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Friday, November 1, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.1.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *The Cowboys have the best record in the NFL. You heard me. Heart-breaking losses be damned, they are a league-leading 7-1 in the only record that matters to a lot of folks - Against The Spread. Then: America's Team. Now: Las Vegas' Team. Let's investigate the numbers over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *While I maintain he's trending toward T.O., there are some knuckleheads who want to believe Dez Bryant is merely channeling Michael Irvin. I was a beat writer for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram who covered every Irvin practice and game during the '90s and, trust me, he never ever never threw a sideline tantrum - founded upon positive language but laced with negative body language - like Dez did last Sunday in Detroit. Don't believe me? Fine, take it from Irvin himself. "I love Dez's passion," Irvin said this week on former teammate Tony Casillas' radio show in Oklahoma City. "But a thing you would never see me do is go after Troy. It's counter-productive. I'm not coming in Troy's face talking all loud and crazy."

   *We're three days into NBA and I'm already tired of something: ESPN continually salivating over the Clippers as "Lob City." I like watching Chris Paul feed Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan for dunks as much as anyone. It's just that I'm insulted by the lame nickname. no No NO! Not "Lob City." It should be "Lob Angeles." As in, the Los Lob Angeles Clippers. How are they missing on this one? Too easy? Seems like a, um, layup.

   *Don't understand all the uproar over the U.S.' covert spying on allies, adversaries and, yes, even us citizens via the National Security Agency. Information is a powerful weapon. (In fact, if they're passing out Superhero powers you can have flying or strength, I'll take mind-reading.) We need it. And, yes, I'll say it: Spy on me all you want. I got nothing to hide. Well, not much anyway. Of all our precious freedoms, the right to not be under surveillance is one I never much coveted.

   *I'll admit, for a brief moment - basically the first half of their first game back on Sept. 9 - I thought Chip Kelly and the Philadelphia Eagles had re-invented and revolutionized offensive football in the NFL. They were lightning fast. They were scary good. And now ... they suck. The same Cowboys' defense that surrendered 623 yards to the Lions limited the Eagles to just a field goal. And last week in a loss to the Giants, Philly's only points came on a botched New York punt-snap for a touchdown. Now the question is who's been worse: Kelly or Monte Kiffin?



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  1. If Greggo were to order a pizza, would you deliver it? And if you did, do you think he would tip you

  2. Now be fair. Some of those Vikings QBs came in after an injury to the starter. That case you'd have to add all the Cowboys backups to start due to Romo injuries.

    1. That would be 3 - Jon Kitna, Stephen McGee and Brad Johnson.

  3. Not surprising at all that the little dude who says he's one of the dwindling who supports Obama and would vote for him for a third term (wow.....really?) is the same little dude who doesn't mind the government spying on him or anyone else willy-nilly. Those two comments together say it all. By the way, since you obviously have zero grasp on even the most simple freedoms, it has nothing to do with whether or not you have something to hide. You would have made a stellar Nazi.

    And in Chip Kelly's defense, he suffers from the same problem as Monte Kiffin.....his players suck.

    1. Says the anonymous one...

    2. Said from the anon @ 10:35


    3. What do you mean it has "nothing" to do with whether or not you have something to hide. Sure it does. I don't speed while driving, so I don't mind cops with radar guns. And I have nothing to hide, so I don't mind spies. You obviously come from a different perspective. Hmm.

    4. It's called freedom, Richie. Whether you or I have anything to hide is irrelevant. Would you be okay if the feds installed cameras and mics in your house, maybe put a computer chip and camera in your vehicle, perhaps inquire with your friends and neighbors about your social habits, drinking, etc., monitor your phone conversations, financial accounts?

      It's amazing what some people have gotten accustomed to as fully acceptable. Goose step much?

  4. Tried Pizza_Buzz last night and my wife and I were pleasantly surprised with pizza it was quite good, the breadsticks need a makeover in our opinion. Having beer delivered to the house was a grand experience and relatively cost effective considering, and Daniel who took the order when I called seemed very excited to take the order all in all it was a good experience.

