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Friday, October 18, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.18.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *As I wrote for CBS back in March when this Rangers' power struggle was beginning to simmer, Nolan Ryan's departure was inevitable and necessary. And - I know this is blasphemy - his legacy is overrated. Fans of ol' Nolan want to believe it was Big Tex who triumphantly returned to Arlington in 2008 and kick-started the moribund franchise. Trust me, I was giddy when Nolan came back. Wrote as much in a cover story for the Dallas Observer. But truth? Jon Daniels had the wheels in motion toward success before Ryan arrived as CEO. Daniels hired Ron Washington and acquired players like Elvis Andrus and Neftali Feliz and Matt Harrison and Josh Hamilton and stockpiled the No. 1 farm system in baseball without Nolan. Ryan gets credit for making the Rangers' pitch better. But Daniels gets credit for giving the Rangers better pitchers. Daniels is the Xs and Os architect; Ryan is the symbolic figurehead. When you go to the State Fair you take a picture of Big Tex, but you enjoy the rides designed by Daniels. I'm not saying having Ryan in the organization is a bad thing, just that Daniels is far more valuable. It's Jimmy vs. Jerry, without the rings. Except, this time, the local team escaped with the more essential piece. I get that fans are bummed. Nolan is a man's man from Texas who hunts and headlocks and despises sissy conveniences like bottled water and hair product. But you really think today's Major League Baseball player is attracted to Texas because of Nolan Ryan? Sorry, but Yasiel Puig has zero idea who Nolan Ryan is. Just like, I guarantee there are more than a handful of players at Valley Ranch who can't quite put their finger on that guy Roger Starbuck. In the end, Nolan's ten-gallon ego got too big for his britches. He shoved Chuck Greenberg out of town. But, thankfully, Jon Daniels shoved back.

   *That fourth all-sports talk-radio station teasing us with a Fall launch has been further delayed. And this time one of the high-ups involved is telling me it's the House Republicans' fault. Basically the station plans to be on an AM frequency that needs a stronger signal. The power upgrade, however, is awaiting final approval from the FCC. Which, of course, was among the entities temporarily paused by the government shutdown.

   *Sorry, haters, but the Cowboys are still America's Team. So says, um, America. They're also the NFL's most valuable franchise and - to be fair - they haven't won a Super Bowl in, oh, going on 6,474 days.

   *Most days the loyal readers of this here blog poke and prod and disagree and generally attempt to kick me in the nuts. But sometimes they show up and give me money. Well, sorta. Danny Stephens did me some detective work and discovered that somebody or something owes me $313. It's just waiting for me to claim it, and they'll send me the check. It's not a scam. It's Texas' unclaimed property. Check it out. And if you get found money, thank Danny.

   *The New Jersey Nets last night retired Jason Kidd's No. 5. Wonder if the Mavs - er, Mark Cuban - will ever do the same? Kidd started as No. 5 in Dallas in '94, but wore No. 2 when he returned and helped lead them to their title in '11. Of course then he backed out of deal to stay in Dallas and pissed off the owner and ... some day that ice will thaw. But not yet.



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  1. I agree with Media Expert. it is time for the Richie Whitt / Brad Barton political show. Love to hear the inside stories of Richie's hate of 105.3 the fan and Brad Barton's despise of Newsradio 1080 on the side

    1. It's one thing to be stupid, it's another thing to profess it publicly. Nice job....

    2. You know, the thing that sucks about this site is that anyone can put someone's name on here. Guess I'll have to create an account that only I can use. Bastards.

    3. Screw it I'm keeping the name. Don't know who that is but it actually is a good idea.

    4. Create an account. Unmask thyself. It's liberating.

  2. Somebody tell Pete Carroll that he looks F&*(ing ridiculous gnawing on a huge wad of gum the whole night. And how the hell did the holding penalty on the Seahawks, at 10 seconds left in the half, actually HELP the Seahawks? Oh right, because AZ didn't decline the penalty and let the clock run out, so by accepting the penalty they gave the field goal unit time to get on the field and score. Awesome work there NFL coaches. and... fantastic call refs. AZ sucks anyway, but if it were the Cowboys in this situation they would be ready to crucify someone... quickly.

  3. I love HOT/NOT. When I click on hot, I always love it. Then everytime I reluctantly click on NOT, knowing in advance I will probably be disgusted (but do it anyway). What's wrong with me? Then I need to click on HOT again just to get the bad taste and image out of me head. I don't want to click on the NOT..but it's like I just want to see what's behind the curtain.

