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Friday, September 6, 2013

WHITT'S END: 9.6.13

      Whether you're at the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Disneyland coming to Texas has been a rumor longer than the one about that giant swarm of killer bees migrating to the Metroplex. And with the Cowboys planting roots in Frisco, the urban legend has been re-booted. Or is fake after all? I'm told by some astute real-estate folks that Disney is again sniffing around the land along Dallas Parkway all the way up near 380. I was at that intersection yesterday and it'd be the perfect spot. And to piggyback America's theme park with the headquarters of America's Team ... maybe it's too good to be true.

   *Those people bouncing into the office today, passing out free donuts and high-fives? They have Peyton Manning on their Fantasy Football teams. Seven touchdown passes, 0 interceptions in Denver's season-opening romp over the defending Ravens Thursday night. No Cowboys' quarterback has ever thrown seven. Or six. A bunch have had five-touchdown games including Eddie LeBaron, Don Meredith, Craig Morton, Danny White, Troy Aikman and Tony Romo. Nope, Roger Staubach never threw more than four.

   *After losing two of three to the A's, the Rangers' lead in the AL West has gone the way of Lamar Odom's value - poof. And it only gets tougher. After going a month with games against losing teams, Texas plays opponents with +.500 records 13 consecutive games starting with the Pirates on Monday. Oakland, meanwhile, has only three games left against a winning team, and that's when it visits Arlington next weekend.

   *Of course, a year ago today we thought the Rangers were in great shape. On Sept. 6, 2012, they led the A's by 5.5 games before ... well, you know the rest.

   *Johnny Goofball is on the cover of TIME magazine this week under a headline that screams for universities to start paying its athletes. (But, wait, if he didn't take any money for signing autographs why is this idea being brought up again? Wink.) Can't tell you what a horrible idea this is. Athletes are already paid. Their paychecks are called scholarships. Now, take away their free housing, books and classes and we'll talk. But paying athletes will reduce their motivation of going to class. And even if it's legal to pay players, you don't think some schools are going to break those rules and push those limits? Paying players will create more problems than it will solve.

   *I can be a fun man. But I am not a smart man. The latter was on full display last weekend at a pool party in which I thought it would be a good idea to do shots of tequila while getting zapped by a dog's shock collar, then capping it off with a game of beer pong substituting Crown Royal Black. I'm just now recovered.

   *We all know the Giants are 4-0 in Arlington. But if the Cowboys are to start 1-0 Sunday Night at AT&T Stadium they'll have to buck another long-term trend. In the last 14 years they've started a season with a win at home just once ... in '07 against the Giants.

   *There are only four receivers in NFL history with at least 200 catches, 2,500 yards and 25 touchdowns in their first three seasons: Jerry Rice. Randy Moss. Andre Rison. And ... yep, Dez Bryant.




  1. So you criticize Aikman for being on the fence about the Cowboys but you don't even make a Cowboys/NFL prediction? Or if you did I missed it.

  2. Manning is just unbelievable and the most efficient and prepared QB I've ever watched. However if his career ends with just one ring, it would somehow seem incomplete. I really hope he gets one more unless of course he's facing Dallas, which is a pipe dream anyway.

    Totally agree on the Romo/Flacco comparison. Not taking anything away from Joe's performance last season, but he did it with a high pressure playmaking defense....which produces turnovers, more offensive possessions, short fields and fewer points for the opposition....great pass protection giving him time to read the defense and deliver the football, and a top-notch running game, three things incidentally that Romo has never had. The Romo haters refuse to understand it takes a team and performance at a high level in, as Garrett says, all phases, and not just one guy, albeit an important piece of the puzzle.

    And not being too much younger than you, Richie, I don't know whether to call you a stud or an idiot or give you a high five or tell you to get Betty on the horn after your tequila/Crown Black performance. That hurts just reading about it.

    And Syria is a travesty and really a puzzle that shouldn't be solved by us. I hate to see the senseless slaughter of people by tyrants, but the problem is the side we'd be supporting isn't any better, in fact may be worse. I seem to be starting to become more and more of an isolationist when it comes to these issues. Take care of our own, protects ourselves, and let those in other parts of the world continue to kill each other off which is what they seem bent on doing. And the reference to gun deaths in the US is apples and oranges. It's not as if the government is gunning down civilians in our streets and least not yet.

