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Thursday, October 10, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.10.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Like his Cowboys' team and teammates, Dez Bryant has been good. But not good enough. I detail his almost awesome season over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Former Cowboys' receivers coach Todd Haley and his wife, Chrissy, are being sued by a Pittsburgh real estate company for allegedly trashing and looting a $1.4 million rent-to-own home. I got to know the Haleys pretty well back in 2006 when I wrote a Dallas Observer cover story about Chrissy finding a dead rat in her salad from the Southlake McDonald's. It's a big leap to assume folks who would renege on a contract and steal toilets would also have enough character issues to fabricate a story about an unwanted salad topping, but it does make you think doesn't it?

   *Just doesn't feel like Texas-OU Week yet? Maybe because the 'Horns suck, will get murdered Saturday and, therefore, some of us are pretending its bye week. Speaking of the second Saturday in October, for the first time in a long time I have zero inkling to go to the State Fair. Getting old or getting smart?

   *Somehow the Cowboys - at 2-3 - are tied for first place in the NFC Least. First time since the AFL-NFL merger of '70 that the entire division has been under .500 after five weeks. The NFC East is a hideous 1-8 against the AFC West, including the Cowboys' 0-3.

   *What the what?! The Dallas Stars are in the Central Division and over in the East there's something called the Metropolitan Division? Ohhhhh, hockey.

   *I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but as I watched Tony Romo shielding his eyes from the sun last Sunday against the Broncos I wondered why the heck that stadium was built running East-West instead of North-South. Anyone?



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  1. Richie, bringing up Newy makes me want to bring up some of the good ol' days.

    I remember when you first got on the show, you were a pissed off bastard. You sounded hungover and angry all the time. Turned out you had some marital issues at the time that might have had been contributing to the hostility. Hopefully, if there's anything good about that situation you can look back and chuckle and how often you went off on callers.

    You went off on me one time. I called in posing as a Raiders fan claiming the Raiders were going to beat the Cowboys. My arguments were that the Raiders had great corners (Nnamdi Asomugha was there at the time) and Bruce Gradkowski had turned their season around.

    I also remember the first time I made a short joke about you. You may not know this, but the short jokes started because Gregg Henson responded to a text of mine complaining that a certain midget always messed things up in the studio.

    1. You were one of the callers that called into the Fan? You sir are a loser.

    2. Never been a midget. And certainly never messed things up in any studio. I'm a normal-sized tidy dude.

  2. Gregg Henson is still employed in radio. He lost the battle @ 105.3 the Fail, but he won the broadcasting war. He should collect royalties for the G-Bag Nation as its the only thing tolerable on that station and he was 1/2 of it when they were pulling in 105.3's highest PM drive #s

    1. Barsky with Henson was fair, but the former was never a radio man for sports. Gregg carried Gavin from the start, but G-Bag soon took over as the dominant voice for the show, plus he was just more liked.

    2. Hi Gregg! How's Paducha, KY or wherever the hell you are?

    3. Remember Henson claiming GBag were moving to late afternoon a week or two back? Guess that was a bunch of crock.

    4. That Henson was an obnoxious, un-intertaining HACK....I mean..IS!

  3. Not sure about the direction of Cowboy Stadium (never ever calling it AT&T), but what if, at least, they put window tinting on those side doors.......

    Yes, I still call that place at Fair Park "Starplex".....

  4. It's not called Freon, it's called refrigerant(usually R-22). Freon is a trademark of Dupont. If you're looking for "Freon" you will have to find a company that specifically uses Dupont.

    How you do know it has a leak? I get lots of calls with people saying they need "Freon" only to get there and find out that their filter is completely stopped up, ants have shorted out the contactor, the fan motor is out, the start/run capacitor is bad, the coil is dirty etc.

    Cockney Londoner

    1. Had a company out last week that diagnosed a fre - R-22 - leak. But I'd love a 2nd opinion.

  5. If you need someone to find the leak in your pool and hope they will advertise here, try National Leak Detection. I know they advertise on sports radio stations so this shouldn't be too much of a leap. They have come out twice to fix spa and pool leaks and the job done was so much better than the previous company that came out. I went from adding water to my pool every other day to once a week. Great place, and they actually use technology to ensure they found all the leaks. Give them a call and see if they will trade repair work for ad space.

    1. or American Leak Detection? Leak detection---without destruction...
      that jingle is stuck in my head.

  6. Always thought the positioning of Jerry World was stupid (Eastish-Westish) when most stadiums are oriented North-South. The sun coming through the west end glass doors is always going to be an issue, especially during those afternoon games. I was amazed that Witten was able to catch that TD pass in the 4th qtr with the sun glaring in his eyes. They need to tint those windows or put up some sort of retractable curtain on that end.

    Love your blog Richie, read it everyday. Miss hearing you on the radio.

  7. Let me see: I hate the things that people commit violence with so much (inference here being I hate violence) that I almost wish violence upon them. No one "almost" wishes anything. It's an either/or dichotomy. There might be degrees involved; but it is an either/or situation. Uh, yeah, peace on earth. OK. Whatever. Then again, those on the Left aren't held to logical consistencies. If it feels right, it is right. Isn't that the way it works? If you disagree or see things differently, you're bad, stupid, even evil. Brilliant.

