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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.23.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Told y'all to chill on the Cowboys' salary-cap panic. I know the rest of the NFL wants to think Jerry Jones is such a financially-handcuffed dufus that he won't be able to even field a team in 2014, but the way out of their perennial predicament is - once again - not all that complicated. I explain over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *I'm intrigued by the World Series. Best two fandoms in baseball, right? I've been fortunate enough to watch games in both Fenway and Busch, and those folks don't just love their baseball. They know their baseball. They live their baseball. DFW is a baseball town, sure. But Boston and St. Louis are baseball neighborhoods, much more passionate and close-knit communities of one. When a big, positive play occurs at Rangers Ballpark, the fans' nights just got better. When it happens in Fenway or Busch, those fans' lives just got better. And, for what it's worth, I don't hate either team enough to invoke Failure Jesus.

   *So does former PGA Tour member-turned-Golf-Chanel-analyst Brandel Chamblee think Tiger Woods is a cheater? Or not? I'm a little confused. He gave Tiger's five-win season a score of "100", yet a grade of "F." Said he got a "little cavalier with the rules" and cited four incidents. But in the wake of creating the controversy, Chamblee both stood by his story and apologized to Woods. How can it be both?

   *As expected, Chris Arnold returned to 105.3 The Fan Monday after a week's suspension for plagiarism. We all make mistakes, but usually they're innocent errors. Not pre-meditated, calculated theft. We accidentally knock the lamp off the nightstand; We don't scheme to steal our neighbor's chandelier. As a writer in this market for 27 years I've been wrong on predictions or breaking news, but never have I blatantly just copy-and-pasted somebody else's work and sold it as my own. Chris' job has survived. But I don't see how his credibility does.

   *I know this is weird, but the best Cowboys' offensive lineman through seven games has been Doug Free. And their best defensive back? Orlando Scandrick. I'd have lost that bet back in August. You?

   *Okay, maybe there is hope for this country after all. Despite some protests from ninny parents who erect statues for the kids when they finish half their morning juice, the Keller Youth Association football league is discontinuing the embarrassing and dangerous act of participation trophies. "Life makes you earn everything you get," the group says, causing anyone who's ever been screwed over by life to stop what they're doing and give a standing ovation. (Stopping. Standing. Clapping.)



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  1. Hot: How dare you show off bullets Sir!!

    Not: 403 Forbidden - It's the new Not I guess....

  2. Cowboys salary cap - there's nothing to worry about because...gee...they'll fix it? THAT's your earth shattering analysis?

    How about looking into how restructuring all those contracts could hamstring them past 2014? Will the rest of the players knowing the Cowboys are desperate for a restructuring bend Jerrah over a chair like Romo did?

    That's 30 seconds of my life clicking your Blue Star Blog link that I'm never going to get back.

    1. Rooster - since you obviously know which contracts will be restructured, and are apparently intimately familiar with the salary cap this year and beyond, why don't you write an in-depth analysis for all of us uneducated readers.

      We're always interested in what the experts have to say. Maybe you and the other self proclaimed expert on this blog, Dave, can collaborate.

      Otherwise the 5 seconds it took me to read your worthless comments are 5 seconds I've lost in my life and will never get back.

    2. If that was my job, and you want to pay me, I'm happy to.

    3. Anon 10:11....perhaps you would like to enlighten everyone as to why being $31M over the cap next year ($18M more the next closest franchise) is not a problem. Sure, there may be some contracts reworked just so they can field a team. And even if they can get there, what does that leave left over to tie up key players, i.e., Bryant, or being able to enter the free agent market to shore up big problem areas like the depleted D-line, which is only going to get worse?

      We saw the problems this year when they had a hard time having enough room to sign draft picks and pick up even the cheapest of the cheap from the free agent scrap heap just to have warm bodies. Any way you slice it, it IS a problem and is just another reflection of a GM who hasn't a clue. Great owner, OUTSTANDING businessman, horrible GM, period.

    4. @anon 10:11 I to made the mistake of clicking the link hoping to read some insight into how the Cowboys will escape cap hell. Man I hate to break this to you but Mr. Whitt's column is about as far from an "in-depth analysis" as there is. As a matter of fact it's a pretty laughable give up.

    5. I agree with Rooster. He didn't proclaim to be a sportswriter and have all of the Cowboys cap worries solved like RW did. Its RW's job to do that. In regards to the "article", sure they get under the salary cap restructuring those contracts, but then what? What about filling all the holes that this team has next year? No room to add any kind of premium player for the DL.

    6. I underestimated you knuckleheads. You're actually worried about 2015 as well.

    7. Hey anon 10:11, I saw where you referenced me:

      "Maybe you and the other self proclaimed expert on this blog, Dave, can collaborate."

      Rather than take a swipe at Rooster and me, why don't you sign your dumb ass punk, shit-faced, know nothing waste of skin.


    8. Check out this article from Mike Fisher. It takes a much calmer approach to the cap situation in 2014.

  3. Richie,

    I'm with you on the "not responsible..." signs. They piss me off. It should be illegal to deliberately misrepresent the law. Banks, apartments, car dealerships, etc. all put garbage in contracts and on signs they know is not true but that individuals usually can't afford to challenge.

    With regard to that participation trophy story, I saw it on Fox news last night. There was a viewer poll, and 90% of viewers agreed that not giving out trophies was the right decision. Good to see the people are on board with this one.

    I won't post URLs in your comment section, but yesterday Time had a story entitled "Obamacare Hasn't Put Americans Out of Work". You might find it an agreeable read.

  4. Doug Free as the best O-lineman and Scandrick as the best DB thus far? Surely, you jest. Now, both have been improved over last year and not taking away anything from either of their performances thus far. Scandrick has been a pleasant surprise given Claiborne's issues and Free has had a marked improvement, and the fact that he's making half what he made last year is an added bonus. However no way Free's play has been better than Tyron Smith or even the rookie Frederick. And have you not seen Brandon Carr's play this year? Not only has he been the best DB, but an argument could be made he has been the MVP of the defense or even the team thus far. His man coverage ability has been the key to keeping the defense from a total collapse with the injuries up front.

    1. Ask any scout and they'll tell you the same. At least that's what they told me.

    2. How about watching the games instead. Are these Jerry's scouts? Seriously, Scandrick has had a great year, but has fewer tackles, fewer picks and fewer passes defended than Carr this season. Add to that that Carr has routinely been asked to provide man coverage to the opposition's biggest threat and it's an easy choice.

  5. Can there be too much breast cancer awareness? Yes. Yes there can be.

  6. 9.99 for a six pack? GD

    1. I predict pizza buzz will get slammed on all the review sites (YELP) & I'll be there leading it on.

    2. Unless Sybil brings it over in a thong, NFW

    3. That's actually not a bad price.....a little less than double the going rate if you went to the store. It's just a matter of the people within the area are collectively willing to fork over that much more for their beer to have it delivered.

  7. Best DB on the Cowboys has been Brandon Carr, and it's not even close.


    1. The last two games maybe. But over 7 weeks, no way. Scandrick.
