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Friday, November 15, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.15.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Nick Saban repeatedly says no way. Noted SEC blowhard Paul Feinbaum stakes his career on it not happening. But it's a persistent rumor with more lives than Freddy Krueger: Nick Saban to Texas. With a new AD in (Steve Patterson) and an old coach on the way out (Mack Brown), I'm giving it a 50.02% chance of happening.

   *It's not Jason Garrett. It's not Monte Kiffin. No, the most blame for the Cowboys' continued woes lies at the feet of bad talent evaluation. In other words, a lack of depth. It's why a couple injuries can totally fold their house of cards, leading to starting linebackers named Brady Poppinga and Ernie Sims and this year's revolving door of off-the-couch defensive lineman. How'd we get here? The Cowboys have one player left from the draft of '08 (Orlando Scandrick), no players from '09 and two from '10 (Dez Bryant and Sean Lee). That's right, of 24 draft picks only three remain on the roster. Welcome to mediocrity.

   *The Rangers' new "control person" is Ray Davis. Wait, shouldn't that be Yu Darvish? Actually, in replacing the departed Nolan Ryan the Rangers' owner is merely the man accountable to Major League Baseball for club operation and compliance with rules, etc. To me, Davis looks like every CEO of every company.

   *Good news: Cowboys are 15-8 the week after a Bye. Bad news: They've never entered the Bye on this much of a downer. I've got the details over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Miller Lite has lost 20 percent of its volume sales over the last five years. I have a guess why: Horrible marketing. The beer is actually running a campaign flaunting its "punch-top can." Seriously. Do beer-drinkers - other than people interested in shotgunning 'em - give a rat's ass how their beer pours from the can? Glug or no glug? Are you kidding? To me, the consumer, that's a lame attempt at camouflaging the taste of your product and trying to distract me with the cool packaging of your product.

   *Props to Dez Bryant. He went to a Dallas Walmart to buy the new PlayStation 4 video console and wound up buying several of the $500 gifts for folks waiting in line.



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  1. 1) Good insight on the 08' to 10' draft picks

    2) Miller over Bud anyday

    3) Your today's "HOT" - get her on the Cowboys roster immediately

  2. NOOOOO!!! Not Fiona! Hope channel 4 finds a way to keep her. She's the main reason I watch them in the morning. Get rid of Tim instead.


  3. Yes, very good points on the Cowboys' drafts and just reiterates what many have said, that this team just isn't very good. And of course this is a DIRECT reflection on the ineptitude of the current GM, who incidentally is the worst in the NFL and quite possibly the worst ever. Mediocrity is actually something the Cowboys should really be proud of as long as Jones is still calling the shots from a personnel perspective.

    And it's okay, Richie, to publicly call him out for the horrible job he has done and call him by name. You don't work at The Fan anymore.

  4. Cowboys - this team will suck for the foreseeable future as long as we have the same GM. Our inability to draft and the subsequent need to go to a more expensive free agent market to solve out problems has placed this team in salary cap hell. There is no easy way out.

    Fiona - hotter than blue flame and hate to see her go, but I guess you can only be the chick that leaps out of airplanes/bungee jumps/repels off buildings every morning at 7am for so long...

    Pop Warner - sadly, I'd think twice before I let my kid play football nowadays, too.

  5. How come you didn't put Kelly Webster on your list of female media departures? She was wonderful on 103.3!

    1. It was in the 9-20-13 blog.....

    2. ^ Yeah, but he listed the entire list of recent women who departed their stations and omitted her from this one lol

  6. Richie, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I've stood by and watched you do things that you were just too old to do without saying a peep, but you are too old to go to Fetish Ball! You're like 50 man, don't do it! You will look like a creep.

    1. You'll be 50 one day too. You should just stay inside, lock the door & close the drapes every day until you die. What a fun life...

    2. What about the girls that have a fetish for old guys?

  7. I am a UT fan, but consider the rumors about Saban coming to UT just that - rumors. I will believe it when I see it happening.

    There is only one real reason that I could see it happening. He has already achieved so much at Bama that it is expected of him to win the title every year. He might want the challenge of going somewhere else where he could do a re-building project for about five years or so.

    Texas would be a good one. They have pretty good talent, just need a little more to make it back to where they used to be.

  8. Not to mention, Bulger put out on hits on numerous people in the Boston area. Including talk show host, Howie Carr.

    Regardless of your political persuasion, reading Carr's accounts of living his own life in fear of being whacked by one Bulger's henchman should send chills down anybody's back.

  9. 256 Million colors. Not 256.

  10. The Playstation 4 costs $400, not $500. That would be the Xbox One, which goes on sale next week.

  11. I want to give props to Kim Fischer, the chick with Fiona(right?)
    So damn cute. Don't forget about Erin Hawksworth...thick but cute.

  12. Went to UNT with Kim. Bitch is the best way to describe her.

    Fiona? She attractive and all but nowhere near as hot as others make her out to be. She also annoyed the shit out of me on tv.

    Yadda, yadda. Libs are stupid, Republicans rule!

  13. Richie...The line that Rob Ford muttered made me bust a gut. You just made my weekend with that. Keep it up! (no pun intended)

  14. Just a random thought about the Kidd Kraddick death. How are the ratings since his departure? I've listened in a few times and it appears they are struggling, even bringing in some nasally dude regularly to tell lame ass stories... Just curious, since you are the ratings guru.

  15. Miller isn't losing due to bad marketing, it's due to being shitty beer.

  16. The Cowboys are the new Browns, but with a quieter, more well-to-do and better looking fan base and a much nicer stadium.

  17. Going to Texas isn't a step up for Saban. Saban also would be unhappy at that school, way to soft and way to fairweather.

  18. When has Texas ever hired a huge named coach?
