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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.15.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *I was on the field before Cowboys-Redskins talking to an NFL scout I've known for years and he was bemoaning the demise of DeMarcus Ware. Consecutive weeks without a sack against backup tackles were a concern. The stingers in the neck. The surgically-repaired shoulder. The lower back stiffening up. All worries about a 31-year-old. "I'm afraid we're seeing the inevitable decline," the scout said. "Sometimes, it just happens overnight." About four hours later Ware was on the sideline with a pulled thigh muscle that will prompt the first missed game of his Ring-of-Honor career Sunday in Philly. He could be out a month. He might never be the same again.

   *Baseball already has its signature game of the playoffs with the Red Sox' rally over the Tigers behind David Ortiz' Grand Slam in Game 2 of the ALCS. But, other than that, zzzzz. I watched both the ALCS and NLCS games last Saturday and what'd I get? 18 innings. 105 outs. 2 runs. Two. All spliced together by countless slow-motion replays of swings of misses and endless shots of a crowd on the edge of its seat awaiting ... something. Anything. Late in those games we waited a good 30 - and at times 45 - seconds between pitches. And add another game last night in which a team didn't score. In the five LCS games, three times the losing team has been shut out and in all but one the winning team scored three runs or less. Average score: 2.8-1.4. Don't look now, but this postseason baseball has deteriorated into soccer.

   *Remember back when Dez Bryant made us cringe on kick returns with his careless ball security and mental lapses? Yeah, well Dwyane Harris has fixed all that. I detail the two-time NFC Special Teams Player of the Week over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Don't see the movie, Prisoners. Unless, that is, you want to torture yourself with the most confusing, nonsensical plot involving a maze since The Shining. Jake Gyllenhaal is a bumbling detective that misses obvious clues and never ever calls for uniformed backup. If you dare try it, please tell me why the little girl in the hospital claims Hugh Jackman was there when she had tape put on her mouth. And if you remember The Shining, please tell me why Jack Nicholson supposedly seeing himself in old photos at the hotel bar makes him want to kill everyone in sight.

   *I don't agree with everything about this New York Post column penned by Phil Mushnick, but it is thought-provoking. As in, yeah, it's kinda weird how we just mindlessly knee-jerk into "thoughts and prayers" mode for Adrian Peterson, even though the Vikings' running back never even took the time to meet his 2-year-old son that was killed at the hands of another man last weekend.



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  1. Richie,
    Peterson had only recently (few months) confirmed that his son that died was his via paternity test which is why he hadn't been more involved

  2. No update about Chris Arnold?

  3. AP - How many pro-athletes/entertainers do we see now who have the kid they've never met, send a monthly check, and don't even know the kid's name. Sign of the times...

    Deion - Why is this guy's life always a circus?

    TCU - looked like attendence at an SMU game. Good thing they expanded the stadium.

    DISD - Can't say I'm surprised. Life has consequences. I don't agree with it, but that's the way youthful indescretions go. She'll be fine. There are worse things in life than getting canned from the DISD.

    "Anchorman" ruined the chance of anyone on TV convincing the general populace they're curing cancer, and not really just reading a teleprompter.

  4. The girls were in the hole the 2nd time Hugh Jackman went to visit the old crazy lady. She put tape on their mouths so they couldnt yell. That's why he went back there after talking to the girl in the hospital.

    Could have been a great movie without Jake G.....terrible acting.


  5. "Baseball has deteriorated into soccer."

    So it's become the most popular sport on the planet? Good news!

  6. I heard the TCU game was more full earlier, but the awful heat and humidity Saturday drove people out because people were passing out.

    1. We were there (Season Ticket holders) Good, not great crowd early, cleared at halftime and more and more filtered out, including us and our cranky 2 year old. It was humid and miserable and the beer was ever so cold at the truck.

    2. Funny that the heat and humidity to didn't seem to chase anyone away at Texas/OU game over Dallas going on at roughly the same time?

  7. I'll have to go see Prisoners. It has positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, and Richie's taste in music and film is, um, questionable. Yeah, don't even start about Cake and the Toadies.

    Despite your claim of not being a man of small stature, Pat looks twice your size. And if I recall correctly, Gina Miller looked about a foot taller than you back in the day.

    I don't know what kids would have done when I was in school if they had access to naked pictures of their teacher. Well, I do know what they would have done, but...nevermind. I hope Cristy moves on to something bigger and better than DISD.

    I even hope Richie moves on to something better than the Fan, even though he likes to pretend like I hate him. I'm just glad Richie wasn't fired for nude photos. Why? Why'd I go there?

    1. What does someone's height have to do with anything? Is that your obsession?

  8. I read each entry until I see that it has to do with sports. If it does, I generally go to the next one. I've figured out that you are a sports mental midget. I do however enjoy your posts on "non-sports" items, even if I disagree with you.

    1. What do you know about anything?!? I bet your fantasy team can't even score 100 points....

  9. I once farted so hard I sharted out a crossed eyed turd...I called it a Schwitt

  10. How in the HELL does a bugged eyed, all the time drunk looking, doucher, hack of a turd like you EVER get a girl like Sybil Summers? Seriously...It's NOT because of your junk, so says the entire gay community, so what do you have on this girl? Jeez an assbag like you, landing Sybil Summers?????? Jeez....

    1. It's called $ dude

    2. My, my, my.... Someone's jealous. Oh wait, you're gay. Or are at least familiar with the entire gay community.

    3. Stockholm Syndrome.

    4. Sybil really isn't that hot. Look more closely.

    5. Yeah, I'm sure your left and right palms look much more attractive, up close, to you.

    6. Evereytime I see these comments I just cringe. Whatever her reasons for dating Whitt, they're H-E-R reasons. Plus if I'm not mistaken she's in her 30's. People have different priorities at that age.

    7. Agreed, they are HER reasons...Novel Concept - maybe she just happens to love him...

    8. So you're familiar with Richie's junk. Hmmmm.......

  11. My understanding about AP and his 2 years old son. He did not pay child support because it was only recently he learned of the boy. He had made plans after the season to visit and then the horrific thing happened.

  12. LOL! I'm not a big fan of Richie either, but I gotta give it to him for takin the BS he catches on here. I like your writing but was not a fan of you on RaGE. I think RaGE would have worked on a scaled back time line. I would love to have that option now.

  13. Jessica Simpson = best Hot/Not ever

  14. Don't know about Prisoners, but The Shining is one of the best thrillers ever. Of course you have to actually watch it, pay attention and understand the film. It's not just another '80s slasher picture. And if you don't understand it already, it wouldn't do any good to explain it to you. You just must not have the mental capacity to grasp it, which is fine. Not everyone does.

    And if I'm the Cowboys, I'm praying for Vick on Sunday. Overhyped, past his prime, always inaccurate, mistake-prone, and can't ever seem to understand why he gets the accolades he constantly does. Foles in far more accurate and makes better decisions in that offense.

  15. Despite what richie says his birthname is richard and he currently stands 5'6". thats why he wears platforms.

  16. The Shining-I always just assumed that by seeing the picture of Jack in 1921 (obviously having not aged) it was an indication to the viewer that the hotel keeps bringing the characters Jack and the butler back to recreate the mass family murder, generation after generation, over and over again.

