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Friday, October 4, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.4.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *So - according to Shan and Choppy on my old station - the night after the Rangers get eliminated by the Rays, their brass has a meeting in Arlington. At some point Nolan Ryan and Jon Daniels start discussing Jackie Moore's role. Then debating, then arguing and next thing you know Ron Washington has to step in to keep it from escalating into a physical confrontation. Proving that JD has the ultimate power, Moore was fired. While I disagree that Moore doesn't have a valuable place on Wash's bench, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ownership - and fans - should covet the GM and let Big Tex mosey out of town. Besides, really? At age 66 Nolan still thinks the best way to resolve disputes is to put people in a headlock? Embarrassing.

   *Tony Romo has thrown one interception in 151 passes. Last year at this time he'd thrown eight interceptions in 152 passes. If you wanna continue blaming him for the Cowboys' mediocrity go ahead. But I tell you why you're wrong to do so over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Hook, um? Texas needed a couple lucky breaks to beat Iowa State by one point last night. First, the Hail Mary for a touchdown to end the first half. Then the bad call at the goal line in the final minute. Jonathan Gray's knee wasn't down when he had the ball stripped from him by the Cyclones' linebacker. Should've been a fumble. Should've been ball game, and an Iowa State win. While ISU coach Paul Rhoads was fittingly fuming, Mack Brown was somehow giddy about his team: "I'm so damn  happy tonight. I'm really excited about moving forward." UT, 2-0 in the Big 12, moves forward to Saturday's annual battle against OU in the Cotton Bowl. Where it will get demolished. Speaking of Texas, it really bothers me that the rounded numbers on their helmets don't match the numbers with angled corners on their jerseys. Anyone else?

   *After offering details of Randy Galloway's dwindling radio career, I realized 103.3 FM ESPN has afternoon baseball today. That means he's down to one final show: Monday 3-6. That's assuming the station will bump baseball to one of its sister stations to make room for one last Cowboys' overreaction Monday of the icon's career. I'm told that the new afternoon show on ESPN will be Matt Mosley, paired with a partner who is an in-town guy and a "familiar voice" to Metroplex radio listeners.

   *Three gigs I believe we waaaay overrate: Tap-dancing, DJing and orchestra conducting. In tap-dancing, the wildly animated foot movements never quite match the sound, and I think the swinging arms are merely designed to distract us from the lack of synchronicity. If you think about, DJs aren't really creating anything unique. They're just taking others' music and morphing them together. It'd be like a "master chef" who simply serves two restaurants' signature dishes ... on the same plate. And do we really need a conductor giving direct, demonstrative cues to a professional orchestra? If you're at that level as a, say, violinist, you've played Beethoven's 5th a gabillion times. You pretty much know the song. The Dallas Symphony Orchestra, for example, needs a conductor about as much as I need an editor hovering over my keyboard and pointing his cocky wand to the C as I begin to type Cowboys.



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  1. Where did you get this Ryan-JD info? Heard it this morning on The Fan - haven't heard it anywhere else...

    1. So you're stooping to getting scoops from some lame ass third tier morning guy's twitter account? How about citing a credible source or.....oh, never mind. Forgot who I was talking to.

    2. I didn't catch the attribution the first time I read the JD/Nolan story, if it was added later, good for you. If it was there the entire time, I apologize for twitter stuff.

  2. The barrell man is dead. Poor barrell man. Cowboys upset broncos. Yep I said it.

  3. With the exeption of today, 90 degree weather might be dead and gone as well.

  4. Give me JD over NR.....NR has been eating a few too many of his own hot dogs and might have a heart attack if he were to to into a scrap with the much younger JD.

    I think this years Cowboys offense will do enough to win them 8 games and the defense not do enough to win 8 games.... hmmmm.... sound familiar??

    So do you know who the mystery man at EPSN is that will be paring with Mosley??
    Could it be someone you know or possibly have worked with??

    So what's with all the comments on your IT problems with your biz and no response.....what gives??


  5. Who do you think it is taking Randy Galloway's place.

  6. Nolan - maybe we have to choose. Maybe we don't. Most guys who leave town think Daniels is a douchenozzle. I still think NR gives this club credibility in players eyes.

    1. In a perfect world Nolan and JD would learn to coexist. Absent that, JD's track record speaks for itself. Plus, a GM should not be a players' best friend. The fact that some dislike him speaks more to the nature of the job than anything else.

  7. Just a little fix. Johnny Manziel was a redshirt freshman last year, so he was actually at A&M in April 2012, not high school.

  8. Richie, surely your, ahem, "take" on orchestra conductors is a joke (?). Please say that this is the case. Otherwise I'm going to have to say that you are an ignoramus who ought to have at least some semblance of knowledge on a subject before putting pen to plough. Again, please tell us that particular was a joke.

    1. Yeah, he spouted off on that one didn't he. Won't go into their purpose, which is very important actually. Just view them as a human mixing board instead of some guy in front of a 4 x 6 board full of lights and levers.

    2. I like how he talked of lack of synchronicity for tap dancers and then in the same thought wants to get rid of the person used to synchronize a group of musicians.

    3. Orchestra conductors are superfluous.

    4. Admit it, this is an under thought point.

      Your metaphor of the conductor pointing at the "C" doesn't hold water, there is one of you, there are over fifty musicians in modern symphony orchestra. The conductor doesn't tell them how to play, but more keeps everyone on time.

