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Monday, October 14, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.14.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *Cowboys 31, Redskins 16: My Top 10 Whitty Comments are over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Like most of you guys, I was happily floored by Texas'  performance Saturday in the Cotton Bowl. Their 36-20 dismantling of previously unbeaten OU is a shocking season-saver and allows Mack Brown to tell his critics to (at least for one more week) put a sock in it. But the end was a tad embarrassing. The Gatorade dump on the head coach, for an October win? I know OU is the rival now and Texas' seniors finally beat the Sooners, but not long ago the 'Horns raised National Championship banners.

   *Good for Boston. With the Marathon bombing and Aaron Hernandez and the (relatively unimportant) break-up of the Celtics, it's been a rough year in Beantown. But Sunday was one for the ages. Tom Brady by day; David Ortiz by night. Magical. Closest thing I can remember for the Metroplex is Oct. 23, 2011. On that Sunday we were treated to a doubleheader of amazing individual performances by 20-somethings. In the afternoon DeMarco Murray rushed for a Cowboys'-record 253 yards in a win over the Rams, and at night - just across the street - Derek Holland threw 8 1/3 innings of two-hit baseball as the Rangers shut out the Cardinals in Game 4 of the World Series.

   *Love me some Chris Arnold. Great guy, and a better teammate. In fact, I helped him get his gig at 105.3 The Fan. But there's no defending his blatant, cut-and-paste plagiarism of a Tony Romo article that he claimed as his own "next level analysis" piece over at Knowing that the CBS suits in New York have already fired a Houston station employee this year for merely asking whether an Oklahoma City Thunder cheerleader was fat, I fear for Chris' job. He wasn't part of GBag Nation's Texas-OU preview show Saturday morning and I'm told that the ultimate decision will be made by corporate, not The Fan. You guys know how I feel about credit attribution, and Chris - like the rest of of us - learned in high school that stealing someone else's work is a no-no. I will offer this as Chris' only defense: He's not a writer. The Fan has recently mandated - for no more pay, I might add - that its on-air hosts contribute to its web site in the form of blogs. But that's like gathering all your plumbers together on the job site and decrying that they also need to run the electrical wiring. This just in: Not everyone can write. Playing people out of position is a dangerous strategy, and it's backfired on The Fan. Granted, it's not a strong defense for Chris. But looks like it's his only defense.



   *Being my own boss has its perks. Asked for a little help last week with some home repairs, in exchange for free advertising on this her website. And got a lot of offers. Inbox filled. The wheels are in motion. Thanks to all who responded.

   *Today? Sorry for today's smaller-than-usual portion, but I got home at 1 a.m. after TV on NBC late last night and I've got lots of Pizza Buzzin' to do this morning in Fort Worth starting at 8:30. We'll return you to your regularly scheduled menu on Tuesday. Don't be a stranger.


  1. RW whatever happened to that lawsuit C. Arnold was a party to? Did a minion do the blog for him? I know you didn't but that doesn't mean others didn't. Is it worse to be busted for plagiarism or being ghostwritten?

  2. I plagiarize your writing everday Richie.

  3. Let's steal some white truck thunder!


    A 51-year-old man was shot to death Sunday night inside a Bachman Lake-area restaurant.

    The shooting occurred some time before 10:20 p.m. at the Carbonero Mexican Grill on Webb Chapel Extension near Northwest Highway. According to Dallas police, two men got into an argument inside the eatery. One walked outside; got a handgun out of his white Ford truck, according to a police report; then walked back inside the restaurant and shot the victim. The shooter then drove off.

    Police received the shooting call at 10:20 p.m. and arrived to find the victim critically injured. He was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where the man was pronounced dead.

    The Dallas County Medical Examiner’s Office has yet to locate the victim’s family, so his name hasn’t been released. Meanwhile, the suspect remains at large.

  4. That *not pic made my breakfast want to come back up..... Man, that's a not plus a few....

  5. FWIW. Greggo is answering questions today. Greg 'The Hammer' ‏@TCUWhiteTrash 3m
    Hey sport masters..I will be taking your questions at 2:00..nothing out of bounds...I answer all....

    1. Yeah. I'm not terribly interested in Greggo's opinion on anything, Being weird for the sake of being weird is irritating.

  6. Two out of the six or so things that I predicted that could de-rail the Cowboys season have happened...but so far the train is still on the tracks...but their destination is still yet to be determined.

    1. I said that a loss to the receiving core, primarily Miles Austin, might spell disaster. Well he has already missed some games with his habitual hammy, and last night he was utterly invisible. Enter Terrance Williams and Cole Beasley. With Dez being doubled most of the time and Miles being out, those two have stepped up BIG TIME.

    2. I also predicted that injuries to the defense could prove disatrous. While the secondary continues to be porous at best, the defensive line is missing the most starters, yet continues to play well. With injuries to Demarcus Ware and a host of others, Jason Hatcher was the only brand-named guy in there last night. Kudos to the "replacements" that stepped in and held their own.

    3. I also prognosticated that coaching mistakes could lead to disaster, but so far this year, Garrett has yet to make a coaching gaffe that cost the team a game. Maybe relieving him of his play calling duties has allowed him to focus more on the flow of the game.

    They are still on pace for an 8-8 season, but since they are in the "NFC Least" division, that may be good enough for a post season birth...

    Cue Jerry Jones over-celebrations and over-proclamations in 3...2...1....


