to all his employees, or will he cut everyone's hours below the minimum to keep it from happening?

      After he realizes his competitors have done just that, and as a result he can't raise prices enough to provide health insurance and turn a profit, will he let his beliefs get in the way of turning a profit? If he chooses to lose money route, will his partners crucify him for even mentioning the idea?

      Economic reality has a way of keeping many folks honest with themselves about their politics.

    3. I find RW more than a little snarky calling Senator Ted Cruz's filibuster fraudulent....when the entire speech was about a fraudulent program. RW says he is embarrassed; doesn't explain why, that's just a little journalism trick used so the writer need not provide facts. A word to the wise, tricks like that just reflect laziness and poor journalism. Bill2455

    4. And then there's fucking Bill regurgitating false extremist views. There's NOTHING fraudulent about Obamacare. Can't speak for RW, but here's why Cruz embarrasses me: He's selling shit he doesn't even believe in and dipshits like you are buying it. Fucking idiot.

    5. Anon1236. PT Barnum looks down and laughs at you. Yes, he was right. By the way, can I direct you to a dictionary or a thesaurus? You seem to be challenged in thinking of adjectives and adverbs. Of course, if the purpose of your postings are to reinforce caricatures... well done! Bill2455

    6. Bill, may I direct you to the nearest oncoming train so that you do us all a favor and jump in front of it? Please? You think you're being witty and all you're doing is proving how big of a piece shit you are.

    7. Anon227. Your force me to repeat myself as you show yourself to be such a liberal Proglodyte. You are straight out of the book of how a liberal responds to statements to which they disagree:

      1. Call your adversary names. then.
      2. Tell them shut up. then.
      3. Tell them to leave then.
      4. Tell them to die.

      So predictable, and so small. Personally, I get great satisfaction reading your words. It shows me how your blood pressure is rising. Try not to drink and drive tonight. By the way, your grammar is improving. Well done. Bill2455

    8. Richie didn't build Pizza Buzz...the roads and bridges built it for him...

  5. Gas went down because there weren't any Hurricane's this season to screw with Gulf Oil production. The President has zero to do with Gas Prices going up or down, unless they change the Tax rate on them.

  6. Actually Ted Cruz is an American. Born to an American mother, which counts. That's why the birther movement was so stupid, because if you ever actually dive into the Constitution, you'd know that being born to an American makes you an American no matter where you were born. Check it out.

  7. Economics and politics - normally not the strongpoint of most sportswriters.

    Josh Hamilton - Trying to care what he thinks...Trying to care what he thinks...Nope...Not feeling it.

    Manning family - right there with you. Gosh. You really just can't have enough Cooper Manning interviews.

  8. *Gonna laugh when Romo torches that 32nd ranked defense on Sunday.

    *It'd be sweet if beating Hamilton and the Angels got us in the playoffs. C'mon Indians, suck!

    *The Dez Bryant fine is ridiculous. He's not slashing his throat to say he's going to murder families. It's a gesture of "it's over!". What a specific fine, too. $7,875?

    *I'm with ya on the merging situation. Everyday on I-30 to Arlington, I gotta deal with it. It's maddening.

    *I've always kinda enjoyed Scott Van Pelt. One of the few ESPN guys I can handle.


  9. Congrats to Jamie Newberg.

    The gold standard for Metroplex sports writers.

    1. Awards that the DO give out don't mean squadoosh. It's just one person's opinion. Jub Jub always jokes that the winners get chosen by blindly throwing a dart at a dartboard.

      With that being said, I think I am in the minortiy by the sound of it, but I just really don't enjoy Jamie's writing style. I think it's terrible actually. His research is good though. Also, he comes across as a big prick on twitter.

    2. I stopped following Jamey on Twitter a long time ago. He's always right and he's a condescending douche. I do like his Newberg Report though.

    3. As the guy who used to be the 1-man committee on the Observer's Best Of sports awards ... well, you know.

  10. The Pres deserves neither blame or credit about gas prices. Just like he has no impact on the cost of a pair of Nike shoes. Oil companies and speculators drive the price up based on total "bullshit" ideas. Don't get why it's such a big deal about the Galloway job posting. He announced he'd by gone by year's end, at the latest. If any company knows a key piece of the puzzle is leaving, don't they post the opening prior to the job actually being vacated? I think that's called planning ahead. I thought the constitution called for the POTUS to be a "natural" born citizen, not just have an American parent. Canada doesn't qualify as "natural born" to me. The whole thing makes Republican "birthers" look like the flaming jackasses that they are. Obama had a white mother from Kansas, but he didn't qualify. Ted 'I had a fire on my face and put it out with an icepick" Cruz has a commie dad and a white mom and he's okay. Hmmmmmm...

