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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.13.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Fantastic night of college hoops on Tuesday, dominated by freshmen. Andrew Wiggins had 22 points in Kansas' win over Duke and Jabari Parker (27 points). But the nations' most dominant player is a guy with strong local ties. Julius Randle was born in Dallas, raised in McKinney and attended Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano. He's a 6-foot-9, 235-pound monster with both brute force in the paint and a feathery left-handed touch on the perimeter. He had 27 points and 13 rebounds in Kentucky's loss to Michigan State. He's ready for the NBA. Right now.

   *Jason Garrett has coached the Cowboys for 50 games. His record is 26-24. Only three times has his team been blown out by 20+ points. Unfortunately, most of his worst losses have come on prime-time TV for all to see. My list of Garrett's Bottom 5 Losses is over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *I'd like to get on the McRib's employment schedule. Vacations about 22 of every 24 months and it's always a huge friggin' deal when it comes back.

   *Remember when there was a "Team Tank" movement last Spring for the Mavs to purposefully lose games in order to improve their position in the draft? Yeah, well, what did that do for Cleveland Cavaliers? It got them the No. 1 pick and UNLV forward Anthony Bennett, who has promptly missed 20 of his first 21 shots in the NBA.

   *To supplement my Cowboys' musings I blog daily over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog. Apparently it's been a hit because those folks have signed me up to for similar duties during the Mavericks' season. So if you want my detailed perspective of Dirk Nowitzki passing "The Logo" on the NBA's all-time scoring list last night, mosey on over to NBC 5's Sports Blog. And when you're done, of course, jump right back here. Simple, no?



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  1. Just because the Cavs seem like they horribly missed in the draft, doesn't mean that the entire 2013 class sucked. Michael Oladipo and Michael Carter Williams have looked outstanding.

  2. Damn after yesterday's blog I can't decide who's more polarizing - Richie Whitt or Tony Romo?

    1. Yep he may get more hits on the blog. Of course I don't know which business school recommends the brilliant idea of insulting 50% of your potential customers with unnecessary political blather.

    2. And yet you still come back for more....

    3. Yes Joe; but I have not bought pizza from Pizza Buzz; reading the blog costs me nothing. Let's do a little math. The cost for an ad on a high-end blog about $24 per thousand readers. . I would guess for this one; I will be very generous and say $20 per thousand. It does not take a genius in math to figure out that I personally would have to come back here about 1000 times for RW to make off the website of what he could have sold two large any topping pizzas to me in one single transaction. People may be entertained by people that insult them; but they don't buy from those that insult them.

    4. Anon 7:08 Agree 100%. However, it was nice to read the blog and not have some bullshit about the ACA (still not calling it the "O" word), evil guns, or the failure of society supporting its fellow man. Today, was, well, pleasurable and entertaining. As it should be.

    5. Concur 100% anon 7:34 and it is a good business decision.

  3. In order to increase hits on todays blog, I will introduce the topic that will get your readers going and one that is sure to "cook your kettle" RW.... According to an article linked on Drudge, Americans are 34X more times likely to buy a gun than insurance on the Obamacare website. This is based on the number of background checks requested on the NICS (Instant Background Check Website) vs the number of people that have sucessfully signed up for is the link to the site.


    1. Ha @ Dave... which one gets Richie worked up more, right-wing politics (saying how wrong they are) or guns? It's hard to imagine someone who grew up where Richie did hating guns so much.

    2. Agreed....the Duncanville that RW grew up in back in the 60's-70's was certainly not what it is now....with the change in demographics to a decidely democratic lean.


  4. People don't realize that tougher guns laws might not have an affect in 2 years, but 15 and 20 years down the road, with guns more difficult to get, you would see a safer country. It's never gonna be perfect.

    1. Dude. There's 2 guns in circulation for everyone in the United States. It's like peeing into a pool - you'll never get it all back.

  5. I may have missed this but has RW posted the October Radio ratings?


    1. Yes, I believe on Oct 4th or 5th

  6. NBC 5 must be desperate. Scott Murray would have more content.

  7. They played the Wizards, not the Hawks as you mentioned on NBC blog

  8. Question? 1st, good job picking up more business over at NBC 5 with the mavs. But that being said, are you going to change your website to Cause its alot shorter than #JustSaying

  9. i love guns.
    and beers.
    lotsa beers.
    you..not so much
    wait,wher am i?

  10. Richie doesn't know basketball talent till someone explains it to him. It's laughable to think he knew anything about Randle till Tuesday night. Hey Richie did you know that Wiggins reclassified? That prior to last year Wiggins would be a high school senior right now. Parker was the clear cut #1 for 2013 till Wiggins reclassified. Parker is the most ready of the the three. But Wiggins has the most upside. Randle didn't play with this type of motor in high school and my bet is he drifts at points again.