      Its like a rowing crew, despite the long hours of practice, they still need someone at the front of the boat keeping the thing together.

      Humans don't coordinate by nature.

    5. Im a symphonic musician. You don't need a conductor, unless he wants to change the tempo, or make certain sections louder, etc. When conductor is there, he is in control though. Otherwise, the musicians would be on autopilot and play just fine.

  9. I am fine with JD over NR. Nolan did his job. He made the rangers relevant. JD is the future in my opinion.

    There were some things Nolan did I didn't like such as getting rid of Josh Lewin. I thought Lewin brought the right mix of play by play and fun to the broadcasts. Wish he could come back.

    Nolan brought respect and credibility. I think JD is and has been the baseball brains behind the curtain and deserves the credit and blame when needed,

    Wash is the guy the players will run into the fire for. However, I have always thought he struggled with in game decisions. Was that him or Jackie Moore? maybe JD's new bench coach will influence Wash's decisions better. Well will see.

    In game decisions is where this team needs to improve next in my opinion.

  10. I agree on the Orchestra Conductor. I have the same take on the Drum Majors that stand up on a platform for Marching Bands. And they just do their arms up & down for the whole show. What's the point? Give me the Drum Majors who get out on the field & are part of the Show any day! Case in point - The best High School marching band I've seen in a long time is the Lancaster Tiger Marching Band! Greatness!!

  11. You should change the name of this little "experiment" from Whitt's End to the Hard Count as you keep intentionally trying to draw people offsides every single day. The power of the almighty dollar.

    1. You catch on quickly, Grasshopper....

  12. Look at me. I'm RW. I date Sybil. I do this. I own that. Pats back. But remember, my best quality in life is, if I can give a person a job and mean something to them. BS. You are a bigger douche than CJ Wilson. LOOK AT ME! Hypocrit.

    1. Have you looked in the mirror? How about since you have problems with Mr. Whitt, you just go away and back to the basement.

    2. 1. This guy is a troll.
      2. This guy is a troll who can't spell. Hypocrit? Really? You dumb or lazy?
      3. This guy is a troll that has no material.
      4. No one is a bigger douche than C.J. Wilson.

    3. The guy is actually giving trolls a bad name... :-)

    4. Lol. That's why I love you guys.

  13. OK, Richie you are right. Romo isn't the problem; Jerry Jones continues to be. Now we see that Claiborne,the GREAT 1st round draft choice (that we gave up a #2 to get), can't play and got benched. Oh, and our defensive line sucks, and we passed on Floyd and got fleeced by the 49ers in the trade.

    But there is some hope from Valley Ranch; Kiffin isn't afraid to bench Jerry's star picks who can't play (Claiborne and Carter).

  14. Have you hired your scape goat for pizza buzz yet?

    1. Your mother finally lets you use her computer and this is the best you can come up with?

    2. Hi Greggo!

    3. Let the record show that I wasn't the one who brought him up.

  15. i think it will be Denver 35 Dallas 10, the defense hasn't shown me they will be able to keep a good quarterback off the field, let alone Peyton Manning. They will need some timely turnovers to have a chance Sunday.

  16. i believe they call jd's move the "tony danza."

  17. It's funny as hell that Richie's detractors and critics continue to click on his blog and Twitter and Facebook accounts, all the while complaining about what he writes and his writing style. Morons!

  18. Dick Whitt, you keep talking about Nolan Ryan that way, he may just do this to you...

  19. I could have sworn that I just heard Galloway on the radio today.

    1. Yeah, apparently ESPN moved baseball today too huh to give him an extra long farewell.

  20. The scuttlebutt keeps getting louder about a Mosely, Elf, and hold on to your hats.....Greggo show beginning next week on the newly Cumulus connected ESPN Dallas. Anyone else out there hearing this? Anyone know anything about its verity?

  21. so that dude in the freezer is your partner, eh? he looks mighty trustworthy. i'd rather go into business with greggo and take my chances than that homeless cretin.
    behold the face of the dude dick whitt will next blame for failure.

    1. That "homeless cretin" is worth ... Oh well, you go ahead and take your guy. And let the record show - again - that it wasn't me who brought him up.

    2. Crappy comment about your friend. But coming to his defense by insinuating he makes a lot of money means zilch. Most scumbags in the world are heavily monied. NOT saying your friend is, at all. Just saying I think there's a better way to defend him. Also, there are many indicators that your former partner might be back on the air really soon. Anything to say to that?

  22. Orchestra Conductor - Very important. He/She counts off when to start each piece, for tempo/rhythm. Otherwise they'd probably start a click off, one section might speed up a section faster than another section, etc.

  23. I can't wait for the new Pizza Piss store!

    1. Out of the basement again? It's amazing that you developed your wit and writing skills with an 8th grade education. How long did you work on composing this piece of journalistic gold? Yeah, I thought so....

  24. Hey Richie, somehow someway you & your fiancé get your @sses back on the airwaves because it has been too long! Get a good co-host who can show up to work, make valid points & mesh well with your craziness. D@mn I use to love hearin you & ol' Newie Scruggs. Best of luck to you & your wife in the future brother!

  25. Swing by Pizza Piss and say hi!

    1. Out of the basement and on mom's computer again?
