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Monday, October 28, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.28.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Dez Bryant's reasoning for being upset during Sunday's loss to the Lions was valid. But the way in which he displayed his frustration and totally lost control of his emotion was inexcusable. It's laughable that Bryant had only six passes thrown his way. He's got a point. But demonstratively yelling at coaches and quarterback Tony Romo is unprofessional and unacceptable. Worst part? Down 1 but about to receive the ball with 12 seconds remaining, the Cowboys were on the sideline attempting to draw up a miracle play. But a pouting, shouting Dez wanted no part of it. When Jason Witten approached to persuade him to join the think tank, Dez barked at him, adamantly flailed his arms and refused. When you have to be disciplined by Witten and DeMarcus Ware (veterans with a combined 20 years of NFL experience) and when you're no longer a solution to your team's problems, then - congratulations - you've officially become a distraction. Production "passion" my ass. His outbursts were a selfish liability on Sunday.

   *You just witnessed the worst defensive month in the history of your Dallas Cowboys. Crazy that I'm pronouncing that just a week after they held the Eagles without a touchdown in Philly, but think about it: In October the Cowboys set dubious franchise records for most points allowed in a home game (51), most yards surrendered in a game (623), most points given up in a 4th quarter (24) and the second-biggest receiving day in NFL history (329). This team has a lot of problems, but the injury-depleted, patch-work defensive line not pressuring quarterbacks is issue No. 1.

   *What a weird, (sorta) wonderful World Series punctuated by two of the craziest endings you'll ever see. I maintain that it's great theater, but bad baseball. In Game 3 Red Sox third baseman Will Middlebrooks inexplicably failed to catch a throw at the bag, then sprawled on the dirt and was called for - of all things - obstruction. First walk-off lay-down in baseball history. Then came last night's peculiar finish. With his team trailing by two and the bat in the hands of Carlos Beltran, pinch-runner Kolten Wong was somehow picked-off 1st base. What happens in Game 5? I predict Nolan Ryan reveals his resignation from Rangers was because he still had an itch to scratch and goes out and throws his 8th career no-hitter for Cardinals.

   *Lions 31, Cowboys 30: My Top 10 Whitty Comments are over at NBC's Blue Star Blog.

   *If you were surprised to hear that Randy Galloway's ultimate replacement on 103.3 FM ESPN is the duo of Matt Mosley/Tim Cowlishaw, then you haven't been reading Whitt's End close enough. Their offering - The Afternoon Show - begins today at 3.



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  1. I know Tony R. personnaly and he is a huge Dez fan. A comparison to T.O. is ridiculos!

    1. Personally, I think your spelling is ridiculous. It is very hard to take someone seriously when they spell like they dropped out of school in the 3rd grade. I don't care if you know Jerry Jones personally, Dez was out of line and needs to chill before he winds up like TO.


  2. "I don't blame the White Truck for the hit, but there's excuse for the ensuing run."

    I can only assume you meant to say "no excuse" in this instance.

  3. i disagree, dez bryants blow up is exactly what this team is missing, someone who is tired of complacency, and average.

    1. Complacency and average is exactly the brand of football we have come to expect in Dallas. The Cowboys problems start at the top and cascade down from there. Jerry Jones has been making questionable draft choices, ill-advised trades, and giving unmerited contracts for years now. We are just seeing the results as it applies to the whole team. He fixes something and breaks something else in the process. I continue to believe that the Cowboys will be mired in mediocrity as long as Jones remains the GM....which could be a LONG time.


    2. Spot on Dave. The failures of this GM never cease to amaze me. There's only one guy on the planet who could fuck up like this for nearly two decades and still keep his job, and that's Jerry Jones. WORST GM in the game period.

      Actually kind of funny......a very mediocre team (at best) who has serious cap problems, almost to the point of not being able to sign draft choices. And they're $31 million over next year, even though RW and other football neophytes think that is no big thing. If the Cowboys were winning championships, I would agree with their way of thinking. But in this case, they are wrong.

      Seriously, when are people going to finally stop lining Jerry's pockets, buying tickets and crap with the logo on it? Probably never....and hence the mediocrity-at-best mantra will continue to live on.

