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Friday, October 11, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.11.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Have two brothers ever had more disparate seasons in sports? Peyton Manning is on pace for 64 touchdowns. Eli Manning is on pace for 40 interceptions. The latter threw three more in last night's loss to the Bears, which deliciously dropped the Giants to 0-6. Peyton has one pick all year; Eli has eight in the 4th quarter alone. Eli is the first quarterback with 15 INTs through six games since Dan Fouts in '86. He has more pics than a teen-aged girls' Instagram. Just barely off the pace (42 in '62) of record-holder George Blanda, who played so long ago he doubled as his team's kicker. Perhaps Eli should enroll at that famous passing academy that helps quarterbacks? As for separate siblings, only ones that compare to what Peyton/Eli are experiencing are Serena/Venus Williams. While Serena is 73-4 with 10 championships including the French and U.S. Opens, Venus is only 16-10 in '13 with nary a title to her name.

   *Is there anything more deflating in sports than your team being shut out? Last time I checked you have to score to have a chance of winning. But last night - in a decisive Game 5 in their own park - the Oakland A's died sans even a whimper to the Tigers. 3 hits. 0 runs. Zero chance against Justin Verlander, who smothered them out of the playoffs for the second consecutive October. Yu Darvish might be an ace. Justin Verlander is an ace.

   *Rivalry weekend in the Metroplex, one early Saturday morning and one late Sunday night. Give me OU 45, Texas 20 (Art Briles ain't arriving in time) and Cowboys 27, Redskins 24 (No way they lose on Jerry Jones' 71st birthday). If you need to get in the mood, my Top 10 all-time Cowboys-Redskins games are over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Always liked Craig Robinson. His door man "You old, she pregnant" line in Knocked Up remains a laugh-out-loud classic. Now he gets arrested in The Bahamas with pot and 18 ecstasy pills. Always pegged him for a partier. Makes him funnier somehow.

   *House Republicans starting to cave. What a shocker. They've had zero leverage from the start. And I don't say that to poke Republicans. Ignorance knows no political boundaries.

   *Troy Aikman understands the irrational criticism of Tony Romo better than anyone. "I won three Super Bowls and was booed out of Texas Stadium my last year." I was sitting by Aikman at a Mavs' game at Reunion Arena in 2000 when fans booed his image on the scoreboard. He hasn't completed a single pass since then. But if they showed him on JumboJerry Sunday afternoon he'd receive a standing ovation.



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  1. Instead of saying you won't ever post about Greggo...just make it an every Friday segment. That way you don't set your self up for lying and the trolls will know it is coming!

  2. I gave Fox Sports 1 ten minutes on its first night and realized Matlock reruns were more entertaining. Haven't been back since.

  3. not saying ou is gonna thump texas again, just saying that big tex has been put on suicide watch after what happened last year

    just so you know richie, big tex isn't the same guy you paid at the massage parlor

  4. Richie, the guys that criticize you for your looks or how you act are the same ones whose mothers say 'for God's sake act your age'.

  5. Keep doin' what you do RW. The free pizza for life for Gary Patterson is totally warranted ---> definitely worth asking yourself, "do I have 15 minutes to spare for...."

  6. Love the Gary Patterson story. Amen, bro. I've said it before and will again: you're a great writer, RW. The line yesterday about eating a bag of 'shrooms, downing a bottle of Captain Morgan, jumping in the dryer and not being able to come up with a crazier idea than a reality show featuring Vanilla Ice and the Amish is GREATNESS! I don't care who you are.

  7. RW, so with you on the FB stuff. I swear, I've got one "friend" that posts pics of her dogs almost daily. And yep, she has no children....or significant other for that matter.

    I think I call BS on your FS1 claim. You telling me you haven't watched any UFC prelims or non PPV cards in the last month or so?