  11. -I'm going to leave political commentary to the other commenters, let's tap the brakes on the gas thing though. If that's one of the only ways you measure political success, what the what? Gas still jumps during the summer and before holidays, doubt he has much to do with that but it costs me almost twice as much to fill up from when Bush was office versus now.

    -In regards to that double white line, there's a little give and take there. Do I respect the person that crosses it to get into a space where they fit or do I get pissed at the person that drives to the very very very end and then slows everyone down because they could have cut in earlier? Or am I more annoyed at the people that exit and then get right back on to try to get past 10 cars that were in front of them? There's no ticket for that but I see it just about every day when I'm getting on 190.

    -Ted Cruz--makes you ashamed to be an American? His fauxbuster wasn't even to block a vote. I'm no Tea Partier, but if you're only going with your traditional political parties then we all lose. Ashamed to be American because a guy talked in senate for 22 hours? There are much bigger things than this happening in Washington that should make you ashamed.

  12. If this is a baseball town, why is your first story about the Cowboys? Just wondering.

  13. Ted Cruz was fighting for what his constituents want. Isn't that the job of any elected official?? So blame him for doing his job if you want, I congradulate him.

    I think the Rangers need to win at least 3 of 4 to have any chance at the playoffs. Hoping for the best, but expecting nothing.

    The Cowboys will not blow out two opponents in a row. The 24 point margin was their lagest margin of victory in almost 2 years. With that said, I suspect they will be back to the win by a squeaker or lose in a heartbreaker mode this week.

    Where's Greggo?


    1. You're right Dave, his constituents make me embarrassed to be an American, too.

    2. You're a real piece of work, Whitt. Nothing like insulting more than half of those who peruse your blog. There are plenty of very valid and real reasons why people think this administration and the ACA is a loser. I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because you wouldn't understand it anyway. Perhaps you will figure it out as you enter the business world.

      I'm more than happy and actually take a little pride in being an embarrassment to you. You, on the other hand, are nothing more than an embarrassment to yourself. There's a reason The Fan did what they did....and it wasn't all because of Greggo. Comments like the one above are a good indicator. Nice work.

      I'm done here.

    3. I'm with JC on this one Whitt. You're being a douchebag. Seriously rethinking my visit(s) to your site now. It's okay to have opposing views, but to be "embarrassed" of said views? Seems shallow and self-serving. And you need to be very honest with your readership and your view of the American dream. Please let us know exactly what level of benefits you're providing to your employees and the number of hours they're working at PB. If you're running a crew of part-timers at minimum wage with no benefits than you are the epitome of hypocrite.

  14. I enjoy your blog mr. Whitt. But agree with Cruz or not a politician putting up a fight for what his constituents want instead of what is going to line his pockets and help corporations should make you proud not ashamed.

  15. Wow.....celebrating $3 gas? RW, you must have been positively giddy when it was $1.75, oh, say, roughly five years ago.

    "Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe."
    - Obama administration former energy secretary Steven Chu in a September '08 interview with the Wall Street Journal.

  16. Oh the irony of that Cruz filibuster to try and kill the ACA. Note to politicians: you want to grandstand against something that hasn't even been enacted yet? Don't quote Dr Seuus' Green Eggs and Ham, which even a five year old will tell you is about NOT KNOCKING SOMETHING UNTIL YOU'VE TRIED IT.

    1. A centrally planned economy/health care system has been tried. Lots of times. A little world history will show you the outcome.

    2. I think a centrally planned healthcare system has worked pretty well for the folks in Germany, Canada, Japan, Sweden, England etc. (you, know, all the OTHER industrialized nations in the world).

    3. We are the only advanced nation that doesn't have a national health plan. Not because it doesn't make sense, but because people profit from it. We are nation ruled by the 1 Percenters. Rigged healthcare and fuel prices. Rigged EVERYTHING.

    4. Short term could work. Long term sustainability not so much. look at those same countries economies.....also didnt realize profit was such a bad thing. Profit is what fuels r&d that brings us advances medicine... Didnt realize so many marxists visted this blog.