    Whether you support Obama or not there are some things that just aren't right. I myself have nothing to hide either but that doesn't mean I think our government has the right to snoop, America is a free country after all. President Obama conveniently seems to not know a lot of things about where his administration fails, that bothers me a bit, as well our government in its history hasn't successfully ran anything, ie social security in the red, welfare in the red, medicare in the red, now our nations health insurance, not the best of ideas especially since well over 80% of President Obama's staff and cabinet have never held a job outside of community organizing or government. No offense but most of them couldn't run a pizza joint much less health care, let the successful business people of the world run the business let politicians do what they do best and run for re-election. I believe that we would all benefit from a bit less governmental control.


    1. Glad you ordered, and liked it. Hope to see you again soon.

    2. By all means, don't piss off a paying customer by commenting on her anit-liberal post. Ahh, the sweet smell of hypocrisy. Aroma far better than any supreme pizza.

  5. 1) Ratliff will more than likely end up with the Bengals now that Atkins is out.

    2) Obama SUCKS!!!

    1. Obama is great. He's getting the country back on track after that fuck-tard Bush got us in the worst economy since the Great Depression!

  6. i was gonna comment, but i gotta shit.
    thanks pizza buzz
    and F you midgocrite

  7. RW,

    I find the Clippers sort of like the Jets who are sort of like the Kardashians. The media is trying to force them upon us. Thumbs down on all three.

    Obama seems to be a likeable guy. An excellent speaker but not really a good president. Some his comments and the things he gets involved in are just suspect. The Trayvon Martin statements last year bordered on racist. Now he is getting involved in the Redskins name change BS. For the record, I couldn't stand the Bush term at any level.

    So surprised you would side with the NSA for spying on its own citizens. The whole thing is a clear violation of the Constitution. Tyranny. Police State. Bad. The Germans knew where to find the Jews in the countries they invaded because the Goverment collected the info. You say you have nothing to be afraid of ? Maybe not, until the Police State kicks in your front door and arrests you for something THEY deemed necessary. DON'T TREAD ON ME !!!

    Thumbs on delivering the pizza in the Beemer. Lol. On dissing Peter Kriss. Or is it Peter Criss. KISS was/is overrated. Just like Ozzy.

    Sorry RW, Dez will never be TO material. Results wise or DIVA either.

    Keep it flowin.


  8. Whats the old saying, 'those who are willing to give up freedom for security, deserve neither.'

    The issues isn't 'what you have to hide', it's a government agency circumventing the law to gain information on citizens. It doesn't matter who's in office, that is flat out wrong. Information is a powerful weapon and the ability for whoever concerns, has access or influence with the NSA to potentially misuse that information is too great.

  9. Just curious what Obama has done to warrant you willing to vote for him a 3rd term. A little homework for you RW: look up Hitler and the Nazis. Them tell us you are still ok with your government sitting on you.

    1. spying not sitting.

    2. Spy away. Don't care. Got more important things in my life, which, by the way, is much better than it was during Bush's departure in '08. That's why I'd vote again. Things have moved/are moving in the right direction.

    3. The comparisons of Obama and Hitler are insulting. Regardless of which way you lean, you should find it offensive. Quit buying purposefully misinformed propaganda.

    4. Anon's not necessarily the comparison of Obama and Hitler. I wouldn't go that far, even though there have been some acts during this administration that warrant serious consideration, primarily in the DOJ and IRS. However it is the comparison of opinions like Richie's to the populace of Nazi Germany or any other fledgling tyrannical government that is disturbing. When citizens roll over and play dead when their rights are being trampled on, that's how tyrannies are born regardless of who's in office and what party is in power. And before you go on a rampage, yes, I am fairly conservative, more Libertarian than Republican however. And I know PLENTY of self-described liberals who feel the same as I.

      The saying we get the government we deserve has never been more apt than some of the comments here.

    5. Anonymous: that was exactly the point I was trying to make. I'm not comparing Obama to Hitler. People need to wake up and realize that the Dems and Repubs are not on the side of the people. And RW I don't know how you could consider this country to be moving forward. I find people's blind undying love for Obama very disturbing.

