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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

WHITT'S END: 10.9.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End

   *My best friend/co-worker/roommate in college was a full-blooded Choctaw. Political correctness wasn't chic in the '80s, but I asked him once if sports nicknames/mascots like "Redskins" were offensive to him and/or his family. "It's Hail to the Redskins," he quipped, "not Hell to the Redskins. Why would anyone take offense with that? I have major problems with the way we were robbed and discriminated against and banned to reservations. But a football named after our heritage? Nah. Bigger problems. Besides, that logo os pretty cool." Nonetheless, activist groups and now even President Obama are growing in tenor as they urge Washington to change the nickname of its NFL team. I've been to Redskins' games in D.C. and witnessed groups protesting the name outside the gates of the stadium. But it's usually 4-5 people. That number grows to 4,000-5,000 and the debate will gain legitimacy. I can't possibly know what it's like to be offended by a nickname mocking the color of my skin, so for now I'll rely upon my focus group of one and say owner Dan Snyder should remain firm in keeping it Redskins. Now, about the Hornets being 'dissed in favor of the Pelicans ...

   *The post-Galloway era commences on 103.3 FM ESPN this afternoon at 3 with Matt Mosley driving the bus, temporarily flanked by Tim MacMahon and the guy they call "Stretch". It'll be a "soft open" and not a finished product. Still convinced it's only a matter of time until Dallas Morning News columnist Tim Cowlishaw joins Mosley as the permanent co-host. Without near as much fanfare as Galloway's farewell, Fitzsimmons & Durrett also did their final show on the station Monday afternoon. That was a short little 7-month run, wasn't it? Cumulus - which, remember, now runs 103.3 - apparently offered them the opportunity to keep the doing the show. But Durrett is returning to full-time writing at and looks like Fitzsimmons is remaining in the 11 a.m.-3 p.m. time slot. Today he'll fly solo. For four hours. Yikes.

   *Too Hot For Teacher: All Cristy Deweese ever wanted to be was a teacher. And, at 21, she is. Teaching Spanish at the Sorrells Magnet School in Dallas. By all accounts she's a good teacher that's liked by her students and commended by her supervisors. But Deweese might get fired. Because of two strikes against her: She's hot. And she works in the Bible Belt. While in college she was Co-Ed of the Month in Playboy. She hunts and she eats beef jerky and she's proud of her body. But Puritanical, ninny parents are taking a break from tearing out the pages about evolution in text books long enough to call for her firing. Yep, because of something totally legal she did at age 18, before she was hired. Ridiculous.

   *When I'm wrong I'll admit it, and boy was I wrong about Will Allen. I loved his aggressiveness and the way he fearlessly stuck his nose in piles in run support. But the guy couldn't cover Michael Jackson in pass coverage, much less DeSean Jackson. Took horrible angles. And now? From starter to jobless in six weeks. Beaten out by a rookie, J.J. Wilcox. Swing and a miss by the Cowboys. And me.

   *Update on the former "friend" who borrowed $6,500 from me in May and then conveniently quit taking my calls/responding to my texts. Sent him a certified demand letter through my attorney, and received zero response for 30 days. Means I'm all clear to this morning head down to my local Justice of the Peace and file a lawsuit in small claims court. If the guy doesn't show up to fight it I'll win a default judgment and within 4-6 weeks, or maybe months?, I'll be recouping most, if not all, of my loot. That's the plan anyway. The guy, by the way, is still running his profitable business in North Dallas. I guess he just thought I'd give up and go away. Guess that's why we're not really that good of friends. I'm horrible at just giving up and going away.

   *Folks flippin' out over Jerry Jones' flip-phone? Yawn. We busted him on RAGE at training camp in 2011 when we noticed he had the same antiquated mobile device as, you guessed it, Greggo. During the interview he took a call on his flip-phone, notifying him that the Cowboys were losing the Nnamdi Asomugha Sweepstakes to the Eagles.



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  1. Great insights Rich. I think your talent would translate to radio.

  2. Homeland is on Showtime, I take it you didn't watch the PBS Frontline League of Denial

    1. Dang, and you wonder how I DVR it every week without knowing that.

  3. Well just remember, if it wasn't for "Hail to the Redskins" there might not be the Dallas Cowboys.

  4. Richie, I think you meant to say 'and' the guy they call Stretch. Stretch is Glenn Smith and he has been on with Galloway for some time.