  17. Enjoy your work, Richie. However, I've come to learn politically you are a flaming liberal. ;)

    Gas prices aside (which will go back up), have you checked the rising cost of just about everything else under our President? Consumer goods for starters. I've voted for both Republican and Democratic Presidents. Our current President is by far the worst in many ways and it has NOTHING to do with his skin color.

    1. I don't know if I'm a liberal, flaming or otherwise. My only point was that I'm happy gas is under $3 in Fort Worth and that it seems silly that some critics of Obama predicted $5 gas. That is all.

    2. Please RW, the USA extends beyond the Fort Worth border. Gas has been at the $5 level several times over the last few years in California. (as recently as February not really the travel season) That is all.

    3. Definitely not a liberal but certainly a left wing screwball. :) Liberals are not combative or mocking of people with viewpoints different than theirs. As a former co-worker of yours used to say " look it up"

  18. I like the Manning family story.....actually a little refreshing amongst all the other off-the-field stories, wife/girlfriend beatings, DUIs, drug possession. Think about it.....three top-notch NFL quarterbacks in two generations in one family who all lived under the same roof for years. Pretty amazing....and like the sense of family and the fact that they all seem to be pretty good guys to boot. But alas, RW, you don't have to watch.

    And who'd have thought five years ago or more that anyone would be elated at the prospect of $3 gas? Looks like the expectations of some have been affected as designed. At least some of them have......

  19. I like WHITT`S but I would prefer more of your longer in depth articles that show your true skills. I. THINK you are getting lazy.

  20. Hes built a pretty good little gig here. he gave you a little bit of content in the beginning, then ran out of steam so he basically regurgitates everything he takes in news wise from twitter and ESPN and calls it whitts end. not forgetting to say something about every other paragraph that will piss 99% of Texans off and at the same time keep ya comin back and increasing his hits.

    well played rich

    1. +100 Getting really close to done here. I quit political radio years ago to go to sports radio. Loved the camaraderie (or at least the appearance of it). This blog seems to be a piss everyone off party to get more hits. Like a lot of people I look for hope and occasional joy in my sports teams. Life is full of enough stress. I come here looking for local sports content and conversation, not divisive political bullshit. It's getting really old, really fast. I'm sure the hits are coming but eventually your true fans will get tired of it all and leave. In the end, what matters the most?

  21. Kevin, you couldn't be more wrong. I posted on here before, we always averaged 4 gallons of gas per hour minimum wage ratio, until Bush's second term. Bush took office in 2000, gas was $1.45, in 2008, it reached $4.20 per gall. Check the profits Exxon-Mobil made in 2006. The President and the government most certainly can influence gas prices. After Bush let the oil companies gouge us his final 3 years, there was NO getting gas prices back to normal. Gas was $1.65 when hurricane Christmas [as Republican run oil companies like to call it] hit New Orleans, and never came back down. Of course everything has gone up! Gone up because of the fucking high gas prices. Any idiot that wants to equal our gas prices to that of Europe is too stupid to tie his own shoe. Europe doesn't have our trucking industry. I agree with you on one thing, this so called "lower gas price" [when it should really be $1.89] will last about...hmmm...maybe two weeks at best, then it's back to the Republican run oil companies makin them some George Bush loot!

    1. Anonymous, you've posted this non-sense here before and it was wrong then. In fact, it's so wrong it's hardly worth the time to respond because it sounds like you're either completely delusional or trolling. Through almost all of the 80s (and in large part due to inflated energy prices resulting from the horrendous middle East policies of Democrat President Carter), minimum wage was $3.35 and gas was in the 1.25-1.50 range, no where near 1/4 min wage. That did change in "86 when gas prices tumbled below $1, but that was short term.

  22. Richie-

    If you really were worth a damn in radio, why isn't Cumulus courting you to replace Galloway?

    1. How do you know they aren't?

      Are they courting you?

      I ask that because by this comment alone you seem to have an unlimited amount of talent and knowledge.

    2. I hope they are. Id like to hear RW back on the air.

  23. I enjoy most of the writing here and particularly the "inside" on the radio business. I've tolerated the left-wing jabs, but much like with Peter King, there is a tipping point. I'm checking out for good. John Brinegar.

  24. anon10:39....I said "averaged"! Don't you know what that means? When gas was cheap, at times you could get 5 or 6 gall for min wage. If gas was high at the time, maybe 3 or 31/2 gallons. Bush and Chaney opened the doors for the long waiting oil companies. If you're that naive....carry on. The Republican managed oil companies loves ya!