    6. William, anybody ever tell you that you're a DUMBSHIT?

    7. William, that was me above, and I appologize. I do agree with your comment above..

  10. I see the Mensa Society is out in full force today.

  11. For those of you that are historically challenged, domestic "spying" has been going on since well before W.W. II. Richard Nixon had the F.B.I. compile tons of files on people he felt were 'subversive'. Although the technology is advanced, the fact remains that this has been going on long before Obama was elected.

    And, while your throwing around Hilter and Nazi, remember that Joe-15-year-old hacking your personal and financial info is a bigger threat to you than what the NSA is getting.

    1. Thanks for the history lesson dipshit.

    2. Just because it's been going on for a long time doesn't make it right. Obama didn't start this. But he did promise to shutdown the orders that GWB signed into order for it to continue. That hasn't happened.

      The hacker poses little threat on a grand scale like tyranny of the Goverment. So why don't they take the money spent spying on all of us with the NSA and give it to the TSA ? I'm sick of taking my shoes off at the airport or hearing about someone's Aunt Betty being detained for carrying shampoo in her carry on bag.

      The Devil is always in the details. ; )

  12. cant belive you believe in a socialism system that taxes the rich and gives to lazy poor that dont care about getting a job.

    1. And I can't believe you actually think all poor people are lazy. That might be the scariest statement of the month. But it's only Nov. 1. Stay tuned.

    2. Button up your shirt, your red neck is showing.

    3. RW, show me where he said all poor people were lazy. Thanks

    4. Down the hall and to the left?

    5. At Anon 3:09-

      There has been a long time association with poverty and laziness. Go back to Reagan who damaged The US as much as anybody, and his "welfare-queen" statement. It was clearly directed at black single mothers. Also listen to Nixon's tapes. He laid out the "demonize the poor" strategy. Then again reading into something isn't exactly a neo-conservative strength.

      In regards to the government spying on us, which has been ongoing for at least 50 years in one way or another, it is not right. At least the government has owned up to it, and now it is time to get rid of it. Terrorist attacks aren't prevented with the enormous spy-bureaucracy that has been created in the last ten years.

    6. Thanks for the info. But my comment was directed at RW when he said the original post stated that the author claimed all poor people were lazy. The original post said no such thing.

  13. Did anyone get the name Donovan's
    Uncle Perry? He said that he played in
    the NFL back in the day with the

  14. nice point about the viking's qbs in romo's tenure. but...yikes? really? the vikings have won more playoff games. THAT is the yikes.

  15. actually...its the same number of playoff wins. they just WIN because they beat the cowboys for that one win.


    1. Got that 8th grade education working in high gear do you.....

  17. I don't often disagree with you Richie, but the NSA stuff is one place where I will. Just because you don't value your right to privacy, doesn't mean the rest of us should get off the back of the NSA for violating ours.

    They need to chainsaw the budget of that place to the stump, so the resources they have go to targeting our enemies and terrorists only. After all the billions (or more? trillion(s)?) spent building up the internet and telephony surveillance dragnet, they've been forced to admit that they've only possibly stopped 1 terrorist attack, and they won't say which one it was, or how many people might have been affected. Ought to be enough to get the budget hawks and the civil liberties people on the same side.

    Plus if I answered my boss the way they answer their oversight committees, I would be fired. They either lie or evade the truth whenever possible, not good governance at all. Everyone should be answerable to someone.

  18. Richie, by the end of Obama's second term, he will have run up more debt in 8 years than all the other presidents combined. For your information that is from George Washington to George W. Bush. This is a FACT. You can look it up it you don't believe me. Please think about this for a second & tell us again that you would not only vote again for this neophyte but you gladly support him. Unreal. Idiotic.

    1. Right. Because ALL that debt was Obama's fault. GWB & Clinton set a ton of that in motion. There isn't a clean slate on Inaguration Day. Clinton handed the tech bubble to GWB. GWB handed the recession to Obama. Obama got the worst mess handed to him since Hoover to FDR.

  19. Fortunately, unless Obama gets the horribly inept Attorney General Eric Holder to find a reason to suspend elections in 2016, Richie voting for him for a third time is moot. Two terms, three terms, four terms...doesn't matter, he'll go down in history as the worst president ever and that's beating out Carter. Right now, Obama's goal is to leave office more popular than Clinton. Something to be proud of, I guess. Regardless of Richie's $16/month increase, Obamacare will fail on a spectacular scale and that'll be his "legacy."

