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Thursday, October 24, 2013

SYB'S END: 10.24.13

*Howdy. Since Richie’s been mailing it in this week, and I just so happen to have a little extra time on my hands these days, I decided to jump in the Sportatorium driver’s seat. So grab a coffee/beer/joint and let’s go reading!

*Game 1 of the World Series was last night, as was Duck Dynasty. I don’t have a vested interest in either one so I spend time pondering more important matters…like whose beard would win in a fight?

*I’m usually a fan of playoff songs to support your favorite team, but who thought this was a good idea? She sounds nothing like Lorde, and the commenters on this here blog could undoubtedly write funnier lyrics. Besides, if this is what we’re missing out on by “never being Cardinals”, I’ll take it.

*In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. The dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the “Special Victim’s Unit”. These are their stories. In related news, who knew Olivia Benson was hanging out at Budget Suites in The Colony?

*Looks like Pauly D’s definitely DTF. Down to Father. The Jersey Shore alum knocked up a former Hooters waitress in Vegas, and now they’re battling over custody. His babymama ain’t bad-looking either. Wouldn’t it be great if his daughter Amabella dated Snooki’s son Lorenzo? Oh, I’m the only one who thinks that’s cool? Alright then, I’ll just sit back down over here.

*I consider myself a reality tv junkie, and I’ll cop to watching the worst of the worst shows (Bad Girls Club, anyone?) But Big Tips Texas is about to get itself deleted off my season pass. I was so excited to see a local show about “hot”, crazy girls right here in our backyard, and if it’s MTV, it’s gotta be slick, right? Wrong. The scenes are so fake (“I hate that girl. I wanna kick her ass. Oh, she coinciveniently showed up at the exact same bar at the exact same time on the exact same night as us? I’m gonna confront her.”) and we’re being sold a bill of goods because only two of the castmembers are actually attractive. Case in point.

*If you’re wife/girlfriend/sidepiece is still undecided on what to wear for Halloween, Kristen Schaal has a possibly NSFW solution.



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  1. More Syb please. Regarding Big Tips Texas, I read that none of those girls even work there.

    Keller Mike

    1. That wouldn't surprise me because they're never actually working on the show and someone's gotta serve the food. ;)

    2. They do. At least two work in Lewisville, including Claire. She's brought me more beers than I care to admit to.

      And yes.. More Sybil please.

  2. Syb,
    As much as I enjoy reading Richies work here, I would like to request that you have a weekly post here. I know you're not a writer like Richie so I could live with a once a week post.

    1. We might be able to arrange something like that. ;)

    2. Please do so !! The Left Handed Stranger thinks it will be a hit. George had Martha, John had Yoko, Waylon has Jesse and Richie has Syb. Double Thumbs Up !!!

  3. After reading this, all I can say is..."I'm sorry Chris Arnold." Maybe radio people really can't write. I thought I had accidentally found TMZ's web site. And no, I'm not one of the trolls on this site that complain endlessly for no reason.

    1. So you're saying I could write for TMZ? Thanks.

    2. You couldn't write for TMZ, Syb. You have too much class.

  4. Nice touch Sybil!

  5. I like when you click on the photo of Richie, it takes you to a site with the url tinypic. You trying to tell us something? Lol

    1. No way, Jose. Just had to host a pic somewhere and that was the 1st site that popped up on the Googler.

  6. What are Sybil's top 3 choice spots to vacation in Mexico, ie resort names......?

    1. El Dorado Maroma was fantastic & had delicious food (just watch for jellyfish). Royal Hideaway has excellent customer service. Iberostar Paraiso is good if you want a bigger resort with more options. Just stay away from Riu Caribe & Akumal Resort.

  7. Not sure where all the flames come from to R/S posts. Don't like 'em? Don't read 'em. I wasn't the hugest fan of their show, but it had a little something. Just like this blog. Keep it coming, the both of you.

    May have to venture north to PizzaBuzz, just to say hi!

  8. Well, that was a change. Yeah, put me down as a vote for at least once a week visits.

    That clone pet was creepy. Like Japanese robot female creepy.
    Let somebody on Boston braid their beard. Full on wild ass biker style. Maybe a double with lit cords like Blackbeard.
    Look Michelle Bachmann is telling everybody we should abolish Halloween. It isn't Easter, it's Resurrection Sunday and there is no hiding of candy from a bunny because that is a pagan holdover. Both of which might be true but overly religious folks can be a pain. The Pilgrims didn't celebrate Christmas either. Because pagan.

    I rarely click links to stuff. RW broke me of that about a hundred Nots ago and I haven't been back since. Some things you can't unsee.

    1. She said to tell you she's very obedient.

  9. Sybil --- thanks for the plug on DFW Rescue Me. Keep up the good work. I purchased a calendar. My wife will love it and she will think I thought about it myself so I get double credit. Jeff

  10. Yeah, one of the few times I tuned into that other sports station, they actually pointed out that essentially Big Tips Texas is just one big staged act. It's the biggest reason I hate reality TV with every fiber in my being.

    1. I usually love it, but that show's pretty bad. Not as awful as Big Rich Texas though.

  11. Budget Suites in the Colony - lived there for a few weeks until I could get my house back when I first left the ex-wife (I live in Frisco and it was close - don't judge). My divorce atty recommended the place. The guy living next to me was a soon-to-be-divorcee as well (think Breaking Bad scene where Walt and Saul are staying in a rathole before being relocated). However, the guy on the other side of me had just gotten out of prison, and the rest of the folks around me looked like they could have been his cell mates. It was an interesting time.

    Paulie D's Baby Mama - looked rode hard and put up wet to me...

    FMK - Ok....for future reference, when playing this game with the fellas, they all have to be chicks.

    Parents - They've all lost their minds. Between soccer games with no score, "bullying" accusations if someone so much as snarls at your kid, and painted Barbie dolls, we've turned into a nation of thin-skinned weiners constantly searching for our reason to be offended.

    Cuddleclones - Don't you two have like, 37 dogs already?...

    Nice job this week. I dig RWs work, but this was a cool change. I hope y'all keep it up.
