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Thursday, November 14, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.14.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Guess which Cowboy is on this week's cover of ESPN Magazine? If you said "Monte Kiffin" I love your dark sense of humor, but unfortunately you're wrong. The quarterback, of course.

   *In their proud 53-year history the Cowboys have never surrendered more than 5,687 yards in a season. This year's group is on pace to allow 7,000. Seven Thousand! How far are the Cowboys from being a championship defense? The Super Bowl unit of 1992 was ranked No. 1 and gave up only 3,933 yards. I got the gory details over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Speaking of magazine covers, I have zero problem with Time's inflated image of New Jersey governor Chris Christie and the headline: The Elephant in the Room. Christie is a large human and a big player in the political game. More importantly, he's a very public figure. Comes with the territory. Eat a salad, become an accountant or otherwise develop a thick skin.

   *Metroplex weather in the last 7 days:
hotashellneedyoursunglasseswindyzerohumiditycloudyraingottahaveyourumbrellastillandcalmfrostwarninghardfreezewarningeightydegreesandsunnygorgeousopenthesunroofplungingbackintothefortiestakeajacketandbundleup. Don't like it? There's always next week.

   *Just the thought of Rangers' new first-base coach Bengie Molina makes us chuckle. Him giving advice to base-runners is like Emmitt Smith leading a seminar on public speaking. Couple weeks ago on Twitter a follower asked the Hall-of-Fame running back to compare himself with DeMarco Murray. Wrote Emmitt: "The different's is ... " Nope, not kidding.

   *Another sports personality is struggling with the meaning of words. He's not alone, but Baylor coach Art Briles doesn't understand "humble." After signing a 10-year contract extension the Bears' coach said he is "humbled." He is? Why? Getting beat 49-17 is humbling (right, Cowboys?). Getting fired is humbling (right, Richie Whitt?). Having to wipe your father-in-law's glasses is humbling (right, Shy Anderson?). But being awarded a giant contract worth millions of dollars as an acknowledgment of the terrific job you've done? No, not humbling. Flattering, maybe. Empowering. Confidence-boosting. Rewarding. But humbling? It just doesn't fit. Now, if Baylor goes 0-11 next year and Briles get fired and this contract torn up? That, my friends, would be humbling.

   *Little media birdie tells me that 105.3 The Fan program director Gavin Spittle has failed in yet another ploy. His latest unsuccessful attempt? He tried to hire the recently-retired Randy Galloway, and got rejected at the rim. Looks like instead Spittle is trying to reach out to Fort Worth through  ... Mac Engel.



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  1. I normally see eye to eye with you, but gotta say your "not" in hot/not hot is still pretty damn hot

    1. You normally see eye to eye with Richie? So, are you a midget too or an idiot? Or both?

    2. He's a "midgiot"!

  2. Totally agree with you on Hurd, he is not a drug kingpin, just made bad decisions trying to help his "friends" out. Trying to railroad a brother!!

    1. It always comes down to that, doesn't it?

  3. Kiffin is exactly as advertised, Kiffin was lost at SC with loads and loads of blue chip talent. Why would you expect anything else? Kiffin also has the least to work with, talent issues and injuries have crippled the defense. Explain Romo's and Garretts problem on offense?

    1. The problem is Jerry. I think it's time for Jerry the Owner to fire Jerry the GM.

    2. What an original thought there Mr Burns

  4. Don't know if Sam H was planning on being a kingpin, but was WAS an idiot. Not even a high schooler buying weed for the first time makes the mistakes he made. Good guy....maybe. Fool....without a doubt. By the way, Briles is "humbled" because the university had the confidence to offer him a 10 year deal. Aikman used the word "humbled" when he was inducted into the Hal of Fame. According to your logic, he should have said "damn right I belong here, bitches!" Accurate, maybe.....Classless, certainly. And taking your Mom out to eat pizza at your restaurant (I use that term loosely)....nothing to brag about or even make note of.

  5. About Sam Hurd....too bad he didn't get busted by the state or local cops, he could have received probation...and even if he did do time in TDC, he would have gotten parole in a couple of years. I know this from experience.... I was messed up on meth back in the mid 2000's and got caught with 122 grams of crystal meth.... It was not even mine...I was delivering it....which is just the same as being mine. Luckily it was the Euless police department who set up the sting...not the Feds....
    So after a night in jail and being charged with Man-Deliver 4-200g, I was out on pretrial bond. Then after spending 20K on a kick ass attorney, he got me 10 years deferred probation and 360 hours of comm serv out of Tarrant county. After kicking my habit and going straight and doing 5 of my 10 years of probation, I was able to hire another attorney and get off 5 years early. In another 3 or so years, I can file another motion to have the whole thing expunged.... So the moral of the story here is....if you have to get busted, the state court system is much better than the federal one.... :)

    1. I actually thought the moral of the story was to not be caught with illegal substances. Or better yet, don't become an addict. I feel like such a fool!

    2. Addiction is a disease do not choose to become an addict.

    3. Addiction didn't make him use crystal meth the first time.

    4. Really...never met a drug addict who never used drugs or an alcoholic that never took a drink. That is a complete load of bullshit. Another attempt to deflect our problems away from ourselves. It's always someone else's fault.