    Sounds like you have your pizza recipe in its final stages, but I swear the best pizza I've ever had was in Destin, FL at a place called Jordano's. Look it up. The ingredients are stacked on with an extra coating of cheese on top. If you want to seperate yourself from the norm here (well, outside of delivering the "buzz"), this is something to consider.

  8. Hire that white truck guy, if for no other reason than the potential Wednesday stories.

    I always have 15 read Whitt's End.


  9. So Greggo sent you a letter that you described as an "olive branch." Hmmmm
    So if you have no qualms with displaying his private emails and text messages, why not let your readers know more details of this letter. Also, you just called it a "cool gesture", but you didn't really mention if you would reciprocate.

    I have always been a defender of know that. Do I think you had a right to get mad at him and trash him on your own blog.??'s your blog and its a free country...

    Like the saying goes "time heals all wounds"....and maybe this is a sign that the hatchet is being raised and soon will strike a blow that leads to it being burried.

    So whatta ya say you have any more details about his??


    1. Why don't you ask Greg on his Twitter account. Maybe in a few days when he rediscovers Twitter, he'll give you an answer that satisfies you. And, since he's been begging for money, you can spare him a few bucks.

    2. I could just call him.... I have his cell number....but I want to hear what RW has to say....


  10. Late Breaking. Richard Whitt is going ESPNDallas to host a Saturday and Sunday callin show. His first show will be on Saturday October 19th from 10 to 3 on ESPN 103.3FM. Join Richie with a wide array of guest hosting from DFW and the nation.

    1. Is this true? Is there someone stupid enough to give Richie a radio show?

  11. I thought that Richie and Brad Barton should team up for a conservative and liberal debate show. Richie could support liberals and bash KRLD FM and Brad could support conservatives and bash KRLD AM for releasing him 4 years ago after 29 years of service as anchor and weather

  12. Shocked not to see anything about Deion being fired or Chris Arnold's plagiarism story. I guess we'll wait until Monday for your take on those.
    I don't understand the guys that hate on you other than the jealousy factor.

    1. Did anybody listen to G-Bag Nation today and know if Chris responded to all this? I used to love Chris Arnold on the Ticket and was glad the Fan gave him a show, but he looks really terrible in this instance. I hope he doesn't get canned from his radio show or the Mavs over this and can properly apologize and take responsibility.


    3. It's already off of their website too.

  13. Always interesting to read one of Richie's blatantly biased political comments...good for a laugh.

    You should hire the delivery driver as long as he has valid insurance, registration, inspection and driver's license. Otherwise, you're basing his employment with you on what he drives and with your liberal mindset, Richie, that wouldn't be "fair" because there aren't exactly a lot of qualifications one needs to deliver pizza.

    Ditto on Deion's firing, where's the story on that?

  14. Enjoy your writing and big thumbs up on the younger girlfriend! But I gotta call'em like I see'em. The hair and the earring don't make you look 20. They make you look like the poster boy for the Dallas douche scene! Stop it!

    1. Why do you give a shit about what anyone else does? God only knows what you look like

  15. We want pizza dammit!

  16. Well, Whitt, I'm very glad that you'll soon get the chance to discover the wonder of running a business and trying to scratch out a profit whilst complying with myriad governmental regulations, tax laws, and fee structures. Oh, wait. You won't be trying to make a profit, you'll of course be shooting for "shared prosperity," right? I hope you aren't a hypocrite, Richie. After all, "You didn't build that business..."

    I hope you'll show all your readers that you are paying each employee a living wage and footing the bill for health insurance for each employee. What kind of capitalist, Republican thug would put his own profits above the needs of the ordinary worker, Richie? Certainly Obama supporters should be on the front lines of spreading the wealth. The last number I saw from one of these Leftist "living wage" groups was $12-$15 per hour, depending on what metro area a worker lives in. I hope all your crew will be paid at least that amount. I also hope you'll not require your employees to pay for health insurance out of their own pockets, and of course, you'll be offering to pay the highest corporate, and then personal tax rate on your income and profits, without taking those evil deductions like rich, Wall Street Right Wingers who support gun rights. After all, the government uses that money to help the less fortunate, Richie. The /less/ fortunate. You have hair plugs, fake tanning, vacations, golf outings, and earrings. There are working families who have no medicine, Richie. No medicine for their children.