  4. Jason Witten ought to be completely focused on his near zero contribution yesterday as opposed to trying to "lead" Bryant. At least Dez made plays yesterday in his limited targets.

  5. Bulls Eye on the T-Mobile ad assessment! Looked over at my girl friend and wondered aloud, "Can you imagine how bad the campaigns they passed on were?"

    Hope all is well with "The Buzz"

    John D. Head

  6. Nice job by your boy Scandrick with that coverage on Durham on the 40-yard gain that was the crusher on the Lion's last drive. The one thing you don't want to let a third string receiver do in that situation is get behind you. Tell me again how Scandrick is the best Cowboys DB?

  7. Richie explain to me how insurance became more affordable for me? My premiums are going way up. Explain how having the federal government force you to buy something is a good idea?

    1. Yep those of us who pay for insurance have had premium increases because of the "Affordable" Health Care Act. Just got an email today from the company and yes, they are raising premiums again for 2014. It is because of the additional cost to comply to the Health Care Act. I don't identify by party or left or right. I do find the smug attitude of those whom identify as left or liberal nauseating. Their fake intellectual supremacy makes me laugh at them and their narcissistic shallowness. I have the same contempt for the Religious Right bungholes. Rant over, I feel better now. Thanks for the forum Richie.

  8. I'm not for impeaching the President, but do you understand why people talk about it?
    Benghazi, IRS targeting conservative groups, NSA spying on Americans, spending 500 million bucks on a website that sucks! Explain these to me.

    1. Because RW doesn't mind when the people he likes lie, cheat and steal. In fact he kind of enjoys it till his ox his gored. Thennnnnnn, they are criminals of the worst kind.

    2. "Most of the time we forget how lucky we are to live in this country instead of, oh, anywhere else."

      One of your most asinine sentences I've read so far. Truly are one of the brainwashed to think this is the "greatest country on earth". Don't get me wrong. We hit the geographic lottery. But there is more than one lottery game being played dude. I can name 8 countries I will be seriously considering going ex-pat that are just as "free" as the US, and actually probably more so.

      So as with those who you oppose, feel free to stand atop the moutain with your sign proclaiming us the greatest. You have the "freedom" to do so. And by the way, I'm pretty sure most of these guys, while still fretting over the ACA, probably have more dog in the hunt regarding the NSA monitoring American citizens and US allies abroad more than anything.

      Because, you know, that's what "freedom" loving governments do to their people....

  9. JJT wrote in his article yesterday that Witten came off the field barking earlier in the 4th yet nobody is talking about it because they didn't put the cameras on him. The media singles out Dez for things way too much and most are negatively if the media in DFW doesn't want Dez I bet Brady would sure love to have him.

  10. completely disagree with the TO comparison Dez is trying to help the team win...don't agree? 66 percent of the time he touched the ball yesterday he scored seems pretty logical to keep giving it to him to me.

  11. Comparing Dez to Brady is madness. One has shown he knows how to lead and win, the other hasn't shown much.

  12. "Down 1 but about to receive the ball with 12 seconds remaining, the Cowboys were on the sideline attempting to draw up a miracle play. But a pouting, shouting Dez wanted no part of it. When Jason Witten approached to persuade him to join the think tank, Dez barked at him, adamantly flailed his arms and refused"...........I think this is all speculations on your part RW, you don't know what the conversation was at that point. I like Dez's passion, and don't blame him for being pissed!

  13. I was really worried the Not part of Hot was going to e Dez but thanks for holding off on that for now!!

  14. I love when RW continues to spew his low IQ, uninformed political drivel. "attempting to provide affordable healthcare to every American." Is that what you really think? Why are costs going through the roof driving people to the point of not being able to afford insurance? Oh, and by the by, if you can no longer afford insurance because of our backwards intrusive fucking law, then instead of taking the savings on premiums to spend on you and your family's medical care, you get to pay the us, the massively obese feds, yet another fucking tax because of it.

    1. "Attempting." Hell you even copied and pasted the god damn word. Typical of your kind though.

    2. What the fuck are you talking about anon 8:40? Not one damn factual contradiction to anything I stated, just some lame ass attempt at an insult and nothing more. Typical of YOUR kind.

    3. Calling you out on your own ignorance to what was said and to what you said isn't an insult. Good try, though. Keep buying that extremist rhetoric!