    1. Lol. Imagine the triplicate discourse in my brain each morning.

  4. I had $95 in unclaimed property! Thanks Richie! And thanks Danny!

    Also, why in the world would someone want to start up a 4th sports station in town and on the AM dial at that? That is NEVER NEVER NEVER going to work out for them. How do they not know that?

    1. Never say never. What if it was an all-sports station in Spanish? It would be a brilliant move with an enormous waiting audience and an abundance of advertising opportunities. The Mexican population in DFW loves the Cowboys if you haven't noticed.

    2. It's not going to be an all-sports station in spanish. If it was, it would be classified as a spanish station and not a sports station. And Richie would have said it was a spanish station.

    3. I'm interested in another station, but I certainly wouldn't buy stock in its success.

  5. Hey Richie let me know if the Chevy Test Drive area is up and running. When I went Wednesday saw a crash between 2 Chevy Impalas and 2 Chevy Corvette Stingrays. I could send you a picture or 2 for your NOT section.

  6. Richie should love Pete Carroll cuz he's an old doucher pretending to be 27 yr old doucher and he has a gf half his age.

    1. I'll never understand the criticism of a guy getting "gfs half his age." The only possible rationale for this mindset is jealousy.

    2. sorry pal, but exposing a midget in the midst of a mid-life crisis is not jealousy. its an attempt for you to read these words as you look in the mirror and see your weathered skin, frosted plugs, grocery bags under your eyes and realize" DAMN! i'm the pint sized Chris-Chris the Musers describe."
      there are reasons why medja types like you and fisher always fail while the public laughs.
      its called talentless.
      it also doesn't help when the little ticket exposes said fact.
      the little ticket has massive amounts of listeners.
      even if you were good, the fact that they pat you on your little head and send you to mom means you're irrelevant.

      after you flopped on your +`1 interview you went scorched on the ticket and wrote many a piece about their demise. whether it be the "last supper", arbitron is wrong, PPM will show lower ratings, friedo's departure and "the hard lie", etc.

      nowadays after justifiably being fired for having the lowest ratings for a major market PM drive show in the history of radio, you rail on your former employer.
      tisk tisk.

      facts are facts. they can be looked up. facts are not emotions. jealousy is an emotion which quite frankly doesn't come from the anon writing this comment. if i had any emotion towards you it would be sympathy.
      which is why i frequent your blog.
      i'd rather you beg for $ here by going to the ticket or greggo well than see you panhandling on Stemmons
      or pimping out Sybil.

    3. Do you know why Sybil is dating Richie? It's quite simple...It's because she's a fucking ADULT. Whatever her reasons, she is an ADULT, making ADULT decisions. Also if I'm not mistaken she's in her 30's, which means that people mature, and have different priorities. It's quite common when you become an ADULT.

      The vitriol you spit out screams of an ADULT, that has nothing better to do, and is wayy too invested in what happens in local radio. Take a deep breath, and try going outside every once in a while. There are plenty of people you can be jealous of, if you take a walk in the park.

      -An ADULT

  7. RW..Your timing sure sucks. You go all gaga over Jon Daniels and dismiss Big Tex. Then I watch Napoli and Koji, two players JD tossed aside, win game 5 against Detroit. Daniels jettisoned Hamilton, Uhara, Napoli and brought in a dead man masquerading as a DH. Lance Berkman alone made the off season the worst in baseball..
    I hope you enjoy the losing because it will continue. Nolan set a tone for this team and now we have the most overrated GM, and dumbest manager in baseball. It doesn't seem to matter to most Ranger fans, but again it's Texas and looking at who is elected here, this state lives in a constant state of idiocy.

    1. First of all, Napoli had an avg season, BA:259 HR:23...almost same as Moreland. He is hot right now at the same time when everyone is watching. But in the regular season he wouldn't be a difference maker. 2nd almost every Ranger fan wanted Koji out cause he was inconsistent, plus our bullpen and pitching is the strength of the team, Koji is not necesary. And all those fans saying that Nolan was the reason they are winning you are morons. JD built the team that went to World Series. He traded for Feliz, Harrison, and Andrus. He traded for Hamilton all before Nolan got there. Holland was already in minor league. The ones that did the trading and signing this whole time has been JD. And all the idiots who say the rangers front office is a sybermetrics office are idiots. First of they do use it but there strength comes from scouts not computer geeks. They used best of both worlds. Also Berkman was a Nolan guy, like Oswalt. How that worked out. Stop reading Galloway. I give credit to Nolan in changing the pitchers mind about pitch count and dont worry about the heat, but you need a GM to bring talented pitchers. All this Nolan lovers remind me of tea partiers who all they listen too is what Fox News say and say Obama is muslim and anti christ. Do some research idiot, how is a 91 win team, who lost two starters for the season and had no offense a loosing team.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. BTW it's not spelled loosing.... How did you come to this less than educated conclusion? They won 91 games this season, one more than they won when they went to the Series in 2010 and only 5 less than 2011. So if by your definition JD had the worst off season in base ball and it meant 91 wins, here's hoping JD has many more worst off seasons in baseball. Because if he has a good one, we all get a ring.