    1. Yep, left out the "and". I'm aware they're diff peeps. Fixed now. My bad.

  5. -I'll be the first nutkicker! Homeland is on showtime.
    -in regards to Cristy Deweese, surely women know by now that anything they do will be on the internet forever? Can't believe that Miss Teen Delaware did porn for $1500, and on tape. Seems like it would have been easier for her to get a sugar daddy.
    -scattershooting while wondering why your friend that runs a profitable business wouldn't pay you back $6k? If he was down and out, that's one thing. I think public shaming could be in order.
    -I don't think the Redskins should have to change their name, but since I hate them, it wouldn't bother me at all.

    1. public shaming is like Plan F. if all legal routes fail.

  6. Although Ian might not be the most entertaing radio personality, he certainly is tallented and well connected. Four hours solo will be no problem!

    1. My "Yikes" was a more for flying solo than his lack of talent. I did 5 hours once solo on RAGE and it's no picnic.

    2. Ian shouldn't worry too much, because unless you your vehicle, white trucks included, or you dig out the transistor or boom box, you can't hear him anyway. ESPN pulled 103.3 from their iPhone/iPod app, and the website is streaming national programs.

      I guess if you have a AM/FM capable tuner you can him up.

      You would thought the Cumulus gurus would've figured this out before the switch. After all, this didn't happen over night... Oh, wait yeah it did.

  7. puritanical does not deserve to be capitalized.

  8. You would think after the Frontline show, Goodell would have other things to worry about rather than forcing teams to appear on Hard Knocks.

    Great piece, but tough to watch in spots.

  9. Like was offered to Rick Reilly, RW, a simple test: answer the challenge of Ray Halbritter of the Oneida Nation. Go to his house, look at his grandchildren and say, “My goodness these are some cute little Redskins.” If it is really a name of honor, you will make the trip and say it to the Halbritters. If you won’t, then you are completely full of it.

    1. Have to agree. The history and original context of "Redskins" is a derogatory term plain and simple. Amazing that so few people seem to care and its taken this long for a real conversation to start up. Daniel Snyder looks ignorantly defiant through all this.

    2. If Universities can change their nicknames and/or mascots after 60+ years (like Miami of Ohio), there is not one reason why Snyder can't change the name of his team.

      Cleveland, Atlanta and Florida State have all come under fire for either their nicknames or logos. If as a fan the name means that much to you, your priorities are pretty messed up.

    3. I would change the name in Washington right now. However Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves are not offensive or racist names and so don't belong in this debate. I don't feel Cleveland Indians mocks indigenous people but I leave that one open for discussion. I do know you can have a cartoon-ish character for Irish, Highlanders etc and it never be an issue. I once heard someone say " If you don't hate ALL bigotry and racism, you really don't hate it at all. You're just offended when you're ox gets gored." Seems like he had this one nailed down.

  10. Obama, like any good politician, has never seen a "victim" group he didn't like.

  11. Richie, do you know when the Ticket signal is supposed to go to 96.7 full time? I checked today and it's still simulcasting WBAP. Also, do you think The Fan will pursue Randy Galloway or do you think he's really done in radio? Thanks for all the radio reporting and daily Whitt's Ends, you're darn good at it.

    1. He never answers serious questions like this. You must be new here.

    2. According to Barry Horn 96.7 switches over on the 21st. All Galloway said, on what I heard of his show on Monday, was that he intended to enjoy his golden parachute - getting paid for not working.

    3. Here's the link to Barry's piece. I hope it works:

    4. Thanks, I appreciate the info.

  12. Calling Washington the Redskins is like calling Dallas the Blackface. It's day has come and gone. Just the way things are, but it does give white folks a chance to whine about the good old days of segregation.

    1. Preach brother. Even if 10 percent of Native-Americans are offended by the name, their right should be protected. Washington's 81 year old history is marred by racism, to the point that Dallas has a large fanbase in DC as a residual consequence.

  13. RW...appreciate your take on the Romo pick. It's like people who blame the QB when a pass clangs off the hands of a receiver and is then picked-off. If Escobar had flattened his route off going straight across the field instead of running a banana rout there would be no interception. Lastly, if your "buddy"won't respond to calls, letters, etc. what makes you think he'll respond to a small claims verdict? Those things aren't worth the paper they're written on. I know firsthand.

  14. 74 down to 27 comments. Keep bashing "blue collar" hard working people. Big mistake. Yeah. I think so. Remember all you "non-thinking ditch diggers". You can get your sports editorial elsewhere.

    1. Still doesn't make what Richie said incorrect. Probably why some of you are so sensitive about it on here.

    2. Yet you're here. Did you lose your elsewhere bookmarks?
