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Friday, October 25, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.25.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Last time the Cowboys rode into Detroit Tony Romo was at the peak of his career. Clutch drive to beat the Lions. Last-second touchdown pass to Jason Witten. On his way to 4,200 yards and the Pro Bowl, and his team was a sparkling 12-1. The head coach on the other sideline that day in December 2007 will be on the Cowboys' bench Sunday at Ford Field: Rod Marinelli.

   *So far in the World Series it's been defense. Bad defense. The simple art of catching and throwing. The Cardinals kicked the ball around like the Bad News Bears in Game 1 and in last night's Game 2 the Red Sox made two errors in the crucial 7th inning in throwing away a lead. So far it's anything but Fall Classic.

   *To help get Pizza Buzz off the ground Sybil and I spent yesterday afternoon hand-delivering fliers in surrounding neighborhoods. Compared to the chaotic convergence of contractors and permits and inspectors and vendors and deliveries and hiring and training and writing checks and ... it was literally a walk in the park. Sunshine. iPod. No phones. My main discovery after trekking around northeast Fort Worth for two hours? Way more folks than I thought still have the newspaper delivered. I'd say one of every three houses had a Fort Worth Star-Telegram in the driveway.

   *Is there any doubt the worst team in the NFL resides in Florida? Only 200 miles apart are the Jacksonville Jaguars and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. They are a combined 0-14 by an average score of 28-13. Bad as the Bucs looked in losing to Carolina last night, I'd take them by a touchdown over the Jags.

   *There is " ... and justice for all." Sometimes. Cardan Spencer, the Dallas cop who shot the mentally ill man in a horrible scene caught on home surveillance video 10 days ago, has been fired. And also charged with aggravated assault. Good. Spencer's report said the victim, Bobby Bennett, took two steps forward and raised a knife in a threatening manner. The video, however, showed Spencer shooting a man who stood still with his arms at his side. The sickening thing about all this is the response from Dallas Police Association President Ron Pinkston, who says "the investigation was pushed through for political and media reasons" and that "the Dallas Police Department lost a very good young police officer today." Bull. Shit. We have enough bad folks on the streets without having cops who will shoot innocent victims.

   *Bases loaded. One out. Tie game. Bottom 9. You win the game you get $10 million cash. You lose the game you get an instant lethal injection. Who do you want at the plate? Hard to not hand the bat to David Ortiz isn't it?



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  1. I wish you the best of luck in your new bussiness venture I sincerely do. But.....If you are going to write about the daily goings on at your pizza place and turn this blog into a promotional tool for it even more than it already is I'm out. I understand this is your toy and you can play with however you would like but I don't come heard to read about the pizza and beer biz.

    1. ***here*** sorry about that

    2. The commenter above me is a moronOctober 25, 2013 at 9:50 AM

      You also misspelled business, dummy.

    3. The commenter above me is funny AND correct!

    4. Appreciate the feedback. I'll talk about Pizza Buzz from time to time. But I'll try not to go overboard. Promise. Sorta.

  2. Richie, I honestly have come to the conclusion that you don't like baseball as much as you say you do. The way any team wins, is by capitalizing on mistakes made by the opposition. You hated pitching duels, and you hate the drama of errors.

    1. No, don't get me wrong. The errors are a big part of the game I love. I was just stating that it hasn't been immaculated played. So far.

  3. I think Obamacare has to actually start, before you can say it hasn't cost any jobs. That's like saying, see--this medicine doesn't make you ill---before you've taken it.

    1. Nothing but the bottom of the net!

    2. I think the ACA has to actually start before people can say it Will cost jobs. That's like saying, see this ACA will cost you your job before it's been implemented.

    3. Not exactly. Businesses don't "wait" for something to start before they act. That's like saying don't check to see if the pool has water in it until after you dive in.

  4. World Series - so far it gets a meh.

    Newpapers - I'm one of the dudes that still gets a paper. Sitting down with my coffee and a tablet just isnt the same.

    DPA President - I would like to pretend those words never came out of this clown's mouth. Comments like that make people trust cops even less than they do now.

    Uniforms - I realize this makes me sound like a 40-something year old white guy, but the world was a better place before they started tricking up uniforms.

    Obamacare - I've said my piece. Not taking the bait today.

    Mavs - I really am trying to care, and think this team full of spares might do something this year.