    Richie, you should certainly care if the government is spying on you whether you have anything to hide or not because what's next? Someone mentioned cameras and mics in your house. Then comes what, the thought police? Would you be ok with paying higher automobile insurance rates because you're in a higher risk pool due to your ideas and comments about white trucks? "1984" was/is a scary thought.

    Go Cowboys...8-8 can't get here fast enough. It's just sad that 8-8 could win the division. Also, Sachse High School is 9-0 for the first time in the history of the school. Granted that hasn't been very long but it's worth noting.

  20. Our President has our country moving in the right direction?

    Let's see. Record number of persons unemployed. Record number of persons not in the workforce. Record number of persons on welfare. Record number of persons on food stamps. Record number of persons on disability. Record number of women unemployed. Record number of blacks unemployed. Record number of young unemployed and living with their parents. Record debt and deficit. Anyone want to add to this list?

    Yes, he rocks.

    1. Yeah, I'd like to add...that you're a FUCKIN IDIOT!!! After George "soupkitchens" Bush let the oil companies gouge our eyeballs out and put everyone out of work, not too mention their homes, alot of people needed financial help. Money had to be spent! Maybe in 2006, unemployment was lower, but check out 2008, after the crushing gas prices had two year trickle-down time effect. With the high fuel prices {under the watchful eye of our Commander and Thief George] economy shut down! Yep, summer of 2008 was the worst, and ol George's red Republican rump still having two more months in office to go!

    2. Anon really need to do some homework as to WHY people lost their homes. And FYI....when Bush left office, gas was at $1.78 a gallon. You must REALLY hate Obama since gas has been $3 and up through most of his tenure, which is by design, just so you know. Just ask his former energy secretary who said just that very thing himself.

    3. Hey dumbshit, why don't you check the gas prices about 3 weeks before the 08 elections. I was paying 3.69 at the Valero and it drop 2 bucks overnite practically. I love these idiots that have all the memory it takes for their Starbucks drive-thru!

    4. Anon 12:30....hey fuckwad, the average price for fuel three weeks before the election was $2.46. If you paid $3.69, you got fucking rooked, which is hardly surprising given your limited intelligence. Your memory of what your parents were paying for your gas is waaaayyyyy off.

      But at least we can agree that now it is higher, which is why you obviously hate Obama so much. lmao.....

    5. LOLOLOLOLOL at everybody for thinking a president has enough of an influence to determine gas prices. LOLOLOLOLOL.

      Keep it up. Y'all are killing me.

    6. Government can certainly influence fuel prices. When your President and Vice-President both come from oil & gas families, and mix in that they're a couple of morons, and it's their last term, betcha boots it's the perfect storm to get gas prices up!

  21. This spying has been going on for decades. The only reason it's getting buzz now is because a traitor has been giving away all of our trade secrets. It's amazing that people feel like their "freedoms" are just now being compromised in this digital era. Do you really think doing everything by snail mail before was "secure"? Privacy is a fallacy, even if you take away the NSA snooping. I estimate I'm on at least 20 different video feeds just on my commute to work. As for all of these other countries up in arms about us spying on them...I thought that's just what sovereign nations do. You spy on us, we spy on you, don't get mad because we're better at it.

    1. Not a traitor, Snowden isn't giving away secrets, he simply and rightly so alerted us to the fact that our very own government is spying on us.

  22. Sometimes when RW mentions politics, the comment section turns into that of Yahoo's comment section. A lot of purposefully misinformed people that buy into purposely misleading rhetoric and propaganda. Some of you seem to know so much that I wonder why you're not in politics.

  23. Fox News Channel sucks. Anyone who watches it is queer.

  24. Richie I can tell you have NO historical perspective when you act like spying on one's own citizens is ok and should be welcomed. Edward Snowden is a national hero. This has zero to do with "I've got nothing to hide" apparently you are way too dense to understand this. Again understanding history allows you perspective on how dangerous and bad this is for a civilized society.

  25. Name the terrorist attacks the NSA has stopped? Did it stop the Boston attack? NO! There was also an attempt to blow up the NYC railway, British Intelligence alerated us to this not the NSA.
