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Monday, September 30, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.30.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Rangers win! Cowboys lose!! Let's keep it simple today.

   *Chargers 30, Cowboys 21: My Top 10 Whitty Comments are over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *I admit, I didn't think the Rangers would be playing baseball tonight. Thought they were done after Sept. 22's kick-to-the-crotch loss in Kansas City via Grand Slam in extra innings. Give 'em credit. I know they played the putrid Astros and Angels, but they won seven consecutive elimination games to end the season. Impressive.

   *So did the Rangers make the playoffs? They're kind of in Purgatory, the gray space between success and failure. Tonight at 7 on TBS they'll play Game 163, and all the statistics will count toward the regular season. But Nelson Cruz will be back and it's a do-or-die game, so it must be the post-season. Right?

   *When Bruce Carter and Morris Claiborne get benched, it's hard to blame the Cowboys' coaching staff. Neither of those highly-touted guys are making plays, and Monte Kiffin is attempting to fix what is surprisingly broken.

   *David Price vs. Martin Perez. Tampa's veteran ace vs. Texas' 22-year-old rookie that has made only 25 career starts, 0 in the post-season. Seems like a mismatch, but Price is 1-7 all-time against the Rangers with a 5.57 ERA and 1-2 with a 10.26 ERA in four starts in Arlington. Also in the Rangers' favor, home teams are 5-1 in Tiebreaker Play-In Games since '95.



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  1. I CANT BELIEVE IT ANOTHER GREGGO DIG!!! I don't even like the guy and I think you got screwed over royally but for the love of god. LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take the high road Richie don't act like Greggo does.


    1. It's almost amazing how easily he draws the weak minded offsides...

    2. And just like clockwork you are here to comment about it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Must be Greggo's fat ass gf always raising hell when any mere thought of him comes up..... Shit is getting old and worn out, like Greggo's fans...

    5. I don't have the faintest idea of what you speak of.

    6. "Of what you speak of", huh??

  2. Stop the debate about Nellie being in the lineup? I've seen no debate. More of a will he be in the field, where he'll bat type thing. Certainly no debate - at least from what I've seen.

  3. Thoughts on the Rangers.

    I thought they needed to win 3 out of 4 against the Angels to make the playoffs, but turns out they needed all 4 to "sort-of" make the playoffs. They have to win 2 more games before they are in an actual series.....Don't get me wrong I love the Rangers, but I just don't see them making it to a series.

    Josh Hamilton tipping his cap to the fans.....what an idiot. If he had just kept his mouth shut when he left instead of spouting off about DFW not being a "baseball town" he might still have the respect of at least some of the fans....not so. He left for greener pastures and promptly stepped in the manure.

    Thoughts on the Cowboys.

    I know it is only Monday, but I think Peyton Manning has already thrown for 3 touchdowns.... The Cowboys secondary is a JOKE and it is lead by a clown named Claiborne.....who is well on his way to being labled a draft failure (since he was taken in the 1st round). Supposedly he was a "no brainer"...which can be defined as "a pick that cannot be screwed up by Jerry Jones"....but looks like they may haved whiffed on this one(shocker).... The dude gets toasted more than box of pop tarts.... Don't look now, but the Cowboys are well on their way to another 8-8 season and Jason Garrett better start getting that resume ready....


    1. The sad thing is at 8-8 they have a decent chance of making the playoffs, which they will call a success even if they lose in the first round (which if they play like this they will). The Josh Hamilton thing made me laugh, the boos were so loud in the stadium. The fans need to stop letting Josh get to them. He plays on an overpaid, under performing team- sounds like he is in the right place.

    2. I heard that the Angels are so upset with him they are considering eating some of his salary to trade him off to somewhere else....apparently they think they are not getting what they paid for.

      So question? Do you think the Rangers should considering taking him back at a considerably reduced 5 years and 50 mil??


    3. Absolutely not.... We don't want or need his attitude here. The Angels are indeed getting what they paid for, and what the rest of the MLB wouldn't pay for. Overpaid and underperforming is the future of LAA.

  4. Terence Williams also dropped a third down pass that would have gained enough yards for a first down. Harris, Williams, Dez , and Jason all failed to keep drives alive. Defense couldn't stop San Diego in second half. Bailey missed field goal attempt - maybe bad decision to attempt 46 yarder?
    Team loss - all FOUR phases -- offense, defense, special teams, coaching.

  5. Today's Hot/Not... Called it.

  6. If the rangers are on TBS at least we don't have to listen to marble mouth Busby and the cookie idiot.

    1. You're not going to miss wishing Mabel from Mabank happy birthday? She's turning 98 today.

  7. Interesting activating Nelson Cruz is not even a debate? Last year the SF Giants had the chance to bring back Melky Cabrera whom was second in the league in hitting at the time (.346), had 60 RBI at the All-Star break and won the All_Star game MVP. He got the same 50-game suspension. The Giants decided to keep him off the roster for the playoffs. They did not want to spoil the chemistry by adding a cheater back into the lineup. It seemed to have worked.

