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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Syb's End: 11.20.13

  Howdy. Since Richie's been mailing it in lately, and I just so happen to have a little extra time on my hands, I decided to jump into the DFWSportatorium driver's seat. So grab a coffee/beer/joint, and let's go reading!

  *Ever heard the saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"? That's how I feel about George Zimmerman. To date, he's had multiple domestic violence issues with an ex-fiancee, his estranged wife and current girlfriend. His most recent tangle landed him in jail, where his soon-to-be ex served him with divorce papers. He's out now with an ankle monitor and a restraining order from his current ladyfriend. You would think a guy who got away with murder would settle down and carry out the rest of his days as a law-abiding citizen, cautious not to ruffle any feathers...right, OJ?

 *The old "Are NASCAR drivers athletes?" debate again rears its ugly head. This time it was in the Twitter court room of country superstar Blake Shelton and noted NASCAR writer Jeff Gluck. It started with Gluck's tweet, "I don't think all #NASCAR drivers are athletes, sorry. But Jimmie is." Shelton (longtime friend of driver Clint Bowyer and others) responded, "Just like not all writers have credibility, sorry..." Said Gluck: " if I bought myself a ride in NASCAR, would you guys suddenly say I'm an athlete? C'mon. Just because I buy a guitar doesn't make me a musician." To which BS replied,"Hey @jeff_gluck.. It's over. You lost. Move on." Hate to admit it, but I'm gonna side with the NASCAR expert on this one.

  *Congratulations to hometown girl Kelly Clarkson! She's looked pregnant for years, and now she finally is.

  *The 15-year-old in me can't wait to see Hunger Games: Catching Fire this weekend. I read the books and dragged Richie to last year's trilogy opener. If you too wanna get in the spirit, check out Lorde's remake of Tears for Fears' "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", which is featured on the soundtrack. Her haunting rendition is sure to stimulate your senses.

  *Tim Duncan's new sidepiece is a Texas native, which might explain why she rocks Spurs and Rangers gear. Question for you sports purists: Is this allowed? Since San Antonio doesn't have an MLB team, can she borrow ours? Or is that unstable? I think chicks have an advantage when it comes to team allegiance because we can root for whomever and justify it with girl logic. ("My boyfriend is from there", "It's in the same state", "Their QB is hot.") Either way, Vanessa Macias looks good doing it.

  *If you plan to do any holiday shopping on the interwebs this year, might I introduce you to Adopt A Shelter? It's a legit website that allows you to buy from major retailers who sponsor animal charity groups. For example, you go to Adopt A Shelter, search for DFW Rescue Me, and a portion of your proceeds will be donated to DFWRM. It's a free service, and they're linked to big name sites- Amazon, Target, Old Navy, eBay, etc. So please help some local dogs this season with a simple click.



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  1. WOW, that Clarkson crack was really mean!

    1. Pretty shallow of good looking people like yourself to take shots at others that aren't as thin as you may not always be blessed with that nice body...and may someone not judge you on your looks only.

    2. Agreed......shallow and really mean-spirited.

    3. Shallow? Yes. mean spirited? yes. Damn funny. Oh Helllll Yeah? LOL.

    4. C'mon, 5:10, lighten up. I would trade voices with her any day. And I wish I could say I was simply "blessed", but the reality is I work out and eat healthy to maintain. Anyone else can do the same thing. Kelly Clarkson was "blessed" with her ability to sing.

  2. Your right Richie has been mailing it in! Nice work!

  3. How does a goofy ass dude like Tim Duncan get a girl like her? Oh wait I think I know...

  4. I hate Lorde's remake of "Everybody wants to rule the World", but I Loooooovvvveeeee the Tears for Fears original. Thanks for reminding me about that song Syb! I'm going to download it right now!

  5. "So grab a beer/coffee/joint and let's get reading."

    Syb!!!! You little freak down with Mary Jane???

    1. LOL. Some of the patrons of this blogstablishment might be, and we welcome all kinds. ;)

    2. I would be one of them.....spark it up.....and puff puff pass baby!!!!

  6. Zimmerman - Too bad TM couldn't have gotten a restraining order...

    NASCAR - Step on the gas and turn left is not a sport.

    Kelly Clarkson - the comment was funny. The thin-skinned should lighten up a bit.

    Hunger Games - meh.

    Tim Duncan's sidepiece - is hot enough to root for whoever she wants.

    Yeezy - musical folklore is full of geniuses who we're complete fruitbats.

    JFK - already tired of hearing about it.

    Welcome back btw.

    1. Thanks, Rooster. Now, I'm off to see Catching Fire so I'll have a fistful of popcorn in your honor. ;)

  7. My 15 year old has been a big Hunger Games fan since the beginning. When I started watching it on Netflix to see what the hubub was about, she told me I had to read the book first. Damn, I didn't know there was homework involved.

    1. Haha, Wickett. At least I didn't go all book-snob on you and say,"The novels were soooo much better than the movie." ;)

  8. Damn fine work, woman. I'm gonna have to start sub-contracting this work out to you on a regular basis.

  9. I'm from San Antonio and root for the Cowboys and Rangers. Because San Antonio has no pro baseball team means I can't have a favorite team? Especially one from Texas? C'mon Sybil you're smarter than that.