    1. No. It's simply a product of lack of solutions to something frustrating. A potential solution that comes to mind after all others has failed tends to be something violent. Has no relevance on whether or not that's something you actually wish upon someone.

    2. "those on the Left aren't held to logical consistencies" - There are those kinds of people on both sides. Don't be ignorant.

    3. True that. Ignorance knows no political boundary.

  8. One more thing. And this is addressed to those who make the same tired comment, in each and every comment section. You know the one: "All you haters keep brining those hits and filling up Richie's pockets." There are others along those lines, usually including some "fools" sort of reference. Well, dipsticks, here's the thing. Unlike many of those on the Left, there are people out there who can disagree with some or even much of what a person has to say, and yet still find some or even most of what they say interesting, thought-provoking, and meritorious. It's not so black and white. It's not, oh, I think Richie's socio-political views are puerile, superficial, and short-sighted, therefore everything he says is as such; moreover, he's dumb at best, but most likely a bad person--even an evil person. No. Some of us who disagree, a lot, with what he says on certain subjects, also agree with him or at least find what he has to say interesting when it comes to sports. After all, that is, or at least it used to be at one time, his primary profession (sports writer). Is this too difficult for some of you to understand? Then again, all you seem to care about is getting your "atta boy" from Richie. Well, then, carry on. Fools.

    1. Speaking of the same tired comment, this doesn't have to do with a Left vs. Right thing. Jesus Christ.

  9. According to the story I heard, Jerry positioned the stadium to maximize the amount parking area around it. No idea if it is true, but knowing Jerry, the idea of a few dozen extra $75 spaces per game kinda seems like something Jerry would support.

    1. I'm sad to say that would make total sense.

    2. Heard the Musers talking about this the other morning. From "sources" it was said that the orientation was so that people could look out and see The Ball Park instead of Wal-Mart. Parking may have had some consideration too, but by no means let us consider actually orienting the thing so that the sun is taken into account. Substance over style? Not our fearless Jerry.

  10. Further proof that the GM's priorities rank First: revenue generation, Second: revenue generation, Third: Team Performance. The stadium runs East & West so that there are is no glare on the Big Mitsubishi HDTV hanging over the field. Wouldn't want to disappoint the ticket buying public. Remember when he did that 3D experiment during a game a few years back? Had to have the goofy glasses on or the picture on the video board was all blurry. Was supposed to go a whole quarter but was turned off, to a huge cheer no less, after only a few minutes. Only the GM would have you at a live event and try to draw your attention to watch a broadcast of the same event in 3D. I'm now off to the stadiums Victoria Secret store to do some early Christmas shopping. Idiocracy personified.

    John D. Head

  11. So Jerry's explanation for the roof being closed Sunday was to keep the sun and heat off the fans. Am I crazy or aren't there outdoor only stadiums all around the NFL???

    1. Am I crazy but was Sunday not also a beautiful day as far as the weather and temperature.

      Not the same Anon ^

    2. That's the point jackass

  12. I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but as I watched Tony Romo shielding his eyes from the sun last Sunday against the Broncos I wondered why the heck that stadium was built running East-West instead of North-South. Anyone?

    You didn't think of that not once until you heard the Musers talk about it.

    1. I wish the Musers had that audio of them talking to the architect during construction. I know I remember it happening on the air and they're recreated it, but the audio would be golden.

    2. I agree! I didn't catch that interview when it happened, but it was great listening to them rehash it. I loved Junior's, "What do I know? I'm just an AM radio host."

    3. Swear on my sainted mother. I've listened to Ticket's morning show once in 5 years, and it wasn't this week. Or month.

  13. NBC Sports Radio? Can you pick that up on the dial here?

  14. Does anyone else find it funny that earlier this week Whitt claimed that people who aren't smart enough to have office jobs will be the ones who think Romo is a choker while the educated among us are smart enough to realize who good Romo is and now he needs those people's help?

    1. Huh? What? Did you read this before you posted it?

    2. "I agree Dustin," he said, while thinking of a way to more efficiently remove the trash from Pizza Buzz.

    3. To Anon 3:46, who apparently doesn't read this blog but on occasion (and if you do, you must use your body for work) let's bring you up to speed shall we:


      "*Try this experiment: Next time somebody says "Romo's a choker" jot down their career. Do it for the whole week. Come Friday I predict your results will show that those that use their brains for a living back Romo, and those that use their bodies for a living will be his critics. In other words, an air-conditioning repairman is more likely to say "time for Romo to go" than, say, a lawyer."

      Further to Just wow. Whitt is apparently going to stick 100% to his "the blue collar working man is a non-thinking, brainless sports fan in the DFW area" comment. Interesting position and the lack of blowback even more. All you AC guys line up and get ready to help, although I doubt you'll have the brains to fix anything...

  15. Late Breaking. Richard Whitt is going ESPNDallas to host a Saturday and Sunday callin show. His first show will be on Saturday October 19th from 10 to 3 on ESPN 103.3FM. Join Richie with a wide array of guest hosting from DFW and the nation.

  16. I hate Rowdy.


  17. Richie, go ahead and drop another $2500 off of that bankroll (although I would have lost the same $2500 if I was a betting man, too)...Hook 'em!