    I'm so glad that, at least for the workers of Pizza Buzz, there will be no divisions. No "two americas." Finally, at least one company in which the workers and owners will share the profits as true equals. At last an employer who won't be just another money-grubbing, Rethuglican, profit monger! Give 'til it hurts, Richie!

    1. You need a life dude. You must really take pride in your ability to hate. After all you do it well.

    2. So how is pointing that the people Whitt agrees with and thinks should run the country (Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama; all of whom are directly quoted in the section above), would be against his making a profit off the backs of the "workers?" They want "shared prosperity," not owners keeping profits. I don't see how truth = hate?

  17. The shocking thing shouldn't be that Chris Arnold plagerized a story, it should be that people go to the FAN website and read stories???

  18. Do you like the Cowboys?

  19. *Is there anything less exciting than watching ESPN's Top 10 Plays and hearing the host say "Let's go to the WNBA ..." Whatever the "play" is, you've done it yourself on the court a million times."
    I highly doubt your midget ass ever dunked once even on an 8ft goal

    1. I don't see anywhere in that quote that says ' I've done it myself'. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

    2. anon 4:33
      espn shows some of those equines dunking.
      a shit ton of this here blog's readers and the author himself can't dunk, so the following line is foolish and incorrect.,
      "Whatever the "play" is, you've done it yourself on the court a million times."

      what said you about reading comprehension?

  20. Richie, your strange bias against white trucks and their drivers has always seemed quite adolescent, but the earring(s) and dyed hair (or plugs as the case may be) for a 50 year old does to some extent explain your issues.

    I guess it was a good thing Mr. Patterson's truck wasn't white because you would have no doubt insulted him and told him to get lost......and alas been in the same pickle you were in since you obviously couldn't handle the situation yourself without the aid of someone owing a truck and a ladder.

    1. You're full of shit. And obviously jealous of someone who has more than a loser like you can ever hope for. Maybe you should consider getting out of your mothers basement and acting your age.

    2. Jealous of an alcoholic midget with hair plugs and an earring? I think not. Haven't been in my mother's basement in years, but was in your mother's recently.....twice. And she said to tell you wazzzzuppp.

    3. At least with Richie we know there will never be any offspring. That branch of the Whitt family tree has stopped. No little, Richie Whitts running around (whoops I was redundant there). The world will be a better place.

  21. I gagree. These Republicans today are a sorry, selfish lot! They'll do anything, even at the cost of the greater good, to sabotage Obama. The better Obama looks, the less likely A Republican will get elected President. George Bush screwed their party up so badly, Democrats could run the dusted off the bones of Adolf Hitler and get relected Keith

    1. Don't let Whitt fool you. Offer up a check for 20k maybe even less if he would support the Tea Party and he would be singing praises of good ole Ted Cruz in a heartbeat. He's all about the dollar as much as any Republican is.

      Case in point he always throws big talk about how much he hates guns but he is happy to take money and go to the NRA 500. Right Richie??? Are you out there little man????


  22. the dying of your "hair" is twice as bad cuz they're plugs. but at least you're improving a little by no longer wearing platform shoes, that black choke chain and the failstrong bracelet.
    but still all in all you look like the white, midget version of emmitt smith.
    nah, you look more like a human version of a boston terrier.

  23. I'm all for the younger woman thing Richie. Earrings and tattoos and bragging about drinking should be left behind in your 20s. Not a crime just pathetic :) And totally your business if that's what you want to do. Now for some of that Pizza Buzz pizza!

  24. Hey Richie....just checked and it stil says "the future home of something quite cool"........maybe you should have that changed to "future home of something that is doomed to failure" that is if you don't get crackin on that website man....