  3. I thought you didn't listen to the Ticket, Richard? Lies!

    1. Don't listen. Read it on NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

    2. Nowhere in the story does it say that he said that on the Ticket, so you do indeed listen.

  4. You are right, RW, America is dumb. When a middle-aged man is taking tequila shots and getting zapped (willingly) by an electronic dog-collar, only to follow it up with beer pong. . . . . be a part of the solution, not the problem. Else, why make the comment?

    1. +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1

    2. +infinity to the infinity power. boom, beat that!

    3. What the what?! I'm taking my ball and going home.

  5. Richie, I think the link to the radio ratings isn't working...?

  6. So you're criticizing people for playing a dumb game like candy crush. And beer pong w/crown is the choice of Mensa members nationwide I assume?
    Pot, kettle?

  7. RW...enjoy your writing, but for a guy your age you seem to spend a large amount of your time in some sort of impaired state. Ever thought that you might have a serious drinking problem? The alcoholics are usually the last to know.

    1. Lol. Seriously, I get drunk about once every 3 months. Just when it happens I tend to write about it so it seems more often. Thanks for the concern, but I often go two weeks without any alcohol at all.

    2. "I often go two weeks without any alcohol at all"...not according to this blog. Hardly a week goes by without some post about your adventures involving libations.

  8. Good stuff, RW. Please fix the radio ratings link. Also, you'd be better served not bragging about your drinking're making it way too easy to compare you to your former partner.

    1. Feel free to start that comparison the second I lose a gig - or anything really - due to drinking.

  9. Football players aren't the only ones that get full rides. Propeller heads get them too and they can work in the lab doing worker bee stuff and get paid minimum wage and nobody cares. Pay a sports person some pittance to hand out basketballs at the gym and the world is going into meltdown. Don't get it.

    Tennis. Still boring. You and Corby are the only sports talker/writers I know that give a rat's ass about that sport. Thankfully it is over soon. You two can ignore hockey very shortly.

    Tebow and VY fans are both delusional. Neither player did what was necessary to stay in the NFL. VY refused to grow up and Tebow refused to think of himself as anything but a QB. So long, been nice to know ya. Btw, I am a dyed in the wool Orangeblood.

    Shock collars are not fun. Ask intern Carlos.

    I don't think Mack is going away any time soon. Or DeLoss. Much to my chagrin. Better than what we had before he got there, but it is past time to move along.

    Starting to wonder if Yu has the mindset for MLB. I am convinced that Ogando does not, at least not as a starter. They can tell me his shoulder is hurt, but I ain't buying it. It is between his ears.

    So Troy is giving himself the out of being right no matter how poorly or great the Cows perform? Just like ninety percent of talking heads on my sportsy listening watching? He's all growned up now. Sniff.

    I do not watch openings of pro football games. Ever. Get to the game already. If I want to see titties they are two clicks away. The only female voice I want in my ears during a game, any game, is one asking me if I want a refill on beer or another bratwurst. Otherwise shut the hell up if it isn't a commercial. That includes you sideline reporter female. Title IX yada yada, whatever, I have a daughter, a mom, a sister, nieces and a girlfriend and I don't want them jabbering at me either. I have been known to throw money at them and say "Go away, stay gone at least 4 hours." Sexist? I DO NOT CARE.

    Duck Dynasty is popular? So was American Idol. Didn't watch it either. Ignore it long enough and eventually it goes away.

    and on a positive note after all that very ranty old man screed.
    Glad to see the rebirth of Friday Whitt offerings. Missed them.

  10. I enjoy your blog very much, Richie, read it every day. Also liked RAGE. But :) I do find it amusing you are too smart to watch Duck Dynasty or play Candy Crush but will drink tequila shots while wearing a dog collar. Interesting.....

  11. So that means both Jerry Jones, and the Chicago Bears have priced the common man out of games. What's your point?