      And that "overrated GM" and his scouting department currently have the 4th best minor league system in baseball.

      I just heard an interview with Jackie Moore. He came across as a bitter old man. And if half of what he said was true, then he and Nolan should have been gone long before now.

      I'll stick with JD. How may folks in Oakland do you think want to string up the sabermetric driven GM Billy Beane?

    4. Should be baseball not base ball.... Sorry.

    5. I'm right there with you on the JD thing, but let's not kid ourselves about the wins. We won 91 games because Houston was new in our division and we got to kick them around for 17 of 19 games.

    6. Doesn't matter. As the old saying goes you play who's on the schedule and you beat the teams you should - Cowboys take note. I'll argue that if they score 2 runs in Yu's 4 1-0 games they have 95 wins and win the West.

      Don't get me wrong. I love Nolan. Have since he was with the Mets. But let's not forget that his business association with the Rangers started as a 10 year personal services contract which is French for poster boy. He did the same thing in Houston until they decided they didn't need or want him in the front office. If Tom Hicks hadn't pooped all over his nest and had any credibility at all, Nolan may never have come back to the Rangers.

    7. It does matter because they won 91 games and didn't make the playoffs. This means this team isn't near as good as some folks make it out to be.

      Name another team that won 91 games and didn't make the playoffs.

      91 games is the equivalent of 85 in any other division. If the Rangers win 85, nobody is bragging about it.

    8. That 91 wins got them into a 3 way tie for the wildcard. They needed to win 92 to move on. And 91 is 91. It's not 85 by any math that I'm familiar with.

      And I guess you can count me in that minority that would have been happy had they won 85. I love the game for the game. Am I a fan of the Rangers? You bet. Did I lose any sleep because they didn't make the playoffs? Not one wink. Like grandpa said, there's always next year.

      To me, once you adopt the Randy Galloway mindset that it's either championship or it's failure, you've lost perspective. And sports are to enjoyable for me to get to that point.

    9. 91 is not 91 because it's a weak division. The Cowboys may win their ridiculously weak division with 8 games this year, but it doesn't mean they're a good team. It does not mean Jerry's a good GM.

      If they win 91 games 20 years in a row because Houston hands it to them, and still fail to make the playoffs 20 years in a row, JD's head will be served on a silver platter.

    10. Your argument falls apart when you consider that Houston, however bad they are, had a 10-9 record against the sainted Angels. So did the Angels 'hand' them 10 games?

      Your 20 year exaggeration is foolish. It won't take more than a couple of years for JD to make changes if he sees this team running in place.

      And wait for the wailing, name calling and finger pointing from fans to start when he realizes the time has come to rebuild it.

      That's the problem with fans today. They won't accept 91 wins as being successful and they damn sure won't accept 65 wins because the team is being rebuilt.

    11. While I agree that the 91 wins were a tad cheapened by the Astros in the AL West and while I admit Daniels had a bad year with Berkman, etc., I'll still take the architect of a consistent 90-win and you can have the figurehead who merely "sets the tone."

  8. I would still rather have Carroll as opposed to Big-Red. He honestly seems like he would be a better GM, than a coach.

  9. RW - great take on the Nolan Ryan situation. I totally agree with you 100%! Nolan was more for PR than anything else. Hey, I Love me some Nolan Ryan - but...don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out.

    And how about just a little love for the 4th all-sports station already on the air - 1460am out of Cleburne. ESPN affiliate, carries Texas Rangers games, Baylor football, lot's of High School stuff. They just upgraded the afternoons with David Smoak.

    1. Thanks, and I didn't know that. Smoaky's in Cleburne? Kudos to that station.

  10. Just found $55 -- thanks!

  11. I don't know why another sports station would try to enter this market. No one is going to dethrone the Ticket for a while and now with the marketing agreement they have with espn, well, whatever station espn on will be run better. CBS can just keep throwing away money to pull a 2 rating.... and who is going to flip back over to AM now that the Ticket is on FM?

  12. Normally, I don't agree with what you say, Richie...but your bit on Nolan is exactly what I've been saying this whole time. And I'm a huge Nolan fan. My first baseball game happened to be his 7th he's one of my sports heroes. But...he alone didn't build this franchise. I just hope the rest of the fan base sees that.