    Lions 31 Cowboys 17 - being a little tough on the Beaver there, aren't you Ward?

    Pizza Buzz - I realize I've kicked you around a bit on this (if you're a small business owner and you're not scared to death - you will be), but good luck in your journey. Open a location in Frisco, and you'll be my first call for pie.

    1. The commenter above me is a moronOctober 25, 2013 at 10:14 AM

      You take the bait by just being here. Go away.

    2. Awwwwwww Pookie, did somebody take little man's lunch money?...

      Have some milk and cookies and you'll feel better in the morning.

    3. You're always welcome here, Rooster. And Pookie. Bait or not.

  5. Yeah, so got a letter in the mail from my health insurance company telling me I have to choose between two options. Option 1, keep my plan the same, my monthly premiums go up 10% for 2014. Option 2, choose the ACA plan (Obamacare) which will allow pre-existing conditions (don't have any) and drop my deductable slightly. Oh, and my monthly premiums go up 322%. Called them up after a week to clarify some things. Turns out, keeping my existing plan for 10% more is just them (insurance company) delaying the "hit". After 2014, I have no choice but to change. And that 322% increase, yeah, it will most likely be more than that. So, curious if anyone has had better success than me?

    1. Impossible. RW says the hit is only $16/mo.

    2. It's such a cluster fu%* Obama doesn't even know what it is.

    3. It amazes me our government can't even manage the construction of a website, and we think they're capable of managing something this complex?

    4. Crazy how people can stick their head in the sand and think this won't hurt many in our country. It's simple math, insurance companies are forced to cover everyone and citizens are forced to buy. Rates have no choice but to explode where they've already been doing so for years.

    5. My monthly premium will go up only slightly a month. Again, not saying it's great for everyone. But for me, one skipped fast-food trip per month is worth helping those that need help in this country.

    6. That's great for you, even though you were promised your premiums would go down. My hike in premium could be equaled out in a similar fashion......problem is it wouldn't happen with one fast food meal, but more like food for a month for my family of five. Can't really forego that though so I guess I'll just have to accept it like higher taxes and $3 gas. sigh......

      What an ass-whipping this administration has been on the working middle class.

  6. You're probably on it Richie, but don't forget to get you a little Pizza Buzz ad in the Fort Worth Weekly. Lots of exposure and very inexpensive.

  7. ACA website - Personally I've had no problems with it. It doesn't work with Firefox though, I had to use IE. As for the cost, not sure. Haven't completely finished filling out all the needed information yet to see.

    As for it being bad, costing jobs, etc, etc. - Considering the folks who are saying it in the national media, I'm inclined to think it'll be the complete opposite of "damaging to the American people."

    What do I know though, I'm one of those dirty "libtards."

  8. Why should we doubt the feds' ability to run healthcare? They're so adept at running everything else, right? ACA is working out just as I thought and exactly opposite as was promised a million times over by the politicians who sold it who knew not a damn thing about it.....either that or they were lying through their collective teeth. But that couldn't be, could it?

  9. I just don't understand the ACA (fucking refuse to call it the "O" word). Help me out RW and crew. The idea is to get otherwise healthly people to sign on to help pay for the sick in the country. True? That's the basic gist in my mind anyway.

    So, and help me if I'm being obtuse, why in the FUCK do we not just raise the medicare tax and have medicare for all? Is that too fucking easy? Are we not paying a tax anyway since enforcement is through the other great satan of the government, the IRS?

    Current individual rate is 1.45%...2.9% with employer contribution. This happens whether you have 2 or 200 people. If the system is working, albeit in debt because we keep borrowing from those funds as well, then double the fucking thing to 2.9% (5.8% total...or raise to 6%). Seems like a pretty goddamn easy solution. But wait, here's the kicker:


    The ACA will never work. It'lll sputter along and be tweaked here and there, but rates and medical expenses are going to keep going up (at least for those drawing a paycheck) putting people deeper into debt, or what I like to call a consumer coma, in spite of what the ACA proclaims. And the leaders of this...cough, cough, wheeze...great nation of ours, who by the way are vested fully in said fraud companies, full well fucking know it.

    Buckle up Democons and Republicants. This will burn all of us.

  10. Time Rag is your source and you bought into it? Other then sports you prove yourself to be a fucking idiot everytime you open your mouth (on Radio or TV) or type the printed word. Stick to sports and stop sucking the cock of President Stompy Foot.