    1. No Greggo comments today? Cactus mentioned him before your post. Just wondering, what does Greggo do all morning that he has to wait until 2pm to take questions? I don't twitter so if you can call and ask him, that'd be awesome.

    2. Just getting over his hangover

    3. I don't know what he does before 2pm...but I do know what he doesn't


  7. -Big Texas fan, and I'm a little ashamed that I expected OU to kick Texas ass on Saturday. Color me shocked, but extremely happy. OUtcoached, OUtplayed, AbOUt time.
    -Good for Boston? What the wh.... in the 00's they've won super bowls, a stanley cup, 2 world series, NBA championship, sorry, not feeling bad for Boston.
    -So far Chris isn't on today, and they haven't brought his name up. Doesn't look good for him. I know writing an article isn't easy, BUT, if they require you to do it, just do it, even if you're horrible at it. Throw out stats, talk to players, do whatever you can to fill 2000 characters. I guarantee you every commenter on this site could put one together, I'm not saying it would be worth reading, but the point is it's not impossible. Sorry Chris, I was really liking you on G-Bag.

  8. RW...I like Chris A. but he should be able to compose a blog. Blogs require little more than a few cogent thoughts and being able to put them together. Blogs DO NOT require real writing skills. Any eighth grader should (and many do) write their own blogs. The CBS requirements are not that the blogs are Pulitzer worthy. In this day and age, plagarism is so easy to detect it's not even funny. To blatantly steal, word for word, is inexcusable and grounds for dismissal. Ask high school and college kids how many get failing grades for plagarism? Chris is a college graduate and has many years in local media. He knows better.

    Dave, NOBODY gives a shit about your preseason prognostications. They only prove to show how little you know.

    1. Then why did you read it dumb fuck Gerald.


    2. Chris is gone. No 2 shits about it. One thing CBS management knows, and knows well, is how to drive a bus over its people and leave the rotting carcass in the street.

    3. Because you feel the need to post it, dumbass. You don't put your name on the post until the very end because you're too big a chickenshit to put your name at the top.

    4. Don't read my posts then...the name is clearly listed on the bottom. That solves that go fuck yourself Gerald.


  9. Much was made by the talking heads last night about how the Cowboys won despite being outgained by a pretty good margin. However I think the thing they missed was the fact that we had one punt return TD, one kickoff return that resulted in starting deep in Washington territory (15, I think?), and a fumble recovery by Wilbur on the Washington 2 yard line. All three resulted in TDs. So three offensive possessions, three TDs, and a total of about 17 offensive yards among them, thereby foregoing another possible 250 yards or so in offense (in a good way). It was nice to see a win where the QB didn't have to post 400-500 yards passing to keep Dallas in the game for a change. Real team win and an indication of why yards and time of possession don't always tell the whole story.

    As far as RG III, it looks like his mobility is back, but was surprised at how inaccurate he was with many of his throws. And Romo's TD pass to Williams in the corner was a thing of beauty. I'd submit there are only a handful of QBs currently who are able to make that play.....escape the rush and make that throw on the run....and one of the reasons Dallas is lucky to have him.

    1. Yeah I'm with you as well as the talking radio heads(New School--wtf Choppy) that said all in all the Redskin offense outplayed Dallas. Like any rational person that isn't a Cowboy hater would have seen, they didn't have to go as far for points. I'll take a 200 yard passing game from Romo every week if it means a win. When you talk about parts of the game, there are 3--offense, defense, and special teams. The Cowboys won all 3 in my opinion.

  10. Helped hire Greggo and Chris? Hope you have better track record with your pizza place.

    1. Greggo and Chris are a better hire than say...Ben and Skin anyday. They were both very likeable personalities. Just like the markets though, past results are no guarantee of future results. Give me Rhyner & Williams circa 1998 over any sports show ever. But that's gone.
      So...+ 1

  11. OU has ALWAYS been THE rival. Why do you thing TAMU has such an inferiority complex when it comes to Texas? Because when it comes down to it, Texas would rather beat OU than A&M. Always. Suck it, aggies!

  12. I thought that Richie and Brad Barton should team up for a conservative and liberal debate show. Richie could support liberals and bash KRLD FM and Brad could support conservatives and bash KRLD AM for releasing him 4 years ago after 29 years of service as anchor and weather

  13. I'm a long time Longhorn fan and thought the Gatorade dump was a bit over the top, but this coach and players have been so maligned, that I can see why they did it.

  14. "but not long ago the 'Horns raised National Championship banners."

    Should read but 8 years ago the 'Horns raised their first National Championship banner in 40 some years and they haven't raised on since. So much for the vaunted UT football program.

  15. That's not a defense for Chris Arnold - that's just an excuse - and a pretty lame one at that. He may not be a good writer but that doesn't mean he can't try. It's a blog - not a legal document. If he writes just a few sentences - one paragraph - that is trying. Now he can't write anything - anything he writes will be thought of as just stolen from someone else. This was no accident or mistake. This was an intentional act of doing wrong. Deserves to be suspended of not fired.

  16. Providing web content isn't "playing people out of position". It's media for a reason. If hosts are asked to blog, then it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Now if they are asked to make long articulate analysis or thesis type blog posts then that's different.

    1. RW is just trying to self-aggrandize. His writing is nothing special. The commenters here make the blog interesting.

    2. So Richie is self-aggrandizing. You're the one patting yourself on the back for your oh-so-witty comments. And without his not so special writing, there would be no place for you to pat yourself on said back.