    4. jackass....can you fucking read? Read what RW wrote. Page 2, Paragraph 5, starting toward the end of Line 6. It is exactly what he wrote which is why I was asking you what in the fuck you were blabbering about. Joke's on you moron. And yet again, not one iota of information to combat any of the facts I mentioned. Have an original thought for once in your sorry ass life.

    5. Let me spell out for you, since you're ignoring what's actually being said while claiming I have a sorry ass life and that I'm a jackass:

      This entire ACA is an ATTEMPT to make affordable insurance available to people. An ATTEMPT. You seem to miss that point. It's an ATTEMPT. You copied and pasted the word ATTEMPT, which is what this is. Again, it's an ATTEMPT. I know that RW said that. An ATTEMPT means that is what he's working towards. Do all ATTEMPTS work? No. I ATTEMPTED to point out the word ATTEMPT to you in my initial comment, but you failed to understand that.

      As for having an original thought, look in the mirror. If somebody doesn't agree with your political opinion, you (like people of your ilk) claim they have low political IQ or don't have any idea what they're talking about.

      Knowing you, you're still going to spin it to where you think you look like you're "talking down" to me all the while looking even more foolish than you already are.

    6. Fucking read my post instead of closing your fucking pea brain, which is exactly all you're used to doing and more than like all you're fucking capable of. If you can read, which is now highly doubtful, you will see that I don't even believe that that was the attempt. There are other goals having not a damn thing to do with healthcare. That should be becoming more and more evident to even dim partisan sheep like you now that the effects we're seeing now are the polar fucking opposite of what was sold one the perpetual campaign trail.

      If you're going to troll the web looking for your "a-ha" moment for those who you disagree with, at least get it fucking right......on second thought, just keep it up. It will prove my point and your ignorance every time you regurgitate your company line for all to see.

      And you're the one who started this fucking back and forth with your oh, so eloquent "typical of your kind" wiseass remark. So go look in the mirror yourself jackass and fuck you very much.

    7. You are truly too stupid for your own good and you're not worth a fraction of the time I've spent with this.

      1. Just because YOU don't believe it isn't attempt doesn't mean that it isn't. You allow rhetoric to cloud what are facts. Is this perfect? Nope. Will it be? Who knows. You certainly don't. I certainly don't.

      2. Partisan? You don't even know which way I lean. I just happen to be more level headed than people who think they know everything about politics.

      3. Troll? Nope. You were probably still eating boogers and making green shits in your diaper when I started reading RW.

      4. The only point you've proven is that you're an ignorant, name calling hot head.

      5. "Typical of your kind" remark was spot on. People who buy into rhetoric in spite of facts. (That's you). The "kind" I was also talking about are the ones quick to start name calling. Quick to attempt (there's that word again!) to spin things into their direction regardless of looking like a true and absolute buffoon.

      6. We're done here.

      7. Go thump your bible, clean your gun, beat your wife, suck on Reagan's ghost cock or whatever it is your kind does.


  15. I think it's time for Jerry the Owner to fire Jerry the GM.

  16. I enjoy reading your sports opinions, but to call Obamacare "noble" is laughable. When you stack up the lies that were told in order to sell this ridiculous program, there is nothing noble about it. It was a con job of the highest order, and we will be paying for it for generations to come.

  17. not yu too ,please dont do da gif's please

  18. Crow eating for RW. Check the Dez video on Audio is clear.

  19. I fully acknowledge Calvin Johnson as the best WR in the NFL, and don't know that this would have made any difference in the outcome of the game, but did anyone else notice on his 4th quarter touchdown catch, the nose of the ball hit the turf and the ball move about a quarter turn as he went to the ground? Shouldn't that have made it an incomplete pass on 4th and goal? Guess I thought it was the job of the refs in the booth to review all touchdown plays, but even if they failed - I would've thought the Cowboys coaches should have seen the same thing and might have challenged it. It just seemed very apparent to me on the first replay, but perhaps I'm the only one in the country who saw it that way...

  20. Richie - if you think Obamacare is about medical care, you are way off. It is about control. Obama doesn't give 2 cents whether you have medical coverage or not. The Dems solution to the new mess they have created will be a single-payer system. Hello Socialism.