    So to say there is no debate, huh? I challenge that theory. What makes you think he will be able to contribute? Ever notice how hitting drops off right after the All-Star game? Just that short break affects timing, what effect will 50 games off mean? Sorry, just think you are wrong. Bill2455

    1. Don't think for a second that Nelson cruz has not been taking BP....and probably live pitching simulation every day since his suspension. He has not been going to the movies and hanging out at the mall for the last month and a half.


    2. Melky also tried to cover up his shenanigans by creating a bogus website among other things.

      There is no debate, Bill2455. None. He's been staying active hitting, though not against good competition. Players get away during All Star breaks and don't take BP.

      But sure, let's put David "4-3 Groundout" Murphy in the lineup.

      The Hungry Hippo

    3. Sports are always so much more interesting when there is no debate. So if Rangers lose today, and NC plays and does not get a hit, does that mean you were wrong, (with no debate)? Bill2455.

    4. No. There's no debate that he's better than anyone they have, Bill2455. End of story.

      The Hungry Hippo

    5. The Giants did it right, the Rangers were desperate. And the results are there. 0-4 with a K and a groundout to end the game. Sad.

  8. RW you conveniently forgot to mention the real reason the Angels lost to the Rangers. According to you pal CeeJ the baseballs the Rangers provided were not "rubbed" enough odd this did not seem to affect the Rangers pitchers.Not to mention that he said that the Rangers relief pitching was "grasping for how to get that rhythm back" You're right RW, CeeJ is not a Douche at all as a matter of fact he is just as good at coming up with excuses for his failure as you are.


  9. Richie Twit is so petty and small. I'm embarrassed for you, Richie. Let it go.

    1. If someone I worked with closely played a huge part in my losing a 6 figure job I bet I could hold a grudge a longtime how about you?


    2. If I was good enough to get a six figure job to begin with, I would not waste my time with grudges and I would devote that time to getting another six figure job. Holding grudges and playing the blame game doesn't pay that well.


  10. When Josh Hamilton was acting like a brat at the end of the game yesterday, I wonder if he was thinking, "Yeah, this is what Jesus would do."

    The ways the Cowboys manage to lose just amaze me. Bruce Carter is a fast linebacker and good in coverage. Danny Woodhead had only four career receiving touchdowns before yesterday. Yet there was Woodhead torching Carter for two touchdowns in the Chargers win.

    I only see a couple of flaws in Tony Romo's game. He forces too many passes to Jason Witten, and he sometimes holds on to the ball way too long in the pocket. But he's throwing for a very high percentage, and he's not throwing interceptions. Eventually, however, he'll have a bad game. When he does, I fully expect all the Romo haters to return and act like it's been all his fault the entire time.

    After recording only one sack yesterday, I would say the Cowboys need Anthony Spencer. But that one sack was recorded by George Selvie, Spencer's replacement.

    Richie, I agree with you about the dropped passes, the Dan Bailey field goal, and the other mistakes. The Cowboys routinely show us they are good enough to win if they play mistake-free football, but they also routinely show us they are not good enough to play mistake-free football.

  11. No, it will not be Alex Rios' fault if the Rangers don't make the playoffs.

    It will be Matt Garza and Geovanny Soto's fault.

    Always fear the Ex-Cub Factor.

  12. Can we talk about how stupid the baseball playoffs are anyways? Ok, the Wild Card? The teams play 162 games for the chance to add one more playoff spot to play one more game? Then after that a 5 game series Methinks the NBA did things right by getting rid of that 5 game series.

    1. Agree with you about baseball. A one-game Wild Card trivializes the 162 games.

      I don't agree about the NBA. Sometimes the Warriors (#8) beat the Mavs (#1), but most of the time, it's just a week of punishment as the best teams in the league thrash teams that only made the playoffs because, well, someone had to.

      I think the NFL is about to get greedy and add more playoff teams. After all, we need more 8-8 teams disgracing themselves in the playoffs.

  13. I think the most alarming thing about the '13 Cowboys is the dink and dunk offense they've become. Rarely do they throw the ball down the field. Makes things pretty easy on the defense when you use only a limited amount of the field. Bruce Carter had his worst game as a Cowboy yesterday. Just plain pitiful. Sean Lee wasn't much better in coverage, but he hustles his ass off and makes a big play now and then.

    On a side note, the great James Street (he's a nat'l championship quarterback at Texas, for all the T-shirt nation) passed away today. I'm no fan of the Horns, but he was gritty, tough and just a plain ol' winner. It's a sad day for REAL UT fans.

  14. In twenty years the Cows record is 143 and 142. Does it really matter which one is bigger? They are, have been and barring unforeseen changes they are gonna continue to be a .500 team. Not good enough or bad enough to get out of mediocre-ville.

    All I know is that the Ranges get ONE MORE GAME. Make it count boys.

    Yeah, James Street's passing was a bad way to start the day. Tell Coach Royal we all said hey.

    I'm glad somebody is listening to Siragusa, Sharpe and now R. Lewis make absurd and ridiculous sports talk come out of their mouth holes because it ain't gonna be me. I do, however, enjoy hearing it on Monday replays. Almost as much as a Jerry word-salad. Can't stand to hear it while it is happening, but the analysis afterwards I gotta hear.