    5. It is possible to be an addict or an alcoholic and never drink or use drugs....the disease of addiction lies dormant in those cases....just waiting for that ONE time that you pick up alcohol or drugs. On the flip side, not everyone who uses drugs or alcohol is an addict....they can drink socially or use drugs recreationally and quit anytime they want. It would appear the guy who did the meth was an addict....who after getting so whacked out on meth made a really bad decision....much like Sam Hurd who was also an addict.

    6. "the disease of addiction lies dormant in those cases"....what a load of crap! Just another example of the "Oprahfication" of America. It's never MY fault, it's something or someone else's doing. Lack of personal responsibility is becoming the downfall of this country. Don't want to risk being an addict...DON'T USE. Seems pretty simple to me.

  6. Not?

    I think she's pretty fine.

    I'm drunk, though...

    1. Drunk at 10:16 in the morning...are you from Mesquite?

  7. Great Idea! Westling on Sunday, I'm going for sure....I live in Kaufman and this is close enough, great time slot and I grew up watching the Von Erichs. Time to get the next generation into this sport.

    1. 1. It's not a sport.
      2. You do live in Kaufman, so makes sense you would be into wrestling.

  8. HOT - SYBIL


    1. It's obvious you spent a lot of time on this. Take a look in the mirror and see if NOT is tattooed on your forehead, or does it just say STOOPID.

    2. My bad bro - I should have realized that someone on here would find Richie attractive.




  9. So you have sunk to the low of poking fun at Bengie Molina because...............he has an hispanic accent? I guess if maybe he got some hair plugs and threw on a bedazzled affliction t-shirt he'd be ok huh?

    1. No dummy, it's b/c Bengie is a fat ass. You got Richie down to a "T" though.

  10. The "Not" girl is sooooo much hotter than the "Hot" girl.


  11. You are either an idiot or just looking for something to complain about. Either way you are obviously incapable of understanding the reference RW is making here. At no point did he mention Molina's accent, you did. He is referencing the fact that Molina was a big overweight catcher and perhaps the slowest runner to ever wear a Rangers uniform. And because of that it is quite ironic to think of him giving base running advice next season. Go troll somewhere else.


    1. Someone is getting some free pizza from Richie.

    2. LOL, nope but would be nice. I just find it funny the number of vultures here and find it funnier when they expose their ignorance.


    3. It would be more likely for that commenter to read your reply, if you know, you replied to his actual message. You must be new to the internet.

    4. Yea, just because Richie is giving you free pizza and cocagne doesn't give you the right!

    5. What in the hell is cocagne? Spelling isn't a strong suit is it?

    6. @ Anon 3:00

      Cocagne is a hell of a drug.

    7. Not sure on the cocagne thing...

      Molina might be a fat bastard, and for certain he was when he was with the Rangers, but the guy has experience in the league and the powers-that-be obviously see something in him to put him at first base.

  12. the more i listen to your musical offerings, the more i'm convinced you're Super Gay (not that there's anything wrong with that)
    and this dating sybil thing is a bit to stay in the closet.
    just like the post-firing greggo bit was to generate hits on this here blog

    - not jake z

  13. Make Louie legal? Are you from Oak Cliff?

  14. Two thing about Mr. Burns:


    1. You left your caps lock on, bro.

    2. You're running up your mom's Internet bill bro

  15. Sounds like Greggo to me?

    Mr. Burn


    1. Sounds like Shelley has a girl's name.

  16. Doesn't Chris Christie have thick skin already?
    Can't the "modesty in behavior" portion of the humbled definition be applied to the way Art Briles used the word?
    How does D Custom Tailors feel about you going to Lombardo for your clothing needs?

  17. Brilliant observation and yet so original I can't ever remember hearing that one before. But at least it is my real name!!


    1. You probably are also really smelly, Shelley.

    2. Get those zingers in while you can.... Mom's gonna need her computer back soon.

    3. Mr Burn I would love nothing more than insult your intelligence but that's clearly not possible (you dont have any to insult) didn't want you to fall behind, nor will I engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.


  18. RIchie,

    Make sure they hook you up with a tie. You never wear one when you are on tv, and it makes you look like a douche. Or more of a douche than you already look.

    1. Mr Burn your mom is going to be very upset with you when she gets home and finds out you did nothing but play around on the Internet all day.

    2. The whole mom and internet thing is really tired and unoriginal. Try again with something else.

    3. Pot meet Kettle

    4. "Pot meet Kettle"......that's racist, dude

  19. I guess you don't know what "humbling" means Richie. He said it because he felt unworthy of it, which shows he's not some dude who wants to take all this money and run. Allow a guy to say what he wants after being rewarded a long contract that he probably won't last through.

    You should be humbled that people actually read your blog and eat your pizza.

  20. You need one of these for Pizza Buzz Richie.

  21. Making fun of the way people speak, which is what you are totally doing is the beginning of racism. Hell Shakespeare pointed that shit out when he wrote Othello. Look it up.

  22. I noticed that RW got punked about Tony Dorsett and the entire CTE thing. Perhaps he should read a bit before he just copies, pastes and links articles. Way to go RW. Looking like a fool again.