    1. I don't mean to diminish what Nolan did. He was a part of the Rangers' resurrection. Just not as big of a part as Daniels.

  13. I grow weary of all the Nolan love. People around here act like he invented baseball. I heard Bob Simpson say yesterday that he thinks he (Nolan) is the greatest pitcher of all time. That's almost laughable. Simpson is a smart business man but, Please!! Nolan made all the proclamations about pitch counts and such but the numbers bear out that the first two seasons after his "mantra" was thrown down the Rangers were near the bottom of baseball in innings pitched by starters. The real reason Nolan "retired" is because Galloway isn't on every afternoon to sing his praises and shit on Daniels. Nolan's mouthpiece is off the air and everyone else tends to look at the facts and not just the Nolan aura.

    1. No doubt the root of Galloway being pissed about Nolan's departure is because they're cigar-smokin' buddies. But that's legit, I don't blame him for being pissed. He's still got a good friend. But he lost a great source.

  14. Jackie Moore was on 103.3 this morning and went scortched earth.

    1. He sounded like a bitter old man. And if any of what he said was true, and I'm sure some of it was, where was management? Why didn't Nolan put his foot down. Jackie said Nolan was advised to fire JD. He never said who advised him. And if JD was, as Jackie implied, the root of all that was wrong with the team, why did Nolan keep him.

      Mr. Moore may have said more to justify why JD is still here than not.

  15. You always start out by saying "as I previously reported" on stories that you think you broke. If you were as good as you think you are why have you been fired from 2 publication and 1 failed radio station? You are the poster child for short man's disease.

    1. And you, sir, are the poster child for forced sterilization.

    2. To be fair, I don't think RW was fired from the Star-Telegram or The Observer.

    3. Star-Telegram and the Observer are still operational. How else do you explain it, chap?
      they didn't renew his contract which is essentially a firing.
      both fishwraps are credible and they didn't find a need for a sensationalizing "journalist".
      Make no mistake, he was fired everywhere he's been for lack of big market talent.

      r-dub is good, amarillo good.

    4. Problem is his whiny lib nonsensical politics would hardly go over well in Amarillo. I think Berkeley is probably the locale where RW would thrive.

    5. I hate to throw facts in the middle of your dogpile, but the truth is I resigned from the FWS-T to go to the Observer, which later told me to pick either writing or radio. But if you want to say I was "fired" from two publications, you go ahead and have your fun. Now, was I fired from The Fan? Damn skippy. Thanks.

    6. By the way, if I have" Amarillo" talent shouldn't you be congratulating me for somehow parlaying that into a DFW gig over three media platforms for 27 years? And, um, thanks for visiting my "Amarillo" blog.

  16. What's wrong with Kim Kardasians booty. She is fine to me.

    1. her booty is taller and weighs more than midgey whitt, thats why he has a problem with it.
      he needs to mind his words as his fiancee's arse will also expand to be bigger than him by thanksgiving.
      thats the way mescan women grow

      -- mexican ron washington

  17. Carroll is a fantastic coach. And Yea, he was pretty good back in his NE days. 10/6 type teams got him canned. Cowboy fans would you take that wound here?

  18. Richie....are you going to write a column on the big physical altercation between Nolan and Daniels that you proclaimed here a couple weeks ago where you bashed Nolan for his propensity for violent physical altercations? You wrote it, so back it up and give us the scoop.

    Seriously, I'll never understand why this situation was an either/or when it comes to the two. Perhaps the egos were too big. Both have had a hand in finally building a winner here and both deserve credit. And FWIW, Nolan is hardly Jerry Jones in your little scenario. I know you already have a bias since he's a man's man, hunts and therefore owns guns, doesn't have surgical procedures to cover his bald spot, and probably drives a pickup. But come on, don't let your metro, small man biases affect your opinions.

    1. Nope, never promised such a column.

    2. I know you didn't "promise" such a column, but just thought you might follow up on your obvious knowledge of what know, Nolan putting JD (or someone) in a headlock. Unless it was just third (or twelfth) hand hearsay and maybe it really didn't happen.

  19. I don't know why I frequent your page. Its only every 10-15 days but I don't know why I do. I think you're gay, insecure, and a pathetic douchebag. I honestly do. You have an earring and dye your hair - grow the fuck up. Maybe I just check in to reinforce how much I hate you? I don't know. Keep it up.

    1. Really? Why bother, quit trolling and go to another blog. my 0.02

  20. You need to implement visible ip addresses on these comments, then everyone would be able to see how many anonymous posts are coming from the same douchebag, even though they refuse to register an account (and they might move their trolling elsewhere).
